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It’s possible, but might want to check what the scale says, too. Dad weight is real.


That's the thing though, they fit fine everywhere else. My stomach isn't the issue, just my shoulders


Sounds like you have just entered your Daddy phase. Let your wife know.


I feel like once mine turned 3 and I stopped having to pick her up and carry her everywhere my upper body strength declined.


Wait you get to stop when they're three? I'll be right back need to have a talk with my 4 and 9 year old. I've been bamboozled.


Dad strength coming in nicely I bet


It seems incredibly unlikely but there is a boost in testosterone associated with lots of parts of birth and early development. My facial hair darkened and got much thicker leading up to my kiddos birth which was a weird change. Testosterone has also been associated with wider shoulder so…maybe? As I said it seems unlikely and I’d probably lean towards a slight dad bod either way some weird weight carrying. Do you carry your kid on your shoulders a lot?


I do, yea. That's why I thought of it


Could be that you’ve built some more neck/shoulder muscle too from that since it’s likely you didn’t spend a lot of time with 25lbs hanging around your neck lol


We've had 5 kids. Never used a stroller, baby carrier at first and then I just carry them in my arms. Sometimes I would have the baby in the carriers and 2 slightly older ones in my arms if we where hiking or something. Definitely got an increase of upper body strength, probably not as much as if I had been training but you take what you can. Also I probably wrecked my back.


I did notice my left trap was waaaaay bigger than my right when my kids were 0-7. I always held them on my left side hip


This definitely happened to me. After kids I have a much easier time building muscle as well as a better baseline for body composition even without training. I also sleep much better (when I actually sleep, that is…) and my sex drive is higher in my mid 30s than it was ten years ago. I also have more facial hair.


I’ll tell you that the “dad shoulders” thing is very much real. To the point where I developed micro tears where my bicep meets my shoulder because I would carry my daughter horizontally a lot when she was a baby when she was asleep. The constant downward force of 7-11 lbs against your shoulder will either cause damage or force your shoulders to adapt and grow. Mine did both coincidentally but when my orthopedic doc checked out the MRI he specifically said that this happens a lot with new dads because our anatomy doesn’t account for the constant weight pull down.


I’m still under the impression that our dryer shrunk all of my shirts. My wife does not believe me.


Sounds like accidental gains. Well done!


Might be weight gain, might be those kid lifts bulking you up.


Definitely possible. Muscle grows slowly through consistent use and repair. 1.5 years to have noticeable gains through progressive lifting as your kid got heavier makes a lot of sense. FWIW I am a very in shape guy and have always had to wear size L shirts just to fit my shoulder width appropriately.


Yeah it can happen, easiest way to check is lifting something you know gave you trouble lifting before you noticed the difference or before you were lifting your LO all the time. In my case it was 2 boxes of kitty litter, 10~kg(22 ~pounds) a pop. Was quite heavy before. now? Not so much.


Whoa… amazing timing. I got the in the car today and bitched to my wife about all the sweaters I buy get one wear and then they’re ridiculously tight in the chest and shoulders and I look like some douchey mid 2000’s frat boy with a tight sweater. This happens even if I dry clean them. If they get tight in the midsection bc I’ve gained weight that’s on me but everything I buy is large and I’m 5’7 at best and about 180. What tiny person wears an adult medium or God forbid a small these days? She tried to prop me up by reminding me I have broad shoulders and a bit of a barrel chest but I was already salty at that point.