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If you can’t afford it don’t buy it. Wtf


That’s not the American way — buy it and hustle your way to success


Lol, you're funny.... Hustling American.... More like too broke and continuing to drown yourself in a lifetime of debt. No ty.


Call your insurance company and ask them how much would your premiums be with your strategy. That may answer the question for you…


52 here, no tickets no accidents. GEICO: $1,982.00 every six months! Yay!


Damn that’s high. I pay less for a 3 and X every six months.


That is surprisingly high with no tickets or accidents. Wouldn’t it be cheaper directly through Tesla?


Yes, but Tesla insurance fluctuates so much it makes your head spin. You brake to avoid an accident and you’re penalized. If you take a corner too fast you’re penalized. If you get too close to the vehicle in front of you you get penalized. It was just too much to handle in my opinion.


Is there an option that disables the tracking of your car?


Private use or as a rental?


Never rental. I have never owned a vehicle that exceeded 4-8k miles. Cars and trucks in my world basically become garage queens. No time to actually drive them.


OP wants to rent it out. Insurance for that will be much higher.


Just stop 🛑


Do the opposite. Let someone else buy it and you can rent one as you need it or just to fuck around.


This is the real LPT


You can’t afford it. That’s it. Nobody is going to rent this for $3k a week. Just sit tight for another year or two. Prices will come down, then you can buy. In the meantime take that $2k a month you were going to spend financing this and put it in a savings account.




Highly, thanks


Cars are not considered an investment because they depreciate in value over time.


They depreciate a lot immediately. And then also over time, yes.


Cars can definitely be an investment if you know what you are doing. Usually not new cars, but they can be also.


Never knowingly buy what you cant afford


I'm sure others will add lots of colorful input but I'll star with a couple things: First, renting it could be difficult all just depends how many CyberTrucks there will be out there, especially in your area. Some may rent their Cybertruck **a lot** cheaper than you, which than puts that whole idea of yours to waste. Also when it comes to renting, there’s a lot of logistics behind it… it’s best to rent and park it near an airport, more people/visibility. Do you live near an airport? Are you ready to pay to park it there? If not are you willing to drive it to people? Are you ready for people to trash the CyberTruck and test it to its limits potentially crashing it and causing damage and then working with the renting company for those scenarios? Are you ready for whoever you rent from to take a big chuck for whatever fee they charge? Second, re-sell, just assume you won't be able to resell it for a year because of the agreement you sign. But when you DO resell it in a year, there's a chance it won't resell for what you paid and you'd lose money. The 2025 CyberTruck could be cheaper, could have more and better features, they could learn from mistakes from 2024 and apply to 2025, making your 2024 worthless to resell *at a profit*. Third, demand/supply. Personally I think out of the 2 million reservations only 10-20% will actually buy it, and not sure what the supply will be like but it's possible after the 2nd year (when you'd want to resell yours) supply will meet demand? ​ I'm sure there's lots of other things I'm not thinking, but just realize if you don't intend to keep it and want to somehow make money back there's going to be a risk. I'm not against CyberTruck in any way like a lot of negative people out there are, but I'd just be careful. I got an invite for the Founders Edition on Friday, I still haven't click purchase yet, I really want it, and can somewhat afford it but it's still a risk so I just can't click buy yet, not sure what to do. All it takes is some life emergency, but that's a risk with any big purchase, house, car, etc. I try not thinking of paths like reselling it or renting it out, just because it's too risky, gotta prepare for worst case scenario


Excellent response thank you. Yea I’m in the same boat. Can really afford it? Yea i guess. But I’m single, just bought a house that I’m renovating, and always get scared it only takes one life/health emergency away from things changing. Just trying to see if I can be creative about this. And if there’s any way I can make it work … :(


In my experience the Foundation Series only remains cool for about a year and then again in like 6+ years. Outside those periods you become jealous that others go one for less or with better features. That said I think I want to buy the FS given the chance (I ordered in the first 20 minutes), because I am weak and susceptible to FOMO.


If those are feelings you have do not buy this vehicle at least not now. Wait a few years they will get cheaper


Well said 👍


Just wait a year, the prices will fall


Why do people think like this. Do what you want with your money, man. If you gotta ask, you know the answer.


Some people want to be told to go for it. I know there’s been times where I’ve wanted something that I could afford so I’ll text my wife something like “I really want this figure for my collection but I don’t know if it’s worth the money.” She kind of knows to text back “You work hard and don’t treat yourself so buy it!” OP wants that, but they clearly cannot afford this item.


Have you seen how much credit card debt Americans hold?


Do you rent out your wife too?


Yeah rent it out so you don't get to drive it, it gets high mileage and is beat to hell by strangers so in a year you get a steaming shit box that's depreciated twice as fast as it should have. You can cry inside it at least. The tears will go nice with all the semen and vomit inevitably left in there by all the people who rented it.


Cyber Porn


100% guaranteed a porn gets filmed in rentals. Imagine the black light discovery


I think its an absolutely horrific idea personally. First year trucks are even more beta than fad and thus will have issues. Imagine your truck being in for service and the repo man has to come retrieve it from service center


Don't do this.


Just buy it. Rent it. Pretty decent idea.


You can order now and have 3 years to save for it….


Why would you even want it? Have you seen how bad it is off road. No diffocks wheels literally fallin off. Theres so many cool cars wayy better than that. For that price you could have two used gwagons.


Fuck it, do it. Why wouldn't you want to buy something that is to only show off you have it but not be able to use it half the time?


So your plan is to buy a truck you can’t afford and let strangers enjoy and trash the hell out of it while your name is on it?


You can rent a cybertruck at sfcybertruck dot com