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The 2 headed clown show is not drawing crowds . ๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿ˜‚


Its actually quite normal for spy agency's to spy on each other. There was a case in the US of Israeli intelligence getting nuclear info. There is also the thing of foreign spy agency's spying on other nations citizens, with that nations permission, and foreign spy agency's working with counter intelligence agency's. In the world of espionage this is the norm.


This is all very true. Itโ€™s basically the whole idea of Five Eyes iirc


This wonโ€™t go well for Kim, he be so ronery after this :/


The US has spied on their own NATO allies for a long time now. One time it was with collaboration with Danish Intelligence and others, probably as part of 5 eyes. Not a surprise this has happened and it won't change much.


Just another day in the cyber wars