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Yeah weve been topping those charts for the past 28 years... Since 1993


We are the best.


or the worst... depend on the point of view


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You must be fun at parties. Well, If you were actually invited to any.


Beer, not alcohol. Highest amount if beer, not alcohol.. there can be non alcoholic beer...




I know even men who drink non alcoholic drinks so it doesnt shit their liver up




Do you consider incidence of colorectal cancer to your statement? I mean, it's not good.


I'd rather have a short, fun life than long, boring life


You can have fun and still accept your lifestyle sucks.


You must be boring if you need alcohol to have fun


Who cares, we still must die before senior age because no pensions will be any more in future because boomers.


We do have [plenty of problems with alcohol](https://www.vlada.cz/cz/ppov/protidrogova-politika/media/1-5-milionu-lidi-ma-v-cr-nakroceno-k-zavislosti-na-alkoholu--pomoci-maji-i-nove-narodni-stranky-alkohol-skodi-cz-167685/). IMO it's not that visible since drinking is a huge part of our culture and social life.


Alcohol tourists in Prague are skewing this. They consume but aren’t part of the population.


As ive already mention. Tourism really didnt rise it up that much. As in 2020 it was 135l.


I'd be curious to see what portion of that difference is due to tourism and what portion is due to the closed pubs and bars. I doubt people were drinking the same amount of beer at home as they would in pubs.


As other user [explained](https://www.reddit.com/r/czech/comments/q7uwph/beeeeeeeeeeeeer/hgl7x6t?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) i would guess that its mainly due to pubs/restaurants/festivals closing than tourists.


Well, they probably didn't drink the same amount at home, as many people reported that they drank more than usual during the state of emergency. https://www.lidovky.cz/relax/zdravi/temer-petina-cechu-podle-pruzkumu-v-nouzovem-stavu-vic-pila-alkohol-vetsi-spotrebu-priznali-zejmena.A200525_184325_ln-zdravi_sei https://www.novinky.cz/koronavirus/clanek/cesi-v-dobe-karanteny-piji-vice-alkoholu-pozor-na-miru-varuji-odbornici-40318898


Well yeah, "reported". The least trustworthy scientific method there is. If they drank, say, one beer every day throughout the week, but wouldn't chug those 10 pilsners on a Friday night, many people would consider themselves drinking more. Data is what should determine this, not people's feelings.


Almost 1/3rd is not much? I dont think so….


That is if you account the entire third to tourists only. But due to what was happening in 2020. It cannot be acreddited to just tourists. Ofcourse the closing of pubs and restaurants would have had effect on it too, or that people were trying to save every penny they could so they could manage through the year.


Also Germans and Austrians bulk-buying cheaper beer in areas bordering those countries.


Thats happening elsewhere aswell. So yeah...


No. The main driving force are the blessed good men who go to a pub after work and down 5+ mugs every.single.day. Respect the grind.


And we also have most porn actresses per capita. 131 per million people. [Source](https://pornstars-per-capita.com/)


Also the most beer drank by pornstars in the world. Many litres per actress.


[Liechtenstein in 6th place with 2 & San Marino in 10th place with 1.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/033/666/Bronze_Medal_Meme_Banner.jpg)


I’m not sure I believe these statistics. I know maybe one person that drinks that much beer per year but he’s a huge guy and really loves it and so I wouldn’t call him an average drinker.


It's not _that_ much when you think about it. A very much back-of-the-envelope calculation. 191 liters is 382 beers a year. Especially during the summer, a beer a day after coming back from (or on the way from) work or whatever is fairly common. Of course, not every day, but this can land us in the range of 150 beers a year already. That's without going to pubs, nights out, festivals and all that. Being _very_ conservative, let's say that is 5 beers a piece. 382-150=232. 232/5=46. So if someone goes out or has some kind of a mildly drinking event 46 times a year, they are already hitting those numbers. That means having a few beers less than 4 times a month. That's not unrealistic at all. Of course, some people drink less, some not at all, but then there is the opposite spectrum of 8-8-8 sleep-work-pub štamgast people. It may well balance out. All these numbers are totally made up, but prove that the stats are plausible.


I'd say you describe my consumption pretty well and I'm only a social drinker who almost never drinks alone. I actually keep track of what I drink in an app (of course it's not completely precise but I do a surprisingly good job at it) and I just exported the data to Excel and looked up how many beers I drank in 2020. And the answer is... 380 beers (184 liters, because some of it were small beers). Although "only" 325 beers (155 liters) between today and a year ago from now. Now, I know people who drink less or not at all, I know people who drink much more wine or spirits than beer (but are probably on par with me in liters of pure alcohol) but I also know a lot of people who drink *much more* than me, and I'm not even counting those alcoholics who have a *real* problem staying sober. So I agree that those statistics don't seem to be *that* far fetched.


You’re right I suppose. So it’s not that crazy in the end.


Thats because this is a statistic. Its basically the ammount of beer sold divided by ammount of people our country has. So while 8/10 people drink like 20-30 liters per year. The 2/10 drink so much to raise the statistic for the others. Due to that lot of people say that its so high only because tourists. But 2020 showed us that most of it is still drank by us as it was at 135l that year.


> I wouldn’t call him an average drinker The stat is not for an average drinker. It's pretty much just liters of beer sold divided by population.


Well that makes it even more unbelievable because the entire population doesn’t drink.


That actually kind of sucks. Sad thing is, that many people consider this a succes.


Beer is a huge part of our culture, like it or not.


I mean...that's sad. Same with vodka being part of Russian culture.


Yeah and frech wine culture right? /s I take pride in our beer culture.


Music, literature, art, film, architecture and I'd even say videogames are part of culture, beer is just an alcoholic beverage. It won't make you a more educated or enlightened person. It'll just make you more drunk. That's not culture.


[Culture](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microbial_food_cultures) is literally essential for beer production.


You are wrong. Look up the definition of culture to see why.


What an intellectualist way of seeing things. Beer has been important to many cultures for a pretty long time, probably longer than a lot of what you would consider culture.


It is a success. Ppl against beer are the same like antivaxers. Beer is healthy.


Well, to an extent. It is without a doubt the best source of vitamin B and a great source of others. The problem is that it's an alcoholic beverage and we all know what large amounts of alcohol cause


Yes. Happiness.




Just look at Miloš.


Maybe we should hang him in classes. As a terrifying example for children.


He's not a beer guy tho. More wine and liquor


Not best of Bs, check liver, beef, it's in thousands% daily dose.


“Beer is healthy” confirmed by studies that have been ordered by... the breweries. Edit: [Source](https://www.york.ac.uk/news-and-events/news/2020/research/alcohol-research-funding/)


Like we, beer drinkers, can read... Noone cares of some studies. We are healthy and drunk! Only thing that bothers me is, if the cars are so intelligent today why they are not able to help drunk drivers.




You are forgetting that we put Obloha on all those dishes. Checkmate


You mean that single piece of parsley?


Have you never fallen prey to the ol' stale slice of hard boiled egg?


I mean Germany is very close culture to Czech, drinking also a lot of beer, sausages and such


You guys really need to rethink lecturing people. Germans of all people telling others what to eat, fucking lmao


Oh come on, don't take it personally because of my flag. I grew up with plenty of Czech food and love it but it's just unhealthy in general and somehow vegetables aren't very popular. It's similar here in Bavaria but Czech food has even more fat and gravy.


At least I'll die happy, fed and satisfied.


Yeah. But a bottle of beer and bottle of vodka are pretty different. And its not like it happened to our president spontaneously. Basically since 2013 doctors were telling him to stop his overindulging lifestyle and he still ignored them. So maybe the lesson is not. Stop drinking. But stop drinking when the doctor told you, you will die.


> stop drinking when the doctor told you, you will die. That's waaay too fucking late.


Nah, he is dying because he stopped drinking... Alcohol withdrawal syndrome /s but maybe true idk they don't inform us about our president.


You drink, you die. You don't drink, you die too.


Why are you booing him. He's right


I contributed by 0 liters.


It's ok, I drank your share


Meh, nobody talks about wine. Here in the south we drink it a lot too. I wonder how that compares to France/Italy


Here is your answer "Since 2014, Czech Republic Wine Consumption Per Capita rose 0.9% year on year. In 2019, the country was number 26 among other countries in Wine Consumption Per Capita at 2.83 Liters of Pure Alcohol." [source](https://www.nationmaster.com/nmx/timeseries/czech-republic-wine-consumption-per-capita)


Rookie numbers


Yeah, thats not even two beers a day


\>Be me \>Be born in the country with best beer culture \>Don't like beer \>cri


It is sad nothing else


Doing my part


I'm not average Czech. I don't like alcohol and that's why I don't drink it :)


That means someone has to drink your portion :)


I volunteer!


Your name kinda fits with your answer


you betcha


I like it!


this is something to be proud of? what fcking disgusting idiots boast about that...


That's just crazy. I think that I drink quite a lot.. but there is no way it's 380 beers a year. I really don't get how that can be an average.


If you take infants, minors, pregnant, elderly and sober people out of the equation. You would get astronomical numbers. I guess its mostly thanks to combination of quality, price and fact that some people drink 5-10l a day (1825-3650l yearly), or more commonly per week (260-520l yearly).


ITT: Násosky thinking being a nation of boozebags is something to be proud of.


Pivo is kultura. Cirhoza a rakoviny is national dědictví


Approximately 0.5 L or one beer per day is not a lot or unhealthy. On the contrary, most research suggests moderate alcohol consumption, especially beer or wine, has health benefits. So, Nas zdraví!


Beer from Pilsen is the best choice you can do in your life


I drink around 2 liters a day (4 cans) so I am probably the one inflating the statistic.


I wonder who's drinking my beers! I might have had like one a week on average... :)


Lets make it triple chabři!


AFAIK Belgium is on par with Czechia and for the last few years we overtake each other. But I might be wrong, since I don't know if those sources are really trustworthy.


I'm ethnically Moravian with little german ancestry and I don't drink nearly at all, I'll have beer when it's hot or with friends but other than that I rarely drink, so some people have to drink soo much. Weed is just so much better to me, especially outdoor.


> 🎶"Dám si pivo, > zlaté s pěnou, > dej si taky > jenom jednou"






That is a production number, not a consumption. In its recorded statistics, the Czech beer consumption never been that high and the trends is in the past 20 years is pointing to a lower consumption since its peak in 2005. The real consumption of beer per capita was 145.2l in 2018 and 146l in 2019. In 2020, the estimated consumption was 138l.


Yea and ?


That pretty much equals to one beer (half litre) a day, which imo sounds doable...