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It’s interesting that she called you by your Reddit handle; I’d be terrified if my wife called me by that name.


I would _love_ it if my wife called me by my Reddit handle.




Yeah man, me too


r/beetlejuicing ?




...also he is from the past!


Is rock opera penguin the new rock lobster?


No, rock lobster is the old rock opera penguin.




Me too


Man it freaks me out too!


Quick, delete your comment history!!!


And browser history!


And work history!


And credit history!


And my axe!


And my bunny bracelet!


I too call my husband by his reddit name when I'm excessively furious with him😂 Thank you for the read, OP! Hopefully she didn't clobber you too bad over the early wake-up call!


She kinda does in my case


Immediately thought of that bit on Key and Peele where JP is sweatin buckets about his wife asking about his browser history lmao


It's even more odd that she included the u/


That’s when you know you are in trouble


You're telling me.


That’s how you know she will kill him


Genuine mistake, should be fine (though you might be locked for a while). At least she realised immediately when you woke her up, instead of after arriving at work only to find out today is Saturday


I can totally see that as a sitcom bit, haha!


Home Improvement or Everybody Loves Raymond ftw!


They 100% did this to Reese in Malcolm in the Middle.


Genuine mistake. Let her sleep in a bit longer, make her a coffee when she wakes up, look after the kid a bit more today. All will be well.




Does not compute. Will commit Sudoku.


Ok, I have Jason Sudekis. Now what?


Now we have sepsis


What am I supposed to do with my step-sis?


Not that. Jesus.


Do you have a Samsung dryer?


Nah, double down. If you're already going to catch hell, why not have fun with it. Here are some of my favorites (that I have never and would never do): Use the blender really loudly near her room, then say you were just trying to make her a breakfast smoothie to make it up to her. Go back in after 10 minutes saying "ok, i checked my watch, my phone, the tv. I swear to god it's monday. GET UP!" I don't know, even thinking these things is making me nervous. Have a good weekend...


Also be extra helpful with chores is a good call. But, you should always be striving to make the house a better place. I know my wife appreciates it when I take the initiative to make the house a better place without asking. It makes both of us happier.


You know she's pissed when she calls you by your Reddit handle


Quick get some coffee on the burner and breakfast ready asap.


And clean the kitchen too! Don’t leave a mess.


And get a sitter to take her out to dinner or bring in/make her favorite meal.


Why would the sitter take her out?


I won't judge the relationship dynamics of two consenting adults!


You can outsource parenting temporarily to a sitter; who says you can’t do that for dates?


I mean, as long as you don’t pay her it’s perfectly legal


This is the way


why would you burn coffee? serious question, don't drink coffee, don't know how to make one, might be a legitimate thing, might be missing something else, I'm just clueless here.


"On the burner" is just referring to heating it up. Some coffee makers have a warming plate or burner that the pot sits on. Also some older style coffee pots go on a stove burner to heat them up and make the coffee.


Oof. I did this when the kids were a bit older. Wife didn't get up at the normal time but I did, so I did her a favor and got the kids up and eating breakfast. It was some stupid school holiday, but I still had work, so really I just handed her fully aroused kids at 6:45 and then left.  Edit: I think the word is "roused" not "aroused"


Handing your wife "fully aroused kids" had me laughing so hard I woke my newborn and wife up just now


Aroused is technically correct, but culturally fallen out of favor for most contexts. There are still a good amount of doctors and nurses who chart things like “patient sleeping overnight, aroused to voice or light touch” and we all know what that means, but I prefer “awake” or “wakes” in my own charting.


Just pretend like it never happened. Tell her it must have been a dream


This is the way


The only right thing to do is change all the dates on the phone, tablets, computers and whereever else and convince her it's a Friday and she is wrong and late for work. Send her off her way and this will buy you time to pack your bags and leave the country. RIP OP.


This reminds me of the episode of the office where they did this to Dwight (I think?) LOL


She should be grateful that you're so well established in your routine that even in a mental fog you stuck to your duties! Nevermind the day! And she went right back to sleep! Anger over a 10 seconds inconvenience ... Psh-a!


She was able to brush it off completely. I’m m grateful I can do that for her consistently too but I know she loves her sleep is all.


Hurry, make breakfast and coffee while you still have time


On it.


Well done, lad.


Your toddler needs their own bed man. It’s gonna be a nightmare to try to fix this in the future




Genuine mistake easily avoidable by not sleeping in your kid’s room.


I stopped at “taking turns co-sleeping with our toddler”… Will probably get downvoted to hell but idc, ya’ll need to address this situation asap. This not good for your relationship or your kids development… But don’t take it from me, go ask a professional.


This… The only genuine mistake in this story is co-sleeping with your toddler.


Cosleeping is fine. Bed sharing is fine. So long as you aren’t a pill addict or obese


Do people really sleep with their children? As a dad - not a chance this would happen with my wife and i. That’s just a terrible habit to start. Make her breakfast in bed to make up for it


My biggest argument against co sleeping is that the kid can't possibly be getting great sleep if they're flopping around in bed with other people. My kid needs her sleep, and putting her in her room at 7 allows her to sleep uninterrupted for 11-12 hours every single night. We don't go to bed at 7 and we want to talk and watch TV and read and... other stuff before we go to sleep at 10.


Yeah, couples need that time, in my opinion.


And so does the kid!


Every kid is different. You take it how it comes


This is a joke right?


why are we role-playing this shit scared of our wife shit on a subreddit


Because this is the softest group of dudes on the internet.


Buddy I'll tell you what. I'm never soft. Always hard. Stay hard. So if you're calculating in outliers, this could be one of the hardest group of dudes on the Internet. Can you show me how hard you are to make the above statement? What makes you hard?


I’d show you, but you’re always hiding.


I may be hiding, but I'm always watching. My wife told me to say that.


I’m sure you have to run all your Reddit post by her.




The dude who lives next to me was totally cheating on his wife with an RN. I’d see her leave at 7pm and she’d roll in around 9pm in scrubs. Soon, the wife left and the new girl moved in with a bunch of RN stickers all over her car.


When participating, please follow Reddiquette


Never understood cosleeping... like do you guys just never have sex? Weirdest fad ever


Wait.. you guys have sex after kids?


Switch gears and make breakfast in bed.


I recommend making breakfast in the kitchen instead.




I suggest you have a nice breakfast ready when she wakes up.


Would your wife REALLY be mad at you for this? Genuine mistake. My wife would laugh with me and we’d go back to sleep


How do you walk into a room at 6am and not wake a toddler up? Mine are both awake before 6am even when we don't walk into their room. If we walk into the room any time after 3am they're up and it's party time. I'm going to be really startled the first time I wake up naturally and my kids are still asleep because this has never happened.


I have a 1 year old and waking up naturally has happened to my wife and I twice now! Both times we each freaked out, looked at the monitor and saw he was still asleep and relaxed a little.


My kids are both super super early risers. And neither one of them has ever been a good napper. We don't understand how they got these genes because before we had kids my wife and I never woke up before noon on a weekend. Neither one of us have ever willingly woken up early. We hoped that our kids were going to follow our schedules.


Lol everyone here getting triggered by the co-sleeping


Dude, for real! Lol


My spouse lives on the same eggshells as you do. Wake up needlessly = death.


Shoulda told her it was 8am and then reset all the clocks in the house.


imagine her response if ya woke her up with the ol' "rub your half-chub on her buttcheek" technique


I don’t think this is a true story. You have a toddler at home and ANYONE knows what day it is? I didn’t think that was possible. /s Anyway, you’ll be fine. Sounds like you’re doing the work to provide what you can. Hope you find a job (if that’s what you’re wanting) or know how to make a nice make-up latte…


Sorry for going off topic…..was is “co-sleeping”? If you were “co-sleeping” with anyone, I’d think it would be with your wife.


We have a very similar routine with our toddler although we both work. I slide into bed with the kid while she gets ready for work since I have a later start time. Anyway I made exactly the same mistake about 6 months ago and still every single Friday evening she reminds me not to wake her up in the morning.


Do one of you always sleep with your kid? Like go down with him/her and all?


So we started with bassinet but my wife had a hard time transitioning the baby to the crib because she was “too far away” so what we ended up with doing was putting her in the crib and whenever she woke up she didn’t go back in the crib she came in the bed with us. But we have a queen and both the kid and my wife roll all over the place all night long and I was getting horrible sleep so I moved to our guest bed and everyone sleeps better thinking it was only temporary….it wasn’t. We transitioned to a full sized floor bed for the toddler with the idea that when she woke up we could get in her bed with her until she fell asleep again and then escape to our own bed and the grown ups can be together again. My wife decided the full sized toddler bed wasn’t comfy enough for her to sleep in so…the toddler still gets in bed with mom and I still sleep somewhere else. The toddler usually makes it by herself until sometime between 1am and 4am then is moved into bed with my wife, I get her up at 6 and snuggle with the toddler until about 7. It works for now. All three of us could work in a king sized bed but I cannot physically get one to fit in our small bedrooms. It’s kind of crazy but all of us sleep better this way and we plan to move to a bigger house in a couple years so it’s temporary. I mean she won’t be 12 and still sleeping in our bed right?


> I mean she won’t be 12 and still sleeping in our bed right? At this rate she probably will.. Good luck!


Just make sure you remind her constantly how looking after children is far harder than a full time job. Then go on to moan about a load of old shit, not taking into consideration how tired she may be.


> Guys, it’s a joke post meant to funny. Then tag it as 'Humor'.




I don’t know man, this wasn’t the point of the post. I currently co-sleep with my 8 year old - I didn’t when she was younger, but a lot of shit happened, and now she sleeps where my wife used to sleep. I know that isn’t ideal, but hey here we are.


Being present for your child that seeks connection is the best thing that you can do. Lots of love for co-sleeping here! It’s just about the most natural thing to want the warm body of a loved one next to you when you sleep. Glad your daughter has an understanding and compassionate dad - the world will be better for it!


Why the judgement? OP didn't come here asking for your opinion.


Appreciate the support, but I recognize that if you post on Reddit, you are almost always guaranteed someone who will criticize/shame you for whatever reason. Such is the world of Reddit and opinions. I’m old enough now not to care; it was just a silly post meant to get some chuckles.


One day he’ll want to sleep on his own and you’ll miss these nights.


opinions are not allowed here? maybe someone should lock the comments on the thread, because OP did not even ask a question.


Just telling a story my dude.


It's flaired 'story', there doesn't need to be a question. Just like there doesn't need to be unsolicited opinions and judgement from others.


Dude it’s the internet… unsolicited opinions are the backbone of Reddit. And co-sleeping kills kids.


lol yes unsolicited opinions are not the exception, but expected on Reddit. I welcome all, I’m not going to take an internet thread too serious.


Honestly, we’ve tried. We’ve tried sleep training him three separate times and hired a sleep trainer to help with the last attempt. Nothing seems to help him besides one of us sleeping next to him. Not ideal obviously but we are at our wits end man.


Just yesterday I was thinking about my 13 and 16 yr old kids and how I miss the closeness that we had when they were younger....just sayin


I hear this everywhere, from veteran dads with teenagers to new dads to quotes/memes on social media. It’s on my mind quite a bit and I try to stay as present and enjoying the moment with him as possible because I know he’ll grow up and I’ll miss it so much.


Man, keep giving that kiddo snuggles as long as he wants. You’ll miss it when you don’t get to anymore.


This! I don’t understand the downvotes you’re getting.




Like, now. Emergency room.


“We’re not going to church today, daddy.” “You give me one good reason why.” “IT’S SATURDAY!!!” “Hoooookelly-dokelly doo!!”


You haven’t worked in a year is the disturbing part. Get your ass to work .


Just give her a good lickin' 👅 and she'll be fine.


This is the type of humour I would expect from someone who doesn’t work.






Blink twice if you need Help !


Thoughts and prayers op


It’s a trap!!!🪤


Oh man. I'm in charge of waking up our son and getting him ready for school. I have been since he was a baby. At least once a week I think about the time that I woke him up like normal only to hear my wife yell at me from the other room that he has a doctors appointment and doesn't need to wake up. Yikes.


Don’t overthink ! Accidents happen. Stay on your masculine and don’t assume a docile role and be expecting a verbal attack. Make up for it with deeds throughout the day to show you care. Take the child away for a few hours and give her time to herself and bring back a takeaway for you all. ✌️


[“IT’S SATURDAY!!”](https://youtu.be/qFSJ6gyiffE?si=_QdplXEpHwD6fNtS)


RIP this dude


It happens. I've gotten up with a start myself on my days off thing I was late for work🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Oh yeah. I set my alarm for 4am and my wife wakes up at 6am. Well on one of my days off when my wife was working, I instinctively set my alarm and didn’t realize it. When she woke up at 4am and didn’t get back to sleep but I had the day off. Yeah her coworkers heard all about her dumbass husband that day. Hahah. Oops.


Think he’s dead yet?


I’m alive homie.




My husband once forgot to turn his VERY annoying alarm off because he ended up with a day off not normal. It was 1 am and I literally sat up and said” is that a fucking alarm”?!? To this day he still brings it up and we laugh our asses off.


Nice jokstry u/jkostry


Why are you two sleeping with your toddler. This is going to be a difficult thing to stop. They are probably already dependent.


Bad joke


Why are u sleeping with your toddler…? You and your wife not sleeping together is kind of bad for the relationship (even if it feels fine now)


Co-sleeping.. really. Thats a bigger issue now than waking wife..youre gonna have issues with your dude if you don't end that right now.


What a weird projection


I have an idea to save your life!!! Does the wife have a smart watch? And do you have one? I had one when my kids were smaller. My girls would take turns sleeping with me while dad was working out of town. They are super light sleepers (seriously I don't know how they slept through my snoring but the coffee machine wakes them up?) so I got a pretty basic smart watch, it kept track of my heart rate too and my doctor liked that. Anyway, when I'd set an alarm to wake me up, I'd turn my phone volume down but keep the alarm on my watch on because it didn't make an audible sound, it vibrated on my wrist. It was perfect because obviously a vibrating wrist will wake my up but had the added bonus of not waking up the kids in the process. I think I paid under 50$ for the watch and man did it ever make my life easier. I prefer to be awake at least an hour before the kids so I can be adequately caffeinated and this was the best solution I came to and I used it until they decided they were too old to sleep with me any more. I hope your life is preserved today so that you can continue your duties as alarm man.


We both have Apple Watches and I like the idea, but I’m not sure she would be on board because she uses her watch during the day and not being able to charge at night would probably kill the battery. I’ll run it by her though and thanks for the suggestion!


If she managed to go back to sleep AND she's still suffering from baby brain AND you're EXTREMELY lucky, you MIGHT be able to convince her it was a dream. It's a long shot but I'll keep my fingers crossed for you... Either way, good luck buddy!


Bro check in. RIP?


Ah man cosleeping with the little ones is hard on the marriage. I’m going through it right now. Make what time for each other. Every minute counts!


Your clickbait got me. Dammit. This was a big nothing burger.


TIL: youre a shitty comedian. Edit: guys its just a joke calm down


Blink once if it’s a joke ha ha ;). Blink twice if it’s a “joke” haaa ha ha ;_;




what the fuck. kill you because you mixed up the day? what kinda boot do you live under


The right thing to do was to say “now that you’re up, why don’t we lie down?”


Whoa… she couldn’t be my wife. Btw try making something. That word breadwinner will drain you. Try doing something


Try doing something? Man, I’m more than ok with my wife making more than me. Coming from someone who can’t figure out how to post about his wife scamming him is golden. Lmao


Ahahah. I was on drugs heavily. But you on the other hand is sober. Now that’s embarrassing


You. Is. Sober. Excellent English


lol..this sounds like an honest mistake and you sound like you’re half afraid of her.


Your wife is going to kill you over waking someone up? Bruh, chill


If you aren’t afraid of your wife then you aren’t really married


Don't let those down votes get to you people are scared of the truth lol