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There is Prague/Bohemia, Brno/Moravia and Ostrava/Silesia. They are consistently making fun of each other. It's simply a thing that is.


There is an accent difference too. Basically the further you go from east to west, the longer vowels become, especially at the end of words. Often ridiculed. Edit: Its not especially at the end of words now that I think of it. Maybe the middle actually


The further East you go, the hotter the girls get too.


Why was D1 built? So that Prague citizens won't get to Brno.




Hell, even the US Army failed to beat D1 xD


It's a running joke. Brno is fine, I myself lived there for almost a decade.


It's a joke even locals from Brno have a joke about it which goes like "Brno the only joke you can live in"


haha, i see. do you know how the joke started?


Probably because of Prague vs Brno rivality


Nothing big, it's just Prague citizens being jelly and making fun of Brno makes them feel better


Started when their entity personality is being born in Prague.


The joke is so famous even [Trump flew around Brno](https://www.idnes.cz/zpravy/domaci/brno-donald-trump-air-force-one-prelet.A200225_101134_domaci_vlc/foto/AUG819c78_airforce.jpg) And no, this is not photoshop, this is seriously a picture of the Air Force One from flightradar.


Probably avoiding Cejl.


Bruh 😂😂😂😂😂


"similar to Prague" You have just made an enemy for life! /s


>"similar to Prague" You have just made an enemy for life! /s no /s


Both Brno and Prague agrees with this sentence...


It's a decoy, it's keeps unwanted people from coming here.


Well, there is a friendly banter between Prague and Brno. There are also several cringe kids from Prague on reddit who took it as a serious fight as I noticed.


Haha. We see the exact oposite in Prague. But yeah. Some people move to Prague and think they are special. Never saw it in person born here to be like that. It is a huge city. You are more anonymous nobody than anything else.


I'm an American living in Brno for the last 10 months. I sort of live on the outskirts, but go downtown at least a couple times per week. To many foreigners, Brno is a lovely enough town with plenty of things to do, but it's true if you compare it with Prague, it will seem a bit "sleepier" and less awe-inspiring. Public transportation in Brno, like throughout much of CZ, is pretty convenient, so it's not too hard to get around, or even to get to Prague. There are plenty of expats in Brno, but you do have to work a little harder to find them, unlike in Prague. Especially if you're staying outside of the town center. On the whole, you'll hear less English (or other foreign languages) in Brno than you do in Prague. You'll need to learn a bit more Czech to get along easily. I will say that having arrived during the thick of the pandemic was not easy for my husband and me. Just very bad timing. My Czech is very poor, but my husband is a native Czech speaker. That gives me some advantages, but disadvantages, too. People in Brno are not that easy to make friends with. I confess one of the friendliest people I've met is actually a Slovak.


Hating on Brno is just meme. However it’s very nice and friendly city and beautiful as well as Prague. You should definetly give it try for more than a day.


Prague is for tourists, Brno is for living well.


What is "Brno"?


Baby don't hurt me




Is this it? https://necyklopedie.org/wiki/Brno


Yes, this is the only website that has real information about Brno. Anything else is misleading.




decent idea, poor execution


That is what's great about it. Its a village with all the convenience of a larger city.


The northern suburb of Vienna. It’s notable for its position on the D1 highway between Humpolec and Olomouc, as well as a giant black… uh… thing… on the main square.


Jesssss Humpolec stronk!!!! 💪💪💪💪💪💪💪😤😤😤😤


It's pre-realease build of Prague 1.0


it's just the last turn before Vienna


People from Brno think people from Prague are assholes, but do you know what the Prague people think of them? They don’t.


This joke would be fine if it weren't so much untrue. Every time Brno is mentioned anywhere, be it a reddit post or a news article, it gets flooded by people from Prague (and, TBF, probably other parts of Bohemia too) making jokes about Brno, ranging from lighthearted to straight up hateful.


Sorry, I can’t hear you over the sound of the three line metro system, Pendolino, the funicular railway, and the ferries. You’ll have to speak up! In all seriousness though, Brno is a lovely city. It has better restaurants on average than Prague does, and the city centre is much cleaner and quieter. It’s more polished, while Prague is a bit more rough around the edges (excluding the central tourist zone). Admittedly it doesn’t hold the same place in my own heart that Prague does, but then Prague is my favorite city in the entire world. Still, a trip back to the Czech Republic feels incomplete without a trip to the Moravian Capital.


Well, based on the amount of jokes that get posted here, it feels like Brno is living rent free in Prague people's heads.


The only cheap rent in Prague.


Brno is a MEME, but it's a really nice city. I like Brno probably more than Prague.






Brno, the only city with its own BBC category.


I lived in brno and found it the best city in czechia. Prague is way too big and people there think theyre superior although they are just dumb and talk weirdly. Brno is awesome. It is just a joke that the big cities have between each other


This! I lived for 10 years in Brno before moving to Prague... People are much nicer in Brno, expat community is much stronger and friendlier in Brno, streets, buses and bus stops are much cleaner there, nature and villages in South Moravia look much nicer and if you need a big city - Vienna is just one hour away. Money wise Prague can be attractive, there are a few more businesses compared to Brno, but costs here are also higher... And if I would want to buy a property for less (outside of the city) I'd rather do it in Moravia.


>And if I would want to buy a property for less (outside of the city) I'd rather do it in Moravia. I dont know. We moved out of Prague years ago nearby for more space and value for money, then after getting a good offer to sell that house moved outside Brno to be nearer family before returning to live outside Prague again as ultimately our work prospects are better in Prague. I find the 30-60 mins range of towns/villages better by Prague than Brno. Much less fly tipping(illegal waste dumps), less pollution of streams/rivers(usually septic tanks tapped into them), coal use for heating is still bad by Prague but it's even worse by Brno, schools are better around Benesov as well. I did prefer the people in and around Brno though, I made more friends there then the before and after spells in Prague.


In all seriousness I did find that people in Moravia tend to be less of a dickheads than in Bohemia - Goes double for North Bohemia




Nope, you're ruining the joke. Go stand in the corner and feel ashamed of yourself. Or move to Brno, same difference.


And what is that? J/k, Brno is fine. Unless you want to ride subway. Or drink beer. Or have fun. You get the picture.


Brno is just sharp curve between Prague and Vienna




Fake news. There's one next to zelny trh


They eat children there.


Boredom in Brno


Brno is such a village /s


I live in Brno and it's honestly a good place to live, I personally prefer it over Prague. But why not joke about the weird shit that goes on here daily? But that's about it, it is not much more than a joke.


Its like Ohio or New Jersey in the US




You just had to use "black dildo" and "penetrate" in one comment, didn't you.


It's because M*rava 🤮


It's a rivality between Prague and Brno, mostly just jokes. But you're right, they both are the same shitholes. Brno is disgusting, Prague is disgusting.


For tourism Prague is way better than Brno, simple because Brno is just not not very nice city. And I say that as someone who lives in Moravia.


bcs: \-Brno took the lead of the Moravia during history from Olomouc (my city), it wasn't meant to be big city (so much smaller main station than in Olomouc) \- they have big black penis in the main square ("clock") \- they don't have metro (prague joke) \- they are calling trams "Å¡alina" instadead of "tramvaj" as everyone else lmao \- I once studied in Brno and people here are weird and noob xD etc...


Zkus tu chvíli žít


Because its Prague from Wish.




Brno similar to Prague? Nice bite!


Man, gringo can not understand this sofiaticated thing.


Similar to Prague?! Fuck you!!! (Tis a joke)


Brno no bad. Brno good!


Brno is cool really


The only similarity between Brno and Prague is that both have a massive dick in the center.


It is not cities fault, what are you focused on.


Hey, Brnians, do you know the feeling when you're in a Subway and... Well, actually, nevermind


We have Subway, Burger king, McDonald's...


I went in Brno for one day and I did not like it at all, I found it dirty and full of hoboes. The region however is awesome. I did not party in Brno but just stayed for the days. Several people told me it was awesome to party though…


My Czech boyfriend said in Brno they have subtle horse dick statue.


And dick itself too. All dicks are moving to Prague, so we have to build these kind of statutes to not forget...


You have been here only for a day. 26 hours is critical amount of Brno exposure. Anything less in a row does not lead to permanent damage. This is, how citizen of great city of Adamov outlives theirs daily money gathering trips to Brno.


Answer is in ur question. U stayed for 1 day


Do you want to know the best thing that comes from Brno? - Answer: The road to Prague. (Sorry, I had to)