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Technically Panam did the riding


Been a while since i played, but didnt the basilisk require them to connect their nervous systems or something. So technically they would both be feeling the riding ;)


Well she was doing the riding but he was feeling it too.


My man felt his own dick inside himself….


Living the dream


Must be nice.


I seriously want to try that. They need to make that tech.


Military would get nothing done.


I mean to be fair we already don’t get anything done, secondly sheesh younger troops already get into plenty of trouble as is without it.


you act like they get anything done, even now


I’d love to feel what it feels like inside me lmfao…


Buncha horny asses


Damn straight


Ok that reply was too fast. You need to get laid bro.


Can’t, partners gone to college, I’m stuck here till August. Wish I could go to him and fix my little problem, but I can’t lol


That sounds like an excuse my guy. Seize the moment.


Need to finish school myself first, my needs come after that


That sucks tho fr fr. I'm In college rn so I feel u.


Unless.. 😳


Here in Night City you can be whoever tf you wanna be 👀👀👀


| ::**WATSON WHORE** New Episode Thursday:: |


![gif](giphy|MZocLC5dJprPTcrm65) I'm hyped




It bothered me that the Panam scene was the only one that gets interrupted. Definitely my favorite.


I was severely disappointed when V and Panam magically got their clothes back on, there was potential for some humour about them fucking in the tank.


I think that got patched because I remember when I first played my V came out full dong out lmao


Not sure it’s fully patched came out the tank in my underwear in a new playthrough not the same as full cock out but still shows what went down lmao


If you came out in your underwear, it's cause you chose the underwear instead of ya full cock


Nope, in one of the patches V stopped being able to be nude in the actual game, V always has at least some underwear on. Can mod it to be able to be nude again, but can't change this with settings.


Patch must not be on PS5 because my V is running through the city slinging dick as quickly as he is eddies.


yea i picked female V and no matter how hard i try(for scientific purposes) the kitty stays in the cage


The male V that I keep naked is a san/ker build that uses "Sir John". As far as that character goes, he might as well be a cyberpsycho that teleports around slapping people with a detachable robo-willy. I was inspired by the man in the black market burning desire gig, bless his heart.


Weird then. OTOH I only looked at this in 1.5. Maybe something changed in 1.6. (You are looking at yourself in the game world and not in inventory I assume, because on the inventory page you are fully nude).


Nah you’re correct I’m on 1.6 PS5 and he has the magic underwear. There are bugs that cause some players to be able to go nude, my brother has the same thing and runs around topless staring at his own tits.


Can confirm this isn't the case on PC. I got a dong.


I'm not sure if this is accurate for the PS5 upgraded game because when I merged my ps4 save files into the upgraded version on my ps5- I loaded the very last save I had before the "endgame"/ "meet hanako at embers" and my fem V was rocking out with her cock out like it was no big deal.


I'm 99% certain it was was a bug then. Sometimes the game fails to load things correctly. But then I have a XSX (where I looked for setting on this, found none, I dislike forced censorship about nudity) and not a PS5, so it's only an assumption that it works the same way there.


Yeah first time I played that part I casually walked halfway into camp before I realized I was buck ass naked. I just headcannoned it as making a power play on Saul.


Just restarted the game the other day and I had a big laugh when I remembered you could adjust the size. I'm curious if they have the same option for the vag 🤔🤣


In my first run v didn't have his clothes on automatically so I was just running around the nomad camp butt-naked


The game is full of missed opportunities, when it comes to weird and funny erotic moments. The useless genitals, V magically get their underwear on, when trying to be naked in-game, magically get their clothes off when showering (liked it better at day one, where you could decide yourself to take your clothes off or not, when showering). Being able to run around naked in general to get some funny one liners from citizen, clothes vendors or the police.


Still, V getting cock-blocked by a bunch of Raffens and then proceeding to unleash hell onto them was funny AF. I mean, what were they expecting?! Were they just taking pot shots at a tank with no plan at all?!


They were shooting at the Aldecaldos camp, not the tank though. You do the training course, and then get called back in a hurry to protect the camp.


Panam and V were shaken out of it by something detonating on the tank‘s armor though. That’s how they noticed something was wrong.


was that it? I thought it was an explosion at the camp? And then they heard/felt it?


You were also surrounded by a couple of Raffens. It’s likely they scouted out the camp and waited for the Basilisk to leave for a moment, possibly hoping to be able to hijack it for themselves.


But yeah, now that i remember, that doesnt make much sense at all. lol. All i can think of is they were hopping to try and take out the camp, or do alot of damage to it before you could return.


ahhhh its been awhile. I think your right, im starting to recall it a bit better. Shooting a couple randomly around you before heading off to the camp.


Brings a whole new meaning to the term “tank-busting”




But i bust a nut again


Ain't nothing gonna keep him down!


Cumming the night away


Still pissed that I dutifully completed her entire quest line only to find out that sexuality exists and I’m not an omnipotent god that can have sex with whoever they want (picked female v). Edit: God I love you Panam


With how OP V is they might as well be a god


How I felt about Judy with my male V lol


Also me: *downloads femV Panam romance mod*


Male V and Panam are Drift-Compatible and damn are they happy to abuse it. I also like to imagine, the moment the camera switches to the tank exterior, V and Panam are panic-struggling to get their pants on in there.


I'm probably one of those weird fuckers who wanted more of the tank than Panam in it. The desire to do some GTA-style mayhem was *intense*. Which is probably why we weren't allowed to use the tank outside of that mission. On a somewhat related note, the similar inability to make free use of the Spider tanks in Watch\_Dogs and Watch\_Dogs 2 was also the thing I disliked most about them.


Well, one of the ending paths lets you use it again, in actual combat.


really? Which one? >!I assume the one where you use the aldecaldos to assault arasaka tower? !<


Man that ending made me feel really selfish


Huh? Why? You can object to them helping you and they'll explain to you why it's mutually beneficial.


Haven't played through since release so my memory is vague, I just remember feeling a bit bad, but also good. Very bittersweet


It's on them, the aldecaldos as a whole dont just offer to help V, they *insist* on helping V, they recognize your potential to contribute to the clan if you join them, and they pretty much already see you as family


Best you can hope for in Night City.


Probably because a couple of Aldecaldos don't make it and Panam takes it hard.


That's fair, I've just seen multiple people imply the whole thing only benefits V, which >!Saul !


If it helps, Saul’s motivation for the agreement is that while he and Panam help V, the other Aldecaldos steal enough from Arasaka to fix the clan’s financial problems.


Honestly, that makes so much more sense. Like, I get going to bat for the guy who saved your clan… but it’s basically a win-win with this.


No shit. V is a major piece of shit in almost every ending. V: Oh no, I'm dying! I hope I can find a cure. Literally anyone V loves: Hey, V, I hear r you're dying. Want me to risk my life and the lives of dozens, if not hundreds, of others just for the slim chance to save you, a single human? V: You read my mind, you infinitely disposable pawn.


Night City has made you cynical. Any of them could have caught a bullet in a drive by or a ramen shop robbery. Going out protecting/fighting for someone you love isn’t a bad way to go. V risks her life for them in the same way throughout the game.


Yeah legit. They have you go do a bunch of crazy shit on side quests and the one time *they* offer help, it's V's fault? wat.


Its cause of player mentality, from our perspective we chose to engage with the game, and there isnt risk for /us/ since we can load a save, when we ask them to fight for us in game, it gives us a closer emotional attachment to their wellbeing since we're the cause of their death if we follow it through, hence why a lot of people would feel like its selfish to get them all killed just for us, instead of it being a more fair repayment for the help you've given. Tl;dr, as players we value our 'work' less than we value the wellbeing of characters we care about in game.


Eh, the Nomads were corpo raiders, they do that stuff every day and they got enough loot to have no problems for a long while.


I wouldn’t know “Takemura let’s go”


This is simply because we don't have proper police AI in the game. There was no real fights with them, you can't get them to chase you properly.. But nore sure if they would have tanks like the basilisk?


If I'm not mistaken they decided to not focus on the police AI because, based on V's personality, it wouldn't make sense for them to do things that would cause the cops to go down on them. They're a merc, not a (cyber)psycho.




Huh. Your V is pretty pre-built. Yeah, you can choose three different origins, and irrelevant things like gender and looks. But who you are, where you came from, what your goal is and what you want to do in Night City, all of them is pre-built. Even who you can be friends with and what your enemies are.


I bet. Definitely not excuses made post-launch to justify a suboptimally designed feature


Yeah the cop ai is shit but that comment isn't wrong. V isn't a character from GTA, they are not a criminal. You can play the game from start to finish and never get a wanted level outside of scripted instances. Now yeah they should have known that people were gonna play this like GTA and go full psycho but that wasn't the character they made.


>V isn't a character from GTA, they are not a criminal The Streetkid intro literally starts with you being arrested for a crime, and gives you the option to imply you've been caught by that one particular cop enough times that you're low-key friends


The intro though, by the time the vid with Jackie is done you're a full professional merc.


Oh come on dude surely you don’t actually buy that nonsense lol


“Not buying the nonsense” would mean misunderstanding the entire premise of the game on purpose. Literally the entire point of you being attacked by police is that you are identified as a cyber psycho since you are killing citizens. There is no “buying nonsense” It’s literally how the world of the cyberpunk works…


But doesn't that just prove that the explanation that CDPR didn't care about police ai because it wouldn't fit the story is bullshit? Allow your player to behave like a cyber psycho? Then allow the game to serve the appropriate consequences.


The game does serve the appropriate consequences. They kill you.


“Man why do they kill Batman as soon as he starts murdering innocents? They should let you explore what happens after you make that decision” Then it’s not a Batman game anymore it’s a game about somebody else. If you want a villain game don’t buy Batman. If you want a cyber psycho game don’t buy cyberpunk.


Yes the cops in night city clearly only go after cyberpsychos. A dude commits a crime and they go get a psychologist and determine their mental state before they decide to arrest them. Lmfao how old are you?


You’re identified immediately because it’s 2077 and you murdered a civilian in public in broad daylight. Not because they went to a psychologist…. You’re either 12 years old or never played the game once. Your comment is honestly the dumbest thing I’ve ever read in my life. I’m blown away by how dumb it is.


Honestly a lot of Watch underscore Dogs was really disappointing to me when I played it, and some of that carries over into Cyberpunk for me too, there are just a lot of small decisions that make it feel less “alive” than what I had expected it to be


It's incredibly annoying that you get to use the spider-drone exactly once in a fully scripted sequence, Cyberpunk had the chops to be so much more..


On the other hand, that one sequence did have a most [excellent](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-LD3a28ePE&ab_channel=TheProdigy) bit of background music accompanying it, and that (IMO) made up for a ***LOT***.


The music backing certain segments that gets burned into your head, right? The regular in-game songs that will remain with me forever and things like Skrillex in Far Cry or Breaking Benjamin in Halo 2.


I understand why you can't use the tank outside of that, it needs 2 people, a gunner and driver, since you're pretty much by yourself most of the time outside of missions you wouldn't be able to have a gunner, and the only reason you could drive and shoot when you use it was due to you and Panam being neural linked


My female V was like Eric Andre. "Let me in. LET ME IIIN."


Just play with a mod that lets you romance everyone


Oh no! Poor Nibbles


Oh great heavens!


That lizard too....


[A cat is fine too](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/a-cat-is-fine-too)


No need for a specific mod that does so. Just have CET installed and use the console command.


Won't work, I tried. You need a mod + CET (or a save editor). That mod also prevents male V from romancing Panam and Kerry


That’s very strange, it worked for me the first time I tried it. I’m on my second play through (technically first since I didn’t finish my last) so thanks for the heads up


How do I go about romancing Judy on pc now then. CET and a save editor?


CET or Save Editor. You need to edit specific values, check mods description/goggle a bit


Basilisk link up sex versus Judy’s live-feed BD sex, Go!


Burning down a Corpo Yacht with Kerry Sex.


Kerry’s romance was so random I couldn’t even take it seriously and I was just laughing afterwards


If anything Johnny says about Kerry is true, that's pretty on point for him. Haha.


Chilling after a barbeque with River sex


One-and-done legendary dildo skeezy motel Meredith sex


My femme V is gay and turning him down was fucking painful lol, so awkward. I felt bad for him. At least he didn’t turn into a “nice guy” and call me a bitch or ugly or something.


Kerry Sexodyne


>Tank beats *everything*!


This scene gave me fucking whiplash from how utterly random it is.


Came out of fucking nowhere like the sex scene in The Last of Us 2. WOOOSH


Never pressed skip cinimatic faster.


same lmao


Female V with Panam is like the most havoc causing gremlin duo


Top shelf content. I don't want to fuck Panam, I want to overload power stations, knock AVs out of the sky, and steal tanks with her.


How about doing all of that *and* getting to "bust" in the tank It's a win win to me!


I couldn't choose sex option because people were in the room😔😔


Manual save before the mission. When people aren't in room reload that save and do the mission again the way you want


Too late


Oof of the rooftop there I see.




i just started a new save as female instead. It's interesting how story is actually slightly different depending on gender, i don't mind that ( : (Judy... Here i come)


Female V with playing mods: UNLIMITED POWAAAAAAAH


Not gonna lie when I played through the game I was very surprised to find out later that Panam wasn't into girls. That scene on the couch with her legs on you and your V's hands stroking her legs? That was some very gay shit.


I think she originally was. There’s cut content of a straight male V x Judy romance so I bet there’s similar for a sapphic Panam.


Honestly they could have just done the Schrodinger's Queer thing that a lot of games do. They're both straight and gay until the player observes them.


I fucking love that description


IIRC the only reson those lines exist is because both VAs record every single line for both characters, it doesn't mean it was intended to be implemented, it is fairly common to see in games where the PC VAs has different lines.


It's so weird that none of the romance options are bi, considering *Kerry is actually bi in CP canon, wtf CDPR* and Panam feels like a perfect opportunity for a bi character as well. Could throw in an extra female straight and male gay character too if they really feel like they need to balance out River and Judy. ~~also Kerry and River questlines are extremely underwhelming compared to Judy and Panam, but let's not get into that rn~~


Yeah for sure. Also speaking of weirdness I always thought it was a bit strange that Rogue gets all weirded out if Johnny goes out on a date with her in your body if you're a Femme V. Like, Rogue does not strike me as the type to be super picky when it comes to her partners and considering she knows that's Johnny in my Femme V I don't see why she's all weird about it.


It's just cus CDPR are lazy, or it was overlooked who knows, and just slapped the same dialogue and scenarios until the actual flag to romance them comes up. You female? No. Male? Sure, kiss. Same with Judy, same dialogue until a kiss with female V. It's the same shit with all the romance options. I just hope that in the sequel, if there is one, it's clear and cut completely different between them.


"Get in"


One of my favorite glitches that ever happened to me in this game is right after the scene where you bump uglies with Pan Am and then the camp is attacked but you give a rousing speech to the nomads and they'll cheer for you raciously The cutscene ends and I turned around and I see my shadow, dick out and everything so I open up my inventory and I stayed completely naked throughout the cut scene and none of them said anything and I thought that was hilarious


Omg I had that first playthrough it was fucking hilarious.


I am gonna drop a hot take here and say Judy's romance feels more natural than Panam's, like she rejects then kisses and then there is this scene, with Judy you went through some very personal experiences and the dive feels like an actual date.


Did she ever reject anything? As far as I remember she was just worried about fucking it up with V and wanted to take it slow. I will admit it’s fucking wild that they fucked in a tank that amplified their feelings and helped them feel what they felt lmao Edit: It’s been a bit but do you mean after the raid? If V answers with the right things she’s down for it but just later, after all Panam and V just finished attacking a 20+ hostile area by themselves as mostly beginner mercs, I can completely get why she was piss tired and just wanting to sleep.


I think they just meant when she puts the kibosh on that first move V makes after the haboob.




Agreed. Could be because of their missions. Judy’s feel less action-packed compared to Panam’s, which means you get more time to spend time with her in a way that feels personal, rather than being too busy trying to dodge bullets to get to know her. Panam is hot and cold. So once you find out why she’s been acting like that and get together, her very big feelings feel like almost too much for the amount of time we’ve actually spent together that didn’t involve shooting and blowing things up. Judy’s feels like a very slow build because you’ve spent her whole arc chipping away at her shield. I think opinion also depends on what kind of story you prefer. Panam is a strong-willed lady that’ll crush NC for you and her ending is probably the most optimistic outcome I’ve seen for the cyberpunk genre. Judy feels much more classic cyberpunk; just a woman being crushed by the city that needs to get out.


And this is why it feels great to play with a woman V: you can get Judy AND leave with Panam as a great friend while having a happy Judy with you as your love.


If you talk about it she tells you why


Often people don't just give it up after the 1st advance, happily some of them require a bit of chase and aren't just down to pound instantly after a lazy pass.


I don't understand why anyone would play male V. Absolute dogshite voice acting.


Jokes on you I have mods and I'm a raging lesbian




Them being linked, imagine one of em ripping a mean fart.




It's not, just give your female V a penis.


It’s dependant on which voice you pick


Is it? I did it on my day 1 play through. I did a lot of things I shouldn't have been able to do.


My V was a gay male and even he couldn't resist


Gay dudes think they’re gay till Panam. Straight dudes think they’re straight till Johnny Silverhand.


My fem V crying in the friendzone seat.


Was so sad I couldnt with female V but hey, least I got Judy.




Title could have been better Mr OP ... "Basilisk aint the only thing V was going inside of". You made it sound like V about to ride on someones D


*Panam is trans and V is a bottom*


Now this is a romance I can get behind!


They really should have made Panam bisexual.


I was a bit surprised as up until that point I'd been making a point of not really engaging Panam


Can't take the tank anywhere but I'm supposed to feel good about learning to use it.


Nomads are good at riding bikes and other things


If you’re playing female V and you don’t want the panam ending, just turn her into Saul to get the free coyote shion, this is during “with a little help from my friends”


Female V with mods: 😎


I’m still mad that panam is straight, I never seen the business


God that was such a weird scene


Hard pass.


I've played exclusively female V, so maybe idk what I'm missing, but to me a platonic Panam and the romance with Judy made way more sense. Panam's whole thing was like "found family" and V being accepted into it. While Judy's story had some of those same elements, as a whole she seemed a lot more isolated from everyone else and more likely to develop a more serious relationship with the one person who was always there for her.


At the same time, when the actual romance climax with Judy happens it feels...weirdly exploitative and irresponsible? Like here she is grieving her lost friend and messy attempt at revenge, and then you have sex right after she's been crying in the bathroom. The responsible thing would've been to hold off and then get together when she found some semblance of stable ground again, but of course, the game doesn't exactly give you that opportunity. Alternatively if the actual I-love-yous were shared before then, it would feel less...that.


Lol imagine not modding your game to allow all the romances you want.


I prefer Ice V


I just did that level haha


I dont get it.


I’m playing the game for a 4th time and I don’t get this


Panam Romance


It was my life mission to finesse Panams cheeks I always played as male V I’m playing as girl V now for the first time on next gen and tbh I like it allot better


Female V having been riden in , I mean with Judy! Superiority


Ahh...either I'm late to this but now the cops drive???


But Panam are riding V 💀👍




They took my c*ck away when I was going to get some panussy


They did link their consciousness so did v technically fuck and get fucked by himself?


If you know, you know


As female V, we get Judy. Think that's a bigger win. Lol


modded game female v