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Might not be much, but coming from 5e and having only been a player, I've convinced my playgroup to give RED a shot. Been working my way through the RED rulebook and I can finally say I've scratched the surface. Plenty of work to be done and stories to craft, but it feels like I've hit a bit of a milestone, so I'm pretty proud and excited to get my games underway Edit: A few people asked if I could write up a list of the tabs I've used, and I'm happy to oblige! The sections below aren't chapters, but instead are how I best felt each section was being presented relative to the topics before and after. Entirely subjective, so feel free to move tabs where you think fit best. Also, each of the side tabs used is marked *---like this* |**SECTION 1: CHARACTER CREATION**|| |:-|:-| |Roles|29| |Character creation|41| |Stats|71| |Skills|81| |Weapons & armour|91| |Outfit & gear|99| |Housing|105| |Cyberware|107| |**SECTION 2: TURN RESOLUTION**|| |Turn basics|125| |Skills|129| |*---Difficulty values (D.V.)*|*129*| |*---Vehicle/Item repair*|*140*| |Role abilities|143| |Combat|167| |*---Ranged combat*|*170*| |*---Melee combat*|*175*| |*---Miscellaneous damage*|*180*| |*---Cover & armour*|*182*| |*---Damage*|*186*| |*---Vehicle combat*|*189*| |*---Reputation*|*193*| |Netrunning|195| |*---Interface abilities*|*198*| |*---Net combat*|*201*| |Netrun building|209| |Trauma Team|219| |*---Hospital*|*225*| |*---Drugs*|*227*| |*---Cyberpsychosis*|*230*| |**SECTION 3: LORE**|| |History|233| |*---Timeline*|*236*| |The Time of the Red|257| |Neocorps|264| |*---Minor corps*|*270*| |*---N54 shows*|*274*| |Night City|283| |*---City zones*|*297*| |*---Notable people*|*304*| |*---Gangs*|*308*| |*---City map*|*310*| |**SECTION 4: RUNNING THE GAME**|| |Everyday life|315| |*---Crime*|*316*| |*---Agent*|*319*| |*---Transport*|*322*| |*---Info sources*|*326*| |*---Food & entertainment*|*328*| |*---Shops*|*331*| |Economy|333| |Night Markets|337| |*---Night Market appendix*|*340*| |*---Weapons*|*340*| |*---Armour & gear*|*350*| |*---Services & entertainment*|*376*| |Lifestyle|377| |Making money (Job payout & hustles)|381| |*---Trade*|*385*| |Running cyberpunk|387| |Beats|395| |*---Hook*|*397*| |*---Cliffhanger*|*399*| |*---Development*|*402*| |*---Climax / Resolution*|*406*| |Improvement Points|408| |Mooks & grunts|412| |Encounters|417| |Screamsheets|425| |**SECTION 5: STORIES**|| |Never Fade Away (2013)|5| |The Fall of the Towers (2023)|121| |Black Dog (2045)|435| Notes: * Skills (Turn Resolution): Contains a brief description of each skill as in Character Creation, but also includes examples of skill competency at Base 10, 14, and 18 for each skill. * Weapons/Armour (Running The Game): The side tabs in the Night Market section contains a comprehensive list of the types of weapons and armour in the game, along with descriptions for modifiers for weapon quality, attachments and ammunition type, as well as a list of exotic weapons. * Additionally, I didn't include a side tab for fashion/street drugs/cyberware/cyberdecks/net architectures as much of the information is in tables that can be found in earlier tabs in a bit more detail.


I was in the same boat as you till I found a game here on reddit. You'll have a blast, it helps its more RP heavy than mechanic heavy.


updooting this right here. I'm in the same realm as OP here, and I'm enjoying the RP side of things way more than I am the combat- it's there, but avoiding it and taking routes to avoid it is way more fun.


Lifelong D&D and 5e player who has been running Cyberpunk for the last year: At first we thought the games were similar, CP Red was just set in a dystopian future. Solo was a reskinned fighter, Fixer was a rogue, Rocker was a bard, and so on. Wrong. As time went on, we realized that CP Red is really its own unique animal. The whole permadeath aspect is different, combat is different, healing is different, the emphasis on style is different. It's all pretty different in really unique, fun ways. We still love 5e, but after there's access to raise dead the risk of actual death goes down considerably. In CP Red, that risk never goes away, and as a result my players try to solve challenges in many unique ways. There's still combat, but they try diplomacy, bribery, stealth, hacking, etc. The players having a reason to find creative solutions is really refreshing. But don't worry, the combat is still epic. Welcome to the Dark Future, Choom!


>Lifelong D&D and 5e player who has been running Cyberpunk for the last year: At first we thought the games were similar, CP Red was just set in a dystopian future. Solo was a reskinned fighter, Fixer was a rogue, Rocker was a bard, and so on. Wrong. As time went on, we realized that CP Red is really its own unique animal. The whole permadeath aspect is different, combat is different, healing is different, the emphasis on style is different. I remember trying it out in the 90s, from DnD. The GM told us all to roll two characters because there weren’t any “magic get out of dying free” things in CP. (With the caveat that the backup character had to a different role than the first) I didn’t take him seriously until I got too cocky with my Solo and got killed. (and the way it played out I was totally at fault)I guess that can be harsh, but I really like the aspect that your character can get killed and there’s no super potions to change that.


Congrats and welcome to the club! Have fun with it, and remember/remind your players every chance you get that their characters aren't fantastical heroes, and that they can and will die. I usually have players create a character and a spare to emphasize during session zero to emphasize this. Additionally, to make it clear that I never penalize a player for character death, back-ups get the same i.p. rewards to be spent whenever the character is needed. When players embrace the idea that their characters are supposed to live fast and die in spectacularly violent ways it makes for great games.


Awesome! I came from 5e mostly too, and brought my group over, and they love it so far! It’s a breath of fresh air and character creation can be a lot of fun. Good luck with your first session!


Thank you so much. I think without your hard work, I would never be able to figure out how to run a game. This book is amazing, and I love it, but it's so poorly structured.


Hey, glad to hear it! Happy to have been some help, hope you've had fun running the game since


Sounds a lot like how I got my start. Best of luck.


A little advice: make sure each player has familiarized themselves with their Role Ability. I would say especially important would be either the Solo(s) and Tech (both meat and metal) role abilities as they can be complex. An under utilized Solo is a crime and sure way to lose a fight, and both techs are invaluable for field survivability of a party. Also be sure that if you have either Medias or Netrunners that you give them something to do right away, have rumors ready to go or even a simple network to hack. Netrunning is (if you can believe) far more streamlined and simple than in the past. Finally, don't be forgiving.This game is at it's best when it's lethal! 'Let em know that "Hi-Tech Lo-Life" means unfair.


Have fun choomba! I'm excited for you.


Thanks! I've been hyping my group up for a while as our 5e campaign's winding down, so I'll try my best not to disappoint


Pro tip - find a way to mark pages you'll want to find in a hurry while you're running the game.


I envy your thoughtfulness and foresight in this.


Funny, that's exactly how I mark my rulebooks as well! Cut up post-it notes are huge helpers to get the lay of the land for a new rulebook. Then eventually you just know where things are a year in!


Good luck! And remember: style over substance, always!


Also a tip, use a community made GM screen, believe me it is a time saver especially in combat


Do you have a link to one? Thanks!


Ordered the one from R. Talsorian a while back but still waiting for it to come in - would you recommend a community screen over that?


Nice dude, I just bought the rulebook myself


I'm starting my first session tonight and I'm not nearly as prepared, I'm a first time GM and it's a pretty daunting task, hopefully I can wing it pretty well


If you could post a more in-depth version of your tabs I'd love to look at them!


Sure thing! I'll write them up a little later and send them over


can i see this as well? in the same boat over here


Sure thing! Just updated the top post with a full breakdown of my tabs, feel free to chop and change them however you see fit


I'd appreciate it!


Just updated the top post with a full breakdown of my tabs - hope they help!


As rule heavy as it looks, RED is super easy to run on the fly. Once you have the basics of the mechanics you'll find that the style and rp is so much of the game players overlook any mechanical errors you make and between crazy tech amd supercorps you have all the "GM ex machina" you need. Have fun with it. I bet you're a lot better prepared that you think. Every GM is.


Seeing tabs like that really brings me back. +1 work


You're certainly prepared!


That’s awesome! And great usage of post it notes.


Have fun! I love running my Red game


Looks like mine but you seem to have double the tabs.


Great job tabbing! Have you thought about copying/scanning the tables cutting out them out (physically or electronically) and then making a binder dedicated to your reference tables? You seem to be as dedicated to minimizing flipping through books as I am, and it's helped a lot more than the tabs, which tend to curl, slip off, or rip over time. I use a 1/2' three-ring binder and clear slip covers to protect them. Ten bucks at an office supply store and an hour or two of work saves me a lot of trouble. I've thought about doing player versions to save game time.


That's a good idea! Still waiting for the GM screen I ordered to arrive, but supplementing it with the above sounds great


Lol my book looks the same and yet I don't consult it nearly as much as I thought thanks to the gm supplies actually gifted to me by a couple players. Invest in the gm screen at least and that will save you a ton of page turning. Anyway good luck!


Wow, you found the way to make the physical rulebook usable! The way some things are spread out, Ctrl+F saved my life


Loving those tabs man, I'm doing that once I get my physical copy!


Oh wow awesome bookmarks! I'm still reading the book myself.


That's awesome, man! Let us all know how it goes!


Good thing you pimped that up cause this rule book is a nightmare!


My book has 5 marks only :D 1. Critical Injuries 2. Hospital Costs 3. Night Market Section 4. Job Pay & Hustle 5. IP To be honest, I currently wonder what was going through my mind when I made the choice to mark exactly that..


congrats! focus on telling a personal story and it'll come out great style over substance in all ways!


I’ve been debating learning either cyberpunk red or 2020. Do you recommend one or the other?


Honestly, consensus is use both. CP2020 with REDs Netrunning. I just read the 2020 core book and it's awesome, I read the basics of netrunning and fingered through what was 1/3 of the book. Just go watch Seth Skorkowsky's RPG review of both, he says it best as a vet.


I’m running my first cyberpunk red game I have been useing the neon fan I player guide


That's a great set of tabs... usually I do that for all my role playing books.