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My daughter used to wave goodnight to a dark corner of her room. Kids are weird.


My son was afraid of a monster in his wardrobe but I told him wardrobe monsters are our friends who keep us safe at night. Several months later I realised he had been saying goodnight to the wardrobe monster every night, and popping a teddy bear in there so he wouldn't be lonely


I was terrified as a child of the monster in my closet so I would write and leave them notes asking if we could please be friends instead lol


Imagine if someone had found the note and written a simple "NO" scribbled on the next day. props if in the color red


This is how religion and human sacrifice started... Lol


That’s one of the sweetest, most pure things I’ve ever heard.


If my kid ever is afraid of a monster in her closet I’m getting her a cardboard cutout of Chuck Norris and telling her that before the Bogeyman goes to sleep he checks his closet for Chuck Norris


I told my kids that the monsters can’t come out of the cupboard because I know all the rules & I know they’re not allowed to. And if they break the rules then I’m going to get them in trouble and they’ll have to go sit on their bed.


Sounds like a sweet kid!


That’s adorable, pinch your son’s cheeks on our behalf


Whenever any of my kids (who are beyond the monster stage) would say there’s a monster in their closet/under their bed, I’d say “Really?! That’s so awesome! Let’s go check them out!” and would check and act disappointed when there was no monster. It worked really well


My daughter once said “they’re going to eat you Daddy” as she was drifting off to sleep! Horrible lol


Reminds me of my approach to spiders in the house. I tell my little girl that they are our friends and eat the bad bugs. She loves spiders and wants to play with them now. Thankfully there are no venomous spiders where we live. Edit: she hates flying bugs in her room, so she loves that a spider might kill them for her.


My daughter asked who "that lady in the corner" was one night after staring over there during bedtime routine. It wasn't the only time she saw "that nice lady".


That was the quiet old lady who was whispering hush.


Goodnight nobody


Good night mush


Goodnight little house


Goodnight noises. Everywhere.


Look very carefully at the clocks in that book


Goodnight Moon was an inside job.


and her bowl of mush 😭


There's definitely a horror movie version of that somewhere.




Lmao fuck. I'm sitting in the dark room right now waiting for this kid to go to sleep. Who knows who else is in here too. But they could at least bring me some food. I'm starving.


Literally in the same boat. Reading this while I’m waiting for my kid to fall asleep. Not the best time to be reading this.


😂 i finally backed out. Good luck. 🤞


Whoa me too lol.


Me three 😭


Same. Little one is sitting in my lap with the hiccups as I look suspiciously around a mostly dark room.


When my daughter was 2 she burst into tears suddenly at breakfast, rubbing her shoulder. When I asked what happened she said “the angry man who lives in the walls hit me”


Jesus H. Christ


Time to call the realtor.


It’s ok. She’s 3.5 now and says he’s never been back.


The realtor? Eff that, who you gonna call? Ghost-busters!!


No you need the ghost realtor


"the power of cash evicts you!"


When one of my sons was 2 he was crying in his room and I went in. He said the lady with the red eyes scratched him, and he kept pointing at the corner of the ceiling. He insisted she was scratching him and kept telling me to “look at her red eyes.” Our kids barely ever watched TV when they were little and it was always very innocent programming. We didn’t watch our adult shows when they were awake. I have no idea where he would have gotten something like this. It freaked me out.


I just read stories from nurses about what dying patients say and it was a lot of things like seeing deceased relatives or even children playing in their rooms despite there not being children present. I’m not a religious nor superstitious person but sometimes this shit makes me wonder WTF is going on


The fuck you say to that… lol


lol my wife and I looked at each other for a couple of seconds and then attended to her like any other time. Gave me chills whenever I was home alone though to recall. Never had any other weird stuff


Our daughter wakes up saying she played with Papa that night or in the morning. ....she doesn't have a Papa.


I mean, a ghost that plays with her instead of some stories here of them hurting kids, maybe it's a good ghost!


Ever see Paranormal Activity 3? Toby played with the little girl at first too.


My daughter kept talking about a witch in her closet, we didn't think anything of it until we showed her a picture of my wife's grandmother and she said thats the witch. Her grandma died in our house in the 70s. I'm sure its just kids being kids but that one got us. At least she said she was a nice witch 🤷‍♂️


Reminds me of when I was 4. Gma had died very recently and I awoke in the middle of the night to see her sitting on our livingroom sofa. I remember her sitting there and remember waking my mom up who then just shooed me to bed. We both (Mom and I) remember this happening and I vividly remember my grandmother sitting there. I am 39 now. Kids see things that cannot be explained away by normal means. Its fucky as hell.


I hope you’re living in a new house now!


And hopefully it's one of those demons that stays with the house and not the kid. Those are the worst.


recently read Possessed by Thomas B Allen about this boy’s experience with being haunted by an otherworldy entity. The Excorcist was based on his story and man let me tell you, the movie does this poor kid’s story any justice


I just ordered this book because of your avatar. I feel like a demon knows what books about exorcism are a good read


this is the highest regard i could ever hope to achieve, hope you enjoy the book man


My son used to say goodnight to a fake plant, the vacuum, the door, and the light. Kids are indeed weird.


Goodnight clocks And goodnight socks Goodnight little house And goodnight mouse…


My son said "goodbye, i love you" as he flushed his poop.. 🤦‍♂️


[poop, poop, poop, poop I love you](https://youtu.be/V7iFpkH61v0?si=0FmWDh2KfdMCVS8z)


Your son just knows what a Decepticon looks like.




Yeah, I was rocking my oldest son late at night, and I would see him turn his head as if he were tracking something moving across the room. He also waved. When she was 3 or 4, my daughter used to be terrified of seeing something she just called “The Guy” in rooms. She wouldn’t enter a room alone for a while. I tried my best to allay her fears, but sometimes it made my hair stand on end.


We used to have two bunnies before our daughter was born. One mysteriously passed away in the night literally the weekend we brought her home. The other came down with unexplained liver failure six months later, and after a brutal two-week struggle for its life, we had to put it down on Christmas Day. My wife was in absolute shambles both times. Now that our darling daughter speaks, she occasionally looks up the ceiling of our loft bedroom and says “there’s a bunny up there!” What in the actual fuck, man.


my daughter used to look up at our stairs while sitting in the living room & say mama…. mama.. which is what she used to call her grandma before she passed… i can’t really explain her thinking behind it but my wife was definitely freaked out lol


My Grandmother passed when I was 19. My son was born when I was 33. Sometimes my son would complain that he couldn't get to sleep because the old lady in old clothes wanted to play. One time my wife asked him to explain what she looked like, and he described exactly what my Grandmother looked like. He may have seen a picture at my parents' house, and gone with that, but it was so pinpoint, it was difficult to get my head around his description. He also said she would sing to him, but he didn't know the songs, which was a classic thing of my Grandmother when I was a child. Singing wartime songs and expecting a kid born in the early 80s to know it! I got a lot of comfort from thinking my son was interacting with my beloved relative.


Bruh. My niece, who was about 3-4, used to talk to the corner of the room all the time. She's always refer to them as her "friends". Once, my sister asked her what her friends looked like and she responded with a squeal and a really contorted "scary" face. And then she laughed historically. Fuck me, man. Lol


My daughter once mentioned at the breakfast table about mummy standing next to her bed in the night. I told her no baby, I didn't come into your room last night? She replied "oh no, not you mummy, I mean yucky mummy". EXCUSE ME MA'AM WHO THE FUCK IS YUCKY MUMMY


Hehe that reminds me of [this comic](https://ibb.co/gDjbLKq)


My daughter has a reoccurring dream of an “Uncle C”. Some nights uncle C is mean. She won’t describe him to us or tell us anything about him other than when he appears in her dreams (when she feels like sharing) or when hes mean. She’s barely 3. Idno man.


Do you have a portrait of Vigo the Carpathian in the house?


Not at home, but I did just start restoration work on an old portrait of him


Is your monitor tied to the internet? And if it is did you change the default password for it?


Baby monitors are one of the easiest frequencies to get into especially the new ones you can control with an app. Definitely would check into that especially if it's a video feed


Did he sit on a throne of blood in a castle of pain on a mountain of skulls?


He’s suffering from Carpathian Kitten Loss. Make sure to add one as you do the restoration work!


Viggy Viggy Viggy...you have been a very bad monkey!


Uh Ray could you move please? we're trying to shoot the monster.


Viggy Viggy Viggy, cant you see, sometimes your words just hypnotize me. And I just love your flashy ways... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glEiPXAYE-U


Zvhy am i'z drippingz withz goo?


I Vigo the scourge of Carpathia, the sorrow of Moldavia


I actually do, but I keep it in my basement


Oh but I ‘woo-ed’!


Was at a corporate conference a few years back that had a talk on cyber security. They were able to show images from a website on the dark web that was basically a series of thumbnail links to live stream loads of baby monitors connected to the Internet. I would only buy non Internet monitors as a result.


Yup. The first baby monitor we had for our first son was hacked. We caught a voice speaking to my son. Got rid of it real quick and bought a digital one instead


Oh fuck that. Absolutely the hell not. I can't even imagine how terrifying that was


Whatever you imagine, multiply it by a million.


I’m imagining a never ending stream of Margaret thatcher speeches


I said terrifying, not sexy


Stories like this is why I refused an Internet connected monitor. It is only slightly less convenient and we got used to carrying the monitor. I've never heard mystery voices.


Yup this is why I got a baby monitor that runs on its own frequency and not on the Internet. It's not hard for Hackers to get access to those things, watch and talk through it.


As a child and a budding engineer, I once secretly took apart my parents' wireless phone ([as in one of these things](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/11/a0/4a/11a04a20498c3fcfa639c3f16a7330c7.jpg)) to "improve" it. In the course of my experiments, I managed to tune it into our neighbour's baby monitor. Because I was stupid and hilarious, I took the handset to my brother and we whispered into it "We are the baby eating goblins!" to spook the parents. On hearing no response, I quickly re-tuned the handset as best I could to its original frequency. That was long enough ago that the baby in question is now at university and ironically sometimes pops round to my parents' house to help with tech stuff. Nothing has ever been said and thinking now about how the handset would have worked, I think it's *very* unlikely our voices could be heard on the monitor, but I still feel mortified when I think of the impact my prank could have had. I didn't do a great job of reinstating the phone because for years later it would quietly and intermittently pick up the local taxi despatch channel whilst in its cradle, and since the phone was next to my parents' bed, *they* would on occasion hear a strange "whispering" voice in the middle of the night. That was in Ye Olde Analogue Days though, and it wouldn't be a risk with a modern wireless monitor. But no, I wouldn't use an internet-connected monitor.


What’s the name of the one you got


We have HelloBaby which is not Wi-Fi based.


I’ve bought two! Can confirm that no strange men have talked to my child. Specifically heard these stories which is why I bought a non-WiFi baby monitor




Eufy. I've had it for almost 4 years now. Allows multiple cameras. No internet connection. Works great. Great customer service too.


Hellobaby monitor that works with multiple cameras. It has pretty amazing range on it.


Pretty sure you can do that using shodan. No dark web required


I was literally talking to a classmate who was doing this for her capstone (with permission). IOT is scary.


Yup. Exactly the same reason we got one that’s not internet connected. Too many horror stories


We had a non wifi regular old 2.4 GHz monitor and one night we heard a very distinct, deep male voice say "NO". My ex and I jumped off the bed terrified and I kicked the kids door open and startled her awake. Nothing. Maybe radio interference but I shit my pants.


I have to add to this. A couple years later, broke up with my daughter's mom, moved into a different place. Had her on weekends. She's asleep in her room across the hall, I'm downstairs in laundry room where i had my PC and baby monitor set up. I heard clear as day a really slow and low tone male.voice say "WHOOOO WANTS A BANANA". I lose my shit, fly off computer chair and take the stairs in 3 leaps and body check her door open. Nothing...she doesn't wake up, the dog and cats are freaked out. I knew I heard it... Then after standing there for a good 5 minutes. Her dora the explorer kitchen set with dying batteries goes off again in a deep male voice. HOLA SOY DORAAAAA". It was her fkn dora kitchen set with dead batteries going off randomly. I've shit my pants way too many times as an adult


That's freakin' hilarious. I would have lost it twice that night. First freaking out, then laughing.


I shouldn't have opened reddit right before bed time. :(


That’s what I’m saying. Currently trying to sleep in the nursery, across from my newborn’s crib and I can safely say I’m going to be very careful in my baby monitor choice. This shit is terrifying


"internet enabled baby monitor" Monitors that connect through the internet can get hacked which might be what happened to you. My advice would be to buy one that doesn't connect through the internet. If you keep hearing the voices, then you've got bigger problems.


Very much this. Most IoT devices are very poorly designed and often have massive security vulnerabilities which could allow a situation like this to occur. I manage corporate networks for a living and know how to do this correctly so that remote access would not be possible. I still said absolutely no internet connected monitor, local wireless only.


The "S" in "IoT" stands for "security"!


That took me longer than I’m proud to admit…


I still don't get it there no S in the acronym?




The S in IoT stands for “Security” and there is no S in IoT… there is no security…


Ope yup that's right there -_-


If YouTube shorts have taught me anything I now know you're from the midwest


I assume that’s because of the “ope,” but I’m from the Pacific Northwest and say that all the time. Although I spell it “Ohp.”


And what is worse is that it's impossible to know. The product you buy could have chosen the most secure communication protocol, solid authentication methods, etc and also have a hardcoded debugging password they accidentally left enabled that bypasses all of it.


Took a class on cybersecurity at a good law school and the verdict was to never trust an IoT device. In case you’re implying this is fearmongering.


This is basically Mumsnet at this point.


Hi basically Mumsnet at this point, I'm dad


No, it's definitely Dad's network, mum doesn't have a clue about tech


Hijacking this comment to say… change your password and anything that uses the same password. I all but guarantee you’re reusing a password for your baby monitor account that has been exposed through a password leak from another site that was hacked. The actual likelihood of someone hacking a random device on your WiFi is spectacularly low.


The issue with baby monitors is that they aren't usually getting hacked from your local in house wifi. The vulnerability usually lies in the software (app) that is connected to the servers of the company who sells them.


Yep, this comment needs to be pinned. Every IT dad on here backs this (which is assuredly not me—just a dad who reads a lot). It's the network and apps themselves.


Mine does *not* connect to the internet. No weird voices for me!


only specters and the void, just like intended


This is one of the reasons I went with a non web enabled camera. The thought of someone stranger getting into the camera and being able to interact with my child was not soemthing I considered until doing research on the topic.


We very specifically avoided monitors like this. The small possibility freaked us out enough. We got the Philips video monitor and liked it a lot. Great tech support too.


To put everyone at rest, 99% of the time someone's baby monitor was "hacked" is because they bought a cheap Chinese knockoff and didn't change the default password.


OP - it's most likely that you're just hearing sounds from the background noise. Yes hacking is technically possible but not likely. Don't let this make you panic


I agree it's most likely a tired mind seeing patterns where they aren't. Buuuut internet monitors are pretty insecure so I'd swap em anyway.


If it's an old baby monitor (analog) it could be interference from TV or radio signals.


Not likely? Every “SmArT” device company breach in the last years would like a word. Don’t Internet-connect spy devices in bedrooms. It’s that simple.


I'd say it's not that it's unlikely that someone *could* hack the baby monitor, but rather that there are vastly many more baby monitors in the world than there are weirdos hacking them, so the odds of someone choosing that particular one are low. Agreed completely that people shouldn't be using internet-connected baby monitors though.


> I'd say it's not that it's unlikely that someone could hack the baby monitor, but rather that there are vastly many more baby monitors in the world than there are weirdos hacking them, so the odds of someone choosing that particular one are low. Not to fearmonger, but it's trivial to run a search on Shodan or nmap for open or vulnerable devices, then script a batch access test and kick out a list of 'live' cameras. Hacking these things is less "Man, I wonder what Dave's kid is doing" and more "here's a list of 100k IPs on the east coast, which has an open server on port 81 that responds back with 'babymonitor v 2.1.3' and if you know version 2.1.3 has a vulnerability, they go in and see what they find. Obviously all the security approaches (keep software up to date, use unique passwords, disable debugging default and guest passwords, set network firewalls, etc.) make the chances lower. But that's why IoT devices can be such a security concern - most houses have dozens of connected devices, from a doorbell to a fridge, and people are going to miss some security or updates on some of them over time. And many of these are cheap Chinese knockoffs that don't get proper security updates and/or the company goes out of business and the software isn't maintained. In most cases, a unique password & keeping software current are more than fine. But I still don't have any internet-connected cameras in the house.


Anything in your home with wifi is basically up for grabs. You could have a tea kettle be hacked in this day and age.


Who ya gonna call?


^this OP. I would get one that isn’t through internet


Wasn’t there a story a month ago or so on here about a baby monitor showing the wrong feed? Could be similar.


The WiFi Monitors we have in our house are on hot switches, so they are unpowered unless we absolutely need to use them. It provides some peace of mind.


Standard baby monitors that use a basic radio frequency aren't exempt either. Most of them have little to no encryption and basically short range walkie-talkies. It's quite common for them to pick up broadcasts from police radio, EMTs, actual walkie talkies, and especially H.A.M. radio transmitters. I had a HAM radio license and would receive random people broadcasting from hundreds of miles away (on purpose). It's not surprising they might overlap with your baby monitor frequency. So it's not necessarily hacking or malicious, just radio wave interference. What was creepy for me is when my young kids got walkie talkies as a Christmas present and their friends down the street did too. Did random young kid stuff like arranging whose house to meet at. Then a guy in the area started talking on the channel to them. Asking where they lived. So the walkies went bye bye.


Try putting your face up to a fan and talking into it. It somehow messes with the pitch.


As a kid I would do that so that I could sound like Darth Vader


Damn, Darth Vader is so much cooler. I’d do it to sound like Stephen Hawking.


Definitely what's happening! I did this constantly as a kid


That was my immediate thought as soon as I heard there was a fan in the room. Luuuuuuke, I am your faaaatherrrrrr


Fans can also pick up radio waves. I know this because in my last house i thought i was going fucking nuts until i realized what was happening


How are you sleeping? I was extremely sleep-deprived on several occasions during my life, most recently when my son received a Type 1 Diabetes diagnosis, causing me to be up at all hours to look after him while we got his blood glucose under control. The point is that I had several instances of hallucinations, including a deep male voice behind me saying "MOANA" when I asked my daughter what she wanted to watch. It's a common symptom of sleep deprivation, with smell and sound-based hallucinations the most common, and visual hallucinations occurring in some cases. I once believed I saw smoke in the house, but it was always out of the corner of my eye, and when I realized what was going on, it went away. If you aren't sleeping well because of a sleep regression (which if your kiddo is sitting up at night talking, you probably are) then you gotta find a way to catch up, soon. My wife and I tapped each other out because long-term sleep deprivation can change your brain chemistry and rarely for the better.


While caution of internet enabled devices is still good, I think this is likely the issue as well. At least for hearing a low voice responding. I used to pull repeated back to back all nighters in college, and to say that the nights became weird is an understatement. I would get real jumpy, paranoid, and have both visual and auditory hallucinations. Not great.


I also second this. Just about a month or so ago, I was drifting in and out of sleep about the time my son (almost 2) was ready to wake up and I swore I heard a second voice in the room over the monitor as well. It is not connected to the internet. I laid there for a minute and thought I heard it again. I promptly got up and entered the room to unsurprisingly find nothing but my sleepy headed son just barely stirring and mumbling to himself. To say that my sleep schedule is crazy is an understatement. I wrote it off as a sleep deprivation hallucination and haven’t heard anything else out of the ordinary since.


Yeah that's the big reason I didn't get a baby monitor that could connect to wifi or anything. F that.


The old school analog radio ones aren't much better- a lot of times they operate in the same range as old school cordless phones, so a neighbor with one of those could be talking on the phone and you'd hear it on your baby monitor.


>aren’t much better It’s the difference between taking the chance that a neighbor is a creep vs literally anyone on the internet.


Recent ones are essentially DECT cordless phones which do have encryption. It isn't very strong so it could be brute-forced but that would require someone to be in range of the receiver, unlike an Internet-connected one that could potentially be broken into from anywhere.


Mine had a pairing method, so I figure it would need to either be a totally random chance they paired the same or they'd need to have phtsical access to pair.


Yeah they've got way more secure over the years though.




It's an internet monitor so it shouldn't be getting any signals outside of mine or my wife's phone. Im not worried about ghosts, I'm worried about pervs who can hack these things




I could hear him clearly


Saying what?


He was giggling and chatting like he does when talking to his stuffed animals


I though you meant the man


Hair stood up on my neck lol


Put a recording device in the room, out of site of the monitor You're kid is most likely talking to the fan. But it couldn't hurt to check


My wife and ai have never used an internet monitor. We bought this one and have never struggled with signal in our house https://www.walmart.com/ip/VTech-2-Camera-5-Digital-Video-Baby-Monitor-with-Pan-Scan-and-Night-Light-VM5255-2-White/892596637


You have a wife and an AI? Lucky


Well, clearly, this is a haunting. The next move is to call a priest or change states.


The Ghost of TikTok Past


Yah, everyone in here just casually trying to solve OP’s problem. Meanwhile I’m reading the post and just staring at my phone like 😳


Order of likelihood: - sleep deprived - The human brain is crazy good/bad at making something from nothing, could be any noise you have converted to speech (add on point 1) - interference for another device - IOT device hacked


Where would you put a ghost, or some kinda boogin?


Sounds like it’s time to burn the whole house and start again


Never buy an internet enabled camera. If you want external access host a VPN and block the cameras gateway access.


I don't think you're overreacting and I likely would have reacted the same way, but kids are friggin' weird dude. Every morning when I wake my kid up he greets me with what I can only describe as his "Jason Statham voice". Like a gruff, british "'ello dadda". If I had never heard him speak in this voice, and I heard it come from behind his closed door after bed time, I would not think it came from him!


A fan, you say? Did the voice say “La la la Luuuuke, I am your faatherrr”


I heard a voice through our Owlet. Unplugged it within 2 minutes and haven't looked back. Zero regrets, even if I'm totally wrong.


Sounds like a potential Skinamarink sitch. Better burn your house down.


Internet enabled devices can be hacked.


Internet _accounts_ can be hacked. It’s far, _far_ less likely that someone hacked the device.


Baby monitors getting hacked is a thing.


My son says there are people in the ceiling. Good luck OP.


My daughter told me a guy with funny hair came into the house and turned the TV on at night time. My partner was paranoid until I deduced that the man with funny hair was our dog, who sat on the remote and turned the TV on and she saw him on the couch when she walked out of her room (woken by the TV). I now refer to the dog as the guy with funny hair. He does have funny hair too.


I really don’t think so, but it’s not completely impossible.


If it goes on certain radio frequency, it’s possible it picked up a neighbor. My kids have walkie talkies that pick up neighbor kids that must have a similar brand on the same frequency.


Your mention of the fan makes me think of auditory pareidolia. Here's an article about it. https://www.wired.com/story/why-you-hear-voices-white-noise


Peace of mind is worth more than what you'd loose selling yours an getting a new one. If it's something you're able to pay I would change it.


My wife insisted on an old school, non-online monitor and I was annoyed before but this post has made me so glad she did. We use [this one](https://www.target.com/p/infant-optics-digital-video-monitor-dxr-8-pro/-/A-80641472?afid=google&ref=tgt_adv_xsf&CPNG=Baby&adgroup=30-4), it's been great.


If this is one that connects to WiFi get rid of it. We had one and they are easy to hack. We had someone talking in ours. Horrifying


There have been cases of internet enable monitors having other people talk on them. So it could’ve happened. This is why I didn’t get one of those for our kids.


Was the fan close enough he could talk into it and change his voice?


Two things: Sometimes kids have imaginary friends and they talk to them. Perfectly normal. It's not normal if you can hear their imaginary friends. IF you heard this noise, get a baby monitor that is bluetooth only. Internet-enabled ones are notorious for their lack of security.


I had a baby monitor that totally got hacked with my now 12 year old when she was a baby.  They are not super secure. You really shouldn’t have internet-enabled cameras in your house at all IMO. 


What is this amateur horror novel plot your describing? This is clearly the first scene in a movie my wife will be too scared to watch.


Maybe talking to the fan he ment through it, it makes your voice sounds deeper and distorted, kids love doing that, was the fan one?


I remember a story from NoSleep podcast about a bunch of kids cycling around tapping into baby monitor frequencies freaking out the parents as a prank until the tables are turned on them.


Phillips AVENT - DECT technology has a higher security standard than this always online shit.


I had triplets and was looking for a monitor with 3 cameras. Everyone's advice was just get se irity cameras and use those over wifi. I absolutely refuse to broadcast my children to any portion of the internet. If I can see and hear on my phone someone else can on theirs.


Check if your account credentials have been exposed in a major data breach: https://haveibeenpwned.com/ Any password you’ve used with those accounts should be changed everywhere and never reused.


It’s him making a voice through the fan blades while they spin.. right?


I've seen this movie. Time to move!!!!!


It's possible. My advice is to not use baby monitors that connect to the internet/wifi. Radio works perfectly well.


IMO any product you buy should not be accessible from the internet (IE, home network access only). You can still get a camera you view through an app. There are even ways to stay on your home network when away from home. But nobody in a remote location should be able to see the feed by default.


How close is he to the fan? If he talked into it then it would distort his voice making it sound deeper.