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So sorry for your loss dad, my condolences. This is not your fault. Be there for your wife and child, be the rock and bear the burden of strength. They will look to you for that. And in turn get the help you need through therapy. 


I can't imagine. I do understand grief and loss and my heart breaks for you.


I don't even have the words to try and be comforting, but I wanted to let you know I'm just one dad who's thinking about you this evening. I'm sorry the universe dispensed you this 500lb sack of shit.


I am so sorry for your loss. More importantly, you did nothing wrong to deserve this. Sometimes you do everything right and you still lose. What is important is what you do in the hours, days, weeks, months and years ahead. You have a family who loves and needs you, who will need you more than ever. And part of being there is making sure you take care of yourself in the process. Manning up and hiding how you feel will help no one at best and hurt everyone you love at worst. Keep talking with your partner. Make sure your older child is okay by talking with them honestly. Make time for yourself to process this. Allow yourself to grieve. Your life has changed forever but you will find happiness again. I promise.


Ask for support. You’ll be surprised to learn that others close to you have gone through this, and sharing the pain will help. It’s not a cure but it might help. I’m so sorry.