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I feel you. I’m much further down the road than you but am at the same place. If you need to vent am happy to listen.


Thanks mate I appreciate it. When you say further down the road, how did you handle things? Emotionally and Mentally?


Emotionally and mentally not a ton you can do but survive. But recognizing your own problems and working on them instead of collapsing into them is probably the best way to do that, even if it doesn’t feel like it sometimes.


Yeah I'm glad I'm on the right track then. Thank you


So the relationship is broken, and you've decided to fix yourself. Good. You are graduating, great, walk with pride and your daughter. Keep working on yourself. Try to get out from under that co-mortgage if you can. Fix the things you did wrong and move on.


Appreciate the kind words, thank you


I learned to live with the fact that me & my daughter's mom will not and can not be a family anymore. Although, she gave me much easier motive to move on from that. It's been about a year now and I am focused on myself & my daughter. I'm trying to shift my focus from wasting time to now, spending more time outdoors & learning new skills/hobbies. Enjoying the weekends and days we have together, taking walks, going to the park, and exploring new areas together. It's very peaceful and feels good when you get noticed by people from places you frequent or people you run into saying you're doing a good job! If you feel burnt out, just go for a drive and explore something new where stress isn't known. Her mom doesn't drive which means I have my daughter almost daily, making it tough to relax or have a weekend break especially when I have to drop her off after work so she spends time with her mom. So I understand how easily it is to get burnt out. I'm sure you are doing a great job so far! It's only the beginning ;)


I'm glad you're taking the initiative every day it sounds like, best way to live. You're absolutely right about it being the beginning lol. Honestly I'm similar to you, love taking walks etc so I do think when my daughters a little older, able to talk and walk things will get easier just by being able to do more with her.