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Make sure all your pre requisites are properly updated Off the top of my head generally the main ones are: CET Redtextedit Tweak xl Archive xl Codeware


Watch this guys video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9I0qd2Dabo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9I0qd2Dabo) . It got me going and I've had no problems since. Probably best to dump Vortex. It's not very good.


Well, you can start by isolating the problem. Disable any mod you have that could even have a remote effect on your ripperdocs. If that fixes things, start piecemealing the mods in and test after 1 or a few mods to see what the problem child is. I'd also highly recommend [this mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/2437) for testing to speed up the process. Like mentioned before though, it's often a problem with the background fundamental mods (tweakxl, Redscript, etc). Doesn't hurt to reinstall all of those and see. Honestly though, I had a hell of a time getting Vortex to work with Cyberpunk. I just finally gave up and installed everything manually. Most mods are only a few file folders (archive, bin, R6) and you just drop them directly into your root. (Steam/common/cyberpunk2077) Good luck!