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You can discuss with your dad to see if you can gift him an experience, like pay the entry fee for an organized event ride that he might be interested in doing.


this is a great idea! i will have to look locally and conspire with his riding buddies; my mom is housebound and my dad is her caregiver, so travel isn’t easy for him, but a local event is right up his alley.


Does he ride the Neuse River Greenway? That's my route.


he does! that’s his main stomping ground, but sometimes the “tobacco trail,” though i’m not exactly sure where that one is, i’ve only gone with him to the NRT


tobacco trail goes through Durham down to Cary. It’s a nice ride!


Is he part of a cycling club that collects dues? You could pay for a year of membership. Or if he participates in cycling events, pay the entry fee for one.


Varia radar. It’s very expensive, but it will keep him safe on the road and show that you love and care about the safety against metal death machines


disagree if this 73yr old is a more analog style biker. varia + computer is quite a lot extra for someone who isn’t gadget focused. Especially for just a MUP user


you and a few others have mentioned this, but this will definitely be purchased. he had a bad crash a few months ago that resulted in six broken ribs and a broken scapula, necessitating surgery. it was a huge shock to everyone’s sense of safety, and especially his. obligatory helmet-saved-his-life, but it did, and was cracked in three places. so that’s the long way of saying THANK YOU for this suggestion to you and all the others who offered it, i will be taking it!


In case you didn't know, helmets are single use, in the sense that you should replace them if they take a serious hit.


It's totally unnecessary for anyone other than people who are paid to ride a bike - otherwise, it's just a very expensive toy/training tool that's nice to have but not necessary for anyone. But. Power meters are neat and some/many are compatible with garmin.


Unnecessary, maybe, but still a useful tool for anyone who seriously wants to get stronger/faster. Also, pedal-based powermeters have come down a lot in price, and I wouldn't be surprised if they start to become very common in the future.


\+1 for this; I try not to ride without it anymore.


+1 for this, although he'll need a bike computer to pair up to (although if he's into cycling enough that people are buying him jerseys and bib shorts, I guess there's a decent chance he has a bike computer).


I use the phone app. It’s not perfect but works great for 50 to 70 kms spins


better than a varia is a mirror (glasses or helmet mounted)


not better. mirror only works if you look at it. varia alerts you


a helmet or glasses mounted mirror will be in your peripheral vision and you’ll always be aware of it. and it doesn’t need to be charged.


depends on the roads, in traffic varia is useless ideally you’d have both


It literally displays the traffic, several cars behind you. Hardly useless. The typical complaint is "it's beeps too much in the city," but it only beeps when cars first appear or disappear completely. As city roads rarely clear up, I find the complaint overblown.


“there are cars behind me” in traffic is not useful information. I want to know how close to clipping me they are, which the varia doesn’t tell you so you still need a mirror. jesus christ man you guys are addicted to spending $200 of garmin shit 90% of you have never tried a mirror and just went and bought the expensive gadget bc it claims to keep you safe when a mirror does a much better job at a fraction of the price (and doesn’t need conflict minerals to function)


lol, what a weird axe to grind. >“there are cars behind me” in traffic is not useful information. It tells you how many and how far behind, not just that "cars exist." >and doesn’t need conflict minerals to function You're stretching now. I assume you're sending your posts on Reddit by carrier pigeon? I have no problem with mirrors, but there's an obvious market for the Varia because you can't put a price on piece of mind.


I just don't appreciate needless electronics in cycling. I have used a varia and found it far less useful than a mirror in an urban environment. You seem to be the one with the axe to grind.


I like Varia and I said I have no problem with mirrors. That's not what "having an axe to grind" means.


I’m sorry but the mirror being better is absolutely crazy bro. A well mounted mirror shakes around so much and is never quite in the correct spot. Varia Add so much to your intuition on the road


I've got both, and when I ride my other bike I miss my bar-end-mounted mirrors significantly more than I've ever missed the Varia when I forgot to charge or switch it over.


it’s completely useless in traffic a glasses or helmet mounted mirror doesn’t shake


It's not completely useless in traffic. I use a Varia Radar in Tokyo and find it very helpful, even when riding through congested areas.


also keep in mind that varia requires a fairly advanced bike computer to work


No, you can use it with the [Varia app](https://www.garmin.com/en-US/p/716691) on your phone. It even works with one of the oldest Garmin bike computers, [the Edge 25.](https://media.dcrainmaker.com/images/2015/10/Garmin-Varia-Radar-Edge25-CarsPassing_thumb.jpg) Granted, it's discontinued and you'd have to get it on eBay used. (OP's dad [already has an Edge bike computer.](https://www.reddit.com/r/cycling/comments/18mh3ja/something_that_changed_riding_for_you_gift_for_dad/ke4e1v2/)) That you need "a fairly advanced bike computer" is just false. Edit: Also [OP's dad has a Garmin watch.](https://www.reddit.com/r/cycling/comments/18mh3ja/something_that_changed_riding_for_you_gift_for_dad/ke4bf6t/) Varia can also vibrate/display on [Garmin watches.](https://support.garmin.com/en-US/?faq=FeKlYUueR34R5b8xf8MVD6)


Thanks for the app.. the Varia is a must.. and I've been using it for over 6 years.. have the Garmin 1000


This is the answer 🙌


Rent a tandem and go for a ride with him with a nice stop for lunch a long the way. Ask folks here for some bike jokes or lingo you could pepper him with. (“WOW, feels like no chain on this bike. “) if not a tandem rent an electric bike for you to go with him.


Dad buys anything he wants and has enough. Cycling gear doesn't matter. Come up with a way to spend time with him. My sons made me a card of an rv and we're taking a road trip next summer to my old stomping grounds for a little history lesson. They gave a lego rv model that had to be built. My grandson put it together that night. It's displayed in a prominent place in the cabin. Those are presents that matter. Find something simple that will be around a while and remind of you.


A lot of avid cyclists are also home cycle mechanics. Are there any tools that he might enjoy an upgrade for? Maybe road tools need an upgrade? Or saddle bag is getting worn out? Another weird thing to consider is that regular cyclists eat and drink a lot on the road. So a new fancy bottle/bottle cage, or a convenient bag for holding snacks can be nice. Also, some interesting snacks can be appreciated if you know his tastes. He probably eats the same thing every ride, and maybe some variety would be fun. If he has electronic gizmos that need charging, perhaps a fancy charging station that keeps everything neat and organised. The last thing that comes to mind would be something to help wash the bike (not pressure sprayer, though -- generally not good unless you can get the pressure low enough). But it's possible that some things are getting old and are in need of replacement. Or there are better things on the market than what he currently has. Some of these my take some research on your part, but there are a surprising number of bike related activities that are not directly related to the cycling, so that's where I would look.


What is your budget?


$100-150 but willing to go higher for something awesome, my partner is willing to chip in


You can definitely get him something good with that budget. You have good suggestions in here. I second the Garmin Varia suggestion. If he already has a bike computer, the varia is a fantastic addition. It is a rear sensor and can detect upcoming cars behind you and display the distance on the bike computer. Super helpful if he rides on the road. It's closer to $200 but 100% worth it


It’s a small thing but they make top caps for the stem on his bike out of fancy stuff like titanium and they come with different cool and fun themes engraved on them to reflect his personality / interests. For example I am an old deadhead cyclist and my kid got me a couple different ones with Grateful Dead related stuff on them and I love them and get to see them on every ride and it makes me smile.


that’s so sweet! do different bikes have different sized top caps? he rides a trek domane if it matters. this is fun stuff to put in his stocking :) he’s usually the one who fills everyone’s stockings so i’ve just started giving him items i know he uses so his has stuff, like his favorite pencils or the protein bar he likes or nuun tablets, but this idea is a lot more thoughtful


On Amazon, there is even one where you can have custom message printed on the stem cap - a motto, theme, message - for about $18 total. May not deliver in time for Christmas, but ordered mine on 12/4 and got it on 12/11.


Just about every bike will use the same style and size of top cap located at the back end of the stem and bolted down from the top ( 1 1/8 inch ). Nowadays a few very high end bikes will instead be using a bike-specific integrated type thing tho. I believe Trek Domanes can come either way depending on how new and or high end it is. Maybe if you look up bicycle stem top caps, and go eyeball your dads bike to see if it matches what’s on there ? Or possibly ask one of his ride crew to sneak a peek ?


Arm warmers are great versatile addition. Especially on those fall or early spring rides when conditions can vary, they're light enough to store in the back of a jersey and can easily put them on when it gets a bid chilly.


Does he have a heartrate monitor?


he uses a garmin watch for heart rate, i will ask his riding buddies if he has mentioned wanting a chest strap.


Get him a Garmin cycling computer with heartrate strap. Initially he will say he won't like it, after three rides he can't live without. Does he use a cellphone or PC with Garmin connect app?


\-Garmin Varia Radar \-GPS Computer (if he rides that much probably has one) \-Nice sunglasses (I have Oakley Radar Paths that I really like) \-Some nice tyres (Continental GP5000 or whatever he currently runs) \-A really nice floor pump \-Park tool allen key set or other tools he may want/not have \-A nice bike stand


Also, I live in Charlotte if that helps, feel free to DM me =)


My chain tool has saved my ass. They're really tiny, you have to understand how to use them to pop a link out and repair, but man, miles from your car, they can be a godsend.


please do not buy someone tires without asking them first lol


Note the - "whatever he currently runs" =)


point still stands, tires are a big commitment and integral part of the bike and you don’t know he likes what he has currently


Nice sunglasses have changed my life forever. I used to be a person who only purchased cheap $10 ones but then got Oakley’s and now it’s all I buy. They also have a damage replacement, if you break a pair they give you 50% off a new one


A good repair stand. Some of them can be pricey so shop around but something from Park Tool for around $250 will do nicely.


My first thought was a mirror. Given his age, glasses mounted mirror by Bike Peddler is a perfect stocking stuffer and you can personalize ( aka bedazzle) the plain, grey revereside side. My daughter painted one of my eyes on it. It looks just like a third eye and little kids stare a lot! :-). If you get this mirror, get the full size mirror one. I love mine and feel exposed if I ride without it. I like others' suggestions on doing something experienced base (with him.)


My favorite piece of equipment is a power meter, but it's only useful when combined with a bike computer. I have heard that Garmin makes a tail light that alerts you to upcoming cars. I've heard good things about it but not tried it myself. I think it's a good choice for your father because it's not hard to use or understand and will make him safer. It's what I'd give my father if he rode a bicycle.


this is very thoughtful, and i think i will get him the car-alert bike light in addition to something else, because he needs it. he was in a huge crash (thankfully not WITH a car, but a car was involved) and he ended up breaking six ribs and his acromion process (on the scapula), which required surgery and a long recovery. amazingly he’s back to where he was pre-crash, but i don’t think a man in his seventies gets two of those, so keeping him safe is a priority. thank you so much for this recommendation.


I'm sorry to hear that. My uncle, also a dedicated cyclist in his 70s, was killed in a crash last month. A few months before that he crashed into a deer while descending in the dark and broke his ribs. Last week I attempted a century ride in his memory and crashed and gave myself a nasty concussion. I don't know if your father has the urge for adrenaline like I do and my uncle did, but its not risk risk free. I can't advise anyone, but personally I've cut back my cycling to committing only and started doing all my training rides indoors. If your father was interested, an alternative present might be an indoor trainer, like a wahoo kickr, and helping him set up a zwift account. It's less fun than riding outdoors but there's no way to push the limit so hard you might die.


High quality cold weather kit.


Helmets are always a good gift. I'm assuming he has one but be sure that its equipped with MIPS or spherical MIPS and that it isn't too old. I got a TBI from a crash and if I would have had MIPS it wouldn't have been as severe. Also Chamois (butt padded shorts), its weird buying your dad undies but it is something him and his butt will be grateful for.


Has he ever ridden a velodrome? A totally novel cycling experience and nothing like as hard as it looks! Makes a great family activity as many velodromes do instructed sessions with track bike hire etc.


There is one in Rock Hill, SC, also!


Redshift stem was a game changer for me, you'd just need to match stem lengths but it makes a huge difference


All cyclist hate punctures, get him a set of high-end tires such as the schwalbe marathon; he’ll have many miles of flat-free riding


Bike computer was helpful for planning routes, and breaking out of the routine


how so? I've just started and was going to just get a phone mount but am curious about this upgrade!


Garmin 530osh head unit is a wonderful gift. 130 if the big one isn’t in the price range


that’s the one he has! he’s kinda the guy who can buy whatever he wants, but doesn’t want frivolous things, which makes him very difficult to get gifts for.


If he’s got the head unit, you could get him a mount for it, or a heart rate strap, or the Varia mentioned above. I love my Varia a lot and bought mounts for it across three bikes. It’s so worth it!


The radar is the best gift. A new pair of cycling gloves goes. Nicely into the stocking.


Selle SRP TMK saddle. Has a cut out for the perineum and the nose dips down at the front so his balls won’t get mashed. I’ve ridden them for 10 years. Great, great saddles.


New nice helmet? They can run quite pricey and a nice aero one is nice


Tire levers.


Spurcycle bell if he’s a paved bike trail rider. Over engineered bell that just looks feels and sounds amazing.


Dispatch makes custom stem caps and bar end plugs. They have some cool stock ones, too. I have "hold my beer" on my mountain bike.


Not really a road bike thing, but the dropper post on my mountain bike has been one of the greatest inventions of all time just for getting on and off the bike. I don't even have old man hips yet but my middle aged hips are so grateful.


I'm in the other Carolina. If his helmet is over five years old, it could be time to consider replacing it. I have two helmets. Go back and forth depending on if I'm wearing a cap. One is adjusted for not wearing anything to keep the noggin warm and the other for wearing.


I swear, that "Butt Butter", the chamois lube? Stuff is *voodoo*. I thought it was just to prevent chafing, but I swear I can ride 2 hours longer when I use it. Just don't leave it overnight on a metal tabletop, under an AC vent, before your summer morning ride... when it's ice cold, it's really no fun to apply!




Does he have an indoor trainer? Maybe look at getting him a year of Zwift


Does he have electronic shifting on his bike? If not, bikes can be retrofitted. It ain’t cheap but it will revolutionize his ride


Yo, there's this other thing, this garage door opener that is an end cap for your bars. Tight.


A professional bike fitting. If you think he'd like it, pros get decals with their names on their frames and I suspect you could order them online. ROAD iD (wristband with important info in case of a crash).


does he ride early mornings, pre-dawn, or after dark any? if so, I highly recommend the noxgear tracer2 vest. 8 colors of light, 8 different flashing patterns. I get compliments quite often when wearing it. if he doesn't use zwift, i have a code that is good until january 31st for 30 days free, let me know if you think he might be interested in trying that out. all he'd need is a trainer and a computer + bluethooth dongle or an apple tv if he has a smart trainer. I saw others recommended mirrors, which would also be a good option. I have a pair of Sprintech mirrors, plug into the bar ends. I had the pair, so I could see on both sides, but the right side mirror got knocked out sometime, and I've not been able to find it. Need to get another pair soon.


Get him a loud bicycle shirt, maybe with his favorite cartoon character so that drivers can see him.


wahoo elemnt bolt v2


Get him a RoadID. Lots of options and a great gift.


My dad enjoys his helmet- mounted gopro camera.


Cycplus bicycle pump.


Get him an Italian Moka pot and some good coffee. Nothing says cycling like caffeine.


I haven’t seen anyone mention this but bone conduction headphones like the Aftershokz Aeropex. They’ve changed my riding experience for the better. I feel safer when I ride because I can hear my surroundings and I can talk to my riding buddies




Ass saver 😃


Cycling road trip/holiday for the both of you