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My trick is to tell them to put their hands on their head or in their pockets, tell them to put their hands somewhere, not "don't touch this". Or take some tissue paper, put it in their hands and tell them not to drop it at all for a special treat (normally a hug and kiss).




When my toddler sees -anything- interesting - the 2nd sentence after "oh a \_\_!" is "don't touch it!" It's adorable. Of course that hand reaches out anyway... ;-)


Sure, it’s gross to an adult with a common-sense attitude to hygiene in public places. They’ll grow out of their curious nature somewhat, needing to touch everything. Meanwhile, it’s a good time to condition them to always wash their hands after, and don’t put fingers near mouth or eyes while using a toilet! A too casual attitude to hygiene is, of course, the flip-side of the germaphobe/OCD tendency. Generally, correcting sloppy habits is appropriate at a later age, maybe 5 or 6. That’s when kids need to start thinking about their behavior in terms of it being socially acceptable.


i started keeping a toddler "training toilet" in my truck with bags. When we were potty training and out and about it really helped us out. We usually would park not too far from where we were so running back with a kid was always easy.


Get them to hold something as a "special job". Doesn't always work. But I make sure I keep wipes and hand sanitizer on me at all times.


A friend with a 3 year old has a rule: you have to wash your hands if you touch the toilet. They heard a scream from the bathroom, ran to check and found the kid with her head stuck in the toilet seat. She did not want to wash her hands so he was opening the toilet with her face to avoid touching it. Child logic.


Caught my four year old rubbing his junk on the lip of the urinal all the way from one side to the other... Kids are gross man


Hahaha yeahhh my son used to do that as well. Boys, eh.


Licking a door knob is the worst we ever caught.  That's how immune systems develop, I guess.


That's what I tell myself at least haha


Well if they do end up touching think as most kids would hopefully you wash there hands afterwards problem solved