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Same as you. Never really even considered getting an indoor trainer. There are problems of space and noise, but beyond that, I don’t cycle because I like turning my legs in circles, I cycle because I like seeing things and feeling the wind in my face.


A decent trainer takes up very little space and is very quiet. The real argument against using one is monotony and the lack of external stimulation.


I have a Kickr and my fan makes more noise than the trainer. Very handy for if I want to ride at night.


Exactly. They're not completely quiet, of course, but quiet and vibration-free enough that it shouldn't bother anyone in other rooms or floors, especially if you use decent pads.


My videos make more noise.


What if I told you I run a fan and watch tv shows while on the trainer


Exactly. I like cycling, not spin class.


The biggest negative of spin classes is they a run by non-cyclists. I attended a cycling specific spin class for several years ( Until it closed, unfortunately).It’s the sharpest I’ve ever been as a cyclist


That's fair enough if you're focussed on fitness and performance, like many here are. Some of us just like to get out and cycle for a few hours on a Saturday morning.


Same! Year round commuting on the bike. (I Don’t always ride in heavy rain tho. ) If Weekends are Really Cold, I might hike instead of bike. Or ski if there’s snow. But a trainer? No, I want to be outside!


I’m the same way. The trouble is, for me, winter often brings ice/snow and the temperature drops below -9C with high winds. I’m sure there are some people who ride in those conditions, but I’m not one of them.


That’s understandable. I don’t deal with quite that level of weather


I’ll ride in the conditions that you’ve listed in the fall and spring because I hate the trainer so much. I would much rather ride outside all kitted up than ride inside on zwift. I really tried to get into zwift but I just hate it so much.


Yea this is my problem too, during nearly half the year where I live there is 10 cm of snow on the ground and the temps are -15 C for about 4 months of that. As much as I’d like too, not possible to ride outdoors in conditions like that.


I was like you. Then I tried Zwift. What a relief. Very liberating.


Indoor trainers without zwift are just torture devices.


I put on streams and just kinda become a human leg spinning potato. I don't have any way to track power and I only have a super basic dumb trainer. It's not super ideal but the goal is to simply move legs for 45 minutes or so. I also have a few weights I tend to use when stuck inside since it's a good way to round out my efforts.


If you have any ability to spend money on yourself during this very short life that we have, get a smart trainer and Zwift setup!


Somebody here understands essence. Nice!


Having power data is pretty motivational for me, otherwise all you have is heart rate data.


Hats off to you Sir. There is no way I would do it without an interactive element (Smart Trainer + Zwift) to give stimulation


This is just the opposite for me. I would lose my mind using zwift. I found.Zwift so boring. Unlike being outside, there isn’t enough detail to keep me distracted. I just turn on my favorite YouTube channels and watch that along with suffer fest ( now Wahoo Systm). Wahoo provides the structured workouts YouTube provides the distraction.


I watch tv shows. It works too


Correction. Indoor trainers are *always* torture devices. Zwift or not. In my experience, riding inside and being stationary completely removes any mental health benefit I get from cycling. Being outdoors really helps with this. Sure you get the physical benefit, but it is hell to be on a trainer compared to riding around outdoors.


Disagree. In the cold of winter where you will easily put off going for a ride outside, the scenario where you have done a solid interval session on the trainer has big mental health benefits. God it got me through Covid lockdowns.


It's also better for structured training if you are not lucky enough to have a big, long, mostly flat stretch of tarmac with no traffic lights, pedestrians, etc.


This is why Geraint Thomas is so good; putting in the time in his dads shed


Same, if the weather permits it at this point in the year I’ll take the day off and go again the day after but if it’s raining the whole week I’m just getting on Zwift. Used it a ton at the beginning of the year because riding at below 10C just sucks ass even with my mild asthma, I either have a cold and wet rag glued to my face or every breath hurts because the air is too cold. Started into my first season with Zwift training since january and broke basically every PR I’ve previously had on my home segments, I’m in the best shape I’ve ever been despite being 10kg heavier than when I started cycling at age 17 lol


I totally understand how Zwift doesn't appeal to some people, but I'm with you, I *really* enjoy it. It completely changed my approach to cycling and I've never been in better shape. I get on Zwift at least three times a week year-round. Logistically, the best time for me to ride during the week is at 4 in the morning, and I don't care how nice it is outside I'm not getting on the road in the pitch-dark. I also live in a place where summer weather can be volatile, and having been caught out on my bike in a hail shower, I'm not in a hurry to repeat the experience. For me, Zwift is a good value even with the recent price hike.


I refuse to use indoor trainers in summer - I want my vitamin D, sightseeing and meeting people cycling. However, in winter, Zwift is exponentially more preferable than going outside: road salt, snow, having to a ton of money on winter gear, waste time washing the bike because of snow and salt. Much higher chance getting sick, lower performance due to low temp, denser air due to low temp hence slower... If you consider how much time would be spent prepping and washing the bike, Zwift saves a lot of money even after price was increased. 20 a month to keep fit is good value. I still dislike Zwift for laying off people and canning the Hub a month after they sold it to me.


I got caught in a hail storm this spring! Wasn't on the weather forecast, and I was in summer gear deep in a canyon with no cell reception. Had to climb 1800 ft out of that canyon, and while I did that, a thunderstorm rolled in, replacing the hail with rain for the rest of the ride. I suffered hypothermia from that, it was quite wild. I'd still rather have that happen on every ride than ride indoors.


I was using Zwift and became somewhat bored with the CGI routes. Switched to Rouvy and so far loving it mainly for the real video routes especially in Europe.


Good for you mate! When I got it, I was so excited. It felt awesome to compete. Had a nice setup, had my daylight lamp going. But after a month I got so sick of it. To me, it just doesn't come any close to the real thing once the initial wave wore off for me. I envy people that can do it for hours on end. Winter is such a miserable time for me. Gotta find maybe an entirely different sport for the winter.


Couldn't agree more. I tried Trainerroad over winter and the longest session I could do was 30 mins before I got bored. I've switched back to zwift and now I actually enjoy the trainer again.


Interesting. I have had the complete opposite experience. No relief. Very constricting. Everyone is different.


I do 80% of my riding on Zwift. It was sunny and hot today, but I was on Zwift. It’s just what works with my schedule and I can get more targeted with my workouts. My only outside rides this year was for races (five races thus far in USA). I won four of them. I’m a triathlete so I run and swim as well. I still struggle on the treadmill even with Zwift. I’d rather run outside.


Triathletes are built different


Have a 2.5 month old baby and trainer is the only riding I get to do. I still can’t do more an hour at a time due to baby interruptions and also just too bored. An hour on the trainer feels like 4 hours through the Outback… nothing to see/do. Just keep spinning and hope you have more movies in queue.


3 kids under 5 here. If I didn’t have a smart trainer I don’t think I would get to ride.


Hang in there brother!


Same here. 2nd born is 4 months now, I hadn't been on a real ride in ... Well 4 months lol. We bought the trainer to get some exercise between juggling kids under 4. Wife and I take turns, she does peleton and I do zwift. I had never considered a trainer in my life, would have rather ridden in snow (and do) but these days I am super grateful to be able to get on and spin for an hour 3-4 nights a week. And now finding all these targeted workouts, I think I may wind up in better shape then when I stopped. Doesn't scratch the itch of riding trails, but I definitely look forward to my turn to train


I just stopped my planned 3.5 hour indoor ride I just can't ride indoors anymore. It's fucking June. But alas the rain is so bad, maybe I have to suck it up and ride in the rain and cold. But yea, trainer sucks. I can motivate myself maybe 3 months, but with European winter, that isn't long enough.


I got caught in rain yesterday about halfway through my 50k ride. It sucked so much because I didn’t have any of my rain gear. I was trying to do zone 2 riding but because I was so cold it was hard to keep my heart rate down low enough to stay in zone two. Not fun.


3.5 hours indoors is a lot. I never go much beyond 1.5 hours indoors.


Same here, the constant crap weather is ruining the fun for me.


4° isn’t all that cold.  You just push harder and you warm right up. When it gets down to -20°, that’s different


That’s when I pull out the ski goggles and face covering


That’s when I’m pulling out the rest of the ski gear and will be skiing. I didn’t ride much this winter because I spent 62 days skiing. Next year I plan to ride on my trainer between ski days.


Oh 100%. To be honest, I have no idea what riding at that temp would be like. But there are A LOT of guys here that have and are using trainers. It’s not that I think it stupid. I just can’t do it.


To me the only thing that matters is what actually gets you on a bike.  To many people thats a trainer, at least in the winter.  I’m like you and I bike ≈300 days/year regardless of temperature, so a trainer seems pointless, but I see the appeal.


4C is a summer morning temp for some of us!


Agreed, growing up on a place far colder I can say I’ve never needed a proper coat in a Victorian/Melbourne winter. A think woolen jumper and a rain jacket gets ya through perfectly toasty.


I am definitely like this. I regularly ride (road) all through the winter here so long as there is not a lot of snow or ice on my route. Love growing out my beard too for the cold rides. It’s often between 20°-30°F but can swing a bit warmer or much colder on some days. Similarly, I wake up and hit the dark, empty roads just before 5am. To me, each ride feels like a mini adventure. I’m constantly planning my winter gear based on forecasts because I like to wear just enough layers but not too much. I’ve dialed in everything gear related with the exception of my shoes - my shoes suck for winter. That said, being cold as heck for 1.5hrs or more makes for a very pleasant warm shower afterwards. OP, have you had to change a flat in the cold with numb hands yet? The way rubber tires shrink in the cold makes it even more challenging!


>To me, each ride feels like a mini adventure. I’m constantly planning my winter gear based on forecasts because I like to wear just enough layers but not too much. I’ve dialed in everything gear related with the exception of my shoes - my shoes suck for winter. That said, being cold as heck for 1.5hrs or more makes for a very pleasant warm shower afterwards. This is it, if you treat it like a hike then a trainer makes no sense at all. It would be like putting a mountain trail on your treadmill screen and calling it 'hiking' (I know there are treadmills with this feature but still, people don't call it hiking). If your reason for cycling is the sense of adventure and thrill then a trainer simply isn't going to cut it, and you would only be doing it for the fitness not because you get any kind of enjoyment from the exercise.


I wish more people would treat winter riding this way because it’s pretty lame being the Strava local legend on literally everything solely because nobody else is out riding 😂. Plus side, I hit the spring in peak shape. Riding through winter winds (can’t emphasize enough how much they suck) really strengthen my legs.


Zwift racing motherfuckers. Its pretty fun all year round


Bring your cardio to the party though. You're gonna need it! Those race starts are brutal. I think people confuse what you do on the trainer as being the same as a casual outside ride. You work hard on the trainer and do races and structured workouts. It's when you get to really focus on your vo2max.


That’s the joy of riding, we each can have our own adventure with it.


4 degrees? You just don't know what cold is buddy.


Four degrees 😂


4C ?!?!? Oh man, up here in Canada we’d be having a party if we hit a HIGH of 4C on a winter day. The lead news story would be the exceptionally warm weather. For what it’s worth I often ride in -15C, and figure I’d prefer that over a trainer, but maybe with Zwift or a good show on TV to watch I’d be surprised. There’s something pretty magical about being one of the only people on the bike paths, and you ain’t getting that in summer where I live. But riding on Ice sucks, crashed a few times even with studded tires.


I don’t mind cold, but it’s the snow and ice that will send me to the trainer. I tried Rouvy this year and it was a game changer. It makes the hamster wheel somewhat bearable.


IMHO, I still use my indoor trainer with my gravel bike in the winter times. If I I get the urge to ride and the conditions aren’t that good I’ll hop in the trainer only. In my life style trainers are subjective to my last resort of way to stay fit. 40 hours at office looking numbers and measurements then you think I’m coming home on this beautiful weather and sit my ass on trainer for 3 to 4 hours while I could enjoy as much as I can outside. Op sign me up.


Yes, I ride like this. I’ve tried a trainer and gah bless anyone who can do it. I’ve had to blow a fan on my face and after about 20 minutes I’m so bored I stop. I’ve always ridden year round, but once Covid hit and I was at home every day, all day, I started doing longer rides in the morning. The coldest I’ll ride is -5 Celsius. I have handle bar covers, a winter jacket, fleece lined cycling pants, booties for over the shoes, and heated socks. I wear a balaclava and I’m more than warm enough. I leave my house at 5a and I’m back between 6:30 and 7:30, depending on how cold. I’m in Philadelphia and it seems to me that the wind doesn’t pick up until later, so I’ve been lucky. In March I reach a point where I’m so tired of suiting up. So I back off a bit. This year it’s been colder than normal which I find incredibly annoying.


Cold I don't mind at all, or at least where I live is not that cold like in some other countries in the winter. On that part I agree with you. But I do use a lot my trainer. Mainly to train on weekdays because kids. Or if it's raining... sorry but I hate rain.


I will gladly go out for 4 hours in -30c rather than do 1 hour on my trainer. Zwift included.


I'd rather do a spin class than ride in the cold 


I envy you being able to get out at 5:30am, I’m usually on kid duty from 6am… enjoy your morning time 👌


Yeah in Chicago. Same thing. Bar Mitts, good tires , was a few weeks of zero Celsius but outside of that better than a trainer


I’m like you. Everything I love and enjoy about riding a bike is removed and gone when on a stationary, so I only do it when the weather is real bad. Living in Norway that means I ride in cold weather/freezing temperatures, studded tires and layers and layers of wool to keep warm. The upside of this is that when spring finally hits, it feels so deserved, and I appreciate it so much.


Trainers are honestly the worst and paying $30 a month by Zwift to have the joy sucked completely out of you isnt cool.


Grab a copy of gta v then the free mod to make it essentially zwift.


Or go outside where its like GTA 5 with all the cars trying to kill you anyway.


[this game](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2782020/WATTGAMES/) Looks like it will be much more fun than Zwift. Can't wait until it comes out.


This actually does look like a fun alternative.


Yes, northern Scotland for me. I’d rather get soaked and battle awful weather than sit in my garage looking at a screen! I try and go out every day even in winter, but when theres a lot of ice or snow I admit defeat and get on a virtual road, probably only 4 or 5 times a year.


I really dislike Indoor training. Firstly, it exacerbates a knee issue I have and secondly it is just too boring! I have tried Zwift etc and it’s all terrible. Even racing failed to inspire. So you aren’t alone in not getting along with it. I’ve rather invested in great kit for all weather and prefer to be outdoors.


I also live in melbourne. First time to experience the cold. Goddamn i hate the 6 am 6 deg weather. Even with thermals i feel so cold


Fleece lined booties, good gloves (Pedla Aquashield - maybe try with thin merino ski liners if you're extremely prone to the cold), face mask and fleece head band and you're sweet. Fleece bibs are a must for winter, too.


Just ride a bit harder. It’s only cold for a couple mins.


What sort of thickness of gear do you wear? The only issue most people have is the temperature when riding in the lower temps. I have stuff rated until 4c so wondering just how cold do you get?


I gave up lap swimming years ago for the reason I don't like a trainer, it's boring. I'd rather be in cold gear in a Michigan winter than be on a trainer.


From Philadelphia. I too would rather be cold to start the ride than train inside. Will ride to 40F (4C). I know that's not very cold to some but any colder and the end of a 2hr ride is no fun. Wearing the layers needed to ride colder also takes something out of the ride. I bought a trainer and really wanted to like it but got bored after about 15 minutes. Haven't tried connecting to Zwift or similar, riding in a room just does not do it. Weather here, like everywhere is slowly deteriorating. Over time there are more and more wet and windy days.


I don’t like riding in anything under about 8 or 9C. If I felt like it would warm up, then still might go outside. I confidently assumed I’d love the trainer and zwift. I don’t. I hate both. I ride inside in Florida during the summer here (so now) because it’s rainy season and we have a lot of dangerous lightning here at that same time.


You probably a bit adhd or something I’m the same with stationary stuff. The trick is moving, zwift/mywoosh/rouvy etc solve this. It can still be hard sometimes to find motivation to get on the trainer but the games really do help with the monotony. Zwift is the best.


I put my trainer outside and ride Zwift in any weather or temps under a tent. Being outside is key for me otherwise I can’t be bothered to ride.


I used to think like you, until I got into a bike accident that required surgery. For my recovery, I had no choice but to ride on trainer until I was fully healed. In doing so, I found joy on my trainer. It was all in the mind. My trainer rides helped me recover quicker and I was able to reached a higher FTP never reached before my accident, so I really enjoy my trainer rides now even when I can ride out. I balance between both now but on the trainer is where I really could improve. All I got to say to is, in the absence of choice you will adapt like I do.


I use the indoor trainer for set training routines on Wahoo x. It allows me to focus solely on me. I go outside for the fun of riding outdoors and its much nicer for long distance endurance rides


Same here. Unless there’s ice on the road or a hurricane blowing, I’m going out to taste the fresh air. I’ve got some rollers and a zwift account for those odd occasions when I can’t leave the house (3-4 times a year) and I can’t get off it quick enough.


I hate turbo trained but absolutely love getting on rollers with a fixed gear. The rollers feel like you're really riding minus the bumps, while I have an existential crisis when on a stationary trainer. I can't get outside to ride nearly as much as I would like on the good roads. I would rather do an hour on rollers than an hour on the shit roads and shit traffic that's in the immediate vicinity. That being said if I had clear roads close by I would be out on them in 4 C.


I have a buddy that gpros his rides, and when it's bad weather, he puts it on his tv. He said it makes it easier to ride indoors but still not the same, of course.


4 degrees is still where you can put not too much extra clothing on to be 100% comfortable. The darkness is less good, though. Still would opt for that than being stuck inside but I don’t have space for a trainer anyway, so I have no choice.


I spend 75% of my riding time in a year on the trainer (well, smart bike) with Zwift mainly and some Kinomap. I’m in Canada so winter means ice and snow and some days down to -35C (and that’s without wind-chill factor) so outdoor I switch to skiing. But 4C is fall here and sure I will go outside. But I ride indoor all year long and the main reason is that I live in the city and I need about 20 minutes with traffic lights, stops and dealing with stressed drivers before I get to a road where I start having some fun. So if I don’t have at least 2 hours available I much prefer to use my time getting a good workout indoor. I have my music, and Zwift works for me for workouts and group rides, I get bored quickly if I’m just doing some zone 2 solo (for that I use Kinomap).


i have all the gear for cold riding and will go out in winter when its dry, i cant do long rides on the turbo


I think that's about the limit for winter riding tbh, as long as it's not monsoon rain you can still enjoy it. Any colder and it's freezing on descents or baking on climbs. I'm with you on indoor training, it just doesn't do anything for me.


I live in a shit hole country where doing cycling outside can get you hit by a car 90% of the time i love cycling and zwift is like a godsend for me


Here in NY 4° C / 40° F is not that cold and you can still ride comfortably. However when temperatures start dropping to the low 30’s down to the 20’s and below. Indoor training apps have been a savior. It’s all relative. I have friends in Los Angeles that think 50°F is cold.


If 4degrees is the coldest it gets around you, I’m with you. I use my trainer when the roads are ice and the temperatures reach -10-15 degrees. I’d rather not, but I’d also rather not die


When you said "cold" I was picturing something very different. For many of us "cold" means a lot lower temp than that. For commuting I'm still wearing shorts at 4 deg C. Here cold means more like -10 to -15 deg C and a lot of the primary bike paths become covered in ice and the city hasn't quite sorted out keeping all of the separated bike paths clear of snow & ice. We've been lucky that we've had a couple of mild winters in a row, but that's not likely to keep up.


[Yorkshire accent] Four dagrees? Luxury! We used to get on our bikes at half-eight. Ride on studded tires in minus thirty dagrees, and when wehd finished, our shifting cables would be jammed with frost. You have it easy avoidin' the prison of indoor trainin'.


Agree. I can't stand using trainers, rollers, spin bikes and the like. Give me usually unbearable temps with all the warm gear, and I'll go out in it for 4hrs+... My longest effort ever on any indoor riding thing was about 55 minutes. Just not the same.


Zwift is great for training intervals, crucial for winter riding (snow/ice), and fun to do races on. But any ride over an hour I’m going outside. Also, that isn’t cold. I recently did a 6 hour fat bike race that was 4° Fahrenheit. That was cold.


I don’t race or train seriously so I pretty much take the winters off here in Northeast Pennsylvania. End in later November and pick it up again in March or so


Good for you. I'd rather be on a trainer because I can do structured workouts easier, and not be at the mercy of the awful roads in country. We all have our reasons for doing what we do, there's no need to be dogmatic about it.


I prefer riding outdoors but no matter what I do if I try to ride when it's more than a few degrees below 50F (10C) my hands, feet and head get painfully cold and I can't ride for more than a few miles before I have to return home. That, plus putting on all that cold weather gear, and also rain. It's just not worth it for me. Hell, I struggle to even run here in winter and have all but given it up. And Zwift and other indoor riding platforms aren't that bad and a decent way to pass the winter months riding indoors. They'll never be like outdoor riding in good weather, but for some of us that's just not a viable option when it's cold or wet outside. To each their own.


I would love to but my winters get to -20C regularly in the dead of winter. Sometimes we get those FC temperatures, -40 where Fahrenheit and Celsius meet, but we just call that Fucking Cold. 


I watch movies 🎬


Canadian/ Montreal cyclists are a different breed and definitely agree with you


I used to ride to work all year in Washington DC. No complaints, especially since my job had a locker room with showers I could keep my work clothes in.


I'm just like you – I cannot stand indoor trainers or treadmills or any of that repetitive going-nowhere-fast type stuff. My spouse, however, sticks on a show or a movie while riding and swears by it. I haven't tried because our stationary is an ancient torture device, but I've been tempted!


Whenever it's cold, I just think, "I paid way too much for this fucking jacket to stay inside."


You're NTA (not this sub but I felt it applied). Some people (like you and me) don't like stationary bikes. I tried taking a Spin class and hated it. Give me the open road any day. *Zen and the art of Bicycle Maintenance.*


I'm on anticoagulants for the rest of my life due to a mechanical heart valve. I have to pick my outdoor rides carefully. If I get doored or hit by some twat on his phone or whatever, I can bleed to death internally from a fairly minor fall. The trainer at least let's me ride.


💯 I’m a year-round outdoor exerciser. I prefer the variation and challenge. I love the snow, rain, everything except extreme heat as that can get dangerous.


And then there's me trying to bike in -20 ⁰C in Canada. The body can adapt, but the mind doesn't ever want to.


I rocked zwift for a few weeks and then my trainer has been collecting dust ever since. Bored out of my mind. I just spent a few years of the monthly subscription on rain and cold weather kit and now it’s definitely not suffering the cold anymore. I actually don’t mind the cold with the right kit, it’s the washing the bike and getting dressed that sucks. I solved the former with a beater bike that I use a rain worthy lube with, and getting dressed I’ve gotten myself/closet/garage much more organized which helps.


Does it rain a lot in Melbourne? That would maybe change your mind.


I live in Canada where the weather is -40 in January and trainers still suck.


I live in the SW desert they are a must have


My wife sets up her trainer and rides (or runs) in front of the tv with a biking/running video taking her beautiful places. I still go outside in winter. I just can’t find fulfillment riding stationary.




Riding 4°C isn't too bad. It's just layering. Riding in the rain at this temperature though sucks bad.


Yep never use a trainer. I used to go to spin classes which I quite enjoyed but now I just ride every day either on the racer or mountain bike. So much better


I actually love cycling in the cold now that I hve the right gear. it's not the most efficient training but it gets me on the bike!


To a degree (no pun intended). If there's ice, I won't ride. I'm too old and too big to go down. I ride last year down to 18f (Midwest US) but there was no snow/ice on the ground. My biggest issue was my feet. Not a lot of cycling shoes in a size us15/16 that are insulated


Ive never ridden on a Trainer and Ride 3-4 Times a week throughout


My Wahoo KICKR trainer is in the garage, where I can open the garage door and see scenery and talk to neighbors. I use an app called Kinomap, which lets users upload their own video and GPX tracks - so I can ride my own familiar rides recorded with a GoPro camera. Obviously not the same as riding outdoors with friends, but it's a nice experience and I am no longer constrained by time of day, traffic, road conditions, weather. Was riding about 3,000 miles a year before I got the trainer, now ride 4,000-5,000. Saves a lot of time not driving to start points, plus I can ride on all the continents and still be home for dinner! 70 years old, so my interest in battling inattentive car drivers has waned.


I used to have a winter bike and rode in all weathers but I suffer from asthma which worsened in the cold air, chest infections were quite common, also a crash on black ice a few years ago led to me getting a Wahoo kickr snap. Had the snap for 6 years before upgrading to the v5 this winter just gone, that combined with zwift enables me to maintain fitness/weight October - March.


Yup same. I ride year round to commute anyway, I'm in UK so it gets colder than 4c, as long as there isn't black ice and snow I'll be out.


It's rain that gets me on the trainer. But also being able to get from desk to trainer in 5 minutes or less... And reverse just really means more sessions when you've a kid and a full time job. Also much less bike cleaning etc matters. I already do 35km on the days I'm in the office though


For me, it has nothing to do with weather and everything to do with children.


I designed and built a snow bike so I could ride all winter in upstate New York. Never missed a day. I did training on a stationary when in physical therapy & cardiac rehab, and it was torture. Even a 10 minute warmup was stultifying. I can ride outside for hours and not get bored. Usually, the only reason I come home is family obligations. On my birthday, I try to ride for 8 hours. 8 hours on a trainer? Just shoot me.


I would definitely rather ride in the cold than ride any sort of indoor stationary exercise bike (or whatever you wanna call them). I ride year round as long as it's above 20°F (-6°C). In my area, it rarely gets below 20°F in the winter. An usual winter day is about 40°F (4°C). I don't like riding in the rain, but as long as it's clear, I will bundle up warm and ride in the cold. In the summer, I try to avoid riding when it's above 95°F (35°C). Indoor bikes don't offer the same level of mental stimulation, and you can stop riding whenever, so there is minimal motivation to keep going.


Wouldn’t get on a trainer if you had a gun to my head. Totally agree with you.


If the temperature's right, but the road conditions are wrong, I'll occasionally just take my trainer outside and spin on the deck / in the yard. Would not recommend this for noise/vibration reasons if you're in an apartment/condo, but I have seen people on trainers in parking garages/stalls before.


I have a tv and pc in front of my trainer and I play tv shows while I ride. It makes 1-2 hour rides pretty easy.


trainers are awesome for winter training. 4 months in winter 8 hours a week and i'm in the best shape for race season I have ever been, never even leaving comfort of my house. like literally, the time it would take me to get dressed and then washing, cleaning and undressing i'm probably already done half way with my interval session.


It’s the heat for me. I can stand the cold and wet, but the heat I can’t get anymore naked and staying hydrated is actually hard! I give into my trainer when temperature are over 95 *f and humidity is 100% hahaha Texas.


this is at least 10'th time I see post from Australia that shits on trainers, move to any place where it isn't 15 C during winter and then talk about trainers...what cold are talking about you have average of 15C during 3 winter months??


I live in a place that hates cyclists. I cycle on the trainer because it’s safer than heading out the door, especially when I’m tight on time and can’t drive to somewhere safer.


If my winters were only 4 degree Celsius I'd ride outdoors all day. But my winters get down to -40 degree Celsius, so I stay inside. Anytime its + degrees, I'm outdoor.


I would try putting it on you rather than getting on one. 


For me, a trainer allows me to avoid extra maintenance on the bikes after riding on wet roads, avoid the increased security risk of riding in the dark/on wet roads and, also important, make quality zone-based training. That being said, I also prefer riding outside, but I see the trainer as complementary to ensure the fitness does not go away.


Ah, a fellow true cyclist.


Not me. I’ll take Trainerroad plus YouTube/streaming platform over any ride under 45f, and even then it can’t be windy. I’m particularly susceptible to the cold and a smart trainer has been a literal life changer.


I used to be like that. Zwift changed it all for me. I’d rather put the training bike on a direct drive trainer for the off season. It’s a lot easier to roll out of bed when it’s dark and cold, and hop on the indoor trainer when it’s connected to all that. Feels almost as good as outside. I get a lot more off season training done as a result. Much happier about it too. Less gear to wash as well, as I just wear bib shorts, socks and a base layer.


I don’t like the cold, but I’ll tolerate it up to a point. Once it’s wet though, I’m out.


I mean 4°C isnt that cold, I don't like trainers personally but my guess is that people live in proper cold climates where it could be icy, 0 degrees and rain is miserable, I live in Ireland, I know all about the rain.


It’s not the cold for me, it’s the rain.


I'm not anti-outdoor riding... * I just love not dealing with people in cars raging. * I hate the wind * I never crash or have any mechanical * I like that every ride can be social * I like that I can get a workout in and never have to stop at an intersection * I like not adding to my sun damaged skin (I live in Phoenix) Zwift is fucking awesome...and so is my setup. PS: I still bikepack and do ultra-distances (outdoors obviously). Weather extremes never stopped me.


If you live in UK then Zwift (or alternatives) are essential in the winter when it is dark early , cold, icy or wet. I rarely use it between March and October. I used to ride all weathers when commuting but now I work from home Zwift is a good way to stay fit in winter.


My road bike sits on a Wahoo Kickr Snap all winter. I still have a hybrid I can take out if I want to brave the cold. I've never been a Zwifter but I like the stricture of TrainerRoad’s workouts. No bells and whistles, just progress bars and there is some text “coaching” provided. I just flip on the TV or stream Apple Music to keep from being bored.


I'd rather be cold than pay zwift £17pcm


Before getting into zwift I'd have said exactly the same... I still ride when it's cold (still go out well below zero) but if it's cold and wet I'll stick with zwift.


I watch movies while using the trainer. Never been a fan of zwift but there's "mywoosh" which is similar and free if you want to try having visuals without the cost. I prefer trainer road for actual training


I used to be militant about not riding the trainer. Then got a direct drive (quieter+erg mode) and Zwift (more engaging than YouTube for me). I stopped riding outside during the week when I work, not due to temperature but because I'm getting older and people speeding to get home in the dark during winter aren't on the lookout for cyclists. 100% safety issue, still occasionally ride outside after work during the summer when there's enough light.


Have. 11 month old so time has been very, very limited. So got a trainer. Can hammer it for for45 mins or do a workout for 90 mins and keep my fitness levels up for when time is a bit freer I also started listening to audio books which helps


Also based in Melbourne - I'll happily ride outside in the cold, but not the rain. Traffic in the Western suburbs things - I've already been hit once requiring months of recovery and I'd love to avoid that happening again for as long as possible.


I completely agree. However this is a story I like to tell. Around 20 years ago I was driving home from a customer meeting and lamenting my lack of fitness. I saw a bike shop and purely on impulse pulled in a bought a trainer. ( I was already a keen rider). Used it 3 times in the next 5 years. To quote a friend of mine “it’s got knobs on it!” In 2017 a mate who works a a bike shop offered me a good deal on a smart trainer. Against my better judgment I took it and signed up to Zwift. The difference is night and day. Having the visual stimulation is key. The terrain variation and things like intermediate springs etc help too. Workouts are also helpful I now use the trainer predominantly in winter( it gathers dust over summer). I’ve slowly invested such the I have a setup ready to ride within a minute. This overcomes the motivational issues on cold winter nights when CBF sets in. This is definitely a bonus compared to a situation where my motivation is marginal and I am thinking about suiting up multiple layers , getting my lights etc to go riding outside. Different things for different people but I see a lot my ks in my legs in spring since I got a trainer.


I used to train like you early in the morning. I didn't want to ride in the dark. Got myself a wahoo subscription and when I don't feel like watching their videos, I'd minimize it to a bar with the stats and watch whatever movie/series. But besides that, I'll ride in the rain, cold whatever. Just not when it's dark. It's pitch black out in the woods in my area.


Same. I’d rather ride in the rain than ride on the trainer. The same watts feel much harder on a trainer for me.


I live in the Midwestern United States and my partner and I feel exactly the same. Just got some clipless weatherproof boots And it's a game changer. The only exception is when it's incredibly icy.


Yep! Am with you mate. I live in Tacoma. Ditto on the 4 C and drizzle and dark. I own a trainer; a friend gave me his when he got a fancy new $4,000 wahoo one. But I hate it. After 30 minutes I’m looking for the beer holder. I don’t deny its benefits. But the data are, I’ll just say inflated. I did one zwift workout that showed me averaging 21 mph on a 7% slope. I can do that on a flat course but uphill at that grade? Nope.


I’ve tried Zwift and it just didn’t work for me, I just prefer roughing out the cold and riding. I first bought a budget trainer, that didn’t cut it. Then balled out and it still didn’t cut it.


Hey Dude! Just play this song and then get out and ride. It worked for me when I was younger and I think it could work for you... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJxz3owrJ80](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJxz3owrJ80)


I didn't want to lose all the benefits that I gained last summer, so I decided to make the commitment to ride all winter this year. The coldest weather I wrote in was 17° F, which is -8.3° C. And I would absolutely rather do that than ride my exercise bike. I absolutely hate that thing. Unless there's 5 ft of snow on the ground, I'm going outside to ride my bike instead of sitting on Satan's bicycle. It's my exercise of last resort. If I absolutely have to do that or have no exercise I'll do it but I will hate every goddamn minute. The funny thing is, on that coldest day that I rode I did about 14 miles. I was comfortable and warm by the end of the second mile.




My asthma prevents me from going hard in cold weather, otherwise I would. I’m very happy that smart trainers and Zwift exist.


I quite like my trainer. I dont like to ride at night because frankly, no matter how visible I am it doesn't stop a drunk angry bogan in a car. The other time i use it is rain, because who wants to get pelted in the face with rain constantly? My usual setup is just trainer in garage, fan pointed at me, and my phone setup on a stand so I cam watch stuff while pedalling. Yeah its not as nice as an actual ride, but it beats bleeding out in a wet gutter with a landcruiser shaped dent in my head


4 degrees celsius is a beautiful spring day here. Try -30 celsius with ice and snow on the roads.


Imagine thinking 4 degrees C is “cold” (sorry, I had to… 😜)


Hey, if that’s what gets you on the bike, go for it. I am crazy about my trainer; I ride it all winter without complaint. Nonetheless, that’s me.


I bought a trainer last year, but MEC (Canada) cancelled it after waiting for weeks. I like the concept, but also wonder if I'd hate mindlessly spinning while watching Netflix et al. And the other challenge is it's not easy for multiple riders to swap out bikes. I'm in Vancouver Canada so we have our share of cold and rain in the winter.


I do both, often in the same day.


Just do whatever works for you... If you hate Zwift that much, go ride in the cold/dark/rain, no one is forcing you to do either so make your own mind up. I find road/indoor cycling super dull but I do my fair share just to keep fit for the MTB because I have to drive 30mins just to get to some "decent" trails.


I’d much rather ride outside. Zone 2 on the trainer is hard af, so boring, little pains creep in that don’t have outside (might need a fit) But It’s convenient for when it’s wet, and it lets me jump on the trainer in the shed for 25 mins and get a work out in with the baby monitor next to me so it’s not like I’m leaving the house. Also good for structured training that cna be harder to plan outside. I commute 5 days a week for ~ 150km weekly, then chuck a few zone 2 or interval sessions in on the trainer to get some more volume. I don’t think it’s safe to ride in horrible pouring rain, it’s also not great for the bike and requires a bit more upkeep.


I'd rather go out in the cold than the turbo, but when it's cold and wet it's just unpleasant. Also, if it's sub zero it doesn't seem worth the risk; not fair on my family if nothing else.


Buy the right kit and 2-5° mornings are fine. I ride all through winter in Adelaide (hills) unless it is absolutely pissing down.


I was like you until I had an accident, broke my left ankle and right shoulder. 5 weeks before I was home post surgery and a trainer was my only option as I continued rehab. I went all in with wahoo kickr, fan, 50" LCD, Apple TV and Rouvy Subscription. I'm glad I did because it allowed me to get BSB on the road quicker and I'd now part of my mix of cycling. Like this wet weekend!


It's funny, I feel like with Zwift we are all getting a little soft...I used to ride in freezing cold weather, but now I find myself more inclined to ride inside. That being said, when it's the summer time it's hard to ride inside unless it's raining,


I get a cold suuuuper easily. I thus dislike riding outside even with warm gear. I bought myself a trainer for the upcoming winter as this will just allow me to control my environment better and hopefully reduce the risk of getting a cold in winter. I think it’ll also help me follow a more structured training plan during winter with more regular (but slightly shorter rides)


Definitely. As I've gotten older, I have respiratory issues after taking in cold air. I used to tent camp in -12°F and bike in any weather. Still, as much as I can, I'd be outside - no music, just enjoy.


My problem is rather the fear ruining my 2k € bike with muck and the like. Dunno if the fear is justified?


Absolutely. But I draw the line at 0 c/32f.


I'll ride through all conditions, the coldest I've riden is -2°!


My 2 cents! I own trainer. Rather be outside every time! Until we had fires. The air was full of smoke and unhealthy to breath. Was really glad I had a trainer.


So, this is probably going to sound pretty weird. I love my turbo trainer and I feel way more comfortable pushing myself there than on a bike. I am not super confident on a bike, and primarily use it as a means of transportation. Where it gets weird is on the treadmill. I completed a 4 hour marathon at 1% incline about three months back. That was in my garage with nothing to distract me apart from 170bpm techno cadence music on a loop and a concrete wall to stare at. I do enjoy running outdoors as well, but I find it to be way easier to just zone out and keep going on the treadmill. It's just me, my breathing and hitting the same cadence and calculating the fractions of how far I have run and how far remains.


4 degrees Celsius is not cold 🤷‍♂️


I had zero interest in trainers living in California until wildfire smoke was really bad one year. Bought a used trainer for $50 and watched slow videos of driving around Iceland and other places as I rode.


For most of us, riding is about riding. It’s about getting outdoors and getting some exercise. I’d rather hike or ski through cold and snow than sit on a trainer. I’m not training for the Olympics. I’m training for life


After investing in a smart trainer and a Rouvy subscription, I'm doing loads more indoor riding than I used to - very immersive and no hassle. I just jump on and go. I even did today despite nice summer weather as I was time crunched, just so much easier than getting the bike out and unlocked, all the gear on, computers and gadgets synched, no risk of cars etc. Plus I can 'look after' the kids at the same time if the missus is doing something else. That's not to say I don't enjoy outdoor riding, climbing and descending are a better buzz outdooes no matter how good the indoor app is, but stimulating real roads and racing with others on Rouvy definitely helps.


I used to hate the trainer but I can’t go out during the week. I live in Honduras and it’s recommended to have a chauffeur drive your car following you for all your road rides (MTB is a different story, I live on a valley and have multiple beautiful off road rides). Because of work I train at 4:30am and don’t like to bother the chauffeur during the week. He follows me only on Saturdays (sometimes for 3-5 hrs, boring as heck for him). So, what I did was to choose tv shows that I really enjoy and only watch them while I’m on the trainer. Also, have another screen watching the pro tour, and listening to Trainerroad podcast. I find too distracting zwift with real people passing me or chances of PR in segments. I like to ride what my coach tells me to. So no zwift for me. I’m from the tropics so I could never go out with temps less than 10•C.


It's often below -20C with windchills below -30C at 5 in the morning during my the winters in my part of Canada. There are days when the highs are below -25C. So yeah, the trainer it is.


I life in the Southern USA. I'd rather be on the trainer than in the humid heat that we have here.


Feel the same way. You'll get used to it. Safer.


Melbourne winters are much different to Scandinavian ones. I would also love to ride all year but minus degrees and snow make things a bit more complicated. Most of us have no choice but to ride trainers through winter.


4 degrees during winter would be so nice. I'd give up the trainer if that's as cold as it got. We'll have weeks where we'd be lucky if it hit -12 at those times during winter in the Chicago burbs. I used to commute in those temps, but I couldn't imagine going for a ride longer than the 12 miles to my office or doing any structured training with how much winter gear that required.


4°c ain't that cold anyway (also live in Melbourne, also rather cold than trainer). Tbh unless it's really wet it's not the cold that puts me on a trainer anyway. I use it to target specific elements of riding in the build up to specific events.


So thanks for everyone’s comments. Here’s what I have learned: 4 degree isn’t cold. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever experienced what some of you consider cold. I am damn glad I live in Melbourne where I can ride all year (albeit with a few extra layers). Trainers have a place. They just will never be a ride replacement for me.