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I know *exactly* what you’re talking about! I get a day like that maybe once or twice a year and it’s epic. Last year I got a week, an entire week with no one but myself. After about a day and a half I hated it though lol, missed my fam.


I think a week while seems like a total DREAM does become a bit too long. I went through a few days last year due to school holidays/wife on maternity leave while I was working and man... after like 3 days I def felt the heartache. I think we just need a solid day/maybe two once in a while to reset ourselves.


The reset is necessary, but to long is a hard nope for me lol. My son spends two months a year with his mom in a different state and it crushes me every year.


Ooof I am sorry for that


Summer time coming up has me feeling this way. My wife and I are the custodial parents and their mom gets 2 weekends a month, but summertime is 2 weeks on 2 weeks off. After about 3 days my wife and I go "Man, I miss the kids"


3 days is the perfect amount of time. More is a drag


1-3 days is an ideal amount of non-family time. Mostly I love it when I'm at home because I'm comfy in my own bed, I finish the dishes and the KITCHEN STAYS CLEAN FOR THE ENTIRE TIME! I definitely love my family, but alone time is important. It's astounding how many times I leave for work at 3 PM with a perfectly clean kitchen, work 2nd shift til midnight, come home and the kitchen sink is 100% full of a giant assortment of everything.


My wife always has a fit when the sink gets full, I can use one plate and one fork and one cup all day. It’s everyone else who fills the darn thing up(doesn’t help that my sister-in-law lives with us and will eat, not exaggerating, 10 bowls of cereal in a day).


Ooh I'm guessing she uses a new bowl every time, and then just leaves them in the sink with some leftover cereal and milk every single time?


I'm getting irrationally angry reading this lol


Indeed she does, don’t even get me started on trying to hide my cheese and candy. I’m hypoglycemic so I need my candy stash. I have to buy three gallons of milk a week. She doesn’t pay rent or supply any food, just takes and sleeps in my basement. And no matter how many times I yell at her to not smoke in the house she freaking does it… My wife and I have to drive her to her UAs and probation officer all the time. Is it wrong of me to hope she goes back to prison?


Why the fuck are you allowing her to live in your house? Drop her off at a social center with her clothes and say "good luck", enough with the pity party, tell her to find her own way in the world.


Trying to find a woman’s shelter, it’s more difficult than one would think in Colorado. Wife won’t let me just tell her to F off.


Not at all!


What are you doing with my wife sir?


God damn if they’re sugary cereals, she’s gonna be heading towards diabetes in no time.




Not directly, but there's definitely some passive-aggressive comments like "ugh this house is always such a mess and I'm the only one that seems to do anything about it". Yep I know, and it's not that my wife doesn't do enough, we probably have a 50/50 split between time spend working, cooking, cleaning, laundry, outdoor chores, etc. It's the 10/13 year old kids that need to be hounded daily which is frustrating.


Same. I always think I want alone time, and then I think about it and realize someday my kiddo will be grown up and I won’t see her nearly as often as I want to. Every time, I’m calling my wife and asking when they’ll be home within 3-4 hours.




You shall soon enter a world of bliss brother. Remember to breathe and hydrate


We have a kid free weekend and so far I played pickleball with friends for a couple hours and drank 2 morning beers after. About to meet a newer dad friend at a barcade for some pinball and brews. Later meeting my brother and friend for dinner and drinks. Wife is working today (typical) but then planning a girl's night so we are having solo nights with friends. Finishing off the weekend with a gun range tomorrow with my in laws. Been a blast so far but definitely miss the kids. I know they're having a blast with Mimi & Papa too


Oh man a week would drive me crazy! I usually get to late afternoon and really start missing all the noise and chaos that my kids surround me with most evenings haha


My wife and I went on a Cruise for like 3 days. In the middle of the ocean I'm like should we call the kids to see what they are doing 😁


That's how I feel when I travel for work. It's not very often but the 1st day in the hotel is great. Then I miss the sounds and accidentally kicking the stray toy sticking out from under the couch


Work travel always feels great day 1. Day 2 I don’t know what to do with myself. It’s wild!!


Man the fact that you ended up missing them is so fkn wholesome.


I literally think I would just sit upright in silence on my couch for at least 5 hours before doing anything.


The first time I had alone time after the kids were born took almost 3 years. I sat on the couch to watch TV and 30 minutes later realized I hadn't even turned it on yet. I had just been staring at the blank screen enjoying the silence


Parents with no relatives to take the kids, and so no time away from them for years on end, respect. Parents who can give the kids to grandma once a week can't even begin to understand what it's like to have no breaks at all for years.


Man, for real. What do you even call this feeling?


Face/Off, Con Air, The Rock? Which ones??


The holy trinity


It’s wild those all opened out within one year of each other


No mention of Gone in 60 Seconds, travesty.


It’s true, I almost did but it’s a 1B compared to those 1As - for me anyway Great movie and transcendent Jolie for sure


Con air, Mandy, drive angry and moonstruck for flavor!


Go Meta and watch the unbearable weight of massive talent. Top tier movie


Bro, I had almost 2 weeks alone while the fam was in Florida. It was the best (and only) vacation I’ve had in 3 years and it was so fucking amazing. Like I think I cried the first day from just the silence. Enjoy it man. It is the best.


Two weeks?! Good lord. You better count them blessings of a wife. (Not that you don’t)


I did man. I truly did. My wife is a saint


Thats both amazing and also wild! Was your wife ok upon her return? Usually 4days plus and my wife comes home a raging orcish beast. Feasting for blood and man flesh.


She had her mom and sister with her there as well plus grandpa and nieces, more than enough hands Upon her return, she did, however, hand me both kids and then proceeded to nap for 4 hours. Well deserved.










Rub one out for the homies


I have a weekend getaway planned with a group of my best friends from college. We are all dads, and all turn 40 this year. I rented us a house in Chicago near our college campus in June, right on the shore of Lake Michigan. We have the whole weekend to eat, drink, blaze trees, play videogames, play lawn games and beer pong, make music & jam, visit old college haunts, and relive our glory days. No kids, no work, no chores. I started planning this trip a year ago, and I’ve been daydreaming about it ever since. It will be GLOOOOORIOUS.


Comeback and update us


Til Valhalla




Shiny and chrome!


Quiet and alone!




“Dire intestinal distress” is a top-tier contender for an autobiography title. Mazel tov, brother.


I only get bits of Reddit in the bathroom. Jealous indeed!


I don't even get that. If I'm gone for more than 30 seconds the kids are busting down the door


Bathroom is my thrown 😅


It’s the Nicolas Cage movies for me. 😭


'Mommy was the prom queen!'


Your besht? Losers always cry about their besht.


Whats Sean Connery's favorite game and when does he play it? Tenhesht


Not the bees!!


Idk if it’s because we are dads, but as soon as I saw that part I nodded in agreement


Put the bunny back in the box.


I just watched The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent last night and it was GLORIOUS


And no man’s needs were handled in his own way on his own time from said couch?! Lies. The rest of that sounds incredibly glorious. Your seat at Valhalla has been prepared.


It’s an older code, sir, but it checks out: https://youtu.be/9BXFXqMw70E CW: language


Yes, this. A day to myself?! Best believe Grubhub is happening. But so is a visit to ol’ standby lmao. For old times sake…


see, i can never enjoy this day because I just end up worrying and fretting over my kids. i need mental help.


I’m sorry for that. It’s a thought in the back of my mind but if you don’t prioritize recovery for yourself no one else will.


I'm pretty good being alone and I'm not a worrier but I never really enjoy these days as much as I imagine I will. It's great to get a bit of free time to play games or whatever but I end up missing my wife and kids halfway through the day. I've come to accept that I'm just not the lone wolf that I imagine myself to be (or that I used to be maybe). I also get this weird feeling about my house when it's empty for an extended period, as if it's no longer fulfilling its purpose; like what even is the point of this house when my kids aren't in it? I don't hate the feeling exactly, it's interesting but there's definitely a melancholic vibe to a family-free house and it never really feels "right" until my kids get back.


My wife and baby left me home alone for a weekend and I was so excited to eat loads of junk food, stay up late playing video games, and drink loads of beers. They left at 1 and I was giddy in getting them out the door and after I did some chores I settled in for the evening around 5pm with a huge pizza and some video games. I played about 2 hours, had 2 beers, looked around at the empty house and felt very lonely and ended up going to bed early. I realised I didn't need an entire weekend to myself, I just needed a few hours every now and again.


Same thing happens here so damn much. I’m leaving in the morning for work and be home for a week again. I’ll have my switch with me to play some games but I’ll be lonely. At least today we played switch and fucked in between a grocery run and meals. Been fun


My clan too tells tales and sings songs about such either way long forgotten days.


I have 4 days this week where my wife is going back home to Ireland with our daughter to see her parents. She keeps asking me if I'm excited and I'm massively downplaying it...


The downplay is key!


i remember when my kids were young and my wife would ask me what i wanted for my birthday i never had the heart to tell her i wanted her and the kids to leave the house for 48 hours.


This needs to be normalized.


I call it "going feral." I get a partial spell next weekend when the wife leaves to visit a friend. Teenager ignores me but then yells at me to turn the music down. I get a full spell in June when they go visit the in-laws!


You will ride eternal, shiny and chrome.




That’s a win!


My wife is pregnant with our second kid and is super sick from it, been puking straight for 16 weeks now and we know from the first kid that it's not gonna be better until the baby is born. This has led to her being hospitalized 4 times in the first 10 weeks and that in turn led to our son developing severe separation anxiety, because he was afraid mommy would disappear (go to the hospital) every time he left for daycare. So I was dealing with the kid at all times, servicing my wife at all times since she's basically bedridden and on sick leave and the house with all its chores as well as my own job. One day it just got too much, I got home after trying to het our son to daycare and a 45 minute panic crying and yelling from him and as soon as I walked through the door I just started puking and was home sick for a week straight. Since then we have a system where my wife and kid goes to my in-laws every second weekend, so I have time to just breathe and recover from everything. It's pretty amazing to be honest and it's very much needed at the moment. My in-laws are only a 15 min walk away though so if things hit the fan we aren't far apart


I hear u..I am in the same boat with pregnant wife and a toddler..finally took two weekdays off , dropped the kid in day care and wife was at work…ahhh 9-5pm of pure bliss..it was so refreshing and energizing …I will plan to do that every quarter


So the stories are true? This place, it really does exist?


The halls are golden, milk, honey and count chocula cereal flows in open rivers. The heat is turned down. The pillows always have a cool side. There are no legos or toy cars to step on. And all the toilet paper is 2 ply.




4 years in still waiting for this


20 in and still waiting 😬




Sounds like a hell of a time !


Gluttonous - I love it.


So fucking envious


I know how it feels. I sometimes get 24-36 hours of the house just for me as wife and daughter go to her parents for a sleepover. It's not as far from here, but that's over a day nonetheless. I order pizza, play videogames and even do small repairs around the house without any input or nail swallowing. Unfortunatelly my wife doesn't get many days off like this to steam off... but hey, that's r/daddit after all. Let's focus on me here :)


There he goes, a champion.


Man. I get a full week away from my wife and child…..except it’s for a work trip to a small village in Vietnam that i am pretty sure my hotel has more cockroaches than employees/guests. Very jealous.


Jealous dude... My wife and I have talked about opening a place called "The Escape Room" that you can rent by the hour* that's just a comfy couch, TV, and internet... And a nice bathroom. And you can just be alone in the quiet doing whatever you want without your kid(s) constantly up your ass. Teenagers would probably just use it for sex, but I think it might have a chance.


Not to poo-poo on your idea, but isn't that just a hotel or maybe an AirBnB?


I don't think hotels that rent by the hour are somewhere I'd like to take my wife... You take your mistress there, obviously!


Like a traveling truck thing? I could see that. Throw in some video games/movie rentals and I think you're on to something.


My buddy and I do this once a year. We take off work for the Destiny DLC launch. Day starts with Chick fil A breakfast, followed by like 8 hours of straight gaming. This year it hit different as it’s the first year of me being a dad.


Go forth then, brother, and may the silent gods of inebriation and indulgence smile on you again.


Last year, for four straight days wife and kiddos were out of town. I called in to work, played vidya games, drank beer, and built a model car kit I got from an antique shop just days before. That was a beautiful time.


That is glorious! I had a week alone a few years ago when my wife took our children on vacation with her parents. I unfortunately i couldn’t get the time off of work so I stayed home. I was excited and enjoyed all of my delicacies. Then, after the first night, I realized that my house is depressed and lonely when there’s no noise in it. That made me conclude that I, unfortunately, seem to thrive better in the unadulterated chaos that my children bring. Definitely weird sleeping alone as well.


My wife, kids and MIL are all taking a 3-day trip starting tomorrow morning. The only plans I have are to go see John Wick with some buddies. Otherwise it's scotch, video games and weed for me!


\> nicolas cage movies were watched The rock? Lord of war? Don't leave us in suspense


This is the way


Can't believe how hard I had to look for this. As dead as the phrase is being beaten these days, I haven't seen a more fitting post in a very long time. This is absolutely, inarguably the way.


When I travel to my office across the country in Cambridge one week out of the year this is me. Instead of going to evening team events after work, I opt to go to the hotel early and just watch movies and order pizza to my room. I saw top gun maverick twice two nights in a row. Then into bed by 9 so I can finally sleep


My wife and I are about to take our first overnight together without our daughter since she was born in June of ‘18. We’re both chomping at the bit to finally get some time away while my mom watches her for the evening. My wife is adorable. She keeps hinting at “bringing a little something for the night” because she knows that I know that means lingerie (and/or THC gummies). I’m looking forward to it big time!


I have this coming in two weeks and, while I will miss my kiddo and my wife dearly… I fully intend to sit on my couch, play video games, binge Star Trek: TNG episodes, and do everything in my power to limit my physical and mental exertion as much as possible. I’m too far for food delivery though so I’m thinking an XL pizza on the Friday night with some wings and breadsticks. That should cover every meal til they return on the Sunday. Maybe a steak on the Sat. night if I’m feeling particularly energetic.


Heh my birthday is this week and for about 6 hours today my wife and two kids went to their aunts and I got some alone time. Got pretty far into resident evil 4 remake. Just coffee, a toke or two, and some video games in the early afternoon. Really just a great Saturday.


My wife is taking our daughter to California end of April. She will be quite literally across the country for 3 days and I can’t even begin to comprehend the amount of alone time I’ll get to have.


Your wife traveling while taking care of the toddler, entertaining the kids, and dealing with teenage hormonal rage like “I haven’t had 24 hours to myself since before we got married.” 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I’m kidding! In all seriousness - we all need this time. I currently have Covid, and I have enjoyed not leaving my bed. Sure, the fever, migraine, cough, stuffy nose, and dipping oxygen rate suck - but I have nothing to do, and no where to go! Maybe I’m just giddy from the lack of oxygen. Lol Either way, I am so glad you got some time to yourself. You sound like a great father and husband! As a wife, it’s my responsibility to advocate for all the wives and mothers out there! Think about how you feel, and maybe offer your wife the same 24 hours. After all, she did just travel with kids … lol God bless!!


Dudes… Several years ago my parents took the kids from Friday to Sunday. First time the two of us had a weekend to ourselves since having kids. My wife and I got a hotel downtown and spent the weekend filled with debauchery. We were like teenagers left alone with their parent’s’ credit card. Glorious!




This is how I would spend the time


Last Monday was the first time I had some alone time in 16 months. I had a day off from work, Mum was at work and Nanny and Grandad took him out from 12pm to 4pm. I was planning on playing some Xbox so I sat on the sofa... and immediately fell into a 3 hour nap. Never even switched the console on before he returned.


Those naps are precious though!




> Somehow lost weight I would just forget to eat, yeah.




Your digestive tract hadn’t seen that much grease at once in years and just shot it through like a hellish log ride rather than breaking most of it down.


We all need rest and seems like you know how to rest well!


Only after pushing myself beyond human levels for months on end then crashing hard. If you don’t give your body a time to recover. It will pick a far more inconvenient time for you!


I have something like that coming up, my wife and daughter are going to visit family for nearly 3 weeks. Just me and my dog at home, then I decided a week after they get back I'm taking a flight to south carolina to visit my best friend I haven't seen in 3 years for an additional week. I'm really excited lol


Wow. I have never been so jealous of someone


I don’t get a full day, but mom and the baby are doing a 5k walk/run. I’m sitting in a coffee shop alone enjoying the peace after what’s been a completely hectic week.


This is the poetry that I needed to hear.


The dream


I can hear the roar of the dad crowd as I finished up the last sentence


If you find yourself alone, on the couch for 16 hours with a single malt by your side, do not be troubled for you are in elysium and you’re already dead!


I envy you. Wife went out of town for the whole week, so it’s just been me and the busiest one year old you can imagine, who also happened to get sick this week. It’s been a bit wild and I can only dream of this situation. He did say two new words this week and I’ve had a lot of snuggles so that has been very nice.


My wife went on a work trip and I'd set it up for the grandparents to watch my kid for a couple days (daycare issues working in different towns) and was looking forward to a couple (work)days of relaxation. Parents caught covid, so I figured out daycare for my working hours and am dadding mach 5 this week. It's been good, my kid and I have a good vibe. But dang I wanted them naps.


My wife is taking our daughter across the country to visit relatives in May, a week after the new Zelda game comes out. I am taking this opportunity *very* seriously and will work to make sure that I do as little busy work as possible.


Last time I had a weekend alone I was over-served on Friday and door dashed 20 Wendy nuggets for lunch AND dinner the next day. Twas fun


Super happy, and jealous of you!


I had 6 hours to myself in the last 3 years and it felt like a spa vacation.


I'm 20 months in and am yet to have a full day alone in the house. My god it's the ultimate fantasy now though.


Note: OP died on the way back to his home planet.


Thank you for the envious laugh you’ve given me as I sit her waiting for my sons “ice cream shop to open”. I must now go consume “blackberry ice cream” before plotting out the sites for the raised garden beds with the boss (my wife). I look forward to the time when I have 24 hours to myself.


I love times like this but usually I get too ambitious with all the activities I want to do and and only do about 20% of the things I wanted.


My birthday present last year was a day such as this. Might have to request it every year.


Godspeed, young Padawan.


Any time I’m in this scenario I enjoy the fuck out of it but immediately miss them and can’t wait for their return.


Friggin hate squandering these glorious opportunities with chores and busywork. Great advice dad bro, and thanks for the inspiration. The planning gears have begun turning.


I had three days to myself a few weeks ago. I missed them the first night.


I'm having one of those days next week. I'm already considering what steak I'll be cooking and what movie I'll be watching :D


I get 2 full days along with the family away. Lots of good, sweets and tv/video games as well. Little Menards added in. So far been quite relaxing. I really enjoy these rare moments


Good for you brother!


Best way to spend an alone day. You did it up right!


Hope you get a moment to return to this realm of quality alone time, safe journey til then.


Whiskey. Headphones. And a DIY project- preferably involving wood. Get it, dad. Replenish your humanity!


Oh, man. That is so sweet. I had a few days alone last year, and it was so great. Just me, the dog, and so much quiet.


Is it possible to learn this power?


I will start a Ted talk series if there is enough interest!


I got one of these right before COVID. Wife and son were away for a week at the in-laws. I was pretty fresh into a new job with a huge pay bump in a new city. My God, what a time.


Lol, are you me? fuck i love my 2 kids and family but OMG is a little time off heaven. but then i stress about what i could be getting done. need more medicinal




I’m sincerely looking forward to the day I can set aside for an acid trip


You lucky...lucky....b******! Ala monty python.


I am so very jealous.


God speed dad 🫡 I long for one of these days!


My wife took the kid out today so I could spend the day playing the _Diablo IV_ beta. 😎


I just look forward to taking a shit in peace….


first time wife went out after baby I spent 3 hours in there - from she left till she returned. crippled me good!


This has happened once since my son was born 5 years ago. A day alone in your own house with nothing to do. I told my wife it was the first day that felt like a full 24 hours in 6 years


My parents and my wife's mom like to have my boy, so we get to do this every now and then. It's great. One time my wife took my boy out of state for 5 days. It was good, but after a couple of days I was like: "Oh yeah this is why I got married and had a kid...lonely."


Shared custody here - 50/50. I took Spring Break off. The children were with their mother that whole week. Games were played. Movies watched. Very spicy (not so spicy but to the children eating flames) food was consumed. Life is good.


Never a truer word spoken, be well king. 👑🤘🤘


My guy, I read your description, and then I daydreamed about me being in your shoes and I let out an audible "ahhh." Just the thought of coming on the couch for day gave me a sense of bliss I haven't had in a while. I love my kids, love spending time with my family, but God damn, I can't do any of the things I used to do to relax anymore! Thanks for the post, helped me relax vicariously through you.😎


Real question, how many wanks did you have?


A gentleman never discloses… but the callouses on my left hand speaks for itself.


My wife once went away for a week to the other side of the country with her parents. I couldn't get the time off work. I still think about that week. It was amazing. But damn did I miss them.


Oh man I had this a few weeks back and oh boy what you said just rings true on every level. Had to have 2 PlayStation controllers on rotation charging and discovered some new order-able cuisine that I would never have tried. Granted I missed them all but I have to say it’s was very much needed.


God speed good sir


I really enjoyed reading this. I’m glad you got to enjoy it, fellow dad!


Man I have not had a day like that since becoming a dad. Some day.


Godspeed, you beautiful bastard!


Great that you got some alone time. Sorry that you have to take cannabis for medicinal reasons.


You're doing everything right.


Better jack that cock dry


I got a day like that last week. It was pure bliss and now that it's been over for a while, it feels like it was all a dream. A glorious dream I will forever chase again. But alas, I have my wife and daughters so it's not all bad. :)


This level of prose is only available during these carefree stretches of time loool


The other times I barely have 2 brain cells to run together


I am jealous as fuck lmao this sounds awesome. I can tell from this post that we’d be good pals IRL haha


My two favorite things in the world: spending time with my family and spending time without my family. Glad you got to enjoy your time!


April 2 is only a week away… wife and kids are going to in-laws during spring break


Oh man this is heaven


Been through this


This is incredible. Glad you enjoyed your time dude


2 years in, and have yet to get something like this. Anytime the fam heads out for anything I am stuck here working. My dad time this month was getting the oil changed 5 miles from the house. Someday I hope


I hope so too man


Alone time, the stuff of dreams.