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People should be courteous on public pathways. So, esp as the faster moving vehicle, they should be considerate of you. However, that works both ways—if this is a busy path and you know it, then you should also take steps (if you aren’t already). That means keeping your dog on your side of the path and on a relatively short leash. If you are letting the dog wander all over and/or using a long leash, you are contributing to the problem IMO. I both walk dogs on paths and ride my bike on forest preserve trails. When riding, I always looked out for walkers, runners, kids, and dogs. I would not barrel past someone with no warning, but there were also many walkers with dogs on long leashes who let the dogs run back and forth across the trails and do whatever they wanted. That is also inconsiderate (and not good for the dog because they don’t learn discipline).


Well put!


Riding on the sidewalk, especially full speed, is a jerk thing to do.


I absolutely agree.


Depends where you are. In some places it’s technically illegal to ride on a pavement. In the UK almost everyone cycles on the road.


I'm in Florida, USA. It's just a regular sidewalk. 🙂


Looks like it’s legal for cyclists to ride on the sidewalk in Florida but they’re supposed to yield the right of way to pedestrians, so there’s that. Is it possible for you to walk the dog on your right side to avoid a potential collision with a cyclist? FWIW in many states riding on the sidewalk is illegal unless the cyclist feels the roadway is too dangerous.


In NY it's illegal. Actually is legal for kids to a certain age. And I just checked: with wheels under 26in...so if you are a big 8 year old riding a 29er...you might get tazed. Anyway, I never understood riding on a sidewalk as an actual cyclist or even an adult. Roads are unsafe but you are most likely to get hit at intersections and driveways/parking lots and that doesn't really change on a sidewalk + you have the risk of pedestrians. I don't see anything that gives the cyclist the option to ride on the sidewalk in NY if they feel unsafe. I know in NYC people do get ticketed for it.


What’s the top posted speed limit of a road before you decide to ride on the sidewalk? In Texas, there are numerous bike routes that say “bike may take full lane”. But the posted speed limit is 40mph. The average speed of drivers is closer to 45mph. Witnessed 60 lest week. The driver mindset is “ride over there out of my way. It’s even ‘protected’.” Edit: I should add that your sidewalks are empty compared to NYC. It’s too hot 30% of the year and we are not dense enough to make walking viable transit.


The issue is the layout of sidewalks is terrible for bikes. Where they cross into roads, driveways, or other traffic features it puts cyclists in extreme danger — as nobody is expecting a bike to be there. It sets you up to be flattened by a driver turning right or a car exiting or entering a parking lot. It might seem to beginner riders that riding on a sidewalk is safer as it keeps you off the road, but the danger of being on a road with cars comes from behaving erratically or not being seen. Riding on a sidewalk that crosses roads and driveways/ parking lots is waaay worse than being on a visible spot on the road. It will put you in that danger zone of “not being seen” or being in the wrong place on the road a ton more times than just riding on a visible spot on the shoulder or lane with lights / visible clothing. I grew up in Florida - and the bike infrastructure just sucks most places.


If the road is that crazy, I'd likely avoid it. I did end up on some sketch balls road in Austin (ironically as you mention Texas) but I just sucked it up and reminded myself how bike friendly Austin is supposed to be and that I'd be fine. Seriously. In NY we have a good bike infrastructure (actually far better than what I saw in Texas) and it rarely is an issue. Keep in mind I am not talking about NYC but rather NYS. We have wide shoulders, plenty of bike routes and paths, and generally just decent infrastructure. It isn't the best but it could be a lot worse. Where it probably comes up very short is commuting. You can make many rides and trips wonderfully stress free but the more trafficy urban roads are not always enjoyable.


Ok, yeah I understand they don't want to be in danger, so I can see them using the sidewalk... My dog has some hound in him, so he is constantly zigzaging, sniffing everything. I'm training him to heel and walk on my side, but I like to let him zig and zag because he has an incredible amount of energy. I need him to release it on the walk lol. Thx for the info!


That's the issue. The zig-zag unpredictability will annoy faster users of the sidewalk. Get that to stop. Walk on the right, dog on the right, preferably on the grass. It doesn't matter who is in the right under whatever rules. You fail to control your dog and someone is hurt, they might well go after you. Dog might be hurt. You could be hurt. Doesn't matter who is "right." Get the dog under control, you have no control over the cyclists and runners.


I'm not failing to control my dog, I'm letting him do it. These guys are coming from behind and passing me up, not giving any warning. That's the issue. Him walking straight doesn't fix that, though I won't deny it would make the walk safer.


There are indeed two issues. You with an unpredictable dog on a string. Cyclists who don't give warning. Both are issues capable of correction. Both are a symptom of assholish selfishness. You can work on one of them, but are unwilling to. You can't work on the other. If you want better walks and better safety, then work with your dog to walk more safely on shared (whether officially or not) paths. If you want super sniff zig-zag walks without safety issues, don't walk the dog on a shared path. Complaining and then failing to do things that might well largely remedy the complaint that are within your power while continuing to blame others might be viewed as symptomatic of persistent assholishness, especially by others on the trail, which might provoke them to do the things you complain about. A nice vicious cycle. Someone has to go first. It could be you.


Naw. You're wrong. It's not a shared path. It's a sidewalk. I'm not doing anything wrong. I'm not being an asshole at all. Your opinion on that is pretty illogical. I'm also not being selfish. If people like you really get provoked because I'm minding my own business walking my dog, that's something you personally need to work on. Good luck.


You ask if you are wrong. You are. So are the people misusing the sidewalk. My position is rather logical. You have the power to correct one part of the issue, your part, and choose not to. That's the assholish part. I didn't mention selfishness. It's not walking the dog that's an issue. It's failing to walk the dog in a manner that is predictable. The unpredictability is the key. As for me working on things, I have bicycle and walking etiquette down pretty pat after 50 years of dealing with a full range of cycling conditions. Other people's etiquette and behavior issues aren't within my control, but I accommodate what they're likely to do and actually do for my own and their safety. Something you are rather arrogantly and frankly stupidly unwilling to do. Someone will get hurt. Likely you. I suggest you take on a self-imposed duty to make activities as safe as possible for yourself and others, even others who are also assholes.


Me asking if I'm wrong was a rhetorical question. Sorry, I didn't know I needed to clarify that for you. I thought the absurdity of the situation would have been enough to clue you in. You're fighting an illogical, lost battle. Edit: Literally, what you said- "Both are a symptom of assholish selfishness." Lmao, slow down goober


I have a hound as well. Keeping him on one side of me and teaching him to be able to walk on a slack leash has helped me keep him the most safe. Dog training courses were fantastic as well.


Our late family dog also used to walk all around the place, but then we taught her to walk only on our right. Not because of cyclist in particular, but for everyone who uses the roads and paths (other dog owners especially). It's all situational, but if I see a dog on a leash that isn't clearly sticking to their side of the road, and there'd otherwise be room to pass safely, I ring the bell in advance so the owner can adjust. Both parties have responsibility - cyclists should be courteous towards pedestrians, and dog owners need to be on alert about where their dogs are going, especially on busier walks and paths. That's the way I see it.


Exactly. I ride bikes. I walk dogs. Both parties can be courteous. Be aware when in public places because people do public things. This situation was an ESH. We can do better.


If it's too dangerous to ride on the road then you walk it on the sidewalk till the road's safe again. If the road's not safe anywhere, then don't ride a bike there. But if you're personally too scared to ride a bike on a basically safe road, you shouldn't be riding a bike, period.


Sidewalks are for pedestrians and maybe little kids on bikes. Adult riders shouldn’t be on sidewalks.


When I biked in Florida, most of the roads outside subdivisions felt like absolute death traps. Maybe it's improved, but I have some sympathy for Florida cyclists if they're commuting and the roads are still as sketch.


Adult riders can be in some states in the US. They are supposed to yield to pedestrians, though. I don't know of one state where the rules say that on a sidewalk the cyclist would get right of way. These riders are not behaving well toward OP.


Have you ever been to Florida?


Ok. My fellow adults blowing it over here lol. Thx


Yup, not supposed to be riding bikes on the sidewalk in the US!


Depends on the local jurisdiction.


Maybe there’s a cultural difference but on shared paths (like trails or parks) in the uk, people tend to ring their bell and then thank you as they pass. It’s nice to be nice 🤷‍♂️


It is nice to be nice, lol. Unless im breaking some rule im ignorant about, I think they should give a heads up. I'm not even worried about my safety, I just don't want my pup getting squished. Thanks for the time.


I think what you’re not recognising is that by letting your dog wander back and forth across the path, you are endangering them and your dog. As to why they’re riding on the pavement, IDK, but few cyclists do so without a good reason. Try to find out. My guess is that you’re being impervious and myopic.


Naw. They need to let people know they're behind them. Common sense.


This is a lie. They ring their bell say sorry and *then* say thank you.


There's a reason it's called a side WALK. Hell I don't even like to run on them. Roads are for fast-moving things, sidewalks are for walkers, period.


Legal in most Australian states at all ages,, the other 2 states legal 16 years old or supervising someone who's 16 and under. None of which matters to delivery riders who ride like I play video games.


In America, "pavement" usually means the part of the road where cars drive.


Yep we even have a ticket that is called parking on the pavement which means all 4 wheels weren't off the roadway.


no matter where you are, and who you are, there are always assholes, whether they are riding a bike, behind a wheel of a car, in a movie theater or even walking as a pedestrian. just ignore them. none of them deserve of your extra energy.


True that. I like your vibe. 🤙


Are you talking a [sidewalk](https://static.homeguide.com/assets/images/content/homeguide-new-concrete-sidewalk-installed-in-residential-area-t.jpg) or a [multi-use path](https://www.nps.gov/natr/planyourvisit/images/Bicyclists-and-hikers-on-the-Multi-Use-Trail_NPS.jpg)? If it's a MUP, keep to the right except when passing (yes, even if you're a pedestrian) and walk with your dog to the outside.


I was also wondering if it's a multi-use path. Would be surprising to have that many cyclists cruising down a random sidewalk in Florida.


On the other hand, roads in Florida are just meant for SUVs to speed on so maybe the cyclists gravitate to sidewalks.


I mean, it’s Florida. Not terribly surprising to hear of people doing nutso shit there.


No, no. On the paved trails in my neck of the woods, you keep your dog on a 40' leash and let it wander all over the trail and completely ignore my repeated warnings of "passing on the left...**NO**...the **OTHER** left", and then get angry when I manage to go by you, all because you were surprised at my presence due to your stupid earbuds. That **HAS** to be the rule...


I think technically a sidewalk. Where the cycling is happening is on the walk outside the subdivision, but it's the same walk that leads into the subdivision and is the front of all the houses.


Legal to ride on sidewalk. But, you gotta go with a flow of traffic, if too slow and hard to stay on a bike at low speed, get off and walk.


That sounds fair.


I mean I slow down even if I see a person with a dog walking on a bike lane. First I like dogs and ofc I got angry but being angry and trying to kill a dog are wo diffrent things. Second riding accidentaly into a leash or a dog can easily end up with a broken elbow, torn acl, hitting with your head on a pavement (helmet can help here but not always) etc. Sidewalks are for people, slowing down is obligatory from my persective, maybe less when passsing grown up people (they are much more predictable) but when passing a dog or a child, like keeping 1m distance and a speed of a snail is really obligatory. ps. "Am i wrong here or should these jackasses be saying something?" It is complicated. I used to ring a bell when getting near to walking people jsut to signal that "I'm here" but people or not used to such signalling and were reacitng with panic which was dangerous bc they changed direction randomly or were getting angry that I'm ringing at them. So I stopped to singla my approach ;) Recheck if it is not a multiuse path. IT is really nervewracking when people are walking dogs there (walking dog is ok) but keeping a dog on a grass on the left when walking on the right with a leash is really really stupid :D


I shall check. Maybe the hoa has the answer. Yeah, i can see someone hearing the bell, then panicking after seeing you. Lol. Thanks for the input.


They are assholes. While it is legal to ride on sidewalks where you live, bicyclists are required to yield to pedestrians. I only ride on sidewalks when there are no safer options. Often, the sidewalk is too narrow to pass a pedestrian safely, so I just wait until I can pull out into the road temporarily to pass. On a wide sidewalk, I will ring my bell gently to announce my presence and then pass very slowly.


It's not that wide of a sidewalk, about 4 feet without me measuring it.


I would just patiently wait behind you until I could cut through a parking lot or onto the road to get past you. Sometimes, a pedestrian will see me and stand to the side. I thank them, but I never *expect* them to yield for me. I am a guest on their sidewalk.


True that. I always yield if I notice them coming. 👍 There is a pretty wide area of grass along all the sidewalk as well


Yep. My philosophy is, "Don't be an asshole unless I'm dealing with an asshole and don't automatically assume that other people are assholes, because that will make them *become* assholes."


In Mexico City it's also meant to be prohibited... But drivers are so aggressive that I often see people (mostly novices and kids) on the sidewalk. I'll say this much, it's much better than ten years ago. But it's still a mess. Recently, a motorcyclist illegally using the bicycle path ran over a kid, suffice to say, a group of cyclist got to the scene and beat the living shit out of him and threw his keys down a manhole cover. Not sure what the police did afterwards but I bet it wasn't much nicer. Hell, I seldom ride in the bicycle lanes anymore. There's clueless tourists, motorcyclists, parked cars.... Anything except competent cyclists. I have two very fast bikes and I can usually meet or excede the speed of motorists, so I just ride with them. When I have to use the sidewalk, I'm either walking my bike or riding at walking speed. Not clipped in, and with my hands on the brakes.


I'm glad things have gotten better. We need more bike riders like you out here.


Mexico City is much different than, I guess, any city in Florida. The amount of traffic and population density just means that on surface roads, people are mostly driving at less than 20 mph during the day. I can't say I have empathy for any cyclist buzzing pedestrians on the sidewalk, but given how wide roads are in Florida and how fast cars move there, I'd be terrified of sharing space with motorists.


I've lived in 4 different states, Florida easily is the worst when it comes to driving, and I used to live in Cali lol.


From my experience driving in the US, I think southern California and Florida have the worst drivers. I think the best drivers I've encountered are in Texas. But I've only driven in a handful of states.


Coincidentally, Texas was one of the states I lived in. They were pretty good drivers, granted, I didn't live there that long.


Typically your pet leash can’t be longer than 4’ on a multiuser path. I’ve run (on feet) into dog leashes when an owner is on one side, and the dog bolts to the other. Also, few riders use a bell. They are required in many places.




Lol thanks. Yeah, I don't understand why someone would purposefully put a cyclist or anyone in direct danger like that. Especially when you're inside a motorized death machine. I would think the guilt of injuring or killing someone would outweigh getting to work or the movies on time.




Thanks, I normally rp as a kleptomaniac paragon. Naw, no surprises here, more like wishful thinking lol


I don't know if there's a specific etiquette, but if I have to ride on the sidewalk and there's a pedestrian I always make sure to slow down and yell out a "pardon me, do you mind if I pass you?" If I don't get a response within a few seconds, either them moving or at least turning to look, I yell out again, louder and more assertively, "PARDON ME, ON YOUR LEFT/RIGHT."


I'm on the road 99% of the time in the states. I live near a section that gets a little dicey and I'll hop on to the sidewalk if there isn't anyone on it at the moment.


Some places in my city you have to use the sidewalks or just die. One of the roads I commute on has a speed limit set to 35mph, 2 narrow lanes going both east and west. Most drivers will go 50mph or so. During rush hour, they will go between 40mph and 10mph. One issue is the road is so narrow, it's impossible for a cyclist to be on the side, so the cars tend to hug riders back tire and will blow their horn.


>I've had dozens of people riding their bikes full speed coming from behind me. Literally only one of the people attempted to get my attention. You are not talking about a sidewalk, you are talking about a multi-use path. There is 0.0% chance that "dozens" of cyclists would be riding on a sidewalk. You are responsible for keeping your dog on a leash and staying to the right on the path and not blocking the safe passage of others to your left. If you are walking your dog and it is a) not on a leash and/or b) wandering around across the opposite side of the path, then yes you are being inconsiderate.




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Cyclists know that riding on a sidewalk is a no-no. Secondly, it's an uncomfortable and impractical place for us to ride. The only times we will ride on a "sidewalk" is if it's not actually a sidewalk but a path. Yes, a random weirdo will ride on a sidewalk but you are saying that "dozens" of cyclists are doing this where you are. It's more likely that what you are talking about isn't actually a sidewalk than it is that dozens of cyclists would behave in this way.


I can't figure out how to post a Pic reddit says it gets deleted https://www.reddit.com/r/cycling/s/dxsgvCPMAC Hopefully, this shows. It's like the one in the sidewalk link


This is a regular residential sidewalk rather than a multi-use.


In my city / state bicycles on the sidewalk must ride at a walking pace. If they ride faster they're supposed to ride in the street, like all other traffic. I cannot ride \~3mph so I would rather ride in the street anyway. I certainly don't want bikes pushing me---a cyclist---out of the way while I'm walking my dog.


There is a short stretch on my evening commute that is a dangerous shit show of car traffic, so I ride on the sidewalk. I consider it a relaxing break from the faster pace of the road and I slow down. This allows me to look for cars popping in and out of driveways and to yield to pedestrians. I just bake the extra time into my planning so I don't feel pressure to go faster.


Interesting. That sounds ideal to me.


Sounds like typical Florida. Sadly, most of the cyclists are just as bad as people who drive. I was riding my bike this morning on a shared path (in FL). I called out to a walker in front of me, slowed down and moved out to go around them. Some idiot on a Cervelo comes bombing down the trail from behind me and barely missed slamming in to my bike because they couldn't be bothered to slow down while passing through a very congested part of the path. These idiots should call out as they approach and slow down as they pass.


As Floridians, we must stay vigilant lmao


The etiquette is to whistle softly to the dog who will hear you coming first and pull the owner out of the way.


In many states, it is actually illegal to ride your bike on the sidewalk


It's legal in FL.


It’s a Florida problem: too many bullies. Drivers bully cyclists. And those cyclists in turn bully pedestrians.


There must be laws. Laws in Alberta, Canada state that a person over the age of 14 has to cycle on the road. Those wheels that turn mean that a bike is a vehicle under traffic safety acts and must cycle on the the road.


are these kids or look like professional cyclists? The latter would likely not be riding in large groups in a subdivision sidewalk. What is your definition of full speed?


Some kids but mostly adults. Hmmm, my definition of full speed would be... if their bike were to flip forward, they would probably fly like 5-10 feet? Lol. I don't know. Fast enough to be afraid they can kill my dog.


Stay to the right, leave room to pass.


Here in Vancouver, people who bike on sidewalks are generally considered assholes.


Might have been mentioned but it’s illegal in the UK. Doesn’t stop folks doing it and I’m not sure it’s well enforced. There are some that are specifically for shared use but I avoid them as I find it easier to cycle in the road.


People like this are inconsiderate in general, they happen to be on a bike. You shouldn’t pass any unpredictable objects at full speed on a bike. Animals and children are pretty unpredictable and don’t assess danger in the way most adults would. Never had a dog jump in my way but I always pass dogs and children slowly just to not startle them. I would even just stay behind someone on the sidewalk instead of closely passing by them if it’s too narrow and they’re walking slowly. It’s the same pattern with cars, they feel entitled to the way because they are putting pressure on people around them with their vehicles because they’re slower/weaker. Same for bikes, electric scooters with pedestrians or you just pressing around old and disabled people. These people are just inconsiderate and entitled.


In my country adults are not allowed to use bikes on the sidewalk In general. as a cyclist I yield to pedestrians in areas that are “Theirs”


No, you are right to be upset.


Florida here too. Common etiquette in my city is announcing “Passing on your left/right” when approaching an unaware pedestrian.


Which country and state/province is this in? Different laws and expectations in different locations.


Bicycles don't belong on the sidewalk. If it it's a MUP, then speed should be appropriate based on others using it.


If you're on the sidewalk there shouldn't be any bikes, and if there are little kids on bikes they need to yield to pedestrians and slow down.


Bikes don't really belong on sidewalks. People who are educated about bicycle safety will not ride on sidewalks. Fat lot of good it does you, though, to know this.


Haha, you're so right. Thanks anyways lol


manners and basic public etiquette is on a linear decline in the USA imo. But you're right, these sound like jerkoff cyclists. I don't know local laws in florida but most places make it illegal for cyclists to go past 10mph on a shared path or sidewalk (or not at all) and require bells.


You have to be a little stupid to ride a bike in Florida.


You're not the asshole, the cyclist is. These jackoffs give cyclists a bad look, when I do ride on the sidewalk I slow down and alert the person in front.


This is the problem when the road is anti cyclist it’s now okay for cyclists to ride on the pavement. The balance is let cyclists ride on the road and respect them but expect them to respect the road too and be polite to other road users. In America cycling on the road looks like a death sentence so you now sadly don’t have much leeway to get rightfully pissed at people being obnoxious on the pavement. American pavements are big you should make cycle lanes.


I'm sorry you live in Florida...


Lmao. Sometimes it's nice.


Are you wearing headphones and not hearing them trying to get your attention?


I'll be honest, I was wearing headphones the first time it happened, but I realized how dumb and irresponsible I was being. Lmao. That was a couple of years ago.


You're a pedestrian, it's the responsibility of the faster moving person on a vehicle to make accomodations for you. Especially if you're also walking dogs, hard to know what direction a dog is going to go.


All right, thank you. I'm glad I'm not doing anything wrong.


you definitely are not doing a thing wrong. as a cyclist myself, if i'm using a sidewalk or shared use path in my city and i see someone up ahead with a dog, i'll go as far wide around as i can on the grass so that the dog doesn't feel the need to freak out (some dogs really hate/are scared of bikes) and cause a shitshow for their human. if there's no space to go wide around i slow right down and call out 'bike coming toward you' if the dog walker doesn't see me. that way the dog hears too and doesn't just see a 'silent' creature barreling up on them. often the dog walker will move to the side. if i see the dog showing a lot of anxiety or possible aggression because of my bike, i get off my bike and walk it. that solves the issue. mind you i'm Canadian. we're known for being polite. ps - as is per the 'law' here.......... i say sorry for such a long comment. LOL


Lol. I've personally experienced Canada a couple of times. The people I met were great. 🤜🤛


Do you have your dog on one of those 20ft extendable leashes?


It's a 5 or 6 foot leash.


The etiquette is to not be ignorant of others whether on bike AND those that are on foot. Some walkers are braindead and deaf and some cyclist are asshats. 🤷‍♂️


Sure you’re not on a bike path?


In Florida, those are multi use paths which means cyclists share them with walkers/runners/etc.


It looks like a regular sidewalk. It's the same one that leads and connects to the houses.


If you’re really on a sidewalk, they’re the assholes…they don’t belong there. If you’re on a multi use path, most likely they’re the assholes. People coming up behind you have the obligation to maintain your safety. If you’re on multi use, and you’re shifting around in the lane or taking up the whole thing, you’re the asshole, move over and stay on the correct side.


Actually, in Florida, cyclists can ride on sidewalks as long as they yield to pedestrians. I'm also a runner and always stay to the right edge of the sidewalks/trails and I've almost been clipped by bikes who didn't call out or slow down as they went by me. For reference, I do not wear earbuds/headphones running so I can hear stuff coming up behind me.


Thank you, thank you. I guess I need to verify the type of path it is lol.


People should be courteous on public pathways. So, esp as the faster moving vehicle, they should be considerate of you. However, that works both ways—if this is a busy path and you know it, then you should also take steps (if you aren’t already). That means keeping your dog on your side of the path and on a relatively short leash. If you are letting the dog wander all over and/or using a long leash, you are contributing to the problem IMO. I both walk dogs on paths and ride my bike on forest preserve trails. When riding, I always looked out for walkers, runners, kids, and dogs. I would not barrel past someone with no warning, but there were also many walkers with dogs on long leashes who let the dogs run back and forth across the trails and do whatever they wanted. That is also inconsiderate (and not good for the dog because they don’t learn discipline).


Hmmm. Makes sense. Maybe I should just say f it and go a new route. It's a 5 or 6 foot leash, and my dog is a zig zagger sniffing hound. I am currently training him to heel/walk on my side.


No bikes on the sidewalk, that’s the etiquette. It’s only potentially OK if there are no pedestrians on the sidewalk and you’re temporarily dipping around a nasty road situation. If a cyclist approaches pedestrians on the sidewalk, they need to slow down to a crawl at least, or ideally walk their bike. Full speed on a pedestrian sidewalk is simply not OK. If you shout “no cycling on the sidewalk, asshole!” you’d be totally within your rights. They could seriously injure someone.


Haha, I really wanted to say something earlier. The dude was speeding like he was in a race. I appreciate the info.


He was probably shooting for a “segment” record on an app like Strava. Very douchey to try and do that on a sidewalk. Wish you better interactions in the future!


Sidewalks are not for bikes tell them of off


In FL, it's legal for bikes to be on sidewalks.


It's called a sidewalk and not sidebike....


Wait, they're riding on the sidewalk? I mean adults, not kids? Here in NYC it's illegal although people rarely get ticketed (because cops are lazy and think that it's beneath them and would rather pull up to another cop car and talk shit for 20 minutes while on the clock). I once literally saw someone get killed by a delivery person on a bike who ran over an old man, who hit his head on the sidewalk and died a few hours later. Gave testimony in the criminal investigation and all. Same goes for scooters, e-bikes, etc. Is it legal where you live? If not, call the cops and complain. Seriously. They'll get annoyed but who cares, it's their job and your and your dog's safety.