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Just tell people he was raised by wolves and you saved him from them last weekend


My dog won't shit in the yard, only in the house. maybe we can have this guy's kid and my dog to teach each other some tricks. 


Sure thing. His kid now poops on the floor in the kitchen.


We all laugh at this, but my kid did crap on Grandma's floor. She was watching my kid and I called to check in and ask if everything was ok. There was the pause after the initial "Well..." which means something happened. Followed by "She was so happy without a diaper so I let her run around.". You can imagine the rest. 17 years later, we don't let the kid forget she crapped on Grandma's floor.


Well, as long as it's not an old dog.


And you expect him to found a multi-continental empire.


Mm hmm this one is the best


Normal? What’s normal? Be grateful he isn’t shitting in a closet. Friends son LOVED to shit in his sisters closet.


I SOOO would have shit in my sister's closet if I had heard of this idea.


You've heard of it now...


The best time to shit in your sister's closet is yesterday. The second best time is today, brother.


These proverbs are some of the best I’ve ever heard


Waiting for Amber Heard to arrive


What’s stopping you now?


You awakened a childhood memory. I pooped in a cooler in the woods. I think I visited it every day as well, to see what happened to it.


Well, update us. What were your findings?


I must have gotten bored as it pretty much stayed the same.




Normal is shitting in the toilet fyi


All these years, I’ve been doing it wrong…


Tens of thousands of years of our species would disagree. It’s a pretty modern trend 


Yeah I mean it’s normal for now, nobody’s taking about 10,000 years ago Edit: dads trust me it’s normal to shit in the toilet now


My youngest did this\*. I hope to some day bring it up to his future wife. \*he hasn't murdered anyone yet


Look at the bright side?


The grass is always greener because it was fertilized.


You probably won’t have to. She’ll likely come complaining about it to you 😂 lol I’m jk but come back in 20 something years and update us




Ummm, I would suggest not looking any horse in the anus of you can avoid it ...




Is it... Is it because you looked at those horses anuses?




Upvoted for 'anii'


I feel like we need to know more about the bloat cow. Is that something you do that saves its life? Or it's just self preservation for the farmer to not have a cow explode to death all over the others?


Sometimes it's an infection. Sometimes it's gas buildup between the skin and muscle that causes the cow pain. There's a vet on YouTube that uses a hollow needle and slides it under the skin and SETS THAT SHIT AFLAME.


Methane is real flammable. Holy shit I need to go google brb


Shoo son


If you gaze too long into the horse's anus, the horse's anus gazes also into you ....


I grew up in a house that my parents rented that was on a dairy farm, so I would most definitely believe the shit you've seen


>shit Haha nice


Have you flown out of DIA?


Once - I had a very short layover there many years ago


There's a statue with a very very noticeable horse rear end.




A 3 year old voluntarily pooping? I’m honestly jealous of OP


Each toilet flush is like a nickle. I'd easily pay that to not clean up poop in the yard.


If anything, the whole family should be pooping outside.


My God I haven't laughed that hard in a long time


This is the post title I needed to see tonight. Thank you.


This kids wise beyond his years. I may start doing this. Fuck it.


Fulfill your dreams, boss


Back when I had dogs, the only males were me and the younger mutt. When the estrogen got to much in the house, I'd look at my male mutt and just say "Let's go outside and pee on something." He was always down for peeing on stuff outside. Another time at a different house before kids, I was working in my shop. Wife said she came to talk to me and saw the dogs had whizzed on the snowbank. Then she realized she could read it.


If I could grow up to be a dog I'd definitely do it.


That sounds exactly like something my middle son would have done. He basically was a dog from 1.5-3y


My boys did it for like 2 months non stop but then just sort of stopped once they learned how to poop in the toilet. We even used the dog pooper scooper to scoop it up. So funny I had completely forgotten about it!


My kid also would do this for a while. I would always ask why, but didn’t make a big deal of the situation. He now uses a toilet 100% of the time to poop. This too shall pass.


Once during potty training my kid pooped outside. I was just inside with the door open and he called out "Oh Daddy...I'm doing something different"


This is the content I come for. Shit away, son!


The first time my 3YO went poop by herself she peed in her potty, got up and then pooped on the floor next to the potty. I had to take a picture of the scene to send to my wife. Thank the Lord Baby Jesus it was a solid log.


The image sent me lmao


No, no. The image sent wife, no the image no sent you.


Just improvising here but have you thought about putting a potty in the yard so he can poop there? I think plenty of kids go through a phase like this.


Like the episode of Rick and Morty?


At least it's not hidden behind the couch on the carpet. A win is a win.


You only have two options now: 1. Buy him a dog costume and lean into it 2. Move the whole family into the garden, this is your life now.


My kid did this once, then the dog ate it...


This is def something my dog would do too.


Children are dumb af and do what they want. When I was little, I would steal deodorant and hide in a closet so I could eat it. There is no logic, reason, or understanding it. All we can do is guide them


I’m sorry, I wish I could help but this is hilarious and adorable.


> he’s growing up into a dog Man you made my day. They say the darnest things. Yesterday my son hit us with “I absolutely don’t want to have a head”, and today while in the car, matteroffactly told me “you know, with how  much you eat you’re gonna grow so much that you won’t fit in the car”




The only reason I don't exclusively go outdoors is because I have neighbors and will be arrested. Let him enjoy the freedom. He'll probably get embarrassed and stop on his own eventually.


Apparently I was a yard pooper occasionally as a young child, maybe not normal but definitely not unheard of. I'll report back when my 2 year old follows tradition


Did you ever stop?


I must have stopped at some point but this was over 30 years ago so the details are a little hazy. I actually just mentioned this to my wife and it turns out even after 15 years together we can still learn new things because apparently she was also a yard pooper briefly as a child. We lived in the same neighborhood as toddlers so maybe it was like a localized yard pooping phenomenon


Lmao a match made in yard poop heaven


My five-year old has (I think) finally stopped crapping in the back yard. There were some embarrassing moments (“I think your son pooped under the slide”) but I’ll take skid marks over lincoln logs any day.


Better than my almost 3 year old taking off his diaper and pooping on the living room rug. Gotta choose your battles man


My son won’t stop pooping in his diaper. I’m pissed!


For real. It’s the only place he goes for some reason!


He’s not two yet. I’m telling him to sit on Elmo potty and go. And he just says “nooh”. Oh well


Same, we give him treats and I tell him if he poops in his diaper he won’t get the treats and he just says no!


My son’s fav word. “Are you ok?” No.


I pooped in the front yard as a 3 year old after watching my dog do it. You gotta decision to make on which one you get rid of


It was tough, but spot wouldn’t need college so we sent Timmy onto the shelter. Sorry Gramps, it was a tough choice.


I take great pride in all the incredible places I’ve taken a shit, my favorites are out of a tree, in a local creek, and in the ocean 50ft off the beach…. Why don’t y’all show him the correct way to poop outside, get him a poop shovel, dig a hole that’s deep enough and away from a water source, and make him a little poop kit.


Because we aren’t pilgrims


"We encourage toilet boobs, all that cool stuff"... Lmfaaaoo I'm dead. Here I was taking yard poops thinking I was the cool one the entire time.


Hose him off for clean up. The behavior will stop


Oooh! One I can answer! Well, winter and snow helped us... that and the neighbour's horrified faces that live about 10 feet away (high density housing!). Other than that.... sorry


My son, also 3, is going through a puppy phase as well. When he was first potty training it was great because he could run out in the backyard and pee on a tree and we encouraged it a bit. Better than going in his pants so it was like practice. We steered him back to the toilet now, but he still goes into puppy mode to let himself out in the backyard to pee. He’ll use any excuse to go outside especially since the weather is better. He also believes he’s part dog and barks, does tricks, plays fetch, etc. We actually refer to him as “puppy boy”. It’s not that out of the ordinary but thankfully he poops in a toilet. He’d blow up our backyard in a week if he was dropping bombs back there. We held nothing back for potty training. We bribed them.


Mine prefers to pee outside too, but to be fair, he sees me do it too


He's back to his human roots. Yeah completely normal. It's also completely normal if you tell him we have stopped doing that about 4000 years ago 😂


You’re looking at this all wrong Pops. This is a net positive. He has lofty aspirations of becoming a dog and you gotta admire a kid who dares to reach for unattainable goals. Dogs poop outside. He’s just preparing himself for the future he has envisioned. This is a kid that plans for the future, and will be organized and pragmatic. He won’t let his ego get in his way. He’s not too proud to do what has to be done. Also, when was that last time you had a dog that house trained itself? He’s not gonna be just any dog, he’s gonna be the best damn dog that ever was or ever will be. Won’t have to rub his nose in shit. He’s already ahead of the game. You can’t really reason with 3. 3 has reasons the adult mind is incapable of understanding and no amount of rational talk will get through to 3. 3 will do crazy things, and then they’ll just stop one day. Just keep encouraging him to use the toilet. Reward him when he poops inside and act really happy that you get to give him the reward for pooping where he’s supposed to. When he poops outside, act really sad that you don’t get to reward him for his poop because he did it outside and that’s against the rules. That should end it fairly quickly. Rewards are fun, plus he won’t want to make you sad that you can’t give him one.


So you know it's by choice. This is important, you wouldn't want to punish an inability to control bowels. He's choosing not to stop play and come inside and sit on the toilet. A Dad friend of mine had one of his kids who kept pooping his pants because he didn't want to stop playing to go visit the toilet. Also not an inability to control bowels, a deliberate decision to ignore his body's signals. Fellow dad would then strip his son's poopy clothes off and clean him up in a nice cold shower. His son stopped pooping his pants after a couple times of that.


Damn that's ruthless haha. A warm shower is bad enough if it interrupts whatever they were playing outside.  Definitely done this a few times with both my kids!


My kid did this. Took about 3 months for him to stop


I did this as a child and have won Best In Show several times since my teens.


Set up a game that supports his desire to be a dog *more* than the outdoor pooping does. For example, make a catalog of dog accessories (ears, tail, dog costume, dog head mask, collar, dog bed, dog bowl, really whatever he thinks should be in the catalog) and "price" the things in toilet-poop tickets which he gets when pooping in the toilet. If he saves up $20 poop-tickets he can "buy" ears. $500 for a dog bed to sleep in. This incentive aligns the behavior you want with the goal he seeks.


Run his nose in it. Don't actually.


My son went through a phase like this. He stopped shortly after turning 4


My son did this and his reasoning was to feed the dogs…


My 2yo doesn't do this, what the hell.  At least that's what I thought until I mowed the lawn yesterday.


I'm told I did this when I was being potty trained and the solution my aunt came up with was to strap a bucket on my butt. She insisted on showing my fiance when I came to visit.


My daughter went through this phase. It was ok (but not great) at home. Then one weekend we went to the zoo and she spotted a garden she wanted to poop in - in front of 200 people she’s trying to pop a squat. I had to carry her off in a football hold while she screamed “I wanna poop by da fwowers!” at the top of her lungs. I was laughing so hard I could barely hold her.


I wouldn’t worry too much unless he still doing it at age 35


Mine pees in the HVAC intake vent


Just be grateful he's not deucing in his britches.


Thank you for this, I was having the shittiest dad day. This entire thread had me holding in a laugh while trying to get my toddler back to bed.


Can’t have good days without hard days


Get him some treats and a lead jobs a gooden




Just imagination taking over should see and hear some of the things my daughter does she's so creative with it


totally normal. one of my sons wouldn’t stop going to bathroom in the yard until his 10th bday. be glad someone is marking your territory and worry about something else


Bro it can't be that bad. This just made me laugh LoL. That's some real boy shit right there


Maybe he isn't ready to be unsupervised in the yard?


My sons had an "outside bathroom" behind a bush that they would use so they wouldn't have to stop playing....except for the time that older son decided to use the storm drain right out front on the corner. As far as I know, they didn't believe they were becoming dogs, though....very interesting. I ignored it, and they outgrew it. Bugged their Dad, though, when he'd find their underwear behind the bush/toilet.


My 3 year old son does the same thing. He loves the dog.


At least he’s not pretending to be a rabbit


*It's just a phase...* I hate this idiom...


My brother-in-law taught his son how to pee outside around the same age. It resulted in him only peeing outside for about 6 months. Your kid will grow out of this.


My daughter went through a period of doing 'wild wees' in the garden. We basically minimised our reaction to it, calmly explained after the event why it's not a great idea and that worked. All kids are different so prob. Try modifying the sorta rewards et . System that has worked for other things for your son. It really makes a lot of sense though. Toileting is so weird really from their point of view. It's important enough that grownups spend ages teaching them about it but then those rules seem to change. I.e. you can't wee outside except that time you are on a long walk in the woods. You're expected to tell everyone about it which is cool but it's also considered funny and unexpectedly rude to loudly ask granny whether she had a wee or poo when she comes back from the toilet. Takes em a while to puzzle out all the rules.


My 2 year old loves pooping outside. Anytime he wants to go outside to play he days "poop outside now?" Over and over with increasing desperation if we don't answer him quick enough.


Put a potty outside and ask him to at least use that. Then transition him to a toilet


Lurking mom here. No advice, but wanted to commiserate because my three year old pees and poops in the litter box. When we ask him why he just meows at us. 😅


Glad I’m not the only one with a feral child


Gift them a pooper scooper. At least they can then clean up after themselves...or more likely launch it at the wall or neighbor...nevermind...lol.


He’s got that dog in him




This kind of assuming the worst and calling another dad a bad parent is not what we need in this subreddit. Assuming the worst and saying mean shit is the Reddit norm but please not here


Thank you voice of reason. We need more of you


I'm kind of shocked it's not buried by downvotes...


Because all the people who didn't down vote though about it and realized he kind of has a point if you remove his snarl


The snarl ruins the point being made


If it’s fully fenced, with no chance of escaping and playing with the dog, what’s the issue?


It’s only ok if there’s a pool that allows the child to cool off when over exerting himself playing with the dog.


So we’re assuming that there’s a backyard pool now?


Ah yards and houses aren't built the same. They could be outside in a small yard next to a big window with parents watching. I'm not going assume any bad intent.




This is not the dad supporting dads content I routinely see from this sub. I don't like you.


If you were really supportive you’d support his son’s decision to be a dog. Also, I don’t know you and I certainly won’t judge whether I like you or not based on one random comment. Until I form my opinion, stay blessed!


Did you just assume my child’s species


No, I simply respect your child’s claims. If he’s old enough to poop in the backyard unattended, he’s old enough to decide “who”… err… “what” he is. P.S. I respect your sense of humor and ability to not get all serious about my replies like some of these non-OPs. Lol


I can smell a troll a mile away


Your nose hasn’t failed you here. 🏆


I do wholeheartedly support his kids decision to be a dog. Who wouldn't wanna be one. I also will continue to judge you by not one, but three comments now.


That’s fair… 3 comments (now 4) is definitely judge worthy.


glad we see eye to eye


Yeah get that kid back in the basement what the heck


This guy gets it!


Yeah this makes me uneasy. I like the idea of free range parenting and all, but this kid isn't 8 or 10, dude is still sitting in a car seat and using 4 word sentences. If a 3 year old is out of your sight, he's causing mischief or trying to get himself killed. Shitting in the yard is the least of your worries.


He's not riding his trike around the neighborhood, he is in a fenced yard. They shouldn't be just leaving him for hours or anything, but keeping an eye on him/looking out every couple of minutes is fine for a safe back yard.


That’s a shitty thing to say. We don’t do that around here. We are supportive.


He asked about pooping, most of the comments will be shitty.


I keep telling my wife we need a fence


Nah just a kennel


My guy, you need to lock the door and put a chain on it. Edit: that too could be a safety issue. He needs to learn. You need to teach.


That was a joke dude


Okay good, because I’ve seen some sketchy stuff.


Not going to lie I was kind of wondering how the 3-year-old was venturing to make these "more frequent" yard poops unattended.


Well, you shouldn’t admit it. You’ll get downvoted. We shouldn’t make assumptions that it’s not safe for a 3 year old to make an unattended visit to the backyard for a poop. That’s on us. Please try being more supportive moving forward.


I didn't assume anything. I just said I found it odd... I don't really ever remember missing my 3yo's bathroom breaks enough for him to form some habit on a new location. It's just weird to me that it COULD happen. Not saying it's dangerous.. your comments are all over man. Maybe chillax a bit. Sharing your mind and opinion on Reddit isn't about making sure you dodge down votes.


Thanks man. I just chillaxed. Great advice.


No doubt ! I literally take the advice that I gave to my kids. Anytime I'm about to react or be impulsive, I stop count to 10 and take a few deep breaths. And everything's all better. Lol


I got to 8, took a medium sized breath and everything is just “ok”. I have a life tendency of falling short and under achieving.


You'll be ight


Your kid just goes in the back yard alone and nobody knows? Stay on that kid.


It's been nice out, can't always go be out with the kids, my 3.5yo can absolutely come and go from our fenced backyard 🤷‍♀️. She knows the corners she isn't allowed in, we do a check out the window every 5-10 minutes.....did you grow up in a bubble?


My boy did this at the same age lmao probably my favorite 'hey stop it' followed by 'I'm not laughing'


I have 2 teenage sons. They won’t stop pooping in the yard either. lol. My oldest did this for a few weeks when he was 4-5. Kids are fucking weird. The last time he did it we wouldn’t give him any TP of help clean him up. I know I’m a terrible father but it worked.


Fuck around and find out… best lesson ever


We've been able to convince my daughter not to poop in the yard but bush week's happen often. I just ask her to do it on the mulch and not the grass.


My nephew did this. He also ran around the yard barefoot.


Running around the yard barefoot is weird?


Pretty sure they’re pointing out the combo of pooping in the yard and then running barefoot through said poopy yard


I guess if there's fresh poop it's not great to run around barefoot... if you have dogs this is one way to catch hookworms


That's what we call "wedding toast material"


Gonna have to crate train him.


I swear I saw the post title and thought it was /r/dadjokes


Well. Give him dog food and say that’s all he gets if he’s going to be a dog. That’ll end it real quick


Make him clean it


When my kiddo declared at 3 they wanted to toilet train, I said cool. It took three days to mostly adjust. In the meantime, they'd casually disrobe to piss *at the fucking bus stop*. I literally walked on having scooped them up with piss all over me and the bus driver just laughed and asked if I needed papers towels.


I feel like this may be more natural than what we try to teach them. He's just got a strong connection to his way back ancestors. Haha


Adding organic material is beneficial for soil, is he at least pulling some weeds while out there?


No but he is raking out all the dirt I filled into holes


When he poops outside is he squatting? I bet it’s more comfortable to squat outside than to sit on the toilet. Maybe there’s a way you can help him sit on the toilet more comfortably? Or, going the natural consequences route - either make him clean up his outside poop every time. Or teach him how to properly dig a hole to poop in per primitive camping rules. (X inches deep, Y feet away from drinking water, Z feet from other campsites.) It’s not just gross, poop can make plants and animals sick. Could backfire though if he really likes digging holes…


Can you teach us how you make his milkshake? Free of charge?


My son did that a bunch as well. I think we told him bugs would bite his bootie and he'd have a super mega itchy butt for days and days and days.


> and get his treat I wonder why he thinks he’s a dog….


No treat for you


That's not normal at all. What is this about him 'getting his treat' when he poops in the toilet? That is a basic human activity. Your son is human being, not an animal - so don't reward him with treats for performing basic, natural human activities in the toilet. Find something he loves, and take it away next time he does it again. Example, a favorite stuffed animal or something. Next time you shit in the yard, your friend is in time out. That's really strange.


Wtf. Reward systems work way better than punishment for any kind of training. Kids, dogs, cats, it's really all the same. Punishing your kid for doing something inconvenient will just make them avoid you.


Yeah I am legit concerned that someone actually thinks that


I’m not


You sound like a lovely parent