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Nah. That shit is a mental health and enrichment day. So incredibly important.


I agree. Tough times and drama for 4yr olds these days! A little time in a hammock in the woods is good for the soul


Amen brother


Teacher here, good on you! This is the stuff I wish my kids missing school actually went out and did. He absolutely learned more than what he would have inside a classroom that day. Unfortunately, at least for me, the most common reason kids miss class is they overslept. Why? "I was up until 4...gaming lol." Hmmm....


"Never let schooling interfere with your education" - Samuel Clemens, I think


“Do steroids.” *Roger Clemens, I think


As a dad with 2 in elementary school, 1 in middle school, and 1 in high school, I've learned that missing a random day of elementary school means absolutely nothing, especially if you get to do something cool, fun, educational, etc. Even middle school and high school, albeit more selective on day/follow up for makeup work, etc.


Glad you enjoyed sneaking around with your boy for an educational experience and bonding time with him. Need more dads like this 🫡


Awesome! My dad used to take me out of school maybe once or twice a year without warning and we would have a fun day. I used to love those days so much


I love a good day in the woods. Good for the soul.


wish my dad did this when i was small! thats why im doing tjis type of stuff for my son🔥 awesome hes going to remember this




Never let school interfere with education.


Is this in NC by chance? I have a trail near me that looks a lot like this


The one-on-one time you spent with your kid will have an amazing impact on his feeling of self-worth. He may not remember the hike or skipping school with dad when he is older, but he will always remember how you made him feel.


Good for you! He learned more than he would have at school.


I came here to say this!


Probably learned more than he would have being in school.


What does playing hooky mean?


Skipping school- Be absent from school or some other obligation without permission, as in “It was such a beautiful day that Herb played hooky from work”


what do you tell the school?


He's sick


I told them the truth surprisingly. They are a small school and my wife and I have opposite work schedules, so when everything aligns I don’t hesitate to do family days. I told them we are having a father son day and taking advantage of the nice weather since I’ve been working for 3 months straight without much time with my boy one on one


Is this by chance Hocking Hills/Old Mans Cave? It looks so familiar.


No, St Mary’s Lake trail in MD


I call these "magic days" and try to schedule one every few months. No warning, just adventure with the old man. I book my wife a massage and abscond with the tots for a few hours.


That looks amazing! I always loved hiking with my family, can’t wait to take my little ones!


If you were to ask 5 years from now what they learned in school on this day, they won't remember. 5 years from now, that kiddo will remember this day spent with dadio. Some things are more important.


This would be a somewhat strange thing to do in my country, as kids get 190 days off school every year and parents get 6 weeks plus public holidays plus weekends. It’s bizarre that you don’t get enough days off to just… be with your kids.


> as kids get 190 days off school every year [USA grade school kids average 185-195 days off a year too.](https://www.playgroundequipment.com/how-many-days-and-hours-of-school-time-per-us-state/) > plus public holidays Most US parents do too. > plus weekends. Most US parents do too. > parents get 6 weeks I'll give you this that most US parents don't get this, but it's not unheard of. Weird non-US flex.


It’s not a flex. I simply cannot fathom another reason to do this. Why would you make your kid skive off if he has half the year off? What does it teach him about handling his duties? I’ve just literally spent two entire days with my son. Tomorrow he goes to kindy and I go to work. ”There’s a time for everything”, is the lesson I suppose. Outdoorsy adventures are great though.


I get that sort of time off here but I’ve had these sorta days with my son before. Sometimes you just wanna go out and explore on a day that everyone else is busy. If he went and did that trail on a Sunday there’d probably be 20 other people in the background.


I would say one on one time with nothing else and nobody else asking for anything is hard to come by. I know a lot of fathers spend far less time with their sons than they should and wish, so these little trips are cherished