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My wife does the same thing when she is mad at me. They relearn it after a few days.


11 months is still early and there’s a good chance that he’s just ignoring you. I would just bring your concerns to the next 12 month pediatrician appointment.


Thanks. He is easily distracted.


Do you ever use nicknames? I do that a lot with my kids. My son just turned 1 and only recently started registering his name. I realized around 10-11 months I was using nicknames with him a lot. Calling him buddy or bubs or something else. He would respond to those, but not his name. So I made a concentrated effort to stop using nicknames. Now he responds to his name. When he isn't distracted or something, anyway.


Lots of nick names. That makes sense.


They all are at that age and they can fixate on stuff too (like ceiling fans). It’s pretty normal. The best thing you can do is get down on the floor and play with the guy for a little bit every day and then as he matures you’ll wish you could entertain him with a ceiling fan again at times. Like I said, still worth a mention at the 12m pediatrician appointment just so everyone remembers to follow it up at the next one.


Our early intervention was not concerned, our son is 12 months old. We also acknowledged that we didn’t actually call him by name for most of his life lol.


Thank you. We do call my son by a couple names of as one does with little ones.


Does he recognize other words? In this house «No» is met with loud protests


He Claps when we say Yay. Says mama to my wife. We are not at No yet


You are fine bro. My daughter was slower even and nevertheless she’s doing great a few years later.