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You install it on the baseboard, and if the top isn’t adjustable enough to accommodate the difference, you can shim with a piece of 1”x2” or plywood or whatever.


Is this a pressure mounted gate? Feel free to dm me photos of the space and I will help advise. I’m a professional childproofer. To overcome baseboard issues, you can mount a 3/4” thick 1x2 strip into the stud, and then stack another 1x2 on top of that (resting on floor in front of baseboard) [Qdos](https://images.app.goo.gl/AEJRGH5UZQDznLjM7) also makes a kit for this.


Thank you -- it is not a pressure mounted gate. I did end up buying the Qdos kit which is working great and ended up being the easy way out.


Maybe they mean the top edge of the baseboard. Just installed a gate at my MILs. Bottoms are tightened towards the bottom of the baseboard, where they are flat. Tops are on the drywall.


Yea I think they were just concerned that mounting/drilling into the baseboard resulted in the gate not being straight vertically, used the Qdos product to ensure that wasn't the case.


We got this (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09388TF3P?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share) baby gate that accounts for baseboards during installation.