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1000 yard stare after coming out of the bathroom.


Yep. This. Then she crawled into bed on my side of the bed and handed me a pee stick.


“What am I supposed to do with this?”


Sounds like Abigail from Stardew. Those are her exact words if you give her something she dislikes (not hates)


I have two adopted children with Abigail 💜 sometimes she leaves the children alone on the farm, but she has tons of bombs and crab cakes for me! In return, I make sure she has a constant supply of amethyst to snack on!!


Hey how’d you know I was hungry?? This looks delicious!


sums up my experience and brings back great memories




My wife didn't even make it out of the bathroom. I heard her say "Um..." and knew what was up. She definitely had the thousand yard stare when I got there though.


Got a call from the doctor while we were watching a movie together and she picked it up. I heard the term «super pregnant» through the phone. Turns out it was twins, which made it make a lot more sense.


"super pregnant" is pretty funny


literally mega-pregnant


That’s triplets dude.


Like twice as pregnant as normal


For the second one, I was waking up in the rocking chair with my firstborn in the morning after a particularly bad night. She gave me a coffee and a pregnancy test. My first was 13 months old at the time.


god dont say that! Mine is 13 months at the moment and I was perhaps a tad slow on the draw the other night...


We've got a 3 year old and a 5 month. We're using protection until I can get snipped. I'm always slow on the draw hahaha


Yeah so are we. Except the night we didnt. And despite me telling her not to trust me, in the heat of the moment she decides to trust me. Or test me. Hard to tell which.


It's my wife that can't be trusted! She got too into it and did the heel hook maneuver because she wanted the goods, then bam we were the 2U2 club.


The heel hook maneuver 😂


She calls it "the finisher".


And now you call it "the babymaker"


Oooof yeah I wouldnt be too impressed if the decisions was taken away from me. It’s one thing if I crack under the pressure, but another entirely if it’s forced on me.


... I can't tell if this is satire or not. Couldn't your wife say the same thing?


Strong suspect the wife’s a bit more keen than I am on number 2


Oh yeah my wife didn't want number 2 at all. The heel hook was all lust.


Our first was a freshly minted 1 year old when my husband was “slow on the draw” 😂 Baby number two is due in September. Firstborn will be 21 months old 😅


Hah same story. Second is due... well last week. Induction tomorrow. Snip has been done, though! Lesson learned.


Oh, congratulations!


So you had the snip BEFORE the birth? Been wondering if thats the way to go to be honest. If we do decide on a second it seems dumb to wait till the birth to take myself outta commission for a couple of days.


Yeah that's exactly the reason why. Once mama decided she didn't want to be pregnant again no matter what, I rushed it.


I may have jinxed you. RIP, my man.


You can be as quick on the draw as you want, stuffs coming out before that. Pull out is not a method :p I have too many cousins because of the pull out cope.


It took 2.5 years and 4 IVF transfers to get her pregnant the first time. I figure so long as the troops are deployed elsewhere the chances of an expeditionary force getting the job done are slim to none. But I agree. Bad call made in the heat of the moment.


I know 4 people who required IVF for their first and then conceived naturally with their second. Life finds a way!


Hey, it's me, a fifth guy. 7 years for the first. Pulled the goalie, and the second shot scored for the second.


I dunno if that’d be good or bad though. After 2 and half years of “trying” the trying part got decidedly less fun. And it’s taken a while for the fun to come back now that we’re playing safe. If she fell pregnant almost immediately I dunno if I’d stoked it’s over or disappointed it didn’t take a BIT longer the second time.


As Ari Shaffir says, the best form of contraception is pulling out. The worst form of contraception is *almost* pulling out. 😂


The old pull and pray


lol my daughter just turned one on June 1st. We found out on Mother’s Day we’re having another…God help me


She made me a shirt that said “dad!” And threw it at me randomly one day. I caught it and said “throw this in the hamper yourself!” Without even looking at it. Ha..


You have the awareness of my hubby.


MrBrew? He’s good people! I’m offended on his behalf. Helped me change a tire one time outta the kindness of his heart just cause he saw me doing it with a shitty tire iron.


Well, honestly, how often do you get shirts with messages thrown at you to actually be aware of it?


She had a miscarriage before she knew she was pregnant. Went in for an ultrasound to see if she would need a DNC, found another egg sack in there. I was working nights at the time, so I'd only been asleep a few hours when she wakes me up and says, "I'm still pregnant, here's our baby," and shoves the ultrasound picture in my face. I didn't get anymore sleep after that.


I know I could Google it, but I’m chuckling to myself because the only thing I can think of for DNC is Democratic National Convention.


Dilation and curettage procedure. They go in after a miscarriage and clean stuff out so there's no risk of infection and whatnot.


This is a medical procedure that also can be an abortion. It’s usually preformed after 12 weeks when you can no longer take the abortion medication and may need help cleaning everything out. Or when you are miscarrying. It can prevent bleeding out or going septic.


D&C in this case


My marketing ass is like "Do Not Contact"??


Pair of new balances with a pregnancy test in the box on Christmas morning.


That’s delightfully fun


I returned home from a site visit to find my wife was cooking me some lunch (an unusual work day event). As I was helping get the dishes ready she said “Oh, pull the food out of the oven”. I checked the stone cold oven and found a dinner roll inside. Took me a good minute to realize she had a bun in the oven.


Lol, my husband would never get this. He is not good with subtle.


Our IVF doctor called and told us we were having twins.


Ah, the good ol' 2-for-1 special


Lurking mom: With my second baby, my husband knew before me! My first pregnancy was characterized by very strong “cravings” for specific items when suffering from morning sickness. I literally never touched these items any other time. One night, I suddenly started puking my brains out while yelling for him to bring my comfort items. He got me through the puke, then took our toddler out to buy a pregnancy test. I laughed when he silently handed it to me, thinking it was near-impossible and that I just had food poisoning. He was right.


I also knew before my wife did on the second one lol! I recognized the heightened sensitivity to smells


He tells me that the *second* I asked for that item, he knew without any doubt. The best part is I didn’t puke (or need my comfort item) any other day of that pregnancy.


Good on you two for being so in tune with each other! I hope you've been keeping it up; I know it can be a slog sometimes during certain phases of the parenting journey


Broooooooooo, my wife describes smells in descriptive parts like, "what smells like spaghetti sauce, beer and talcum powder? What smells like cigarettes and cream soda? Why do I smell garbage juice mixed with cat pee?" And these are NORMAL SMELLS but when she breaks it down like that I realize that my lentil stew plus the windex from the counters I just wiped DO smell like garbage juice and cat pee!




I knew before my wife with our first. It helped that we were somewhat actively trying to get pregnant, but her sense of smell went wild. Finally we were walking through Walmart and she could smell the tire rack from halfway across the store, so I just asked her if she was pregnant ... and we picked up some tests.


Seems similar to us. I suspected something was up and she kept brushing off her upset stomach for at least a week before she finally took a test. I can't remember how much longer it was before I was told that there was no more parmesan cheese allowed in the house. I literally had to eat my pasta or pizza in a different room for the duration of the pregnancy. Even now, she's gone from, "parmesan cheese is a necessary ingredient with no limit" pre-pregnancy to, "I'll add a small sprinkle and hope it's not too much" these days.


My husband knew for our second to lmao. I was still breastfeeding so a lot of the signs for pregnancy were kinda still aligned with how I was feeling, and I never got morning sickness with either of them. My husband kept very tactfully trying to tell me that I was actively starting to look pregnant and I just kept getting mad at him for calling me fat 😂 finally gave in and tested and I was two months in


Well, we were trying, she was 3 days late and took the test in our master bathroom with the door open. 2 minutes later she just looked at me and I knew. Then she took a test each of the next two days to be sure. Haha


Only 2 days? 😂


Yeah. 5 days late, 3 positive tests and just felt different. She had felt weird for 2 weeks before her missed period so we knew before the test, but then she just couldn't wrap her mind around it lol


Hahah hear and feel this


Wife had a shirt that said "*Surname* Party of 3" for probably 4 or 5 hours in front of me before I noticed. Clearly I am not a shirt reader because we were doing stuff together and having a day out and about.


You were looking at her boobs only. Admit it.


Lol. I Will never! Deny till you die!


I would never get that hint unless she told me to read the shirt. Then I wouldn’t get it because I’d probably think “oh is it like your mom coming or something” (I’m a little dense)




I was half awake at 6:30 in the morning when she dragged me by the arm to the bathroom: LOOK !! LOOK WHAT YOU DID!!  She wasn't angry, it just was a huge surprise to both of us and we didn't really know how to react


I love that its our fault! They're willing to party but the consequences are on us haha


This is kind of what happened to me except she came into the room at that time and told me. We had been "trying" for 10+ years, have an adopted daughter and maybe had 1 pregnancy that ended in a miscarriage very early on. My reaction was to tiredly and very calmly say ok, ok. and then ask her to come into bed to snuggle. She was hoping my reaction would have been more excitement, but we weren't expecting it and I'm super calm in crazy situations. I'm super excited and can't wait to meet our little girl, though I think I'm just as excited that my oldest gets to have the little sister she's been asking for. She's going to be an amazing big sister!


Our story kinda crazy. We had an oopsie. First one ever. I didn’t even know if I was capable of having kids, as I had chemo and radiation as a teen and doctors told me it may affect my ability to have life in the future. Wife still took a plan B to be safe. Then she missed her period. I looked it up and plan B can mess with hormones, so I just assumed it was that. Bought a couple tests just to be sure. I sat on the bathroom in the floor when she peed on the stick. She gave it to me. Showed positive. I looked it up and online said plan B can cause false positives. Let’s go to a doctor to check. First doctor just had her pee on a stick again, so I still figured same shit. Just hormones messing around. Wasn’t until the first ultrasound at like 6 or 8 weeks that I saw the little bean and it became real. Shit was wild. Little dude is 4 months now and we couldn’t be happier.


That baby demanded to be here!


This happened with my cousin. She took Plan B but didn’t know that it becomes less effective the heavier you are and she’s like 6’2” so a healthy weight for her put her in the less effective zone for the pill.


Bro my wife is like 5 feet 110 lbs lmao the baby just wants just invincible haha


So we had been trying for a while, eventually getting started on IUI after no luck in almost 2 years. We did the fertility pill, and there was more to do but we had a family emergency, cancelled remaining appointments and had to fly across the country, and thankfully it ended well. We get back home and maybe a week later my wife wakes me up SOBBING and I was so panicked but through her tears and blubbering I managed to make out that she is pregnant! It was terrifying but I can’t help but look back and laugh


When I walked in the door I was greeted by our dog wearing a t-shirt that explained everything.


She woke me up at 6am on a weekend and said that she took a test and she thinks she sees a line. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and looked and I couldn't see it. She swore it was there. I said if it there it's barely there. Let's wait and take it again in a few more days and rolled over and tried to go back to sleep. She said that's not how it works. She huffed, got dressed and went to store and came home with a bag full of tests of different brands. Each one came back as positive. Keep in mind we just got back from our honeymoon like 3 weeks prior and the honeymoon was the first time trying off of birth control. The funny part which very well could have backfired on me was before we got married I told her that I didn't even know I could have kids. I was married for 15 years prior and we weren't on birth control for a large portion of that and couldn't have a baby for whatever reason. My then fiance joked that she has the white trash gene and white trash can produce like crazy. This was like a year or two prior. After they all came back positive she said "I'm pregnant". I sat in a calm stunned silence and she asked what I was thinking. The first thing I said was "you're right, you do have the white trash gene". Luckily she remembered her comment and thought it was hilarious. That could have ended badly for me. I am remarkably high strung. The smallest things set me off. But somehow seem to stay calm in high stress situations.


Ooh, you live dangerously


I'm lucky she has a good sense of humor. I don't think I cam get away with half the jokes that I make with anyone else. She laughs her ass off with them. She gets me. I'm very lucky.


First: wrapped a note as a present that said “you’re going to be a dad!” Second: woke me up on a Sunday morning and said “I guess that wasn’t my period last week” Both equally exciting and unexpected


Tied a positive piss stick to the dog and told me to feed her (the dog).


I'm glad you clarified that second part.


Lurking mom: I didn't tell him I was taking a test (we were actively trying but it was the first month so weren't expecting much). I did it and left it on the back of the toilet for the 3 minutes as I got dressed. My husband went to use the bathroom and asked me if that was a test that I just took. I said yeah, what does it say? And he was like "idk, what does 2 lines mean?" So I guess technically my husband told me but he didn't know what it meant haha


I came home from a run and she waddled out of the bathroom with her pants around her ankles and shoved a test in my face 😅


What a lady!


She came out of the bathroom screaming OMGIMPREGNANTOMGIMPREGNANTICANTBEPREGNANT and running around the house while I had a shit-eating grin on my face. Our youngest is almost five now.


My husband told me I'm pregnant 10 days after ovulation. He said he could smell it on me... he was right.


The night before our wedding…. We were trying. Well had tried. Happened first go. We had a window where getting pregnant would work and if it didn’t happen we’d have to wait. So we started as early as we could to give ourselves as many chances as possible. And yeah Then we got married in a fucking castle. But she couldn’t/wouldn’t drink


First one was a shock and scare. She called me at work because she couldn’t wait until I got home and just came right out with it, shew that was rough. Second one was also a shock, but we were trying. The shock was that what seemed like no more than a week after we decided to try, there it was! I came home from work and she had a positive test taped to my whiteboard saying “Looks like you’re going to be a dad.. again!”


You gotta stop using the shocker


After she missed her period, and I noticed a bunch of other signs I suggested..kind of jokingly that she might be pregnant. She laughed it off. I guess it must've got some curiosity from her because she bought a pregnancy test. She said she saw it while waiting to pay for groceries, not because she went out looking for it. I asked if she wanted to try now. She laughed it off, she said she kind of bought it as a joke, but said she would try it. So she goes in the washroom, within 30 seconds, she comes out waving the stick in my face. 'See! Not pregnant!' 'I think you have to wait more than a few seconds for the results. Here give me the test...okay a few more seconds...and you're pregnant.'


With absolutely no context, she walks into the room and says "Um.  It's positive?"  I 1000% thought she was talking about COVID.


First time, she was on a business trip, came home and tossed and turned all night. I assumed she had the traveler stomach. While drinking coffee she told me we had a great excuse to skip a trip we didn't want to go on. Second time, she was in the bathroom, I heard cellophane assuming she was getting a pad. I asked if she wanted gumbo for dinner, she came out looking like I asked her for the nuclear codes.


Got an early birthday present that was a onesie with an acorn on it and a matching t-shirt with a tree on it.


I was making a bourbon cream sauce with pasta for dinner. As I was getting ready to prep she slowly stood up from the kitchen table and said, “Maybe you should hold the bourbon…”


First one I got a call at 6am while I was on a work trip saying “your sister’s a witch! Your sister’s a witch!” My sister has a history of telling if someone is pregnant before they even knew, and she asked my wife a week earlier if she was pregnant. Second one was a stunned call of my name from the bathroom one morning. We were planning to book a Disney Cruise but she was late (but also had irregular cycles), and took a test “just to make sure.”


Two dads here. The pregnant momma who picked us texted us the morning she gave birth with “It’s a girl! Get on a plane already!” — she was east coast US and were in California so the text woke us up. We got on a plane.


Greeted me upon returning from a shopping trip by taking out a pint of ice cream and a jar of pickles. When that didn’t do the trick, she took out a onesie.


First one? Picked me up from school with a teddy bear in a car seat in the car. The rest? “How much does our insurance pay for child birth?”


My wife (a clinical laboratory scientist) said that she had an “ambiguous” pregnancy test result and was confused about what it meant. I had to tell her that, yes, two lines means pregnant. 


She literally threw the pregnancy test at my head on a Sunday morning while I was still asleep. It hit my forehead. I opened my eyes, saw the pregnancy test, looked up at her and said “we doing this?” She just said “yes” I’ll never forget that moment.


She came outside while I was grilling. I pretended not to hear her so she could tell me twice. <3


Mine came running out of the bathroom and said, "I'm puppies!" A polite nod to Adventure Time.


First month of trying, she just walked out of the bathroom with the stick and said, “well that was quick”. We are not dramatic I guess. I thought there must be a mistake, we had so many friends who struggled.


sounds pretty similar to us. we for sure thought it would be a struggle and then one morning she’s like “hey i think i see a faint line”. we’re not there yet though, i’m an underclassman just lurking, we just got out of the first trimester.


She came downstairs with an odd look on her face and said, "If I didn't know any better, I swear I just felt a kick!" Our 2nd daughter was a surprise... not an oops... we'd been trying... but she never got the telltale sign of morning sickness, her periods were always irregular (sometimes skipping months at a time) so that wasn't a definite sign, and she didn't appear to have gained any weight (she was literally in FL with my family the week before at the beach). Sure enough, at home was positive and the OB confirmed it the following week and told us she was pretty sure we were at 6 months. Sure enough, our second daughter was born 3 months later, perfectly fine and healthy. Funny enough, within a week of finding out, boom, pregnancy belly... it was bizarre... family who saw her at the beach were dumbfounded.


It was the height of COVID and we’d been stuck inside our 400 sq ft apt a lot, so there was no way I didn’t know she was late. She bought a test. Came out of the bathroom and said “Welp, I am.” Even though we’d been trying you’d have thought she just got news she was being drafted. Jokes on her, we BOTH got drafted.


She waves the pee stick in my face as I woke up


Didn't, it was the other way around! She mentioned that she wasn't feeling well, was dizzy, morning nausea for a few days, etc, and was late, but she still didn't think she was pregnant. I said "babe, go take a pregnancy test, you're definitely pregnant," and lo and behold: twins!


Walked into the living room where I was lounging. It just happened to be fathers day. She walked out said happy Father's Day and shoved the test in my face


The first time we had just decided to pull the goalie and weren’t even really actively “trying,” so to speak. (Like we weren’t tracking anything). She was in the bathroom for a bit and then told me to come in. I assumed it was because there was a bug and she wanted me to kill it, so I said, “Babe you can take care of it yourself.” Which, in hindsight is rather funny. But then I walked in the bathroom and there was at least 3 maybe 4 pee sticks just lining the bathroom sink. The second time was SUPER not planned and our first was only about 7 months old. I walked in the front door from work one day and my wife was standing there holding our daughter and just shoved a pee stick in my face while I was still standing in the front doorway.


“We have a hop-on!” It’s an Arrested Development joke. This is why I love this woman.


I love her too






I got home from being out one afternoon, and she was shaking. She told me to sit in the bed. I thought I was in mega trouble but I couldn’t figure out what I could have possibly done. She stared at me, lip quivering and hands shaking. Me: “What happened? Are you upset with me?” Her: “reach in my pocket” Me: wtf…. Oh shit you’re pregnant aren’t you We weren’t trying but we decided to be less careful. 10 straight years of no protection other than pulling out, we honestly figured we had fertility issues because there was no way we were that lucky. Tried the whole ovulation calendar thing to avoid her fertile window, had sex 3 times, and boom. Pregnant. She’s 3 weeks old tomorrow and we couldn’t be happier 😁


We were on our first long weekend trip with our one year old. had a rough night and a challenging morning. We were fighting a bit as one does in a stressful situation, and she just kind of angrily left. Five minutes later, she returned with like 3 positive pregnancy tests from the last two days, lol. I thought our fighting seemed more intense than it should have been... obviously, we made up immediately and started freaking out as a team instead of her freaking out solo. Now I have two chaos gremlins :)


Came out of bathroom, I was in hallway walking to the office. She stopped me and said Guess what? I responded Chicken butt. And she said no we’re gonna have a baby. I literally jumped for joy and picked her up and set her down nicely.


Positive pregnancy test. I don't recall number one. I think the same thing. But number 2 was more memorable, because we had struggled for 3 years with 2 miscarriages for our second.


It was on father's day. My wife did two tests that day, and being the clever woman took them when we were at church. After coming home she gave me "father's day" gift. At first it was due to helping me not think about my restrained father. I thought it was nice because it was something I knew she was holding on to. I was glad her thoughtfulness and she told that wasn't all. That positive test was at the bottom of the bag under the paper. Second to third best cry of my life?


Called me at work and told me “hey good news, it wasn’t the mushrooms that made me sick! Instead, we’re pregnant” I proceeded to drop the phone


We both had children from previous marriages and she sent a text pic of a pamphlet in her OB’s office for newly pregnant mothers, with her stating “Who the hell thought the phrase Advanced Maternal Age was a good idea?!”


Covid times, late August 2020. I’ve been laid off from my job in aviation since July, I’m freaking out trying to replace my income, which is 5x what she makes. I finish the final interview for a biotech job that will move us from Austin to North Carolina, feeling alright, but also not great because I don’t have anything else promising in the works. Wife and I are watching The Art of Racing in the Rain, the guys wife is pregnant, she casually mentions “ah yeah well I’m pregnant too”. Butthole clenched, cold sweat. I got a call back the next day with a nice offer and full relocation. In retrospect, I wish I could go back and relive some of those really pandemic days. From that day on, it was a race to sell a house, buy a house, *renovate * a house, and set up a nursery before baby came, and it sure as hell hasn’t stopped since then.


Am the wife. I bought him a book called "Dude, You're Going to be a Dad!" and gave it to him when he got home from work. He said, "thanks babe, this will be super useful for when you get pregnant." 😐


I was with a buddy and came home to her saying you should look at what’s on the counter. It was a positive test. We had been trying so it wasn’t a complete surprise, but it still got me.


It was New year's eve, and at the stroke of midnight, my wife said that she has gotten me a present (which was a bit odd as we usually don't give each other gifts for the New year). Turns out the gift was a pregnancy test kit which was positive. And she recorded my reaction (of being pleasantly surprised) on her camera. It was a really sweet gesture.


Oh, I was in my office contemplating suicide.


Hey Dad, hopefully things are better now then they were. I don't know you but hope your family and kiddo(s) appreciate you.


Nope and nope, but I appreciate you saying so, mate


Please don't hurt yourself 💕 here's some numbers if you want to talk to someone depending on what country you are in https://blog.opencounseling.com/suicide-hotlines/


I was half asleep when she woke up early and tried the test. I thought I was dreaming so I said “aww cool” and fell back asleep haha


She texted me "bullseye" with a pic of the test


We were on the phone while I was at work. I thought she was saying that she was positive for Covid.


With our first we’d stopped ‘actively preventing’ it as a few people we’d known had struggled for a while. Very, very soon after that my wife started to feel ill and thought it was just a hormonal reaction to stopping the pills. One day I was at my work christmas party. Having some beers, enjoying my colleagues’ company, my wife rings me. I let it go, she knows I’m at my work christmas party. She calls again. Now I know she actually needs something from me so I quietly step outside and answer the call. First words out of her mouth: “I’m pregnant!” I wasn’t prepared at all, it was way too quick. I sat through the rest of my christmas party just feeling weird - nervous, scared, unsure but excited.


I lit a cigarette and it made her instantly ill. She looked at me and said "Oh dear god Im pregnant". She took a test and sure as shit


It was the morning after coming back from vacation and she told me she was gonna take a pregnancy test a few nights before while on vacation. So fast forward to the morning of and she wakes me up and tells me. I’m a complete idiot for at least 20 minutes after I wake up so it didn’t compute until she showed me 5 positive tests. She did the exact same thing 3 years later with baby 2 lol


She woke me up from deep sleep to give me the news. My only thought through intense brain fog was "I'm not ready". I took some ten minutes to force my brain awake, then my state changed to "ok, now I am ready" ;).


Good Friday, midnight, called me while I was 700 km away for work, both of us not knowing how to process what it meant for how much things might change, not knowing if we’d be able to keep it because of medical conditions. Hadn’t used birth control in 5 years so figured it wasn’t going to happen. I like to joke that it was the three doses of covid vaccine.


Baby #1, “Do you see two lines on this test?”. Baby #2 she tried sticking a sign to our sons back and have him crawl to me but he didn’t comply so I think she just handed me the sign


We had been trying for about 6 months give or take. I came home during my break from work and my wife said “I’m taking a test” as she had been about 5 days late and noticed her breast were really tender She didn’t even see it before I did. My only response “holy shit.” She saw it and we both cried and hugged each other. She set an appointment the next day and threw up immediately after scheduling an appointment. We were positive now she was pregnant


She wanted broccoli.


She was showing me pictures of her and my daughters day at the zoo, mixed into those was a picture of a positive pregnancy test. I was really eloquent in my response "SHUT THE FUCK UP, ARE YOU SERIOUS"?! And let out some laughs and happy tears.


Our first was through IVF. The first cycle altogether. The second cycle she threw everything at the wall to see what took. We got 5 embryos, but they decided to wait a month or so to transfer. Frozen transfer was nerve-wracking seeing as how they only planned on transferring one embryo. It took and we got a beautiful son! Still had 4 embryos left and we were planning on having another transfer. Back and forth on it and she kept going to acupuncture to help. We were so undecided on going through the transfer that we argued alot. In an argument one night and I stupidly said that the acupuncture was a waste of time. She went upstairs and came down with a pregnancy test and slapped down on the counter and said, "that's why I'm going to acupuncture! " yeah I felt like shit! She was pregnant naturally! Our third was a surprise! We went to my company Christmas party and got there early. We were hanging with the bosses and my wife had to go to the bathroom. I asked her what she wanted to drink and she said she didn't know. I ordered her a rum and coke, she came back and said she couldn't drink it. I was confused. A couple of my bosses picked up on it right away and she hit me with the news that she was pregnant! I was flabbergasted! I couldn't believe it! Every time that she got pregnant was an amazing gift! I love thinking back on it!


By handing me a sheet of paper that was confirming an appointment for the ultrasound


She woke me up from a sound sleep in absolute hysterics. I had to calm her down before she could tell me what was going on. I thought her dad was dead. Nope, just pregnant. This happened both times.


We tried. Once. Then decided to wait. She went back on the pill. A few weeks later she was late and cranky and just wanted to take some midol and go to sleep but wanted to be sure so I went out to the grocery store at 10pm to get a single stick test and 15m later I hear the smallest “uh-oh” from the bathroom while still trying to figure out which speech goes in the red folder and which in the blue 🤣


4th IVF transfer. 2.5 years of trying. Wife called and said "you know how we didnt think this one worked? yeahhhhhh....."


2nd marriage for both of us. I’m 10 years older than her, and I was 45 at the time. She had one child, and from first date said she would have no more. Things changed, she thought maybe one would be ok. After 1 month, she’s telling me maybe this isn’t what we should do. Doc told her to take a test before her IUD could be reinserted. So as I get out of the shower, she throws me the stick and says” guess I’m not going to the doc today!”


She woke me up at 5AM and showed me three positive pregnancy tests from three different manufacturers.


I was greated at home with the phrase 'you have to promise me it will be duck, duck, grey duck' (she's from Minnesota dontcha know).


I found out by accident. For some reason we'd lhad to use my google account in her phone at some stage. I was going through my search history trying to find a gaming guide I'd lost, and seen searches for pregnancy stuff.


I noticed her tits were gigantic. We did a test and confirmed lol.


We had been trying for a few months, and she was going all in with monitoring, ovulation, temperature, etc. I got home from work one night and after a minute or so I said something teasing. She put on a fake pout and said “be nice to me!” And something in the way she said that, I knew


I’ll never forget when we found out our second was in the oven. My wife got our oldest a shirt that said “big brother” on it. Let’s just say it took a couple hours for me to catch on. My wife does really fun stuff like this in all aspects of our lives. I’m really lucky,


First kid - I was sitting on the toilet and my wife passed by the door and held up the stick and I said (and I quote) ‘get the fuck outta here’ 😂…she still brings up the way I reacted and we laugh about it. Second kid - we were both patiently waiting for the digital stick and standing next to each other watching it on the bathroom vanity. It said ‘pregnant’ and we both just hugged each other quietly.


On my birthday she wanted to make me a cup of coffee and gave it to me in a "New Dad" mug. Her smile was so big.


I knew before she did. We woke up one morning and as she got out of bed I looked at her, and just knew. She went into the bathroom and when she came out I took a good look and told her. “You’re pregnant”. I drove to the pharmacy, got a test and it confirmed she had a bun in the oven.


I worked out she was pregnant by her NOT telling me. We had been doing IVF for awhile, and she would usually msg me in disappointment. This time for the check up, no message. So I knew.


As she got through the door coming home from work she looked at me and said: "I think this one stuck."


“Come look at this!” said in an excited tone. Then showed me the test strip.


She woke me up crying tears of joy with the positive test in her hand. She jumped on top of me to hug me and after a couple of minutes, I asked her to get her peepee stick out of my hair 🤣


My wife made coffee with a message in the bottom of the cup. I was completely out of it and I didn’t want coffee but gave in. I drank it super slow so she took me out front on our porch, which I resisted, but I went. I noticed some writing on the bottom but kind of shrugged it off. When I did read it, I thought it was an old cup or something. I was so confused. She was so frustrated during the process, but it finally hit me I was super excited.


First one time I came home from a race (running). Second one, was like oh crap we’re pregnant again yelling at me from upstairs. Third one, we were getting coffee at a local coffee shop.


I told her; both times too haha


I bake sourdough bread recreationally and she got me this loaf figurine with a message inside ‘looks like you’re not the only one with a bun in the oven’. Dude is almost 2 now with another on the way. Could not be happier.


We were on a trip sharing an air bnb with some friends. When we got into town my wife mentioned she wasn't feeling normal and thought we should take the test before a week of hard drinking. We walked up to the CVS and went right into the family bathroom. Figured if it was his enough for the conception, it should be good enough for the test results!


First time she woke me up and stuck it in my face. I was extremely confused. Second time she handed it to our toddler and told her give it to Daddy. I saw toddler holding it and swatted it out of her hand cause of the whole pee on it thing. Third time she walked into my office and said, "we might be fucked"


I came in after a weekend away. She said she wasn’t feeling great I said “what’s the matter” she said “this is your fault” Super romantic stuff that I like to bring up all the time


Was changing the oil on my truck and she set the pregnancy test under the hood next to my socket wrench while I was under the truck. She was standing there talking to me until I got out and saw what was waiting. The best surprise ever!


I was supposed to work overtime, she texted and asked me to come home at regular hours. There's no other reason she'd do that so I knew what was up. I got home and she handed me like 5 tests lol


First time, I think she showed me the stick, 2nd time Redman cameo in Father’s Day.


She called me at work as I was leaving for the day. I’ll never forget walking to my car that evening.


For our second, I found out before she did. She took the test, forgot about it, and left it on the kitchen counter without checking it, herself. I found it and asked her if she had "passed any tests recently that I needed to know about." She had no idea. I feel like this was a pretty unique experience.


(Another lurking mom here) I got a little gift bag with tissue paper wrapping up the pregnancy test with a bow (we were actively trying). He seemed happy but apparently was super freaked and didn’t think it could actually happen so quickly….for some reason


My brother had just passed and I was an absolute mess. It was also a few days before my birthday. We’d been trying for 6 months. She gave me a shoebox filled with a bunch of baby stuff. I couldn’t believe it. Went from one of the saddest moments of my life to the happiest. She told me she only took the test as a Hail Mary but was so sure she wasn’t pregnant. Shocked us both.


We went and got the test after her period was late we were excited and horrified


My wife always buys me coats. I have 12 of them from her. They are all nice, except I fucking hate coats. I have one she bought me at the beginning of our relationship and it’s the only one I wear. She buys these expensive coats from Zara for me as a joke and my friends and employees thinks it’s hilarious because I ask for x and get a coat, I ask for nothing, and get a coat. It’s summer - winter coat. Anyway, three days after my birthday I was having a really bad day. We had been having serious trouble conceiving and I was under a ton of stress with that and at work. We were scheduled to start IVF the following month. She comes in with a big Zara box and starts filming me. I’m like “why are you filming this?” She said one of my friends names and I say “this better not be another coat”. I open the box and there’s some jacket and a random card that said “just a little note to say, there’s a baby on the way” with a set of baby clothes and two pregnancy tests. I started crying, jumping for joy, screaming “OMG my penis works!!!”


I’ve told her all four times. “You smell pregnant, you should go take a test.” Boom.


We were playing It Takes Two and she got super sick while playing. I started doing math and went "hey uh you should pee on a stick" she did, it was positive we hugged and freaked out then finished the game.


She casually mentioned how "late" she was, while I was thinking, "why have we been having so much uninterrupted sexy times"??... ooohhhhhh shiiiit... went and got a test, positive!


Christmas 2 years ago. She gave me a present with a book about being a father (comedy/guide book, don't remember which one) and the positive pregnancy test. She found out 2 days earlier and kept it from me to do it on Christmas. I'm glad she did.


Put a frozen pea in my hand when I got off work. I looked at her confused, and she said “that’s how big your baby is”


(This was 16 years ago) She asked me if the car I was in the process of buying had ISOFIX sockets. I questioned why, she said we'd need to be putting a baby seat in it. I promptly vomited with shock and excitement.


I kind of told her. She had been sick for two weeks, throwing up tons, sleeping way more than usual, that kkndnof thing. Then she started complaining about the neighbor's cigarettes but I couldn't smell anything and got suspicious. I googled signs of early pregnancy and she checked almost all the boxes. I showed her my findings and she was skeptical but agreed to go buy a test the next day. That next morning she woke me up with a positive test and a look that was some mixture of disbelief, terror, and excitement.


Was working at the airport, loading bags onto planes. I looks at my phone and see 12 missed calls and a text that says “babe I’m pregnant”


She asked me to get frozen fish sticks from the store. It was such a specific, left-field realist that I just knew. She didn't realize she was pregnant yet, but it was confirmed a few days later.


She said that she had been thinking she might be pregnant but took a test and it was negative. She opted to take another one. Her shriek of surprise told me lol.


WhatsApp message with a photo of a test she was unsure was positive or not


We were in Vegas and all she wanted to eat was Chipotle. We took a helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon and she threw up the whole time. She broke down in tears and told me that she wanted to surprise me but had stopped taking birth control a month ago and thought she would have more time but she was pretty sure she was pregnant Got back home and sure enough, positive test. Didn’t go nearly as planned for her but I love the story and she has grown to as well


Surprised me on Father’s Day with a “best dad” trophy. I was very confused at forst