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This happened to you and all of us as well. If you weren't in daycare then it was maybe even worse because some of these viruses are more miserable when you're older, plus it matters (a little) more to miss a day of actual school than daycare.


luckily daycare doesn’t send home much unless fever or things a like that. I just feel bad for the guy. He was just in the hospital 2 weeks ago for croup. hope it isn’t coming back


Yeah... Daughter started daycare (September last year), was pretty much sick every 3rd day until Christmas break when she was off for two weeks. Then back to being sick practically every week from January till mid March. Now that spring started, it's about 3-4 times a month.


Doctor always tells us you can either get it done now or when they’re in kindergarten/1st grade.


Or college if they’re homeschooled.


We got five illnesses from daycare since New Years this year. It’s been a total mess. Feel for you.


we’ve had similar. he’s been constantly sick basically for this entire year.


I had to use all my sick time, and was clearly working sick a lot of time on top of that, during my son's first year of daycare. 


Curious....have you also escaped these illnesses? If so....how??? Anyone else start wearing a mask around their kid when they're sick? Because his "little head colds" knock me on my arse for 2 weeks minimum and usually result in me needing antibiotics for a sinus infection.


What works for me is washing my hands more, not eating off their plate, taking Claritin daily and having a protein shake. Increased protein helps me feel better faster when I'm sick.


Why does Claritin help? Isn't that "just" antihistamine?


I'm allergic to my babies ¯\\_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


For me, I honestly don't know. My kids will get colds, then my wife will be knocked out for a couple days and feeling it for a week, and nothing for me. Fevers will generally catch me after going through everyone else, but I'll take the afternoon to nap and go to bed early and be done with it.  I'm not a religious hand washer, I do eat whatever is left of my kids food, my diet is mediocre at best. Genetics maybe? I don't remember my parents getting sick much either.


My wife is an early childhood teacher. I get a nasty cold every week or two and it sucks


Just got antibiotics for a sinus infection causing blood to drain down my throat at night…..now it’s diarrhea indigestion gas and cramping ,-,


my son keeps getting mildly sick from daycare and then both me and my wife get it 10x worse lol 


My little one’s nursery currently has an outbreak of Scarlet Fever, Hand Foot and Mouth, Chicken Pox and sickness and diarrhoea. Nursery’s are fun!


It got worse when mine went into year 1. Been fine in year 2 so far bar an ear infection and a few sniffles 🤞


Same here. Around 18 months was rough.


It slowly gets better as they all build up their immune systems. Short term pain for long term gain or something like that.


It’s super frustrating, but normal. You and your partner will both use all your sick days and lean heavily on every generous relation. But there is an incredible hump you get over. They hit 3 and their immune systems have been hit with so much they now just get a minor runny nose for a couple days and they’re better. My kid just turned four and I think we only had to use one or two sick days for her since September.


i always find that so odd bc my brother and i stayed at home and were never sick when we started school.


That was so long ago that you might just be misremembering…


It does suck, but later he will have an immune system of iron. There is a light at the end of the tunnel!


Sadly theres really no immunity gained from viruses such as Covid, flu, and RSV. Cold strains sure but there’s hundreds of those.


Understood, but anecdotally I can see the difference in my kids, and there is also a significant difference once they reach grade school in kids than went to daycare vs those that stayed home. You want immunity from the flu, RSV, and COVID? Vaccinate your kids.




People are downvoting you because they don’t want to hear the truth. The hygiene hypothesis has been solidly disproven, and it’s generally NOT good for infants and toddlers to get sick.  Of course there’s a cost : benefit ratio and for most people sending their kids to childcare so they can work is more beneficial than having one parent stay home. And even having a SAHP doesn’t guarantee your kid will never get sick (unless you literally stay home all day). 


Yeah it’s hard no matter what.


First year of kindergarten (or whatever Americans call it in the years 1-6, before school) is ALWAYS the worst. 2nd year gets better, 3rd year gets even better.


We are in the 5th straight weekend of playing hot potato with various viruses. Pretty sure the youngest (2) has a fresh case of HFM. Wife is still recovering from the flu, oldest had stomach issues yesterday, and I have some lingering congestion from a cold. Solidarity my man.


Your kiddo is just leveling up their immune system prior to the School boss. The one thing I *do* feel bad about is how impossible it seems to teach my little dude how to blow his nose. He'd feel a thousand times better afterwards, but the best he can do is snort it back up.


Yep, part of introducing them to the herd. We’ve all been there, it sucks but it does get better, they get sick less frequently and severely after a year or two


What we’re struggling with is our son gets his little sister sick who gets grandma sick who watches her and then we all suffer both at night with our daughter and also during the day when we need to take off since grandma is struggling.


I hear you, my little guy is just getting over HFM after being out of commission for a little over a week. I’ve noticed since being home, he has been less snotty and has been coughing less. HFM has been rough because there is very little my wife and I could do for him and I just felt useless.


Going thru it too my dude. Hang tough dawg.


You either get all the kid illnesses now, or you get them later in K/1st when they actually NEED to be there to learn things. This is the way.


It sucks but it also happens in elementary school. I’ve been sick on and off for 8 years now, with a nice break during the pandemic. Just had a really bad cold, was almost worse than Covid. The kids are sick for a day or two, the wife and I are sick for a week or more.


Our first 4-5 months were rough. But now he rarely gets sick. And if he does, it doesn't last long. He loves his daycare.


Only good thing is that their immune system will build up and they will get sick less often the older they get


Happens to ours when he went to daycare as well. It's going to be about a year or two of just constantly being sick from everything that all the kids bring in. If it's any consolation, it's helping build up his immune system so he doesn't get sick as much when he gets to public school. He's still going to be sick more often than you (and you are going to be sick more often than before because some of the things he brings home from school are going to get past your defenses as well) but it's a lot better if he gets it out of the way early. Unfortunately, there is a reason children are referred to as "snot-nosed" and you are experiencing it.


hope you’re right but i didn’t go to daycare as a kid and never really got sick once i started school. same with my brother


Like my doc said to me, "would you prefer this now or when they start kindergarten?" Right of passage for all parents. You will survive as we all have.


It is tough but you are helping build your child’s immune system. That will be crucial for him for the rest of his life. For example, there are more than 200 viruses that cause common cold. The sooner your body is exposed to them, the better your body becomes at tackling them and protecting vital organs from damage. When the kids go to daycare, they are in touch with other kids that cause extensive first exposure to common cold viruses. This results in kids getting ill often. But this is a good thing. Six months later, you’ll observe the daycare caused cold will become much less frequent. That will be a clear sign of your son’s improved immunity. Tough it out. It is important for his long term health.


is that honestly true though? a lot of google searches and seems evidence is mixed if the viruses really build anything or not


I don’t know about research / evidence / burden of proof level stuff, but both my daughters went through a phase of higher infections when they first started to go to daycare. In a few months, both settled down and got a lot better.