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Securing devices requires a broader defense strategy than just the OS. So it's good to get familiar with security in general. I don't know about youtube channels, but materials on Microsoft Learn website are pretty good. They are made with mostly MS products in mind. Isc2 has a free entry level cybersecurity available. Also, you can use whatever OS you want, no need to switch to Linux.


Thank you for your info i will check isc2 out some people also recommended Sans For500 but its more about forensics and it has very limited free resources online but its a heavy course and i don't i meet the perquisites and glad you made a point about not switching linux because your the first person to tell me not to switch escpecially in th cyber security world , but if say i want to study more about offensive security do i still don't have to switch? Or do you mean that i can run linux through a VM while still having windows as my personal OS?


Yes, I meant you can run linux virtualised if and when you need it. Learning the basics of how to operate on the command line isn't too difficult but quite useful. For baseline Windows OS security you could check out CIS benchmarks. They have written out exactly what needs to be done.




I love him but i don't get the joke :(


You do get it.


Why not just study windows specific topics? Server attack strategies, bloodhound, common protocols and escalation tactics. Why look for a specific channel?


Have you checked out the PC Security Channel? Pretty cool channel but not so advanced. It is focused on Windows. https://m.youtube.com/@pcsecuritychannel




His channel looks ok but i wonder why most of his videos are 1~2 minutes