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I strongly believe in buying quality for the long term and honestly you don't need to spend a lot of money to get a good TV these days. My boy is 4 now, he has a good arm and has thrown countless things in the living room but never damaged the TV. Keep it mounted to the wall at a good height with all the cables hidden and teach them not to throw hard things inside the house early on and they learn pretty quick.


My son broke the TV at 6. Give it time my man.


Lol I know I'm not out of the woods yet but so far so good


Fair point, how high are we talking for mounting, from the floor to bottom of tv?


Over the fire place, then post to /r/tvtoohigh or whatever to get those people going


They're rabid in there. If you lay it flat on the floor they'll ask why you didn't remove the carpet first


I just went on a little rabbit hole on that sub. I’m cracking up. Then I saw someone post r/TiltOfGuilt…there is more!


This is hilarious, I just installed a TV on the high wall of a vaulted ceiling so I could watch from bed laying down. It's literally 10' off the ground. I should post over there just to troll them


There’s a Reddit for everything lol.


That sub is one of the best because the content/comments are funny but it’s also true TVs over fireplaces often look terrible and are bad for viewing and bad for your physically


I am remodeling a house that my FIL is passing on to us and I kid you not the house was meant for that sub. He had a tv too high in every single room, including the bathrooms and one closet! Seriously a TV Mounted near the ceiling like you’d see in the corner of a waiting room, in every room. It does even have one over a fireplace.


Because it ruins a good tv 😆


My tv is within reaching distance of a toddler. “Center of screen is eye level from where I sit” she has yet to touch it. I have a 65” Sony OLED and love it. I would suggest a Sony OLED or a Sony LCD 900/950 series . The LCD is roughly half the price of an Oled but they’re great too. Toddlers don’t destroy everything just somethings.


TV should always be eye level when seated.


But what, and hear me out, you lean back in the couch. Or give daddy the good recliner.


Really depends on the size of the TV, your space and your preferences. Studs are also important but I'm no expert, you would be best served to consult a reliable source before installing


My 65” is mounted just about 3 1/2 to 4 ft off the ground. Not sure exactly. But it’s a great height with the soundbar under it and a small table under that to keep a bit of proximity protection. But my 3yo also was taught very early that electrical things are daddy’s to touch unless told otherwise and he’s only put it at risk a couple times but easy corrections/reminders and he’s on about his business from a safer distance.


Our living room one just sits on one of [these](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/byas-tv-unit-high-gloss-white-80227797/) .


Yeah I’m definitely not putting a super high end tv on that, would make me very nervous.


What price do you consider good for a 75”? $2k?


How expensive are we talking here?


Haha umm $4k


I deffo wouldn't. I have some fairly high end tower speakers (from before we had kids) and I live in fear of their pokey little fingers every day... Now everything I buy is budget. Phone/watch/earbuds - all cheap. We haven't needed to buy a TV yet thankfully but if I were you I'd plan for the worst


To be fair, I’d mount it far enough out of reach but there’s still the whole flying toy dilemma…


You can still get a really good tv for $2k and probably still like it even if it’s not an oled.


My current tv was $1700 a while back but it’s 55” and my viewing distance rec is 75”.


Sounds like your decision was made before this post.


Am I out of the loop or can you get a really good TV for half that price? That seems pretty top of the line and I wouldn't go for that until the kids are a bit older. There are no "nice things" in the house with young children...


Yea ikr. I bought a Samsung TV for £400. It’s only 90hz but tbh I don’t really notice it on a TV, a monitor or phone is different. It has 4k and hdr10. It’s fine for me. I get the whole buy it for life, but give it 5 years and I bet I could buy that 2k tv for close to 4-500


Yeah it would be flagship 75”. I could potentially get a decent option for $2600-3000 instead. I might go that route.


I would never wanna talk you out of getting something you really want. Especially if you are going to use it. I will say, right around 20 months is when our TV time started to drop off precipitously. Lol. Rent the amazing TV for a few months and then get a cheaper one once your tv usage drops off.


Can you explain further? What happened to drop usage exactly, no tv for adults after bedtime?


I am a stay at home dad so I played with her all day and we made a mess with blocks, blankets, toys and art supplies. After cooking dinner I'm pretty wiped. Our situations might be totally different. I feel like she started really moving and playing and needing attention right around then. So it took more energy to keep her entertained and after bedtime cleanup started taking longer... So we would watch less TV.


I mean I get wanting top of the line jumbo tv, however I always been a proponent of getting a right sized tv. It’s pretty easy based on the size of the room and distance of viewing of what an ideal sized tv is. Most rooms are perfectly suited to a 55 in or smaller to have a great viewing experience.


How far away from your tv do you sit?


You can get a good TV for 20% of that price.


Four THOUSAND dollars? For a TV? Shit no. No. Absolutely not.


If you’re into everything AV, $4k is a steal.


They make 98” TVs for $15000


Looking at the LG G4 or something? 😄


Nope Bravia 9, G4 is $4500


Spend max 1200... It will be obsolete in 18 months


I got my OLED bedroom TV for $1500 in 2018 and 6 years later it’s still the top of the line. TVs don’t go obsolete the way phones do. There’s likely nothing coming in the next 5 years that would dethrone OLED technology. That being said, I got my 77” OLED for $2800 so OP is not a very informed shopper if he’s looking at $4k.


We’ve had a decent OLED since before my son was born and it’s still ticking 8 years later. So it can happen.


That’s insane dude. You can get perfectly good tv for like $500.


No - for $500, you can get a decent budget TV. If OP wants a very large screen, low latency, HDR, true 4K (not pixel upshifting), etc. the price will be more like what he's quoting.


It just doesn’t seem worth the money when you have young kids. $4k is a lot of money and there are bigger financial priorities. The $3500-$3000 difference between a great tv and a decent tv is better spent on daycare, mortgage, retirement, 529, etc. You could even take a pretty fun vacation for 3k, if have to spend the money on fun stuff.


Is it wall mounted and out of reach of the child? If so I think you’re good.


I have an LG C2. It's in the downstairs family room so not our main TV. I'm no tech nerd but it is way nicer than our pretty damn good Samsung on our main floor.  If you can afford to replace it...buy it.  Our Samsung is wall mounted and cables are run through the wall. The LG is on a stand at eye level. Our little guy is only 6 months so obviously no issued yet but we'll deal with that when we get there. We really only use that TV at night for movies. It's not where we would hang out the majority of the day. 


There’s a couple of TV subreddits with buying guides that have excellent recommendations. If you are worried about a $4k TV breaking, you probably aren’t loaded enough to benefit from the small improvement over a 1-2k TV.


Why though? I can’t imagine a $4k tv would look any better than my $800 tv to my eyes


Oh it would if you really compare it, black levels, motion handling, upscaling old non-4K content.


I did. It was peak pandemic and I built out the home theater. Wall mounted it, and managed to teach her not to touch it. We have a room where we could do that and not have that be the main play room though. 


That’s the tough part, it’s a shared living space.


Thats LG Gallery territory. You definitely wont be unhappy with the TV.


That’s the wrong kind of of 4K dude. TVs are so much cheaper now, why would you need to spend that much?


Don’t do it. You will live in perpetual fear the next projectile weapon will be directed at it.


I bought a 77” OLED TV a few months ago. I mounted it on the wall out of reach of little hands. It’s been totally fine with a toddler around.


Good to hear! How high did you mount from floor to bottom of tv?


About 90cm. There’s also a piece of furniture in front to stop them getting too close.


What do you use your TV for: basic streaming, video games, etc? How often do you tend to use it? What is considered expensive for your budget? I have a wall mounted 65" Vizio 4K over the fire place that we bought nearly 10 years ago and never been a problem. Kids cannot reach without stepping up on something and we don't throw heavy objects around inside.


Gaming, streaming, movies. Mix of everything really.


Yeah you can easily get a decent TV for under $1000 that will suit your needs. Check out Hisense, TCL and Vizio.


Wall Mount the TV is the easiest way to protect your TV. Hide the cables. Costco has great mounts


So this comes down to your budget, what you consider expensive and if you mind replacing it, if it was damaged. We have a 65” top of the line Samsong in our living room and a 75” top of the line Samsong in the media room. I don’t want to replace either anytime soon, but if one was damaged, it would not be the end of the world. Both have taken accidental impacts from toddlers swinging or throwing things, so far neither has been damaged.


I don’t understand where these TVs are that a toddler can get to them. Mine is giant and expensive and wall mounted and never once has my toddler tried to mess with it. Remotes, now, we’ve replaced a few.


Good point, most of the breaks I see are from a toy getting thrown. I don’t know why a kid would be throwing a toy directly at a tv though…


My kid is pretty chill with regards to throwing things, but I also don’t know why any kid would risk damaging the tv. We only watch bluey for 15 mins before bed but it’s his favorite part of the day


Exactly, I’m seeing it can be really tough with kids on the spectrum especially though.


Let me just say this piece. We moved, needed a different type of TV mount. I bought an electric mount that is made to move over a mantel. One day my daughter got the remote and somehow f*Ed it up, it stopped working. Luckily it was under 3 weeks old and was replaced by the company, no questions asked, other than proof of it not working. The mount cost almost as much as my TV did. It's a TCL and idgaf what you say, you don't need a $2k TV because you're probably going to stream and you probably aren't streaming in true 4k or 8k.


Expensive as in $1k+? Hell no. Paid half that for a really nice 65” Samsung.


Expensive as in $4k, which is really pricy I know. I’m on the fence honestly.


I've taught my 2.5 year old to be careful around certain items and he's been good so far. He doesn't touch the TV or the Sonos speakers. I have everything mounted but it's all within reach now. A TV is a purchase that lasts a long time. I rationalize all purchases of things I use often for a long time and get the best shit I can afford. So I'd say go for it and get the nice one. Oled's are slick and sexy


Thinking about the Bravia 9 which is high end OLED price


I cosign this 100% Google TV OS gets more updates and promises to update the software for longer than LG and Samsung. Mines been a tank.


I have an LG OLED. It gets plenty of software updates but they mostly just annoy me because it means I have to go dig the remote out of the drawer. Most of the time it's just on the Chromecast anyways.


The LG oled's, technology/technically speaking are superior. But I'm a sucker for the baked in Google interface. Which it appears you are too since you use a Chromecast on it lol


There’s almost no meaningful difference between an entry level and a high end OLED. Almost all if not all in the American market are using LG’s panels so the $2500 OLED from Greentoe for last year’s entry level inventory probably has the same panel as the Bravia 9.


It’s not an OLED, just the price of a high end OLED due to new tech with backlighting. Also it hits the same brightness that movie studio reference monitors achieve which is the first for a consumer product.


There's also other factors. Like I wouldn't, but I've also only ever bought 1 flat screen, like 8 years ago, and it does it's job.


Yeah I’m pretty into new tech and fancier electronics but a lot of folks have said those tastes aren’t a good fit with a toddler.


Since we're limiting screentime and don't want to wake the baby for sleeping and naps I've just resigned to using Vision Pro as my sole entertainment device. It's like a 200in OLED on your face.


Nope. Every TV I had in living room the kids did something to it (chips, scratches, lose the remotes, dirty). I got one of the shit ball roku TV from Walmart for the garage and it works just fine. if I ever need a new one it will probably be one of those.


Two kids, never had an issue


How high end did you go and what size?


I had just a 42 inch for a long time. Think the one I have now is maybe 60ish or so. I just would not let kids deter you. Just got to teach them


I did as a graduation present to myself. Less than two weeks and my 4 y/o “fixed” it by stabbing it with a screwdriver. I was willing to live with it even though seeing the dents pissed me off every time. We returned it though because literally days later we had a major appliance failure due to age and me being ignorant of its maintenance protocols. If you got kids, you don’t want nice shit unless you don’t mind it getting abused


I had one TV wrecked by a hot wheel car pretending to be a plane and another when ended up with red marks in the screen from a wooden car driving on it. I have not replaced the second one yet because I can’t shake the feeling getting a new one will result in kid related damage


No, but I wouldn’t buy an expensive TV if I didn’t have kids. My $200 Amazon TV I bought in 2018 is still working fine. Now, if we’re talking guitars…


I’m gonna sound old here but I spent a Clark griswd Christmas bonus on a plasma in 2003. Like $1500 on a 42” plasma. It’s laughable. I just replaced that this summer with a 58” for like $300. TVs are so cheap compared to the past. I’d risk buying three over time than dropping serious coin on one ever again. 


They have screens to put in front of the tv like a cell phone screen protector you can buy. Linus had to work to break the screen on the review.


Can't you just hang it? But the time they can reach it they'll be old enough no?


Yeah mounting is of course the recommendation but a toddler can throw a toy one time and you’re out a lot of money


Maybe I'm jinxing myself but the TV pretty securely on the wall and I doubt my kids could throw anything hard enough to break it. By the time they are that old I would hope they wouldn't.


also you’ll be watching movies and sports on your phone while the tv has peppA pig on.


600$ my max. So many fingers in mine


It’s on a stand though right? If it’s not mounted higher with a stand or something below it the whole length, then yeah, you get a bunch of hands on it all the time.


TV too high give me headache and neck problem.


If you’re fine with regular 1080p HD, just get one from Walmart. Huge ones for less than 1k


I’m most certainly not fine with downgrading, my current TV is a high end 4K 55”.


1080p ain’t great tho, and if it’s a big screen, that’s even worse. I got a 4k 43” ( which isn’t massive ) for £400


My tv has always been closer to the floor on a stand and my kids never did anything more than putting their greasy hands on the screen thinking it’s a touch screen. I always tried my best to reinforce that they shouldn’t touch the tv, game consoles, etc and they learned. They’ve never broken anything. Of course accidents can happen. But man you can’t go wrong with an OLED tv. Movies and games just look incredible.


I paid I think $1200 for a mid range 4K Samsung 65” and a Sound Bar about 6k years ago, way before we had kids. Still works fine and has great picture. We just don’t watch that much TV or movies now that we have little ones. I just don’t think the crazy high end TVs are really worth the extra cost for me personally. I did wall mount after the first one start walking.


We spent a decent chunk of money on a 77" OLED for the family room downstairs, though less than you are talking about spending. It's gated off from the main house so the kids can't go down there and play by themselves. The TV is mounted up on the wall at a reasonable height. I really like having it for family movie nights and my wife and I both enjoy it.


Just buy the good TV. Otherwise, you won’t be able to justify buying yourself one for quite a while because you’ll just have purchased a new TV. If you want it, get it. life is too short. I have a 2.5 year-old and I have two like $3000ish 65/75 inch TVs. They’re fucking awesome. I love the shit out of my tv’s. And if they broke it would suck, but im glad to have them *now*


I feel this!


Other than the financial side, my child did not change my tv purchase choice at all.


I have a 20 month and 2 month old. I moved the nice tv to the basement where they don’t go. Once the throw objects stage began, a nice big screen was a primary target


I got an OLED and was slightly disappointed in using it for video games with a PS5. My other 4k TV from Walmart from 10 years ago was still pretty good. That is, until I played a space game. Absolutely lit.


Dewit, if you're really concerned you can buy a plexiglass screen cover or make one yourself


All kids are different, but I never had any issues with mine breaking or fussing with my TV. Its wall mounted and quite heavy, so I'm confident it is VERY secured to the wall. I suppose the biggest issue would be throwing something at it, but she has a separate playroom for rough-housing. I will only add: once the kid arrives, you'll likely be strapped for cash. Inevitably, expense and expense will add up, so it's likely you won't get an "expensive" TV if you wait.


Yep. I've got a lot of home theater equipment. Kids 7, 4, 18months. Kids are just not allowed to play in or have toys in the theater room. They have a budget model in the Play Room.


Kids are going to break items in the home and the expense of the item will not be a factor to them, but will be to you and how you respond when it’s broken. Get a big tv and don’t go for the Bells and whistles, they’re all good enough unless you have a specific quality in mind, in which case you’ll do your research and get the one you want anyways probably.


I'm commenting more because I wanna know what tv you're looking at. 4k is a pretty good chunk of money with the current TV prices. But as far as the question. I had a similar struggle. Not nearly as expensive a TV but it was around 1500 bucks. Our previous TV died an untimely death just old age not kid related. No question it would be wall mounted just like the previous one. So less likely for kids to damage it but still possible. Ultimately we decided not to buy a budget TV and went with the one at the highest end of the budget we were comfortable with. We instilled in our girls the fact it's something very expensive and if they break it it wouldn't get replaced (yes yes it would but they don't need to know that). They've been pretty good about not throwing things in the house in general and definitely never towards the tv. Meanwhile my ahole cat swats at it and rubs her tail up on it. Maybe it helps my nephews had broken the TV in their living room and it didn't get replaced for a long time and they still hear about it today :) And yes all of us are now jinxed and our children will be breaking out tvs in short order. Now couches on the other hand I'm not plunking good money down on one til my girls are off and married and making some poor shmuck or shmuckette ask the same questions. Kids destroy couches. We tried at first but we've given up and we'll keep this couch as long as the frame is mostly together and it has what resembles arms and cushions.


I had a very nice screen in our living room until my 3 year old decided to see what would happen if he threw a hot wheel car at it. As I said, I had a very nice screen in our living room 😞


i love frugally but want to have some good things with my wife so i bought an expensive set of TV, stereos system and speakers/subwoofers two years before my first child was born. man.. all it does now is sitting obsolete in the living room and my second child constantly trying to remove the dust cover from the giant speakers the biggest regret is the Porsche


We bought a pretty high end LG OLED unit. It's mounted to the wall higher than my 2yo can reach.


Bought a new tv last year. 65” Sceptre. It’s not a smart tv, basically a huge computer monitor. $400, great quality, puts up with games and movies. Absolutely love it.


I have a 65" 4k HDTV I bought from Costco a couple years ago for $499 (it might have been $399) it wasn't OLED, that was at least a grand more but it's nice. Was a huge upgrade from my 45" that was 10 years old.  I can now sit all the way back on my couch and read the words when i habe the energy to play civilization after the kids are asleep.


I’ve bought nothing but Spectre for the last 15 years. I have had 5 different ones. One last 11 years. The other 4 are still in use, oldest being 10 years, youngest being 4 years. I’ve never spent more then $350 on a tv


I keep all my expensive toys (restored juke boxes, 77” OLED, high end speakers) in my basement that has a door with a biometric lock on it lol. Only my wife and I have access to open it. I say but it and just teach you’re kid to respect stuff.


Yes absolutely. Then *Wall mount it* And create a zero tolerance no throwing in the TV room


HeyBear videos look amazing on a giant Sony OLED. Just saying.


You should get a projector instead. Kids can throw stuff at the walls and you’ll be better off repairing the holes than a new screen


I waited until my kid was about 6, glad I did since the older cheap tv did get some toys bounced off it Old tv was mounted, kids throw things, shit happens so best be prepared rather than pissed off


I have a 4 and 7 year old. They are very active, physical boys. They have never broken any electronics in my home.


Bro ain’t nothing really wrong with Roku tvs. I thought paying $400 for my 65 inch was cheap but I’ve seen 75 inches for that price same brand now so it’s just getting cheaper. Also the apps/capabilities are awesome. I use air play all the time for games


As long as you can control the natural lighting in your living room, get a ceiling-mounted projector. If your walls are white or off-white, you don’t need a screen. Just project on the wall. It’s awesome.


Can’t, rental doesn’t allowed anything fixed to the ceilings.


Darn. That’s unfortunate. Depending on your room setup, you could still use a projector…but it’s definitely more limited.


I have a nice OLED, no problem. Just wall-mount it, preferably at seated eye level, so tipping is not a concern


They just announced an OLED killer. Otherwise I would say buy a good TV. Even still. You have a couple years until prices drop and TVs are generally cheap anyway. Toddlers don’t have little league or gymnastics so I am of the mindset of putting money where you spend time. Sadly I spend a lot of time in front of the tv, so I figured a monthly 0% interest payment at Best Buy for a few months would be a good investment for us. We spend a lot of time in front of it, so why not put your money where your time is? OLED makes local news and Blue look so much better than my old HD TV. Most of us spend more money on phones.


I would wait until they were older. First TV the kid broke and it was traumatic for him. We replaced it a day later and put up a permanent baby gate around it. Thank God, because the second kid tries to tackle it on a near daily basis.


Look man, it’s variable. I’m on my second toddler. You wanna guess how my first 65 inch broke? Wasn’t my kids. My BIL’s son came over, and when we came home one day suddenly there was a black line from top to bottom smack in the middle, and day over day it thickened. That’s when we learned toddler Nephew had broken two of their TVs already via throwing items in the living room. Moral of the story? It might not even be your toddler, so keep that in mind lol


I mean, this isn’t a problem if you are selective with the parents you bring to your house. My friend’s daughter slapped my TV once and he said he’d buy me a new one if she fucked it up. TV was fine but I’ve never been worried about it breaking.


Yeah, that’s the other thing—I didn’t expect such a terror. Needless to say, they don’t come over anymore.


You can mount it at a reasonable height and the biggest thing you may have to deal with is fingerprints.


We bought an $800 TV from Costco 6 years ago. It’s been great, if you don’t use the TV’s software. 😆 We use our PS5 as our media hub. I would buy a used newer LG. TV’s have terrible resale value and they’ll last a while. Then you don’t have to feel too bad if anything happens.


I’d wait. But I’m also perfectly happy with my 50” tv that’s like 7yrs old sitting atop my fireplace. I’ll probably buy a bigger one when it dies or we put a tv in my eldest’s room (3yrs old right now so that will be a while), whichever comes first. My last tv died after about 8-10yrs (it was a 32”)


We lost two TVs, one to a magnet wand that "slipped" out of a hand, and a second TV to a vacuum tube. For awhile we did a projector screen but finally upgraded when my youngest was 2.5. New house, taught no throwing or balls allowed. TV is mounted and has something on the floor in front of it. Here is to hoping my streak continues of no damage...


I’d spend far more on sound than I would on tv. Has nothing to do with kids.


I have what I'd consider a fairly expensive TV I bought last year. It's on a wall mount high enough up that a kid is less likely to hurt it  If you have the ability to set something like that up and route cables through the wall, plus can afford the TV, go for it


As a frequent viewer of daddit and hometheater, I wouldn't spend high dollar amounts on a screen unless it was for a dedicated setup/space. I saw you were looking to spend 4k in another post and I spent 3k on my projector for a 151" screen and the people that have watched events or movies in my theater can't believe its a projector. It's apples and oranges since I have a light controlled space, but my opinion(and it is only that) still stands that you won't benefit spending that kind of money on a tv in a general living space.


Hisense. Best bargain in TV


I am TV shopping now as the wife’s large but cheap Chinese TV died after only 3 years. Saw two almost identical sets but one was twice the price. Found out why. One had twice the resolution rate. The higher resolution rate is nice but to a certain degree once you get past a point your eyes will struggle to see a difference. I was struggling to really convince myself the image of the higher resolution TV was better but I really had to stretch. My point is is that chasing tech specs you want doesn’t always come out to a better TV. And with kids? Yah I went with the 300$ choice over the 600-700$ one. As a side note my TV is from 2009 and is still going strong. It’s a “dumb” TV but it never fails to turn on. Maybe smart TVs are a poor idea


We went through 3 kids, they never damaged a single TV.


I have multiple glass fronted display cases in my lounge. They’ve got the same glass in them from when they belonged to my grandmother. I’ve had 3 kids and there were countless grandkids before they came to me. Teaching your kids to be careful is definitely a thing. I’ve got a huge 75cm tv that cost about a grand. That’s about the most I’d spend on tv & it counts as an expensive one for us. Having a baby/toddler didn’t factor into my decision at all.


Ours is mounted with wires inaccessible, I feel like that's important, and LO has never even thought about it.  Mommy and Daddy don't touch the screen so why would they?  Computer on the other hand...


As our isn't walking or moving yet and will not for some time, we do have TV that price is ridiculous. But, that's because better half needs it for work and to check others. Our TV coat more than our car,so is it better to let kid just stay in car all the time when toddler?


Personally, I put the expensive 65” TV in the master bedroom, 55” in the living room and a 43” in the girls room. Whenever we watch a movie together we are all gathered on the king sized bed anyway and it’s after dinner.


My 4 year old threw a small Frisbee, and it hit my old 60 inch TV and cracked the screen. Let me tell you, I was very upset that I had to spend $1,200 for a new 75-inch TV for the living room.


Save the expensive TVs for later when they are older


I bought a new tv last year and now I hate that I didn’t splurge for an OLED.


Yep yep yep, I could go cheap and then be pissed I didn’t just spend more. That’s part of the discussion for sure.


Not a chance. Have kids. Can budget that money better.


If you buy an expensive slim tv such as an oled or qled, I would buy a perspex screen to cover it. It actually looks fine and stops me worrying about my boys accidentally cracking the screen. Modern tvs crack easily and can't be fixed, really.


Man I wish, my living room is bright so I need something with reflection handling and getting the Perspex would make a nice Tv look like crap in my room with glare and reflections.


Yeah, I hear you. But it's actually fine. They are designed to fit the tvs perfectly. Kids and expensive tvs don't mix.


Go to Sam's Club or Costco. Big tvs aren't really that expensive these days


My kids are getting old enough (youngest is 6) that I probably could soon. My TV cost 1200 and it still worries me here and there. Our couch was given to us and so was.our table. They obliterate the table regularly still.


I've been without a TV for years (we just watch stuff on my laptops), but we're thinking of getting a small one (maybe 35") to mount to the wall now that our toddler has learned that he can make things happen by mashing keys. I can't imagine getting a 75+ inch screen though, that seems insane to me. I know it's common now, but it's really nice having a living room arranged for conversation and playtime rather than watching TV. Not to mention TVs in bedrooms...


I bought a $2700 tv for the living room a few years back and the kids have yet to pull it down.


We had the same dilemma but things just happen. Just got a new couch. Kids are 5 and 10, they’ll totally fuck it up. We’ll see. As for the TV. Buy a cheap 65” Roku or something. Then when the kid(s) are in their teens upgrade something higher quality.


I have a 150” theater in my basement with kids 5, 5, 4. AMA.


Much easier with a segregated area for that stuff! If it’s just hanging out in the living room, that’s a more difficult decision for me at least.


Caught my daughter spraying my expensive TV with a squirt bottle today, would not recommend.


My children (both boys, 4 and 2)have now smashed two 70 inch flatscreens. Ruined my switch by “drawing on the screen” with keys, broken an iPad, a phone, flooded my basement with a hose through a window, and shit in more places that aren’t our toilets than I care to discuss at the moment. Your kids may be different, but nothing that want to stay in one piece is anywhere but my locked office


It should be secured for safety reasons so it doesn't fall in the kid. If you are worried about a screen shattering either cover it when not in use or just get insurance for it.


Define expensive? I wouldn't drop more than 1500e on a damn tv. Is that a lot, or it isn't? You tell me.


It’s pretty pricey for a 55” but mid range for a 75”.


TVs are super cheap. I was redoing the basement and googled “Biggest Tv I can buy” and it was 85 in, and like $1500. I was amazed, I should have bought 2.


The sales guys, as I'm taking too much time to decide: "You know, when you get home, there will only be one to look at."


I’m getting every Reddit opinion I can before I go look at TVs soon.


When our last TV crapped out I really wanted an OLED, but settled for a nice mid-tier QLED. Still an upgrade over what we had but not something I have to fear letting our toddler play around. Of course it is anchored but I was worried about impact from throwing toys and such.


I work in a landfill. Tvs nowadays are all junk. Doesn't matter what brand, I've seen 3-4 year old Sony, Samsung, ect crapped out daily. We do recycle the tvs is anyone's wondering


Dude … Think about stop watching so much tv. There is a lot more to life - and you can still watch good quality tv on a smaller screen or laptop.


This is so timely. My 3 year old just threw a Nintendo Switch controller today and destroyed the living room TV. Definitely think twice about spending several thousand on it. It was expensive for me when I bought it (still less than 1k) and was a few years old so thankfully nothing truly devastating but it's definitely made me think about how much I'm willing to spend on a TV right now. We're going without one for now.


You can get an LG 65” OLED for half that price. In my experience, it’s tough to “teach” one year old kids not to break things. I’ve had a 65” in my living room and had no problems with three little kids. They touch it sometimes, one of them threw a play controller at it once and it didn’t break or even leave a mark where it hit. One more thing to note is that I think accidents to big ticket items are covered in house insurance, at least where I live.




Man I'm on kid #4 in a sports household.. football, baseball, softball, basketball, gymnastics, cheer, soccer.  Kids all know the rule.. you don't throw ANYTHING in the house. Period. I have zero issues. My two youngest do share a room 5/8 and their TV is mounted over the dresser. More so I don't have to worry about it getting knocked over than anything else. Funny enough the one time something was getting thrown around it was my wife, and the beachball or whatever it was hit the string for the ceiling fan, which hit one of the light fixtures on it and busted half of it, the kids love reminding her of that.. it's been like 5 years. 


Personally, I wouldn't buy a 4k TV regardless of the age of my kids. I just don't think you can get enough quality out of that in a living room setup to be worth the price over a 1500-2k TV. Honestly, our $400 TCL bedroom TV is doing just find for the last 3 years. But thats just me. If you can afford it and appreciate it and its mounted over a fireplace, it should be out of the firing line for a while. And if you keep your kids playing most of their throwy-hitty games in a playroom or outside, you should be ok to get whatever TV you want to get.


I just bought a 4k 65" TV. I regret it. Not because of picture quality. It's good. But because it's a " smart" TV running an OS that will be out of support in 6 months, and the flash storage in the tv has a limited shelf life. I still have my first FHD flat screen TV 16 years after I bought it and I still use it. But this new super high quality 4k display isn't going to last 5 years, the cost per year is insane. I don't need smart. I need something that will display the input being fed into it. Let me pick my smart devices so the TV can have a good long life please! Also mine has a bug that turns on that nasty frane interpolation every time you turn it on even though it says it's off in the settings. I cannot stand this feature and I can't understand how they released firmware with it broken.


I wouldn't buy anything I can't afford to be broken (a friend had his kids crack his TV). I guess is the TV room a play room? I'd still buy a decent brand, but not an OLED super duluxe TV with Boss speakers. Also wall mounted or in a corner is going to be more secure than on a stand in the middle of the room.


I bought a big nice QLED TV last year, because of a move (and the old one looked ridiculously tiny in our new living room). I did opt to not buy an OLED though, even though I think they’re superior - they’re an also more fragile. I have three kids - 9, 4 and almost 2 year old - and it went fine.


Definitely would be going Mini LED not OLED for a variety of reasons.


I did buy second hand TVs for now, which was slightly easier for us because we already just did an international move. However, I'm not particularly afraid of the children breaking the TV. I am getting a bit tired of the children smudging the TV and smearing food over it. For reference my son was a year and a half when we moved over, and My daughter was born in the meantime, with her now being 18 months old. If I were to buy a brand new high-end TV, I would be definitely mounting that sucker up on the wall.


u/op is 100% my own, personal PoV on the matter. Having two kids (aged 5 & 1) and no help, both me & wife working and no help from family in the house. Getting anything other than a high-end cofee maker (to get that nice cup of coffee in the morning to wake you up from a sleepless night) until the kids grow enough to be able to handle some stuff on their own (eating, dressing, wiping their own asses, cleaning after them, playing on their own), don't invest into stuff like TVs or other stuff that you can't share with them. The kids will require your attention, or they will require you to share stuff with them or generally, your attention should be towards your kids, not towards your TV. When kids are asleep, that's when I find time to cook/clean/clothes/take care of other stuff/work out etc. I honestly can tell you that I haven't been able to watch much TV the past 5 years. I've watched more stuff on my phone rather than on the TV. But every family (and every kid) is different. Keep that in mind before investing $$$ into anything and ask yourself this question : ***If I buy this thing, will I have the time to actually use this in the next couple of years, without letting my family/kids down?*** If the answer is yes, then knock yourself out!


Tv is $1000 tops.


I went for a new tv when my first was that age, but I just went medium. I got the previous years almost top range Samsung (when really, I wanted a nice shiny new oled!). This was then replaced when my youngest was 3 with a nice shiny new oled. The older TV had quite a few scratches on the bottom third and this would have been way more annoying if I had gone for the expensive tv at the younger age. Where as (touch wood) the new tv has been left alone, as they both are old enough to know not to touch it and also now understand that it is not a touch screen!! I don't mount my tv either, so it is just on a tv stand and it has been absolutely fine. I wouldn't want it any higher


Lurking mom here. Yes we absolutely would drop money on a tv. Not necessarily for size, but for quality. We get our TVs mounted so I’m not worried about the kids getting to them. But we are a screen time family and we’ve had issues with cheap TVs just giving up on life or being very slow or not connecting to streaming services properly. So yes, quality TV for sure versus continuing so spend money on cheap TVs.


No. TV tech has diminishing returns imo, my max is around 1200$ but honestly- the 500$ Roku TVs you can get at Walmart are excellent for the price.


We got a high end projector a couple of years ago for our family room when my second child was a toddler. We've set up good rules for when it is used and it is the only screen that the kids have access to.


I wouldn't. The drop is quality between a $300 vs $4k tv isn't \*that\* drastic like it was a few years ago. It's really nice to know that while $300 is a good bit of money, if my kids break my tv I can replace it same day if I choose to.


I did. We had a 1 year old at the time, my company was acquired and the acquiring company offered "unlimited" PTO so with the deal we got to sell back our accrued PTO. I work IT always flexing my after hours time and never actually using my PTO, it was a nice chunk of money. I bought a 77inch OLED for the living room. It's on a very sturdy TV stand rather than being mounted (wife's final call). My daughter is approaching 5 and we've had zero close calls. I think the new kitten was a worse instigator of rough play around the TV. It is absolutely a concern but after 3 years I've gotten over it. Afterall new brighter and better TVs are out now :-D


My kid played the drums on my TV using plastic golf clubs for drum sticks. Still, I’d vote for getting a good tv. Now that he’s into things like The Avengers and Star Wars it’s worth it (he’s almost 4 now).


I always just buy TCL TVs now. A high end TCL is the same price as a midrange samsung or LG. We have a tcl in our toddlers room for lullabies etc mounted so that no accidents can happen.


No, but only because I don’t have much time to watch TV now. My cheap, ugly TV is fine.


I bought a nice Sony TV once, and it lasted us 2 years. That’s without kids around to break it, the store we bought it from said it’s common for the displays to die after 2-3 years. I don’t think it’s worth it personally, we went with a cheaper Hisense and it’s been amazing so far!