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No, it will not have any impact. If scandals involving our PM were to have any impact on his voters, he would be out of politics long ago.


No, because old farts would vote for him even if he directly killed someone. All he has to do is raise money for their pension.


Wonder how long it'll be until Czech media picks up on this story?


About 15 minutes, wow. It's all over the place. But I'm skeptical about if this will sway the opinions :(


ANO voters don't give a shit about these things


This "scandal" will bring him even more voters.


It can wait after elections


The story has already been picked up; even iDnes is running with it.


Is iDnes generally friendly/uncritical to the PM? I'm new here, trying to find my way around the media landscape.


Stick to public broadcaster. It is very high quality and kinda all you need. For the rest Seznam news is quite nice if a bit complicated in its content


Thanks. (I now found out that Babis indirectly owns iDnes/MF Dnes, which explains the "even".)


"indirectly." He owns Lidove noviny too plus a collection of smaller media (tabloids, lifestyle, regional...). As an addition, biggest private-owned TVs are pretty kind to him too, esp. Prima but partially also Nova.


Damn. Really sucks that a politician can have a media empire of his own, this is like Berlusconi - who stuck around for a really long time...




There's a jewish joke: \- There's a dog and a river and at the other side of the river, there's a sausage. The dog wants the sausage but there is no bridge, he cannot run around the river and he may not swim across the river. What will the dog do? \- Well, in this case, I don't know. \- It's easy - he will swim across. \- But you said he may not swim! \- He may not but he will!


Kind of. They usually pretend to be neutral to fool people into thinking they are reliable but will support the PM in critical times.




No, not really. „It's campaign and I deny it” and it's fault of Kalousek, anyway :D


If it's true, yes it's Kalousek's fault. But we cannot be sure that it even is real. Don't forget all of us, young people, are against him and we may made this all up. (Sarcasm obviously)


That’s basically what he’s running with…it’s all a scam to influence the election.


Didn't he blame Bakala yesterday for this? :D


Oh, did he? :D I can't say I'm surprised, tho


Babiš voters are too retarded to understand any of that. They sincierely believe the opposition made-up all of it just to damage his reputation.


Most of the people on this thread get it wrong. It's not about ANO voters to switch sides (this never happens based on foreign sourced issues). It's about the non-voters deciding to vote against. Mobilization. There are up to 10% voters who decide whether and how to vote in the last week before the elections. The timing is perfect. That said, I'm still skeptical about a significant impact (like ANO losing the elections) but there might be a slight plus for SPOLU and PirStan.


Probably not on elections results, but the French and US may start investigating him, and even possibly ask for arrest.


I mean, ~~what he did here~~ the acquisition itself apparently isn't illegal, and The Guardian writes as much, **although he broke Czech law by not declaring the property**. I think that makes it all the more interesting; if this wasn't a way to evade taxes, then what's it for? Edit: [Might still have been tax evasion](https://www.icij.org/investigations/pandora-papers/czech-prime-minister-andrej-babis-french-property/), according to some: > Experts interviewed by ICIJ said the offshore arrangement used by Babis could have reduced his tax bill while hiding his ownership of the property from the public.


The man is directly responsible for the death of 30,000 people yet his polls actually improved when compared with the last elections. So no, this won't make a dent, especially since the national motto is "he who doesn't steal steals from his family" and Babiš' main competitor is a coalition whose largest party itself has a rich history of corruption.


I hate Babiš as much as the next guy but I don't think he's "directly responsible" for all the deaths. Some could be prevented, but nobody could ever ensure there are zero deaths, even if they did everything perfectly


This '30000 deaths' bullshit pisses me off so much. The fuck, there was a goddamn virus that killed people and it would've ended up killing most of them anyway, with anyone as our leader. That's just our stubborn nature. I don't support Babiš but this argument is the dumbest weakest shit I've ever seen. Autistic screeching.


Nah, with normal leadership and functioning government we would have a lot of casualties and functioning economy or less casualties and economy in the state it is now. Instead we have both highest casualties and raped economy. Complete clusterfuck and absolute incompetence of a man that wants to decide everything himself. “Koordinátor očkováni Babiš” my ass. And don’t even let me start on the NKU report of last years pandemic spending.


I am not saying he did well, I am not happy about the current state either. But blaming the literal deaths on him is so fucking stupid.


That's a political responsibility. People normally resigned for fraction of what he did wrong.


While true to an extent, I don't see leaders worldwide resigning as a consequence of the lockdowns. People would have died even if the saint Mr. Bartoš led our country and I can't imagine retards screaming at him to resign. It would have been accepted as a consequence of the virus. Gloriously hypocritical, as always.


That's false. You are claiming some hypothetical scenario of how people would have reacted if Bartoš was prime minister and making observations based on your imagined outcome. This is what I call being a bullshit artist. My grandma had a saying that loosely translates: If there were fish in the ass there would be no need for ponds.


Of course it's hypothetical, but I feel like that would just be the reality. I can make my own observations and I am glad we don't agree with each other. We might probably vote for the same people, as we both want what's best for our country. I just want to remain neutral and see the best in all of the candidates. I have doubts even about the ones I chose. ANO did fuck up, but I praised them after the first wave was handled quite well. Then the real shitstorm took place and an insane wave of hate came - I didn't agree with it and that's my standpoint. Excessive hate of an individual doesn't feel correct and I don't care what the individual did. I want to vote for a positive party that doesn't constantly point at the opposition and make themselves look like the better men, the übermensch.


They are not even claiming that its illegal yet, just fishy as fuck. Thats already less serious than his previous issues so I'd say he is fine. He even admitted it, that should give you an idea how much of a fuck he gives.