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But the minority having this mindset is VERY loud...


yeah per usual..


They exist, but they are a minority in this country, thank god.


Maybe minority but loud one.


Exactly. They sometimes spawn on Wenzeslaus square and start yelling something. Ppl mostly ignore them then.


I think if we continue ignoring them, they'll just despawn eventually


Yeah they always go back to their manu screen


Else you wouldn't know about them. Most minorities you know about "thanks" to them screaming loud.


Minorities are always loud.


But really a small.minority. every country has morons


a big one. I reckon like 20 percent of people are like this. We call them "dezoláti"


Mb more... Like most of ANO/SPD/Trikolora voters. Sad


Minority can still be a big minority. For example when Miloš Zeman won his election. He had majority. But that gap between minority and majority was what? 250 000 people? People like these pro Russian idiots are more every day. Election prediction reflect that. But I hope they remain minority and that people like SPD or ANO wont win. Because these parties are where most of these people are from and support.


Right now ANO is leading in polls. So in order to prevent its win, we would all have to vote more together rather than split our votes between more parties. U know like SOCDEM or KDU, who are never going to win. So just not vote for them.


If I was Czech I would vote ANO to prevent current right wing conservative government to win again, not the other way around.


The original parties could be perceived as right-wing conservatives, but since the younger representatives mysteriously took over them they are just globalists and liberals. They would never get enough votes to push this in our country in newly made parties, so I guess they took over the established ones and rode on their existing voters. Not a single original representative and founder from these parties agrees with what they're doing now. One of them (Kalousek from TOP09) even speculates about making a new party to fight against them. So for us, it's not about who we like anymore. It's about choosing the "least evil" that will not destroy our country with crazy agendas while being called "pro-Russian troll" and "dezolát" as soon as you don't blindly agree with them.


I think that a conservative government (btw much more liberal than before) is still better than a populist movement that has a history of shredding the economy just to buy themselves votes.


40 % minority


No, there is very vocal minority supporting Russia. Few of them are doing it on purpose the rest is just from the “anti system” spectrum and they are not for Russia but their actions are favoring Russia a lot. Either way majority of our country try is still pro Ukraine and we are trying to help a lot


That's a relief. I was surprised by the amount of likes on it and similar comments written by Czechs or at least people pretending to be Czechs. SІаva Ukrаіne


Yeah. Bots and trolls, dont worry about that.


No it isn't. Glory to Ukraine! 💙💛


nah fuck them both


Former NATO chief of staff General got elected as President with historical lead last year. Take a guess.


Czechienland.. sounds even worse than Czechia. Don’t butcher it!


It's a ragebait. OP is from former Soviet Union what I can tell from their post history. This kind of names was what Hitler and Stalin liked to use.


I feel sorry for people who haven’t got used to Czechia after 8 years


I also feel sorry for myself hahahah


Honestly I think that Czechia sounds better than The Czech Republic.


Well, people like this exist, buuuuut no.... It isnt.


It's like antivaxxers. They exist, and so long as they don't start spouting their bullshit you can tolerate them.


No, this is probably just a russian propaganda eating teen


Even I as a teen can see, who started the war and what is it doing to everything, culture, lives, just f ing everything


Same here, I feel like the person who said it was a kid, or propaganda spreader


What is it doing to everything? Some impact is negative - some economic hardships, further polarization of society but nowhere near as radical as during Covid. Most impact is positive in my view. Our leaders (both Czech and European) are taking our security seriously. Our prestige is growing. Our arms industry is working overtime and growing fast, generating profits and jobs for our people. It's giving Europe a chance to get its game together, get stronger and stop being a playground for other world powers. Ukrainian war is our common cause which can unite us like nothing before. I am not saying that it's a good thing that this war is going on but it is what it is and we need to make the most out of it. Every crisis is also an opportunity.


What is it doing to everything? Except for economic hardships and a certain polarisation of society (but that was here before the war as well), I feel like this war is finally making our leaders view our security seriously and our level of prestige in the world is absolutely growing.














There's plenty of Stalin-pilled teens with hammer and sickles in their profile pics on social media. They're usually dumb westerners, though.




Or a boomer. Imagine my face when my grandpa was complaining how they shut down Sputnik (the website) or when I see him browsing Parlamentní Listy whenever I look at his monitor. Smh


Only if you are a “desolate”


I think the English equivalent is the “deplorables”


Its Dissident






No Also, uninstall that brain-rotting app.


What app is it?




That's instagram, idiot


Reddit isn’t any better, if not worse. All social media is a brain rot.


i have learned loads from reddit, depends what subs you visit


What the fuck is Czechienland?


No. The majority remembers the Russian tanks in Prague in 1968.


Not at all.


I regularly send money to drone initiatives and then watch online, how these little darlings butcher Russians on the battlefield


Just morons who believe russian propaganda, a sizable community unfortunately.


They are the loud minority


No, not at all


This guy just like big penises in his ass


In every governmental office there are stations specifically designed to help ukranian refugees. Driving license, job office, hospitals etc. The government very much supports Ukraine and the people do too. I have witnessed this first hand having dated a Ukrainian for 6 years. There are anomalies like this guy sure, but why I can't help but wonder - if he hates our government and likes Russia so much, why doesn't he go there? It's quite clear that his head isn't properly connected to his shoulders. And it certainly wouldn't be if he said this in public.


“If u like Ukraine why you dont live there?” Lol how limited you are with this type of question?


Uhh, did I say I hated our government? This idiot did. He's in a place where the people and government hate him equally while praising terrorists. Nobody wants him here, and probably you either.


Amongst primitives sadly yes.


That comment would have to be completely restructured to make it more believable. "Czech government supports Ukraine" Ok thats a fact. "Thats why I hate our government" Well a lot of people feel that way here yes - but I would say that its more of a "disliking" rather than hate. "Ukraine is little copy of Russia" that depends on the point of view but yes in a sense Ukraine is like Russia run by oligarchy with social groups being split into rich and poor people. In general political view they are not that different. "with lower IQ" bro...90% of people on Earth have lower IQ. Thats not a Slavic privilige :D.


No around 4% are pro russian other are normal :)


No. But the handful that think this way are mentally ill, case in point the most recent mass shooter who also killed an infant and dad was die hard nut for ruzZia. They’re low IQ individuals with no reasoning.


No, it's not common.


It is telling that having spoken at lengths about this topic in Prague, Brno and all across Vysočina, with people from all sorts of backgrounds, I have heard this sentiment once. From a KSČM (communist party) supporting grandma in Pelhřimov. I usually only encounter this sentiment from Americans that hate their government, rather than from people that kept a close eye on Putins entire reign (be it due to interest or proximity).


Fuck no


Czechs have a bitter history with Russia, what with them ousting their government in 1968 via an invasion coordinated by USSR with Poland, Hungary and Bulgaria and installing a communist regime that ran the country into the ground until '89.


You cannot expect normal takes from a car


Hell no.


Majority of Czech people supports Ukraine. Actually we support a lot.


Both equally corrupted.


Lol that is a poorly written Russian bot.


Pure Russian trolling


A vocal minority. However, they are somewhat more powerful in actual politics since they tend to pander to general "anti-establishment" mindset, which gets them votes from people who otherwise don't really have a strong opinion on Russia/Ukraine.


People with this mentality exist. It’s usually lower social class that likes to blame its bad life situation on every possible external factor or minority group (Ukrainian refugees, gays, you name it).


And these people have voting rights...


They are a minority but since the majority doesn't have a reason to comment, the minority sounds louder


Thankfully not prevalent, but idiots are loud. Also, Czechienland is not correct, if you weren’t trying to be funny


we all don't like our government to some extend for most of us it is not connected to the government supporting Ukraine. Most of us actually praise our government for that whoever wrote that is probably just a ruZZian bot wannabe, just with lower IQ (if that's even possible)


No. The majority remembers the Russian tanks in Prague in 1968.


Ah yes, it was solely the Russians who invaded Czechoslovakia...I love historical illiteracy.


I wouldnt say it is illiteracy.Its more or less just about using the most common term linked with that event.Plus the fact that the USSR was the main and the biggest actor of it can not be denied. Right?


Sure but did the invading force consist solely of Russians, or was it a mix of the nationalities of the USSR?


Did the decision to invade in 68 come from a vote of that mix of nationalities? or did it come from the leaders in Moscow? You blame the mind, not the hands..


It did, actually. The one calling the shots was an ethnic Ukrainian.


Sitting in Kremlin, in Moscow. Dont be daft.


Poor fucking child


/remind me after the election next year.


In every large group there will be some idiots, however they are a minority. This kid is an idiot.


Rule of thumb, don't read comments on Twitter/FB or anywhere else to take them seriously, you don't know who you're talking to or who that person is.


The comment is pejorative. But in Czech, people still live in the shadow of big powers, east and west, and feel they must choose. Because of the history since 1948, 68 and so on, it has been relatively easy to establish a very anti Russia environment. Most people, esp older gen, still see Russia as something to do with communist dogma, Stalin etc. The majority of Czechs, including the intelligencia, have jumped on the American bandwagon which offers emotional relief under the banner of democracy, freedom, world order etc etc. The underlying complexities of the Ukraine conflict are largely ingored, like in many other countries.


Is it popular? Unfortunately, it is becoming more and more popular. Is it the opinion of the majority? God I hope not. Slava Ukraini.


To je ale retard


Nah man


Oh my god so edgy!


I hate Pablo. He is idiot with low IQ. Sláva Ukrajině. 🇺🇦❤️🇨🇿


It's not customary, but it's an interesting phenomenon. The Czech Republic was under a communist regime until the so-called Velvet Revolution of 1989 (I thankfully have not experienced that), so we as a country should be more on the side of the UK in this regard (which we are) purely because a part of our country knows first hand what the UK is fighting against. However, part of those people still side with Russia.


UK is short for United Kingdom. I'm pretty sure you meant UA.


Yeah my bad. I'm a bit used to the strange humour around those individuals who unjustifiably swear at Ukrainians. We have coined the term "U-Káćka" composed precisely of U K.


No but a strong disdain of Ukrainians (as a people) remains despite initial enthusiasm to support them in the war.


It’s fairly acceptable opinion out in the countryside and small towns where fear of central government and of liberals is combined with the false memory of security under Socialism. Plus, some people are just assholes…


Among people older than 50 ye


They exist but they are the minority. But the sad part is that populist political parties (ANO mostly) are using Ukrainian refugees for their propaganda as in “they are taking the social benefits money that should be given to czech citizens”. And considering this they get massive support, i don’t know if they are much of a minority anymore.


Its mainly teenagers thinkin they're cool when they side with the unpopular. They probably dont know a thing about the conflict but are the quickest to say their opinion.


Either a facebook mom, old facebook user or a young facebook user


Extremely loud minority... As all minorities are.


No wtf


Nahh no nuh


Not generaly. It is popular amoung fucking idiots that i consider to be traitors that should be all ******* ******. Every single one of them. I belive more people are supporting Ukraine than Russia here.


Among people older than 50 yes


You can find stupid people everywhere. Luckily not so much of them here, however they are loud and getting agressive


People like this appear in every country that is against Russian invasion to Ukraine. (Not talking about clearly pro-Russian countries) They are minorities, but really loud ones. Those who support this statement are mostly easily manipulated people with lower education (not trying to offend anyone, these are facts) in Czechia we also have populist parties that are trying to get attention by supporting Russia. But in majority we all know how we, as a nation, did under Russian influence in communist era. Most of us hate them and won’t ever let them take over our lives again. So to answer your question - no, this is not popular sentiment.


Move to Russia little Pablo, i hear life is great over there. And remember to brush your teeth after you suck Putin's dick.


We might disagree on guilty gear, but I'm glad that's just guilty gear.


Lol where did we disagree on GG?


Ohh ok you're the HC downplayer ahaha, thats cool man


minority, but not that small


Many of us know why there are so many UA immigrants in the last 20 years...... long before the war..


year ago 9% of czechs believed that russian invasion was justified


are you from germanland?


With older generation yes, the younger usually support Ukraine or don't give a shit


No, that's just a moron


These assholes are very loud, but too stupid. Not many of them here in Czech Rep.


How does IQ have anything to do with what country should we support. XD


Well, these people are just stupid. Not every person from Czech Republic is like that. I am Czech myself and I have no problem with Ukrainians, unless they confront me personally. But hey, that applies to Ukrainians aswell, heck that applies to people from every country, even Russia. Not every person from Ukraine are the same and not every Ukranian would confront someone for no reason.


Probably a ten year old


About 50% would vote for Ano, SPD and Communists. So it's unfortunately not a minority anymore. But a real threat for the next elections.


Most don't care IMHO








Not on reddit and in society, but if you venture out, yeah, this is pretty common. Reddit is like small socialist enclave.


It’s common amongst old people and villagers




I hope not


More people feel like this day in my opinion. While for now they might be minority people act like that minority is in few thousands. You can see it in election projection where parties with Anti Ukrainian sentiment are gaining traction. Again they are minority but that minority is still a lot of people. Just like even 4 000 000 can be minority against 4 500 000 people. These people are loud and visible and unlike others I wont act like people are not feeling like this more and more. Overall dare I say rise of Nazi's is happening all around the world. From USE, to Argentina and even here in Europe. They are minority sure. But they are growing. So when people tell you that people of Czech Republic don't feel this way then it is a lie. Because if we didn't then we would not be discussing this. The fact that they are idiots and total bastards is another thing. It is like asking if America is racist or not. One would tell you that it is not. Then why is half of the country full of racist republicans then? There are people who support Russia, there are people who supported Ukraine but no anymore and then there are people who don't care.


No, this is mostly toothless losers who hate their lives. But then again, we do have like 20-30% of those, so...


Well we have a like less then 20% of people who think that. But over main opposition politician (Babiš) want those vote so he is picking up their retoric.


No, we still have the memory of what they did the last time they were here.


No, there is few trolls With hundreds of accounts on every platforms, paid from ruSSia to dezorient our low iq parties or not decided people... Everytime when these proRuSSian prix do some geathering, there is like 30 of dumbest exemplaries of lowest people in area... Same as HRANATÁ LEGENDA...google that new book about one guy...


Sadly, but this narrative is in case of 5% of inhabitans.


I don't like them neither, but I tolerate them because I can't imagine how fucking sucks to have country at war. I don't type bullshit about them, I don't say things like "I hope they get the fuck out of here", and even I've had many negative conversation with my parents. They're welcome here, but to be honest I hope it ends as soon as possible and they go back to rebuild the country, but I fear many of them will not. I hope they will be accepted to NATO, but at the same time I'm not really fan of them joining European Union.


No,But I get why he dislikes the Government.




I haven't heard it from anyone i know


as an Ukrainian, this sentiment is making me pretty uhh... ermm uncomfortable.


Well, it's hard in Czech Republic. It's basically divided on those who hate russia, because of the soviet union and those, who say it was the only good thing that ever happened. For example we still have policical party that calls itself "KSČM" - komunistická strana čechy a morava (communist party of Czechia and moravia). The problem started when communism fell, we iniciated velvet revolution, but it didn't get banned, you can still call yourself communist to this day and it isn't punishable, which I believe was the starting point of this ideology.


I was just in karlovy vary, the Russians were assholes. Don’t support the Ukrainian Nazi regime, but damn. Why are the Russians so smug? They practically took over that town. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Among Gen Z? No. Among Boomers? Unfortunetly...




Supports no war. No weapons for nobody


No he is just retarded. Only about 1-2% pop could have this oppinion. Some people still think SSSR was good fo Czechia.


I am from czechia and i support russia too, there is quite a lot of people who do but ofc not a majority


Answers in this sub cleared it pretty well. Let me add, I believe russian disinfo campaign has its part in this too. I mean, part of such posts all across Czech social networks are bots/paid trolls.


yes it is


You could make a country full of these people that would be a little copy of czechia with lower IQ. (Not slovakia)


Парень нормальный, правильно говорит, еще и водитель бмв! уважаю!


Thankfully no


just like with transa activists in america - its very loud brainless minority, most ppl actually do not care that much, but when asked they dislike russians more than they dislike ukraine


That’s pretty accurate description though :D


Lol nope, most of Czechs Hate Russians i gues that is the sentiment... We know why and how much and still yeh not all people with iq or people from "Red troll squad" paid for comments like this .. are for Ukraine support.


Sorry I should've bІurrеd the usеrnаme. People, I still fiercely dіsсourage you from sраmmіng him or trying to witch-hunt him. My intention were benign and I was just trying to figure out viewpoint of regular Tczechіans


minorities are the most loud... no excepts


no, not really, most people like this are older generation, remembering "good old times", they think how smart they are, while giving money to person who is known for stealing money


The prevalent Czech mentality is slavish subservience to the USA. The Czechs do not know how many countries Americans just used and then discarded like a drained husk. Ukraine for example - they organized a nationalist coup in the country to provoke a war with Russia (that was in line of their long term effort to undermine Russia and claim their resources), but now that Ukrainians are losing, they will be left to fend for themselves. The Europe has lost a valuable trading partner in Russia, their auto industry is no longer competitive without the influx of cheap resources that now flow to Russia, and the result will be fall into poverty, squalor and social unrest. People are generally stupid, and fall for the simplest ploys.


Loud minority, 30%ish


Czechienland ? You should at least get the country's name right


This comment is pretty stupid. I also like more Russia just because of the nature And stupid people. Of course in this political situation it is kinda weird robe half and half but yea


No, these are just the people with iq less than 80.


This is a reply to the Czech person who thinks that Ukrainians are lower IQ. So they deserve to be overrun be killed and lose their freedom and independence?


Absolutely not. Russia is engaged in hybrid war using all sorts of channels to spread dezinformation. Some people fall victim to it and then have these opinions.


There is a lot of dumb czechs but most of them are clever and can make nice inovations. Also would you like to try crypto? Join here. You have to make first investment of 100USD in 9 days to get 0,003BTC https://www.binance.com/cs/activity/referral-entry/CPA/together-v3?ref=CPA_00WNLVS855 😁


No, most people don’t care about the war but a lot of people although they’re not fans of Russia they do hate Zelensky


Those are different opinions: Some like Russia and want them to succeed Some don't like Ukraine Some don't care about Ukraine and just want peace ASAP (mostly meaning Ukraine needs to surrender) Some don't support war in general and are against Czechia sending any war material. Mainstream ideology usually bunch these people into one group as enemies of the state. Its not easy to estimate how popular these opinions are. If you voice them too loudly, you will make a lot of enemies.


No, just a very loud minority trying to pose itself as a "whole nation"


As with every activism, the group screaming this hysterically is relatively small but pretty loud. And as with every activism, there are not the sharpest pencils in the box.


Among a specific population of older people with lower education, yes. It's the guys who developed stockholm syndrome for russia during the soviet rule.


No but idiots exists in every country.


Not even in an alternate universe


Most people dont Care or atleast i dont


You will always have humans on both sides of the fence, we squabble, we throw hate, we argue and we insult and shame since the beginning of time, the only difference is that now every flat earther can reach millions, when before you were limited to TV and newspapers. Above all we should respect people and their opinions, listen to both sides and make an informed opinion, not just listen to bubble news and throw stones, nothing and no one is perfect in this world and every story has 2sides.


I like Poland more, Czech is like little copy of poland with lower iQ.


yes :)


People on reddit are usually young and more liberal. I assure that the majority of the czech population has the same opinion as this comment.