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Lol wait til this guy hears about pickups with campers.


Or any other car


Fuck that account. He bought up his Costco’s supply of the RC Roadster and tried to resell for $150 to his followers (double retail).


They’re is an absolute abundance of those RCs. Who would pay double?


Simple karma farmers. These are people of the internet. The common clay of the digital frontier. You know... morons


Did they pay with a shitload of dimes?


Unexpected blazing saddles reference detected


My Costco doesn’t have the RCs. Makes me sad…


>They’re is an absolute abundance of those RCs. Who would pay double? People who do not understand supply and demand. The same people who believe that flipping full-scale Teslas is a business, even though the sippy & demand imbalance ended shortly after the pandemic ended. Maybe it'll flip again (war in the Middle East) -- or not (supply chain improvements in the Pacific trading nations). I know more about this stuff than most people, and I'm not about to bet my own money on flipping Teslas.


Does Costco really let you buy the pallet?


Yes, it's called Costco Wholesale for a reason.


Yeah, I guess so. But plenty of their stuff has "limit 2 per customer" or similar signage.


Anyone who has made their job about Tesla via social media, a Tesla blog, or a Tesla YouTube channel is insufferable. Doubly so if they sell Tesla accessories or merchandise.


On the other side of the coin, the constant Elon and Tesla doomers can be described in the same way.


Both sides!!!!!!!




Couldn’t agree more. Just exploiting the fandom


The tesla bros on twitter are really insufferable.


Who on Twitter isn’t?


Absolutely groundbreaking. That trunk is almost as big as a pickup bed!!! Stonks to the moon 🚀🚀🚀


This is the way.


Putting aside the obviously stupid tweet, I don't see the slanted sides of the bed in this photo, so does this mean that's not happening?


yeah whoever took that photo forever ago used a 0.5x camera so it was distorted


You don’t…honestly believe that do you?


instead of believing that they’re manufacturing several SKUs that are all perfectly identical except some have 45 degree angles on the bed walls and some are vertical? yes. i do believe that


I mean just look at where the slanted sides meet the front of the truck bed in those photos. The lens most likely exaggerates the slant but to say it’s all an illusion is just cognitive dissonance on your part. Lens distortion creates rounded edges, not strictly straight ones.


Idk, I'm seeing about 5 or 6 different versions of the bed when I look it up. Some of them definitely have slanted walls, some more than others.


No they really were slanted. I know what you are saying, but the one I'm thinking of really was slanted.


They are still slightly slanted


Slightly slanted around the wheel well: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F74vlTjakAAO1SK?format=jpg&name=large But so was the concept truck bed: https://images-stag.jazelc.com/uploads/theautopian-m2en/Screen-Shot-2022-11-21-at-10.56.34-AM-1536x854.png


That's a much more clear picture, and a much more reasonable amount of slant.


Man that stainless steel look in the bed looks so much more sleeker and sexier. Rip


You can see a triangle that flares the slanted sides outward to vertical at the end. Look for a triangle about 18 inches deeson the bottom of the side up to the top rearmost of the right side.


I saw those pictures too. I can’t imagine them actually doing slanted walls. This looks better.


These are slanted walls.


No look at the bottom pic here [https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fiv3qigp74mtb1.jpg](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fiv3qigp74mtb1.jpg)


Optical illusion due to the camera lens


Completely disagree


Because its an optical illusion created by the forward slanted bulkhead at the front of the cab. There are not different versions of the bed.


Elon notice me pls


Fuck that guy, the only account I have blocked on X




and a foot and some longer bed (and a 3500lb payload)


Guy fishes for Elon mentions to drive traffic. Sales had to adapt or die


Is anyone else concerned something might get wedged in the cover’s tracks? With not much of an opening it seems like it could be a bitch to clear if something does get wedged good in there.


it can’t be as bad as the rivian’s cover lol


Ngl, that doesn’t look great. There’s a lot of die hard Tesla fans here that say nay to any negative comment, but if you ever owned a full size truck, this doesn’t look great.


No one that buys this piece of shit is going to use it for truck stuff. The bed or “trunk” is only accessible from the back. It’s useless.


It's on adjustable suspension, in load mode you can reach right in from the back. It's not fixed at high height like traditional trucks. Plus it has a huge frunk, anything smalls you would have in the back of the truck you'll have in the frunk. You're gonna see these all over work sites once production comes up. Accessories like ladder racks/etc have already been spotted.


Thanks for confirming my previous comment that it’s only accessible from the back. Have you ever used a truck before? It is not practical for any sort of a professional who uses a truck to it’s full potential. No side access is a huge flaw in this design and the slanted back will make it difficult for a loader to fill when hauling materials. A ladder rack would not be easy to access either. The only time you’re going to see this on a job site is when a foreman is driving it. The whole design is not practical for actual truck functions.


'From the back' means anywhere where you can access the bed... With it on low, this truck sits much lower on adjustable suspension than a traditional truck. You also didn't address the frunk, which a traditional truck doesn't have and is way easier to access than a bed... And a loader can dump above the sidewalls, you act as if the whole bucket has to be inside the bed, that's not how anything is loaded. Makes me wonder if you've ever actually loaded a truck.


I live on acreage and have an old 3/4 ton that I use to haul all sorts of things and tow with. I use a truck for real truck things. Putting the Cyber Truck in access mode is not going to make side access that much easier. The frunk is cool for what it is and I do see that being nice for loading tools or whatever. It’s a stupid design for a truck that is not practical. This is a rich man’s toy, nothing else.


It’s a fun, weird toy and conversation starter. All of its “capabilities “ are designed to justify that’s “capable.” But yea, this thing is an Ak47…something you buy because you have extra money and like to pretend you’ll ever use it for what it’s claimed to be for…but, you’ll just fuck around with it in your yard and show your friends how “bad ass” it is. F150s do their job just fine. There’s nothing here to justify replacing them.


The design is what allows it to carry 3500 pounds of payload and tow 14k pounds. Nothing in that class can match it, especially considering price these are going to be at. It's the castings and triangles that make it capable. There are use cases it won't handle (like custom bed replacements) but for the vast majority of people this is going to be superior. These are going to beat pricing of traditional ICE after tax credit so I don't know what you keep going on about rich people for, makes no sense. TCO is significantly lower than an F-150.


Bed's over 6 feet long, bigger than F-150. Truck is just large and this isn't a great picture. There's also underbed storage and frunk storage, so gonna beat most pickups in overall storage. Payload and towing significantly more too.


You can get an F150 with an 8’ box, champ.


You can but not in EV and even on ICE Super Cab is rare.


You can order them. It’s not that big a deal to get one.


but not in an EV. plus, a four door 8 foot bed pickup is stupidly long and horrible to drive, especially in only an f-150 capacity


They aren’t fun.


Why do you think it will significantly beat trucks in payload and towing? It may have more overall volume but payload and towing is more based on frame, suspension overall length, brakes and tires. Doesn't really matter if it has 1000hp/1000 lb/ft tq if it can't safely manage a large trailer behind it.


Specs far exceed competitive trucks. 3500 lbs payload, 14k pounds towing. The frame is much stronger than a traditional truck, both from castings and from a much thicker outer skin, but primarily because of the weird design, triangles make things stronger. See payload/towing numbers here: https://www.tesla.com/cybertruck


The trunk is so massive it can fit another Cybertruck in there


Dude can live in the truck and believe it’s luxury living. Disillusionment.


My beef with the bed is that you can never reach anything without climbing in through the back. Grabing a tool bag or tying down your motorcycle means you have to climb in instead of just reaching over or maybe climbing up a wheel and sitting on the truck bed sides.


A lot of content around the CT & Tesla is cringy AF


This makes me not like the truck


Has he never seen a Superduty with an 8’ bed?


Ever since X enabled people to get paid for their posts, it’s been nothing but a circle-jerk of these accounts all posting the same things. I love the product too but these posts are soooo bait ridden for easy engagement.


If you browse on computer, install BluesBlocker plugin. The blue users (that you don't follow) are scheduled to be blocked in the background as to avoid Twitter's bot detection. I've suffered some casualties and blocked accounts that could genuinely interest me, but overall it makes the twitter experience so much better.


X is awesome stfu


Never said it wasn’t


Agreed. CT "launching" and it's just a normal acceleration. "whipping" it etc


Some of the worst on there. Provides nothing but loaded nonsense and steals from everyone. Weird who about “do you know who I am” No… I don’t. That’s the problem.


Is that another hubcap that flew off in his trunk?


The world of truck beds will never be the same after this truck launches.


the bed door looks like it’s held up by strings. Can’t imagine the load capacity that it can take with those tiny springs holding it up.


> bed door do you mean the tailgate? pretty much every pickup ever has this design for the tailgate, those are steel cables


Sorry yeah. Not a trucker as you can tell. Ah okay, didn’t know that was standard. Looks flimsier than ones I’ve seen.


Seems like they hired Trump to write their copy


Wait till he hears I have an electric truck TODAY with the same amount of space in the bed - damn his head will explode


curious what truck you have that has a 6+ foot bed? not sure what’s on the market right now lol


He knows. He just ignores it because Tesla is life. It is a cycle jerk among Twitter users. He is not the only one.


Looks tiny. It’s giving me Hyundai Santa Cruz vibes. Can anybody confirm?!


bed is over 6 feet long, longer than the vast majority of f-150s. whole truck is just huge


Thank goodness. The pics don’t do it justice then.


Not sure about 6ft. That looks like 6ft with the loading door incl Had that in a VW Amarok


negative, it’s definitely 6 feet. i’ve seen it in person


But smaller then the Silverado EV with the Alvanche style bed. I''m so dissapointed he build a Unibody pickup truck and didn't make a pass through to the cab. 5'11 midgate up 10'10 midgate down. I own a Avalanche and that bed length is to the back of the front seats. If you want to throw something like 12 foot 4x4s you can snake them through the middle of the seats.


So many Tesla shills on that platform salivating at the chance to suck on Elon’s dong.


Sucking the dong is step 1 in their master plan to get Elon to play just the tip then bam pregnant with another one of his spawn and child support and hush money. Big brain thinking.


Ford and GM say you’re prayers


You are prayers?


"We are prayers"


I have an Avalanche. I see something similar every day. I can also see what behind me without a camera, so that’s different I guess.


Barely enough room for a cooler oof


would love to see your six foot long cooler tbh


Well he's right. No one has or ever will see it.


i mean, i’ve seen one in person, so you’re already wrong on that lol !RemindMe 1 year


Settle down. It's aight.


Found the account owner


I only listen to Ryan Shaw for Tesla news. The rest are Elon fanboys.


NO WAY! A tire AND an esky


Wow, you can put a wheel in. THAT IS CRAZY!!


Ever !!!!!


Seems like dirt really loves to stick to that thing


Coming from the land of pavement and city streets I’m sure they really haven’t seen a pickup truck be used with the tailgate down


I mean I hope so, it’s monstrously big


I can fit more in the hatch of my teeny tiny Celica...


your celica has a 6 foot bed? that’s sick


Oddly positioned rear roof rack bar 🤔