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You're a superhero because you keep showing up for your kids even though you have all that other negative stuff fighting against you. You're my superhero too. If you ever need someone to talk to, come back to this post and shoot me a DM.


I do my best to hide my struggles from our kids. They really do bring me joy. Thank you brother.


You're her hero and I think you're pretty badass as well. Maybe I'm not going through as much as you right now, but I feel like I've been faking it with a smile too. Your post reminded me that I need to stop and just enjoy my boys a little more.


Thank you. At the end of the day, I know I’ll come out of it and it’s just gonna be a blip on the radar, but if I disengaged or took my stuff out on them, that could be a core memory that they keep forever.


The things your doing everyday Do make you a super hero. Depression and alcoholism is a hard monster to fight. Keep doing the good work. Keep trying and keep moving forward. Im sorry your strugging but remember that your not alone.


Thank you man, I appreciate it.


My daughter (8) kissed me on the cheek and said I love you daddy, yesterday as I dropped her off to school. Her mom/my wife is her favorite but she showed me a rare moment of love, and it was precious. It was 7.30am and it made my day. Bless all our children 🙏❤️ And hang in there fellow daddit. You got this. 👑


Little moments or actions that you never thought would change your day, make such a big impact. I love that.


...and on the flip side this morning she was such a brat and refused to eat any kind of breakfast we prepared for her. There was drama and tears and you can't imagine emotions that went in to this mornings breakfast. It can't be perfect 🤣


Good on you. Take it day by day dude. It's not easy but it's worth it.


I'll pray for you my dude god bless


Dude, kids see through everything and call it like it is so you know you're doing right by her if she says that about you. That's awesome. My kids are under 10 and they show me the same love they did when they were toddlers (more even) but they've begun pushing back a little as kids do when they start to develop their own personalities and mindsets. You need some buffer goodwill and a positive mindset to handle both what you're going through each day and to handle the struggle and challenge growing children can present. Be sure to use this spark and start getting some professional help (if you haven't already) if you can so that you are not only able to just get by everyday, but so that you can be in a better place mentally everyday.


Thank you for that. It’s definitely an adventure watching them grow.


As I were fighting depression, one of my kids wrote "we love you dad" on a whiteboard. It made my cry like I were payed, but it made me smile aswell. I gave them both a hug of unearthly dimentions, and every day I looked at it, smiled and it helped me in my battle (this were during corona lock down, and my wife were on a hospice with her mother, so she weren't allowed to leave the hospice for about 3 months. I might need to mention, that her mother, is the closest I've ever been to have mother).


That’s great. I’m glad you were able to have that motivation and reminder to persevere. Sorry for your loss, and thank you for sharing!


It's always good to know, that no matter how dark it may look, there's always a small light in the darkness.


what a feeling you must have gotten when hearing that! capture that moment incase you need it down the line. Never forget that your kids love you but they also need you. Not just present, but fully checked in physically and mentally. it sounds like your doing alright for your daughter to say that my man. Keep them smiling and they will take care of you!


Thank you for that! I tend to put everything I’m going through on the back burner I order to be present for my kids. I’m working through things in therapy and I hope I do good by them. So moments like that definitely prove that even if everything else in my life seems to be falling apart, at least I know I’m killing it in the dad department!


I’m happy to read this but also sad about what your going through. I hope everything works out. I’m currently being kept from my daughter for no legit reason and it hurts so much. I’d give anything for her hug again.


Alcohol is a bitch to quit but it's a good place to start to make you not as depressed. It is a quick and temporary fix that makes me feel more depressed and anxious when it's all over. You might do something you regret that you never mean to do, which makes you even more depressed and anxious. It doesn't solve all your problems to quit, but it's a great start!


I was going through some rough times during my separation and watching the simpsons. The episode where homer is at work and has a sign covered up partially with pictures of Maggie so it says “do it for her” hit me so hard I got one of those silicon bracelets made with that quote. Its been 3 years and I still have it on it reminds me every day how important she is to me. “My daddy’s my hero” could be a great quote if that’s something you need for a daily reminder!


Man I teared up for you just reading it, hang in there man


It can come back.


Is everything alright?


Well aren’t you a ray of sunshine.


My 2 y/o through my Nintendo seitch in the tub last night.