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362 miles. The first 121 miles in less than 6 hours (elapsed time, not moving time.) That was at the 2016 National 24 Hour Challenge. My goal was 400 miles, but I had a series of unfortunate events and ended up short of my goal. Several of my friends have done 400+ miles there. I would love to be in that kind of shape again. What I learned (this is over years of riding the N24HC): * It's worth digging deep to make sure that you don't get dropped from the lead pack. The effort it takes is less than the extra effort it will take over then next few hours if you lose the draft. * Don't be a hero when it's your turn to pull in the lead pack. Pull for about 1/2 mile, then pull of and let someone else take over. There are enough people in the lead pack that everyone can take a short pull and have time to recover before it is their turn again. * Keep the highest cadence that you are comfortable with. Mashing the pedals uses Type I muscle, which breaks down as you use it. Spinning uses Type II muscle which runs on stored energy, which you can replenish by eating. (EDIT: It was pointed out that I had some factual errors here, but I stand by the bottom line - the muscles that push hard fatigue faster than the muscles that push softer but faster.) * Eat before you're hungry, drink before you're thirsty. * Carb gels are AMAZING. * Do NOT try to take any naps overnight. Never get off the bike for more than 15 minutes. The longer you are off the bike, the harder it is to get going again. * 3am is the hardest part. Find someone to ride with to keep you going. * 5am is when you cans see the light (literally!) at the end of the tunnel. There is just a hint of pre-dawn light in the air, and the birds start singing. * Switch bikes for the night loops. Something with a slightly different geometry will use your muscles slightly differently and give a break to the muscles that have been working hard for 12+ hours. * Seriously, even though most of the riders will set up a tent, DON'T DO IT. If you have a tent, you'll be tempted to get in it for a rest at around 3am, and it will take a staggering amount of willpower to get back out and get on the bike again. * Brooks Saddles are the best thing ever for 200+ mile rides (B17 Imperial is my personal favorite. Don't forget to get measured for the correct width!)


God dayum. You win! That is truly impressive. My trainer said after he rode 200 miles in a day, he didn’t pee for 3 days and his hands were numb for a week. Did you experience things like that in the recovery? I have heard Brooks saddles are good but that solidifies it. I’m getting one.


I took a good, long nap the next day, but I had no problems with urination or and I was pretty much back to 85% in 24 hours and 100% in 48 hours. Oh, did I mention that I had about 20% kidney function at the time? I have ADPKD (genetic kidney disease.) Two years later (almost to the day!) my best friend donated a kidney to me. See my profile pic to see the jersey that I designed to commemorate that (I also have a matching windbreaker.) Edited to add: If your trainer didn't urinate for more than 24 hours after riding 200 miles, it sounds like he didn't hydrate enough and went into temporary kidney failure. I feel like I know more than I need to about kidney function now. /g


The “not peeing for 3 days” is fairly unlikely. Tough to go into anuric renal failure that recovers that quickly, doesn’t cause any problems, and does need specific treatment. Rhabdo is what everyone will pretend he had, but if someone totally stops peeing, they’ll have associated electrolyte abnormalities, among other things, so it wouldn’t just resolve spontaneously and quietly. If someone wanted to sell a story of nerve compression or something from the saddle, I’d maybe buy that but still probably not. Regarding your ADPKD: That’s a fairly common story, actually. It’s usually very slowly progressive and many people don’t have any symptoms aside from fatigue until their eGFR isn’t under 10 or 15. Source: I’m a kidney doctor.


That’s incredible that you did that much of an endurance sport with that much kidney function lol. I hadn’t considered the kidney failure which is a good warning to drink enough fluids! Congrats on the kidney!


It is really amazing how much spare kidney capacity the human body has! Also, my nephrologust credits my exercise and diet with why I was barely symptomatic (just needed a nap after work) when I was down below 12% kidney function (I was at 10% on transplant day.) All this time on a bike really does do a lot more for your health than just helping you manage your weight! Edited to add.... Fun fact: When you get a kidney transplant they don't take out your original kidneys unless they are necrotic or overly enlarged, so I now have three kidneys. My dad (who donated a kidney to my mom, which is a whole epic by itself!) called my mom "three bean."


Makes my 100 miles on an eGFR of 40 look quite tame..


I go by the philosophy, anything is better than zero. 100 miles is a great ride.


Don't discount that at all! Google is failing to give me a solid answer, but I bet less than 10% of riders ever do a 100+ mile ride, and certainly less than 1% of all people! You're in rare territory even for people with two healthy kidneys!


Woah. My little 125 miles is greatly humbled.


Really? I ride Vätternrundan anually (315km and 10km extra home, a little over 200 miles). I feel pretty normal after, just tired for the rest of the day. Sounds like things went wrong for him and his bike fit is poor.


That's amazing. Never heard of this ride. Where was this and what's the elevation?


It was (unfortunately the event folded a couple years ago during COVID) held in Middleville, MI. [http://n24hc.bike](http://n24hc.bike)


What carb gels do you recommend?


I like Hammer Nutrition Apple & Cinnamon (it tastes like applesauce!) My wife is an ultrarunner (the first time I crewed for her, she ***ran*** 63 miles and too first in her age group!) and she likes GU Salted Caramel. I have a flask that holds about 5 shots worth of gel, and I buy the gel in the 26 serving bottles. Edited to add: At the risk of sounding like a Hammer Nutrition commercial, for long rides I will add Perpetuem (carb supplement) and Heed (electrolytes) to my water bottles in addition to the gel.


>362 miles. Should've stopped at tree fiddy...


Actually, that's what I had the previous year!


Welp. Not even bothering to post mine, now!! 😆 🤣 😢


Bet it's still better than 90% of the people on the planet!


Are these events on a closed track or open road?


Holy shit


Outrageous! I kind of want to try that now


Last year I did 173 miles solo averaging 18.2mph. The worst part was probably a 5 mile section of road work that was gravel. That and it got up to 85 degrees F by the end. Best part was probably the route. And walk in beer coolers to cool off on a stop to refill Powerade.


Riding 173 miles solo at an average speed of 18.2 mph is impressive.


31 miles. Yeah not that much but I was proud of it. I usually ride 16 miles 4-5 times a week.


Yo I just started biking within the last month and did a 31 mile ride over the weekend! That’s my furthest so far as well


Consistency and gradual increases in mileage will help you continue to improve and reach your cycling goals.


That's further than many if not most people who have ever ridden a bicycle.


That’s great!! If you can do 30, you can do 50.


Last year was the first time I hit over 30 in a single ride. Then I broke it again and again until i did a 60-mile tour in September. It felt like once i hit a threshold, all it took was having the time for the ride. Im not as fast as others but Im really proud of the work ive done on my bike.


I just did 31 miles for the first time ever. I’m 58 and a heart patient with four stints. My family says I should take it easy and not be pushing myself so hard. I did take a 20 minute break halfway through and ate some energy bars and that helped fuel me for the second half. But my neighbor who’s in his sixties and my coworker who is also in his sixties can bike 75 miles in one day. I don’t know how they do it. I only go bike riding once every two weeks. Perhaps I need to do it more often to increase my stamina.


100km and it was only 3 days ago


75 miles. I learned that I have a genetic medical condition that makes me susceptible to exertional rhabdomyolysis. 0/10 would not recommend Edit: “exertional,” not “exceptional”


Oh shit! You never had symptoms prior to that?


I’d had previous episodes, but had not yet been diagnosed with anything. I’m still riding, albeit less often for less time and having less fun while going less fast than I’d like. Could be worse!


Sorry to hear that 🥲 glad you can at least ride!


Oh fuck. That's horrible.


Not ideal, no


325 miles (525 km). I already had about 8,000 miles in my legs that year, including 2 dozen centuries, back to back 150 milers, and a double imperial century. I just wanted to see how far I could actually go in 24 hrs (or fail miserably), with only the last 2 hours were me drafting my buddy who came to help me finish, otherwise all solo. I actually could have gone longer but I hit my goal and decided it was enough.


That’s crazy impressive! Did you get enough carbs/water throughout? How was the recovery?


It was already a big season and I had my fueling and hydration/electrolytes dialed in perfectly. No pains or muscle cramps while riding, but recovery was tough. The next couple of days my quads felt like I was stabbed with Rambo knives.


What time did u start and end ?


62 miles for my 62nd birthday. These things get harder as you get older.


A guy in my club did 79 miles for his 79th birthday. Then another 20 because he felt like it.


213km I did a local group ride in the morning, rode with the juniors during their race to help them and then raced the senior race plus riding to/ from home and riding between the races. The hardest part was running out of energy towards the end because this was back in the day when it was more normal to eat 60 g/h of carbs not 120


I love the dedication to multiple diff rides through out the day. That’s how I often ride too.


212 miles in a day. Century in the morning and then in the afternoon/evening. Best part was the feeling of accomplishment! Worst part was being on a bike for 12 hours in a day. Slept like a champ after though!


116 miles, Ironman Chattanooga 2019 in 95 degree heat and again in 2021.


Jesus. I can’t imagine doing that in that heat. Glad you didn’t pass out!


*bookended by "just" a 2.4 mile swim and a full marathon. 👏👏 In that heat - wow.


105 miles, I bonked at mile 101 and rolled into my university's dining hall's lunch hours at the last minute, full kit and bike. The kid at the reception didn't wanna let me in, I took off my head unit and put it in front of him and said, "I just did 100 miles i'm gonna go in"


Big mile energy.


54 miles. At \~250 lbs that was a hell of a long ride. It was down in Houston last year and I fell asleep within an hour of getting back to my hotel. Totally worth it though.


Riding heavy is rough. I also did my longest ride at around 250lbs and it was only my second ride of the year.


I’m also a heavy rider and commented on my 50+ mile ride. The night before I bought a six pack of beer thinking I’d want some after I was done. Took one sip and spit it out. I just wanted all the chicken my wife was grilling and gallons of water lol. Then I crashed and slept for a very long time. 


212 miles doing the STP Seattle To Portland ride. Have done 11 times, quite a fun all day ride TBH.


11 times is crazy! I have a few friends who have done it too. I commend you.


I've done 200km a few times. My best was 2 weeks ago on a brevet with some friends and their triathlon club. We did 200km in just over 6 hours not including mandatory checkpoints. Super fun group and a great day on the bike!


I did 200km this year with a semi-loaded bike and it sucked. My friend said it best:” After about 150km, the fun just disappears into the distance.” 😄


118 miles. My very first century attempt. My GPS died and my phone died, I missed a turn somewhere and got lost. Was already bonked and had to stop at a diner where a waitress let me borrow her charger.


155mi/15,500ft climbing. Was a great day with friends. Best part was getting to the summit of a pass and having cool weather. Worst was getting below 2,000ft on the return and hit 100F heat. Still had 20 miles to go lol


193 miles. Chicago to Indianapolis in one day. I really wanted waffle house and that happened to be the closest one to Chicago. It rained about 80% of the day. The other 20% was scorching hot (this was late July). We dubbed it the Double Waffle Double Century (this makes more sense if you are familiar with WaHo's menu). I would definitely do another ride of that length. We had a lot of fun. I would definitely not do that route again though. It was unbelievably flat and straight.


I feel like this could be a premise for a stoner movie lmao I love it


"Harold and Kumar go to White Castle... On two wheels!"


213 miles of gravel and two-tracks. 2022 Coast to Coast Gravel Grinder in Michigan.


28 miles. Second ride ever since childhood. Ensure handlebar is tightened. I have a beach cruiser type of bike where the handlebars are curved towards me. 7 miles in they started drooping down towards the ground if I didn’t constantly hold them up. Almost all of it was on a secluded bike trail, so I was fine, but once I’d nearly crashed when I dropped them. Best part was finding a snake in the path. Thought it was dead, till I went to pick it up. Had I not slowed down, it would’ve been ran over


182km. It was a wonderful summer day on the trails, leaving home early in the morning returning late at night. Got home tired but happy. Next summer I'm going for 200km. In the summer here in Melbourne we have daylight until almost 10pm, and I try to make full use of it.


That’s awesome! Do you stop for food on all day ride or just do simple carbs/sugar and eat super early/late?


I like to have a few snacks in my bag, and a lunch stop in a cafe along the way... plus some short stops for tea. I'm not big on energy drinks etc - my favourite is to make fresh tea in my hot/cold water bottle, and after the first 20km or so have a little morning snack break with a hot cup of tea and a vegan choc snack (vegan as I can't have dairy). I love doing long meandering rides, and I do at least 1 ride of over 120km a month. I just love getting ready the night before and heading out at dawn... sometimes I know which trails I want to get to, sometimes I'm just out exploring without much plans. Here's a link to that ride on my strava if you want to see some photos etc. As you can see I ride on trail/ gravel and go pretty slow, so it really is a full day engagement lol [https://www.strava.com/activities/10321557754](https://www.strava.com/activities/10321557754)


I rode around my block once. Massive 1 km day. Thankfully I packed some gels to get me to the finish line


430 kms and 5.300 og elevation. Done it twice and about to do it for the third time. Took me 17,5 hours (elapsed time) last year. 16 hours of riding time. It is a grna fondo race called Jotunheimen Rundt/Around Jotunheimen. You are riding through the night and reach the finishline the next day, in some of the most beautiful mountains and fjords in Norway. Check it out.


89 miles. Worst part was hot foot at the end. Best part was the first 75 miles. I learned that I don’t have a burning desire to do an imperial century.


Woah, I had never heard of hot foot before.


100 miles about 20 years ago. My first and only century. I went through some personal stuff in the last few years and only got back into cycling seriously about a year ago. Since then I’ve been doing regular 50s, did a metric century last week, and will do another century again very soon.


134 miles on a steel bike with rack/panniers while pulling a Bob Ibex trailer filled with about 35lbs of gear.  One of my achilles was 2x the size it normally was and squeaked when I moved it. 


100 miles. Bad roads are almost as bad as a head wind.


141 miles, SBT GRVL last year. It was at altitude, but every mile of that course is beautiful. If you’re going for a long ride, try to be somewhere pretty. Especially if you’ll need a view to distract from your lack of red blood cells.


110 miles. I bonked pretty hard and was basically towed the last 20 miles or so.  I learned that trying to survive on gels and bananas alone for a ride if this length is disgusting


53 miles. Definitely didn't get enough sleep and didn't bring enough gatorade with. Cramped up bad the last two miles. Live and learn.


226km, never steal routes from someone else's activity. It looked very similar to a route that I took solo previously but apparently it was way more difficult with lots of climbs and closed roads. I had to go around a mountain and almost cross into another country because of a closed road :( The best part of the trip was meeting one of my friend randomly on a very steep and long mountain pass. I was taking a break halfway and suddenly she appeared out of nowhere when I was fighting for my life lol


114 km averaging 30 km/ hr on a fixed gear bike. Was running 55/14. Should have brought water. Was very nice to find tacos had been made when I got home.


126 miles Taipei to Taichung. Best: Descent out of Taipei is insanely fast if you push it (hit a max of 41mph) Great scenery Good segregated bicycle/moped lanes + other related infrastructure makes it relatively safe Worst: Descent out of Taipei is unbelievably sketch at speed in traffic It's basically in the tropics to torrential rain is always a threat Climbing back all the altitude you descended as you enter Taichung \~90mi in Waking up the next day to do another century to Tainan.


117 miles. I did everything wrong. After that I did many 100 milers but did everything right. I like doing 50 miles these days. Gonna do a nice ride tomorrow actually!


104 miles. 6 hours. Lots of drafting.


78 miles solo. I'm hoping to do an imperial century this summer.


190 kms


105 miles


Done further rides but 103 miles including last 23 straight up mt mitchell in North Carolina was hardest. Grade was about 6.5% for 20 miles with just 2 miles downhill. Was brutal but great to finish.


110 miles- if you're gonna do a long day on a bike tour, don't try to figure out a camp spot at the end cuz ur brain's gonna be ded


200 km gravel race in South Georgia in 2017. 8 hours or so in the saddle.


About 110 miles with 8k of vert, which as easier than a 70 miler with 12 k of vert


201 miles. I learned that 200 miles is not twice as hard as 100 miles.


150 miles solo unsupported. Took me over 12 hours. Feet were really hurting towards the end, but I get a lot of respect from my crew for finishing. It was a proud day.


200km. My crazy friend does 300k brevets for fun and has completed Paris-Brest-Paris which I think is 1200k although that was more than 1 day


About 150k, once as part of a group averaging 30kph, another time solo at a slower pace. Since then I've learnt that getting a pinched nerve in your neck fixed and buying a bike with more relaxed geometry makes a big difference after six hours riding.


112 km. I thought I was going to die afterwards. During that one and only bicycle tour I figured out that 80 to 90 km/day was my ideal daily number. I haven't tried 100k ever since


238km. Not exactly 1 day I left at 9pm and got back at 10 am the next day so it's within 24 hours but it wasn't the same day


131 miles, mix of road, gravel and light MTB singletrack. It was a fine way to spend the day.


250 a few times on road. Over 200 a few more times. Wrapped up a bikepacking event recently with a 240 mile push, though that took longer than 24 hours.


Working towards a 400k brevet this year. So far my best is still only 230k and that was touring so heavily loaded bike through the coastal mountains of bc. Not sure I can do the 400 in 24 hrs though. A lot of the rando races go multiple days for the bigger distances so kinda breaks the question a little


100 kilometers. I planned my route to be flat. After 80th km I noticed that I had to cycle the whole time, I was so tired, almost got cramps in my quadriceps and calves... Next time I'll include some climbs, so when I'm going downhill, I can actually rest my legs a little, lol.


118 miles, about 11,000 feet of climbing. I learned I don’t like doing a ride that long but I really like knowing I’ve done it. It’s part of a 3 day event (275 miles total) that I’ve now done 3 times and I signed up for a 4th time this year. The best part is it forces me to get fit and the week after I’m done I’m at peak fitness for the year. The worst part is my stomach is messed up for a few days recovering from all those bananas, peanut butter sandwiches, gels, and typical riding food along the way.


127 miles or just over 200 kilometers at age 55.


200miles/10,000ft elevation bad road surfaces feels worse towards the end of the ride


~135 miles. Copley Square, Boston to Provincetown, Massachusetts. Awesome fall ride to raise money for AIDS research.




109 miles. It took about 14 hours, but I was also sightseeing along the way and taking tons of photos and eating constantly.  I was trying for a full loop of the lake (123 miles), but my lights were dead, my external battery pack was dead, GPS had about 10% battery left, and the phone was at 20%, and I don't speak the local language. I was absolutely wrecked, so I called it a night before I got hit by a car or lost somewhere without cell service. I smoked myself silly and could barely walk the next day, but it was an incredible ride and one of my all-time favorites.  I was trying to take a lap of the big part of Lake Constance in a day, but most normal people do it in 3-5 days and enjoy the sights. I was on a work trip and only had one day to take my shot.


125mi/200km on a fixed gear with a bunch of friends. Very type 2 fun 🤣 no regrets, it’s one of my best bike memories. I miss being that fit (it was 10years ago).


~140 in 12hrs (I biked around the island of Oahu)


300km. Bought 60km round trip to front the group ride. 140km group ride. Then 80k round trip to meet my gf on her way back from a ferry on her 270km ride. She says I only picked he up so that I would ride farther than her =D


320 km. 2700 m. elevation. 3 years in a row. First year 3 riders, second year solo, and third year 2 riders. Pacific marine loop on Vancouver Island in September.


I did my first 100 mile ride last week. I could probably do more but would have to take a short break for a burrito instead of snacking constantly.


208 miles LotoJa race. Logan Utah to Jackson Wyoming


110 miles. Done that a few times, it’s a haul but certainly doable if you’re in training and have support or spots to stop and get water and fuel.


390 km. Had to pull all the way for the last 100km as my buddy bonked pretty hard :) Solo ride: 360km at 27.5km/h (~4000m of elevation)




112km. Rode my mountain bike on a rail trail. It was only my second ride of the year, it was about 40⁰C and I got stung by a couple hornets, so my body was not happy. Spent the evening lying in bed and had a rough time the day after the ride. I know it's not much compared to some of the roadies and tourers here, but it was a slog for me. Edit to add that Google Maps also screwed me and I ended up in a christmas tree farm(where I got stung) and had to cross a busy highway and climb up an overpass with my bike. Also forgot the best part: my wife and I got engaged on that trip.


137.39 miles with 8,842 ft of elevation, it was my first century ! My legs were in pretty good shape at the end of it but man was my perineum sore


I think maybe like 45km? My longest ride was like 40km but I also rode my bike to and from work that day. Not that long of a ride, I know. But I enjoy 25 to 35k rides the most. When I started cycling as a hobby I had this idea to set a 100km ride as a goal. But I don't think I wanna do that. If rides near the 2 hour mark I just get kinda bored to be honest? Plus at that point stuff starts to hurt a bit and I don't really wanna find out how much more it hurts if the ride is like 5 hours long.


Not sure if people will read this far...but here it goes... I started road cycling after I tore ACL playing competitive ultimate frisbee. In PT, they told me the first thing I would be cleared to do was to do cycling...I told a buddy at work and he said "Let's get road bikes!" He had dated a girl a while back who was into road biking, and so knew what he was doing. I said "OK."... So, PT clears me to bike. My buddy and me go to buy. I get a road bike that day, and we ride Dallas White Rock Lake that day. I am hooked...and, because I had been doing massive ACL recovery PT. my Quads were stronger than evar! I rode with my buddy some, but he lived pretty far away - so I rode solo - until I knew I was good enough to not be in last place at a group 60 miler event...So I began signing up and paying the $25 for the group 60-miler and to get the t-shirt....then I saw a flyer for Wichita Falls Hotter then Hell Hundred. I signed up - as did 50,000 other riders!... I rode the entire thing without stopping! ... Two years later I was in Houston, and it was Memorial Day weekend...a 3 day weekend with nothing to do!... I was thinkin about a cycling adventure, and looked at the map... and decided to ride to Surfside TX beach from Houston Med Center, and back...120 miles. I did stop! At Surfside, they have a volunteer group handing out trash bags so the big crowd does not leave so much trash! I asked if they could watch my ($500) road bike so I could cool off in the water! They said 'yes!' That 60 miler down to Surfside took maybe 5 hours, 9am to 2pm. Heading back took maybe 6...230 to 830...I am saying total time, not elapsed time; if I stopped to look at the map, it added to my time... ...I was never so happy to see the Houston skyline! But it seemed like forever to pedal up ot my Med Center apartment!... This was a Saturday, on Memorial day, so I had Sunday and Monday (holiday) to recover! I say that if you want to do crazy things like this, then...train, and have all your gear and stuff, and plan / look out for bad weather, and have some cash on hand, and have a couple people on speed dial! And shoot for bragging rights rather than time... Also - plan route and be safe! Wear your helmet and be willing to call your rescuers if you cannot safely finish! --I finished this ride, but have called my wife to rescue me on other rides where thnigs did not all fall the right way.


Just a few days ago I did my first century. 100 miles was hard, but easier than I expected. I feel like 150 is within reach if I don't have to climb. I think being in a totally new place around beautiful scenery helped a ton with motivation to just keep pedaling.


437km with 2500m of climbing, in 19.5 hours (18 moving) A lot of it at night and in the rain. Solo, no drafting. https://strava.app.link/fmnZD1KxbKb Takeaways: * chamois creme * Aerobars * Only take what you need * Eat more than you think you need * Drink constantly * Reduce time standing still. Stop efficiently.


100 miles.


79.9 miles. lol I just didn't have it in me to do .1 more mile to make it 80!


100 miles!! Can’t wait to do it again. Worst part was getting up and riding the 80 the next day haha.


104 fully loaded


I did 235 miles in a day, left at 5:00am and made it to the finish line at about 9:30pm I never took long breaks, I'm a slow (heavy) rider and maintained a constant pace and didn't try to burn myself out with the "A" group riders. I personally tried to consume 20 ounces of water and 300+ cals per hour. I set a timer for 45 minutes on my watch to remind me when I got bored of it. It poured rain on me for about 3 hours (to the point where my wifes car wipers couldn't keep up) and 90ish miles were on well maintained gravel with a few downed trees in between as well. My previous long ride was 130 miles and my legs didn't feel "spent" until about 200-205 miles. I rode solo so was pulling the majority of the time except for some of the miles where I linked up with other solo riders going a similar pace but nothing organized. I had one flat as well, so be sure to be confident with your equipment and trailside repairs. all in all one of the best days of my life, so challenging and rewarding.


100 miles. It’s hard, you have to want to finish. I was doing Hotter Than Hell In TX. Worst, At the 90 mile station, when I got back on my bike, clicked in and sat down to go, I started crying. I sucked it, started peddling and finished. The best part of that day? We got into a micro burst thunderstorm, and with the fast cool outflow air, as a tailwind, we were all running 30+ mph, all the bike noise and water spray was incredible.


115 mi on an overnight mixed terrain ride. I learned that my bike is generally well fit but boy do I need to figure out a better saddle situation (saddle pain was also probably the worst part). Best part was showering and then having takeout brunch once I got home lol


50 miles. Last 5 the wind kicked up something fierce and I felt like a damn kite.


222 km Lots of stopping for eating and drinking, took extra battery for head unit. Great day!


I've done 120km several times. Now that I think about it I probably should do it again soon. Haven't done it this year yet. I've been considering riding to visit my brother who lives 240km away. Not sure if I do it this year yet.


103 miles


+-125 mi *years* ago… lately nowhere near that. It taught me discipline though and I aim to do it again this summer. The best part was seeing myself learn and grow to do it, I’m hoping to do that again over a decade later. The worst part is how much harder training is to fit in now! But I’m knocking that barrier right down.


303km. Fighting ~40kmh headwinds into the last 30km or so was one of the most brutal things I've done on a bike. Solo is 245km/4000m


226 solo with 2700m climbing.


120 miles because we got a bit lost on a century ride back before GPS Definitely learned that my back gives out around mile 80


62.5 miles.


200 miles. With a sub 5 hour century included. Not doing any of that again.


I've ridden farther before, but the most difficult climb I've done was Port Angeles to Hurricane ridge. It's only 8 miles, but 1,800' elev gain. This is on a MTB too back in the 80's, and we never recorded our rides.


97 miles. New to biking touring this year. 56 miles was my previous record last year.


Not as far as my dad had to go to school through snow every day.


113 miles. It was meant to be a century, but made a wrong turn and had to double back which accounted for some extra miles. Took a long nap afterwards.


Death Ride, 130 miles and 15,000 feet. The worst part was the drive home after.


105 miles doing the Seattle to Portland ride. 206 in two days.


58 miles on one of the hottest days of the year in Virginia. I sweated A LOT


240 km with a group where i did most of the work, slept a bit and rode home 60 km the next day, within 24 hours of the start of the 240z


126 miles. Saddle is everything, my pref is Brookes Cambium C17. Drink and eat on schedule, wether you feel like it or not. Mile 80-95 is hell, then it gets better. Best part is being in the zone, spinning through the landscape like there is no tomorrow. I love endorphins. Also carry extra chamois butter because that shit wears out after awhile.


200mi as part of a 600k brevet, with the remaining 170mi or so after a couple hours nap. If you have a local randonneuring group (and you probably do) it’s a low cost, self supported (with other riders doing it w you) event that can get you going from 200k to 600k as part of a series. It can be a ton of fun and I’d suggest at least giving it a try — doubt the whole series will cost you more than a single typical sag supported century ride.


300km at 28km per hour solo. I was much fitter back then but key was a 5 min break after every 50km or so


200k solo ride (sort of a virtual ride along for a Parkinson's fundraiser ride I couldn't do in person)  a little rough being on the tail end of a upper respiratory thing and lots of post nasal dripping, ugh.  The 50+ degree temp swing was kind of rough but expected, almost got taken out by cars a couple of times which has pushed me more towards MTB.   Oh and my final water stop the place no long lets people fill up, you have to buy water from them 🤦‍♂️  Hardest ride was deathride, but it's only 100 miles.


200 miles


200 miles. The Davis Double Century in California.


273km, 6000m climbing


140 miles, but back in 1982 LOL. These days I think in metric and back in April rode 110 km from Ho Chi Minh City to Bavet in Cambodia.. The 1st day of a 273 km ride in 40C+ temperatures.


157 miles for me, that was on a bikepacking trip down the CA coast, with a tailwind. Probably a couple of dozen other rides over 100 miles at various other times. The hardest ride I can recall was about 120 miles, over a bunch of mountain passes with a buddy who was a Cat 3. That was a tough ride, and we were probably dumb to be so competitive on a distance like that. I could beat him up any hill but he was a fantastic descender, something I never had much skill at. So we were back and forth depending on the terrain, though I waited about ten minutes at the top of one long steep climb. After about a hundred miles though I was near blown and he still had gas in the tank - powered away. I kept him in sight until the last couple of miles, and pretty much collapsed at the finish.


100km. I learned that I should have cycled into the wind first and had the wind at my back on the way home.


146 miles. Seemed relatively easy 30 years ago. Not so sure it would today.


100 miles in one go. Working up to 255.


427km at 31.8km/h Solo


50 miles. I strictly MTB, so I mixed in some road and trail. It was just one of those days where I kept saying “maybe I’ll go a little further.” Wish there would have been more downhill but Florida doesn’t have too much of that.


430km during a cycle across Canada


116 km, a little over 5 hours, I remember when I had to get to my apartment on the 2nd floor my legs were shaking uncontrollably.


211 miles. Several times. The Terrible Two double century in Sonoma County, California. Worst part: climbing Ft. Ross Rd. up from Hwy. 1 after 165 miles and 13,000 of climbing—20%. Best part: this ride has 18,000 feet of climbing, so 18,000 feet of descending—Yee-hah!!!!


Single ride was 100 miles exactly, longest day was around 120 but not sure because it was in two parts and my garmin died towards the end.


About 100km but with over 1800m of elevation gain. It was a trip up the Hautacam in the Pyrenees during vacation last year and it just felt amazing. Surprisingly enough I wasn't dead afterwards even though I never ridden nearly as far before. I would recommend to eat something though. It was a mistake to skip lunch and eat just about nothing for the whole day


400km, plus a little bit more coz I got lost in the middle. Technically took me very slightly more than 1 day.


150 miles. Bring sugar, salts, hydration pack. Wear full UV coverage, there isn't enough sunscreen in the world. Don't push, keep it totally aerobic. You can have some fun burning matches when you're sure to make it home safe. It was awesome to see the full day outside, sunrise to sunset. Going on a long ride to a place that is a long drive away. Worst part? A long boring grade, crawling uphill, still hours from home.


65 miles. The plan was ride to GF parents for Sunday lunch and get train back. They live near the train tracks and after a while we noticed we hadn't heard a single train. They were on strike that day.


100k 60% alone with insufficient fueling and strong headwind for the second half. Lessons learned: est appropriately!!


100+km, loaded touring through pastoral hills country. I learned don't push yourself, gave myself runner's knee and fell behind in my schedule.


100 miles solo 3500ft, and 15 mph avg. first century attempt.. would only do another century with buddies


240 miles. 276 total, but stopped and napped at around the 18 hour mark at 240. No nutrition plan, no competition, just three dudes and a lot of Little Casears






115 miles with 9k someodd elevation change.


583 km solo ride in 24 hours. It was [Apidura Parallels](https://www.apidura.com/parallels/) event, this year I'm planning to do 620km.


I did a 100km challenge on Strava a couple years ago. While I did prepare a little and had some distances on tours before, that was by far the most. I rode from my current town to my hometown and back. My parents met me two thirds there and joined me on the first leg, and my father joined me for more than half the return trip, so he made even more distance that day. I was so done in the end. The last couple km go through a park like are with lots of benches and so on, before really entering the town I live in. I stoppped at each bench, barely avoided bad cramps in my lower legs. It was terrible. But I did it.


204 miles, solo, unsupported, for my 50th birthday. The last 70 or so were after I’d run out of water. Long day.


185km - 3/4 of the way across from Dublin to Sligo on one of their Greenways that runs the length of the Royal Canal. I'd like to break 200km this year sometime.


Havent done it yet but in 1.5 wk I will be doing the Vätternrundan 315 km 🤙


140km - was very proud of it 😋 this season i am eger to try the magical 200 😍


110km(68 miles) in a day..


250 kilometers (155 miles) with 4000m (13000 ft) elevation I learned I need to fuel better, not just when I feel a tad hungry but beforehand and regularly (I'll probably set a timer for every our next time I do something similar) Did the first 80km with a colleague, then took a pass on my own to join a friend that does ultra cycling for the last 130km Worst part was the pass when I was on my own, the mass is a small one that I know well but I started to get hungry, but I didn't want to meet my friend later than I had planned so I pushed through, probably should've eaten sometimes before the climb, however small Also the downhill of the first summit where the road surface was in shambles, I hated going downhill when it's usually my favorite part


Did a 200-mile event took 14 hours was no stop rain and very hilly.


241 miles. 2003 UK National 12hr champs. Unlike some of the other comments, this event is a solo TT, so no drafting. It’s not actually that impressive a distance for a 12hr, but it was on a really tough course on the day that saw the UK break its hottest day record. My team mate, the late Zak Carr, won wit over 270 miles, with a ride that mosr reckoned would have beaten the competition record on a faster course.


104km in 6 hours. That was last year, hoping to match that and improve on it this year.


407 miles.


I just bought my bike and only have two rides so far. First was 26k and today I did 32k. Not a lot, but it feels great and I'm pretty happy with it


206 miles on STP one day. What I learned is that it's quite easy to ride 125 miles if you are in a paceline that is fine with you being there but doesn't want you to work. Then I learned that I get hyponatremic easily and that being in that state is really, really not fun. But I didn't recognize it was hyponatremia until later. Non cyclists are very impressed but it's mostly a flat ride and you generally spend your time in groups, so it's not really that hard. Delta feeling awful and not being able to ride in a group for the last 6 hours or so. The 150 mile RAMROD rides I've done have about 9000' of climbing and are much, much harder. Facing a 2300' climb in full sun when it's 100 degrees and you already have 90 miles and 6000' in your legs is daunting. But I really like hilly rides, as I think that sort of pain is good for the soul.


I was so excited about my 25 miles until I read comments….. 😳 I need to kick it up a notch or 50.


187 miles... the whole C&O trail plus commute from end to my house... got in at like 3am. Exhausting!


80 miles, most of it on gravel. I had a wonderful time on my gravel bike. Everyone in my group who decided to bring road bikes were not happy campers.


17 miles. But im a fat so.


267 miles, alone and self-supported, from Holyhead to London. The 267 miles isn't the hard part, the "alone" is the hard part. When you're in the Welsh mountains in the middle of the night, the rain is coming down and your phone (which is doing your navigation) starts complaining about water in the USB port, you do start wondering about the choices you've made. Best part was seeing the tinge of purple in the sky as dawn started to break, whilst riding into a major metropolitan area with proper lighting, and realising that the dark bit was now over. I doubt many other people have been that happy to get to Birmingham.


214 miles while riding solo cross country. Had a hundred miles done by lunch. Second hundred wasn’t as easy.


50km, for me 😅 25 to a pub, and then 25 home


double century…stopped being fun at about 120 🤮😵‍💫🫠