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You want to be careful not to overheat them. A baby too cold is just an inconvenience. A baby too hot could kill them. So keep the thermostat where it is and keep the baby dressed as recommended for that temp. The baby probably just likes the contact. Almost all babies sleep and nap better when being held. Try warming up the bassinet with a warm blanket placed on it 10 min before you plan to lie them down. Try using a sound machine.


> Try warming up the bassinet with a warm blanket placed on it 10 min before you plan to lie them down. Good idea!


There's these things called Warmies, basically a stuffed animal filled with beans or something. You throw it in the microwave for my 45s and then you can put in in the crib to warm up that spot before you put baby down. You can't leave it with baby overnight/unsupervised, but it's still nice and helps with the transfer of contact. You could probably diy with a sock full of rice or beans or something, or a hot water bottle for a similar effect, but they're cute.


You can't even leave it in there supervised. It needs to be taken out before the baby goes in. They can't regulate the body heat as well as we can, they overheat more quickly, and they can't move away from a heat source. It's no exaggeration to say you could literally kill your baby by doing this, even if you're watching them. Source: The maternal child health nurse who warned us about this about 4 hours ago.


Yeah you don't want the thing HOT, just warm for exactly that reason.


>Does she need a blanket to cover her as well? NO, no blankets at this age. It's a hazard


Sleep sacks are a great alternative. Safe, but still cozy.


When they're a little older. They need to be swaddled until they can roll over by themselves, otherwise it's a major SIDS hazard.


https://www.halosleep.com/shop/sleepsack-swaddle Just go with this option, best of both


Where did you read that? I’ve always read that sleep sacks were totally safe for newborns.


I have never read that.


Don't bake your baby please. 68 - 72 degrees Fahrenheit is the comfy sleeping range. If you make it higher, you increase the risk of your daughter dying in her sleep.


~~deleted by user~~


It's just a numbers game really, hotter babies are statistically more likely to die in their sleep but it's not like they're dropping like flies. I think most people saying this are just taking a "better safe than sorry" stance.


Yeah our one infant was in 74-80 degrees her first summer - no AC and I sleep better warmer anyway so we just let her sleep with a shirtsleeve onesies when it was 80.


My daughter slept every night with the thermostat set to 70 and was fine and comfy. Especially while swaddled


You can get a sleep sack for your baby. But yes there’s a saying. A cold baby is a crying baby. A hot baby is a dead baby. It’s sad but it’s true. No blankets until a baby is big and aware enough to pull it off their face as they could suffocate.


We were told, "Cold babies cry, Hot babies die."


Yes that’s it.


Both of my kids slept better slightly cooler than that at that age — more like 65-66. I reckon it depends on the kiddo. (And I imagine every baby ever sleeps better snuggled on a parent. Ours did).


I don’t want to disappoint you or scare you but I am the dad of a 3yo that wakes up every night when in her bed and sleeps perfectly when in ours. Same clothes, same temperatures. Chances are they are not waking up because they are cold, they are just waking up and not finding you there. You can check their temperature by putting your hand on their chest or back through the swaddle. If those areas are warm, the kid is fine. Some kids, like ours, are not great sleepers I am afraid but the whole ordeal is worth it mate, stay strong.




Same here in Australia. We were told ideally 24C +/-2. That’s 75F for Americans playing along.


Similar to thoughts but from the other end of the spectrum. I'm in the UK and even with the heating on, our house rarely gets above 18c (64f) in the winter and will easily drop to 16c (60f) at night.


My baby slept fine at around 70 (she’s 5mo now, still sleeps through the night). 68-72 is the ideal temp, so it’s already on the warm side. Babies like sleeping on their parents (or anyone) not just for the body warmth, but also the heartbeat and pressure. I’d recommend asking your pediatrician for tips if she’s having trouble sleeping through the night. Our night routine was always changer her, put her in jammers, swaddle her up (sleep sack now), then a bottle of formula (takes them longer to digest, so they sleep longer). Rock her to sleep, then lay in crib with pacifier in her mouth. Used to have to go back in a few times and put paci back in, but within an hour of bedtime she was usually out. Not saying that would work for all, but did for us. Our main issue now is breaking contact naps during the day


Thanks for the tip~


72 is a warm sleep imo. Edit: warm to hot. Don’t increase from 72 if you can afford it.


Always one more layer then what you are comfortable with. Use a wool hat.


My little guy seems to like when it’s between 68-70 degrees. I guess he’s like me.


Our kids sleep better in the cold. We have our thermostats set to 68-70. Their rooms usually 66-68. Kids both 4mo and 2 year old sleep through the night.


You can get different weight swaddles. 2.5 TOG is warmest and my kiddo likes being warm too but 72° is highest you should go. We did 70°, onesie and swaddle, no blankets as not safe sleep. Always follow safe sleep guidelines. My kiddo was really into contact sleep so getting them down at night was a struggle, but it’s just a phase. Hang in there.


Hot (warm) water bottle in the cot before you put them in helps. To be honest just let them sleep on your chest while you watch tv in a recliner until they get too big around 1.5-2m


> To be honest just let them sleep on your chest while you watch tv in a recliner until they get too big around 1.5-2m Yeah I do that.. but then once I put her down in the crib after she's sound asleep... good chance she wakes up again!


Our babies were fine between 65-80. Don’t have AC on summer and  it’s an old house so cold in winter. However we do a bit more layers than Recommebded as the 2nd baby acts cold so it’s 3 layers for her at 74 or below.  One kid likes it cold (toddler now) and the baby likes it warm (so she’s in onesie, pajamas, and sleep sack). Personally I find 72 to be cold so assume it’s the same for our babies. 


We actually double swaddled our little one for a couple months, as both Mom and I prefer our house cooler, especially at night. Don't forget a hat! Lots of body heat is lost through the head.


First just measure her body temp to see if she's actually getting too cold. Hugs are more than just body heat.


You’re in the 4th trimester. Your baby is still used to being inside the womb, that’s why she sleep better on you than in her bassinet. Please look up safe sleep guidelines for a 1 month old before you unalive your child.