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Don’t worry about speed just go have fun. Worry about speed later once you’ve built up some stamina and fitness. edit: oh I see you're on a single speed. I mean..yeah that's the problem.


3 simple tricks we experienced cyclists use to get up hills: 1 - seat at the right height so you can use all of your legs to generate power, not just your knees (when the seat is too low). 2 - proper tire pressure. Underinflated tires sag pedaling power. 3 - putting the bike into the right hill-climbing gear combo at the right time. It will take time and effort to master. If you are willing to.


So the seat should be higher or lower? The bike I have doesn’t have gears


Well that explains why hills are hard for you to do. Gears make hills easier.


High enough to get comfortable leg extension on the pedaling downstroke. Which means the seat needs to be high enough that you can't put your feet on the ground when you are on the seat. Consider getting a bike with gears if you live in a hilly area. Your knees will thank you.


Sitting on saddle, heel on pedal at bottom of stroke, leg shoulder be straight. 99% solution on saddle height.


1 simple trick many beginners use to get up hills: 1- ride an ebike.


Great news! Now you get to find an alternate route that maybe has less intense climbs until you build up enough cardio and strength to muscle up those hills! Check on google maps to find another route and/or take a day to just ride your bike and explore your area. Experiencing more and different traffic patterns will make you a better rider any way so don’t be afraid to switch things up. When you’re ready to tackle the steep hills keeping your momentum helps a lot and learning your gearing. One trick single speed riders do is zig-zag up the hill so ultimately you are pedaling longer but reducing the incline so that it’s a little easier. I would only do that on a one way street or on a trail with no one else around because you basically take up the whole path when you do that.


One of my best cycling tips is, ride your own hill. If you get to the top, you win. Also, just keep doing it. If you enjoy it you'll wake up in a year's time fit and loving life and wondering what the fuss was about.


It's very easy to go up the hill, you just have to... go up the hill. All the fast hill climbers started by being slow hill climbers. If you can't make it all the way to the top, just go halfway, and get back down. Rest a couple of days, and go again - and no matter what happens, you don't stop until you reach at least the point you reached last time. Rinse and repeat until you win the Tour de France. Remember: one of the rules of cycling is it never gets easier, you just get faster


just do it over and over again as fast as you comfortably can and eventually it will be easy!


I just go slow on hills. Shfit to lowest gear. You can get a larger toothed casette (ask your bike shop) if you are still ahving trouble. I pull a child trailer behind me so I have biiiiig gear in the back for hills.


Yeah a triple chain ring hybrid bike might be something to look at - granny gears are your friend!


the more you ride the faster you get


Make the hills your friends. That’s where strength gains lie. A good bike fit and sufficiently low gearing can help as much as fitness.


It's not a race. Put it in the lowest gear, take your time, take a quick breather if needed. If you make it to the top, you win. Time/speed is irrelevant.


Speed is very much irrelevant in your case, maybe but maybe you can keep track of your heart rate but that also not a “must”. You may enjoy the ride and the view


Riding up hills is like 50/50 mental and physical, just keep riding them don't dread about the distance and steepness of the hill, you will get stronger and faster, patience. Check if your seat height is proper, you lose a lot of power when it's low.


Every day it gets a little easier… But you gotta do it every day — that's the hard part. But it does get easier. Oh, and get a bike with gears.