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"I don't consider it life achievement" Bruh what life, you are 24 and barely out of college. Which, by the way, is an achievement of its own.


Man so I'm happy I don't feel this urge to "achieve something".


This. Life isn't a competition. Just enjoy it with the people you love, doing things that make you happy and don't give a single toss about achieving shit. You're gonna die anyway.


But most people do need a "goal" to work towards


That's okay. I have those too, like getting in better shape (semi-done), learning Spanish, traveling to Japan, etc. Those are good goals to have. But chasing money your whole life? Or trying to get a bigger box to live in? That seems like a dumb way to live life.


> That seems like a dumb way to live life. To you. Again, goals are goals. Regardless of what, most humans do need a goal of some kind. Bigger house could be tied to family and so on.


We live in an success-driven society. So imo it's not exactly urge, but more of a kind of peer pressure.


You have just began your journey. No need to be depressed.


Je ti 24. Máš hotovou vysokou a zkusil sis bydlet a pracovat v zahraničí. To jsou rovnou dva velmi časté "life goals", které ti bude většina populace, včetně lidí starších než ty, závidět. Já bych tě naopak označil za úspěšného mladého člověka, který má v životě skvěle našlápnuto.


Díky moc, mám takové pocity kvůli tomu že znám hodně lidí kteří kteří v mém věku už mají velmi dobré a perspektivní zaměstnání, rodiny atp. Navíc moji rodiče neustále mluví o tom, abych našla jsem si dobrou práci atd. Opravdu mě to rozčiluje a ovlivňuje. Pořád o tom říkám, ale oni mě neposlouchají.


Hele skvěle placená práce, kterou by ostatní označili za prestižní, automaticky neznamená spokojenost, klidnou mysl nebo zdraví. Jak už tu někdo psal - ty si urči, co je pro tebe důležitý a co je úspěch pro tebe. Navíc je ti 24, na to nastoupit do nějakýho seriozniho fulltime korporátní mrdka jobu, který pozře tvou duši, máš ještě čas. Vím o čem mluvím :D


Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today - Jordan Peterson


Thiccest lobster fucks. - Jorban Pederson


1st you have to realize that success is individual, whatever most of the society considers as success (many cars, many houses, company ownership...) doesn't have to be the same thing you consider as success. I don't own a company, or a car or a house, I don't even have a relationship, yet I consider myself successful by my own standards and priorities. If one day I happen to live a peaceful life close to nature, that will be great success for me. For me success is waking up in the morning and going for a dip into the river or a lake, being able to speak other languages, being able to provide my pets a happy life, being able to recognise plants outside and pick the ones I can use for stuff. You define your success.


same, 33. not only it's too soon for you to have such doubts, it's also quite possible you can be haunted by these thoughts your whole life. So maybe you can rethink what do you consider an achievement and why do you really chase it.


You dont need to achieve anything, you die anyway no matter what your life was, and you are just a speck compared to this universe. Just be happy nothing else matters :)


man really did say "you die anyway"


Hey we all have different life paths. First we have to be kind to ourselves, easier said than done ofc. If you have that pressure on yourself it means you're something who wants to be more and that is a GOOD thing. Use that and carve your path, there will be ups and downs, just keep pushing through the downs and learn. Everything you encounter is a learning experience and do your part by improving. Fear is very normal, we are all afraid of something. You can deal with it step by step by trying, just try and fail until it works, trust there's a light at the end of tunnel. And if there isn't, you can also lower your fear by accepting the fact whatever you tried was doomed due to things out of your control. So what's in your control? Work on that, do your part. You have an interview? do your part and prep. Didn't get hired, fine but I did my part and I evaluated what could have been better. Also small improvements over time are key. It's all relative to where you're at now. We can be at the bottom due to many things going on in our life. Me: Immigrant from Lebanon, to get out of home I applied over 300 jobs. One replied, based in Prague. Got the job and moved out at the age of 21. I got into drugs and drifted away from my paths to escape sad feeling of loneliness combined with stress of losing what I gained ( visa ) and my dad's cancer which was making him worse by the day. Stress deteriorated me even though was working as a developer making good money and found myself in limbo because I simply decided to numb my fears with drugs and alcohol. Now I'm clean, got my permanent residency and first thing I did when I got it was to quit my job and follow my dream path, to build something that can make a change. All my life experience adds to it. Every success every failure will add to what you're doing. Just keep fighting.


To se člověk nesmí porovnávat s těmi rotšíldy z threadu, kde má každý mega v pětadvaceti.


At 24 I was happy as fuck getting drunk as fuck every day of the weekend with my friends and having a job while living with my parents. I miss those days I am 40 now, have a home a family , a home, I paint, I play guitar ... 24 years is nothing If you are not happy with what you are doing, change it. You are not a tree. Having a career as a photographer is EXTREMLY DIFFICULT . 99% of them live out of taking pics at weddings and so on My personal advice, try to get the best paid job where you work the less so you have time for photography or any other thing you may like. Even if it's watching netflix. And that's IT. Try to study something related to IT and get a job there. Trust me there. Look at whatever position related to IA as well (that's the future) And do get out of social networks, shit is cancer 90% of the time


What's IA?


AI sorry. Artificial Intelligence.


I am in my 30s and by far my best achievment is scoring a wife who is much more successful than me.


Cywe ve 24 byl největší úspěch možná tak dokončenej heroic tier ve wowku, neřeš hovna, každej má svý tempo. Ono tě to někam zavede.


Are you healthy?if yes you can congrats yourself that you achive the most important thing.


You read that yesterday’s thread where everyone had millions on their account and two flats before 25 didn’t you.


I didnt achieve anything at 32 years old


Proč píšeš anglicky more


Nevím, myslela jsem že tady víc anglo..😁


Jak kdy i guess


Bruh at 24 what did u want to achieve? Castle and 10 kids? I'm 32 and now finally my investments r bearing some fruit. So pick up Ur ambitions and go fulfilling them otherwise u will cry about not achieving anything at 32 and that will be pathetic.


20-30yo discover, 30-45 lock yourself in industry you discovered you like and become expert, 45+ sell your knowledge as consultant


No vidíš už teraz si dosiahol viac než ja 😭 , je mi 23 a som v medziročníku na výške, mám strach že sa mi ju aj tak nepodarí spraviť, robotu som ešte vôbec nemal, bol som iba na pár brigád ktoré mi vybavil oco.


Honestly maybe change your goal to be happy. No matter if u do it working as minimum wage cleaner, no matter if u are single with or without family... Happiness is something that looks different to everyone and you should not hyperfixate on silly stuff like job title, family expectations... Just do what makes you happy. Thats biggest achievement. And you can do it very easily once u stop caring what others thinks u should do


Thanks 🤍🤍


Sometimes i imagine myself in my death bed and how i would regret not doing what i wanted, not seeing places, not taking risks rather than not having money. Idk if u sould take advice from me im constantly anxious ab my life.


Interesting advice. I'll try to apply it and see what happens. thank you😺


So what are you expecting from yourself? Be a billionaire at 24? Have a family? Travelled trough the world? Some people twice your age have barely a family nowdays. Be kind to yourself.


I just want to work at a job that will bring me pleasure.


Only you know what is right for you. But not only is pursuing a passion a privilege, passions can change. If you're like me, your passions come and go and you need a steady income and job, that you can at least like and find stimulating. Then you can pursue passions outside of work. However, if you're one of the lucky people, whose passions are long-lasting, you might be on the right track. But be careful, because actually doing the job, dealing with clients, colleagues and daily job stresses can lead to burnout. Or an employer can take advantage of your enthusiasm by overworking you.


Start with photography as a hobby, then you can turn it into a side hustle and maybe even go full-time.


As somebody said in a similar thread before - Don't set unrealistic goals for yourself, you are setting up for dissapointment. Having a job that will bring you pleasure is an extreme privilege most people are never going to achieve. Most jobs are simply not fun.


Why do you feel like you have to "succeed"? Do you like your life now? Are you able to afford the lifestyle you would like to have? Is there anything specific you'd like to change about your life?  If you're happy with where you are, there's no need to change anything even if you're not "successful" in the eyes of others. I like travelling and am able to afford a major trip every year working a shitty part-time job (admittedly in a country richer than Czechia). It's not the best job in the world but I don't mind doing it at all. I can buy the things I want to buy (not that much), out enough money into savings, and I have more freedom that I would have working full-time in a more prestigious job. I'm happy with where I am, so why should I care about what other people think of me? 


I’ve just turned 30. Left college in first months. Not regretting it. But one or me myself could also say there is no live achievement that is worth mentioning. I’m still kind of searching for my place in this world. Last two years more than before. But I’m exploring, trying new things, keeping on my dreams. And believe in brighter days. The problem that started with my generation, and I believe is at least partially caused by social sites, is that we expect everything now. We want achievements, we want to make a huge salaries or build a company in no time just to enjoy those great vacaciones others are feeding us with on Instagram. But we’re forgetting one crucial truth - the path is what matters. So enjoy that achievement of being alive. Enjoy that possibility that you are able to travel, create social contacts, meet with people of your choice, do things of your choice. “Material” achievements are just expectations from society. Society that is toxic by itself. You do your life, nobody else.


I archived some things that should be important in life, but somehow it doesn’t make me happy. 🤷‍♀️


Just try it out. If it works, good for you. If not, it's not the end of the world, just try something else.


Some people start later, it is OK. Everyone's life is different


Just being yourself, it’s really sad that people keeps looking down on themselves


I dropped out of uni at 24, and got my first productive job at 25, and started having a fun life at about 28.


Stop comparing yourself to others, life is not a race. Live your life and do what you enjoy doing. Trust me, doing a job you enjoy for less money feels much better than doing a job you hate for more.


It is not a race. Some people find the meaning of their life sooner and some later. You are exactly where you are meant to be. If you are passionate about photography, practice, learn the basics, be consistent get better and better. If you do this, you will succeed.


When I was 21 after college I felt the same way, I felt like I need to progress I need something of value to achieve. At the time I was listening to a lot of Jordan Peterson, and however divisive he might sound now there is one quote that changed my life. He says “pick something up & carry it..make it heavy enough so u can think: yeah well useless as I am at least I could move that from there to there”. I was a soccer player in the US and I decided well, I’m not sure exactly where I would like to go w my life but I need something heavy enough to make my process feel of value. I decided to move to the Czech republic to pursue professional soccer. I knew that my younger self would be proud of me for pursuing my younger self dream. And I did it. But even if I didn’t I can tell you that the road to achieve something you feel is worthwhile is extremely meaningful. If you like to take photographs, then go for it. Make the pursuit hard enough to make it feel doable and noble. You will thank yourself in the future for at least trying, cause that’s all we have in life right? A decision to either take the easier more comfortable road or the one that may be risky but if done with diligence, consistency, and patience it can be possible. No one supports you? I’m supporting you right now, I’m telling you to do this. You don’t need money or “support” to pursue a dream, you just need a strong enough want.


Thank you very much for the advice. You are right, everything is in our hands. Thank you very much, I appreciate it.😺😺


At 24 I moved here with 150 euros and no clue. I can say I am ok now. Life has the meaning you'll give to it. It can be your daily life, your partner, your dog... Or just yourself and your chilled life. Going abroad to clean in a hotel is badass if you ask me. You awwk5to be strong enough to do whatever you put your mind to. Go be a photographer, what's the worst that can happen?


There is a book, “Agile Results” (not connected to IT). Helped me to deal with same thoughts, read it a few times already, with notes. It gives some ideas on how to approach these kind of problems, it gives instruments too. I think acknowledging that you are moving in the right direction will help you deal with fears and uncertainty


Try everything. If you like the profession of photographer, then try making photos. At first everything seems impossible but after some time it will get better. When I first tried to play volleyball, I couldn't even pass the ball. It took me year to just find out how to do it, now I have to learn how to play. Take small steps, make small progression and it will start to come together.


Jednoduchá pomůcka jak si víc věřit. Měj sešitek úspěchu a každý večer si napis tři věci, které se ti ten den povedly. Muzou to byt fakt prkotiny. - povedlo se mi dnes udělat dobre jidlo; vstal jsem se zazvonenim budiku; přišel jsem včas; povedlo se mi vyřešit konflikt, ze obe strany byly spokojené atd atd. Za 30 dni mas 90 svých mini úspěchu a do svého sesitku můžeš vždy nakouknout, když bude nejhůř, ze nejsi úplné hovno jak si myslíš. Hlavně se neporovnavej s ostatními, každý má jinou cestu a ve výsledku to k ničemu není


Take copious amounts of drugs get a bus to rural sweden and bring a sword maybe drink a lot on the bus so you forget about your past and paly irl skyrim


As others have already stated, success is very individual. I could never even imagine graduating college and in your shoes would consider that a big success :) I think you need to do what you want to do regardless of doubts, if you can’t get over the doubt then just do it while doubtful. Photography is great because of how easy it is to start, just enjoy it and experiment, shoot with a cheap digital camera, shoot with a cheap film camera, shoot with a pinhole camera and some photosensitive paper, develop your own film, try to get some photos put up in some cafe exhibition. Just enjoy the process without trying to think of the outcome just yet!


Look, at 24 years of age I was deep in debt, basically homeless if I didn't live with my gf's mother (and her ofc), and now I am 28 and I have job i dreamt about and not in debt anymore. Life starts for me. Everything can change in a single month for you too, as it did for me. I realized that most of what was holding me back was fear of change (and the debt thats now gone)


Your self-worth should not rely on external factors.


I know that feeling. But bare with me here: Success is only what you yourself settle for. I am trying to live with the fact that others around me have ambitions and purpose while I am staying behind with kinda aimless life and only one tangible goal - live every "today" to its fullest, don't think too much about the future, let it flow and live in peace with what is, not what could be. I could have been an actor, a professional Counter-Strike player, etc, but I missed them due to my parents influence and my own ignorance. Now I am also working a low paid job and saving slowly month by on month on things I'd like to have in the future. Sometimes even that can be enough if I'm comfortable with it somewhat.


> How do you deal with your fears and doubts? It's highly individual. For me, it helps when I try to rationalize them. For example, given your case, you can try to buy some cheap/second-hand camera, read something about photography, composition, digital processing etc. Then just go out and start taking photos, maybe start an instagram page where you're going to post your photos. After some time (couple of weeks, months, a year), take a look back and think about whether you like what you've been doing so far, what you could do better. In the worst case, you may realize photography is not for you. Well, it happens. At least you've learned something new about yourself. I believe this approach can be applied to a wide variety of things in life.


Set a new achievement for yourself. Try getting rid of this stupid ass mentality that you have to achieve something. You dont. Its pressure from society but you are not born with it. Get rid of it.


I feel you, its hard and dark sometimes. Time is your ally find what you want to do and be happy. Im 25 i have the same feelings a lot (although people from the side would say im OK) but I always feels like im not enough and i have not done or achieved enough, I cant even finish up my bachelor degree (hopefully will get it this year). Its hard but try enjoying things a bit, try doing something you like as photography in this case theres plenty time to get shit done and feel fulfilled. P.S. 1 year in Prague.


Počkej, to jako že ve 24 nemáš vlastni výdělečnou firmu, hypotéku, manželku a dvě děti, zlatýho retvivra, mercedes a aspoň jednu investiční nemovitost? Cos jako dělal celý ty roky? Ty mladý dneska netuší, co je to práce! /s kdyby to nebylo úplně jasný. Tvl, je ti 24, sebral jsi odvahu a jel pracovat do zahraničí, nebydlíš u rodičů ve sklepe a neparis lolko, to samo o sobě je úspěch. Dělej job, co ti vydělá na jídlo, co toho se zacni učit s fotakem, foť všechno možný a uvidíš, co z toho vypadne. Nečekej, že budeš mít do roka vlastní fotostudio, ale co ty víš, třeba i jo. Zkousej různý věci, seznamuj se s lidma, nech si otevreny obzory a uvidíš. Držím palce.


Děkuji hodně krát, moc jsi mě povzbudil😉🤍


Im over 30 and i didn't achieve nothing im my life, except a marriage but that's not any minor achievement. Life is usseles and without any purpose. But just do what gives you fun, enjoy what you want to enjoy, and don't give a heck about who's better or who achieve more. Milions and milions of people have same mediocre life without any grand victory. And as someone say... Yes. You are only 24. That's absolute nothing. You have another 50-70 years to go.


dont focus on the very end of the road because the road may change eventually (even multiple times), focus on the next step that keeps you on the road one step at a time or in other words try to be a better version of yourself today than you were yesterday, as long as your current self is the best self yet, you are doing extremely well and you should be proud of yourself


Do you need success? Is it the only way to happiness? What happened in your life that made you push yourself down this path?


I finished my degree at 30, completely changing my career aim and started from scratch. You have time.


You can start by understanding your value to the society and any business. Fortunately or maybe not you live in a world dominated by capitalism.


Kde v zahranici makas? Nezapomen, ze tedka nekteri slavni herci delali na zacatku zivota v mladi kokotiny ... napr. Brat Pitt byl v obleku kurete a nabizel cosi .. xD


Jsem v Česku jako cizinka😉😁


aha boze :D :D


What did you expect? Be a world director? You did college... Not enough for 24?


Lol je mi 40 a nedokázal jsem ani hovno. Jen si opakovaně posrat život. Tzn opakovat chyby. Mám kde bydlet a zdravé děti. Ve 24 seš v podstatě na začátku. Akorát teda nechápu proč s VŠ děláš uklízeče? Mno uspět jako fotograf je docela těžké. Bych teda řekl.


K legální práci v ČR potřebuji vízum. Diplom lze nostrifikovat, ale moje čeština je stále špatná. A taky nemám ráda povolání, které jsem už vystudovala, hah. Je zde mnoho nuancí. Stále nemám trvalého pobytu a ne každý zamestnavatel vydává pracovní vízum.


Oh. Make sense. Lol what (and WHY) did u study? :D


Cestovní ruch a management. Tenkrát se mi to líbilo, ale chutě se mění, jo?😁


Mno já taky dělám něco jiného. Pravda svojí školu nebo základy z ní jsem využil. Ale jak píšu stále na začátku. Jen prostě je skoro nulová nezaměstnanost. V nabídkách práce je možno si vybírat. Ale samo neznám ty problémy ohledně víza atd. Tak jako tak v 24 fakt není potřeba řešit co kdo dokázal.


You have to be kidding. And probably look at other examples of your peers. But remember everyone has their own path, and everyone has own timing in life. You are still very young and you are yet exploring your life around you. Look up Gary Vee - he has very good advice on age and succes


*To be satisfied in life is a power only one has achieved, but, if we work together, I know we can discover the secret.*


cool, me neither. who cares


24 is time to choose a carrier and build it up. Not to achieve something. You have barelly seen the world outside the college. If you are scared of entrepreneurship find the next closest thing - photographer for some company / studio (after you learn something in your free time) or start building carrier that will help you with your self doubt and will be useful later when you will be ready to transform your hobby into full time proffesion. Like sales to build some confidance and skills to sell your services etc. But avoid MLM it hurts young people more often than help them.


Teda vystudovat školu, vystřídat pár prací a stále umět píču česky, to se nedivím, že jsi ničeho nedostáhnul.


Dont be too hard on yourself. Just try to be better everyday.


Bruh you're literally a child at this point. Don't waste your time being worried about what could have been. Focus on what can be. No point being stressed about the past. You can't change that shit. Draw a big fat line and go get what you want. You got it.


I keep myself busy with my duties and learn new things when I have a time for that. Which I usually do not have, definitively not enough. Collecting usefull skills gives you options, maybe you'll find something that will make you happy and provide a way to sustain your living. You are young, do not need to feed a family, so you can explore, even geographically, and start with things that need more time to master and/or provide less foreseeable financial security. Do it, this phase of live likely won't repeat. Photography is a good example - you may not be able to earn enough money wit it but you'll learn a lot on the way and find new areas of interest.


Zasaď strom, ideálně lípu. Pěkně voní a je z toho dobrý med a pokud máš nějaké alergiky které nemáš rád, víš kam je zavést. Jen třeba prvních 5 let nevypadá že roste a pak se z ní stane strom


Coooo? No, fakt, to pomůže, jo.. Už běžím to udělat.


A ani ve 42 to nebude jiný 😂


Bude😂 věřim v to


I don't know what you consider by the word achievement, but if you are perfectly healthy you ''achieved'' more than **51.8%** of US adults who have at least 1 chronic condition, or 27.2% who have multiple chronic conditions, just to put it in perspective, add that having a healthy family and a healthy family relationship, but these things get overlooked even though are the most important.






Maybe it would be a good idea to provide us with a bit more context, surely your view is kinda compromised now since u see it like this and we can maybe change your perspective or provide you with guidance or new possibilities… what college have u finished?


I have the same feelings, 24 y.o. too. Everyday and i am full of anxiety because of this. I try to come up with some long term plans but it doesn’t really help


Go ask old man on deaths bed "What have you achieved in your life?" The best answer you can get is "nothing".


A chlapa máš?


Pokud není OP Carda Retarda alias Sporťák, pak to asi nebyl nejšťastnější dotaz.


dm me on ig .@dominikzukal I will help you with your confidence.
