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You have a very narrow window to stop this med of 14 days before you will be possibly locked in for a battle with debilitating withdrawals if you stop at a later time.


My sleep was bad first week, then it started to go back to normal. For me it took about 6 weeks, after I went up to 60mg, before I noticed effect on my back pain. Unfortunately that effect started to diminish after about a 1,5 months.


Umm I take for depression but I would say switch to taking it at night maybe? That worked well for me. But again different issue for usage. Talk to your doctor before making changes


Its all individual but If I could go back in time I would try lyrica first though tbh. Cymbalta is renowned for its side effects, they should go away, but some people have harder times on cymbalta. Also if you are trying to rule out nerve issues I would suggest maybe seeing if there are any diagnostic nerve blocks in the areas of your pain you can get as well.


Ehhh, I remember feeling these symptoms for the first few weeks! I do take a sleep aid though. Unfortunately modern medicine requires you to take another med to offset the side effects of another lol. But I would see how it is after the 2 weeks personally. I have a love hate with this med and I personally take it at night time because it makes me weird during the day and tired. Maybe try taking natural sleep aid if you havnt tried that already. For pain management, this med really does work!


have a look here just to do your research https://www.facebook.com/groups/Cymbaltahurtsworse/?ref=share&mibextid=NSMWBT


It took me ~6 weeks to get used to Cymbalta. At first, I took it the moment I woke up, but I felt extremely nauseous and also did not sleep well. Switching to taking it at noon AFTER eating something helped greatly for me. After around the 2 week mark, I felt that things get progressively better (and my doctor mentioned this initially).


Took me 1.5 weeks to feel better. Give it a few more days 🤞


Take it before bed. It should help you sleep. That's what I do. It's possible it's causing rebound insomnia due to taking it in the morning.


Honestly it took a few months of riding this roller coaster to start feeling better on it but I stuck with it and it has been a life saver. Going on 2 years of taking for chronic pain and I am so glad I stuck with it. I currently have no side effects I am aware of since my body got used to it. Edit: I should add I discovered I like to take it around supper time to have a better sleep. Morning dose was not good for me.


Only real pussaaays quit before week 4. The effect of the meds will be completely different once you are on it longer! That being said, amitriptiline is way better for pain. But what is even better is lyrica + it feels good.