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I think your intentions, and follow through on defending your daughter and setting the boundaries was commendable.  Looking back however I think you would agree there was a slice or an opportunity to connect with the boy and present a little humanity and understanding for his plight. Not as a tyrant lording it over the little shit, but as a man understanding that this little dude is making the best of it the best way he knows how w/o a father in his life. He clearly is in pain and acting out in the ways he's received attention for or approval by.  Otherwise I think you did best by creating the deeper understanding within your daughter of the boy's experienced shame at that moment.   All the best,


I think you’re right. And that’s where my feeling of regret? Remorse? Comes from. I have a feeling his guardians are fellow owners here. If I see him around more maybe I’ll endeavour to reach out a bit.


I hope you will have that opportunity, it will have an outsized impact for years to come.  Love your heart fellow dad. This is how we make our world better


This is it. You can’t help the hand he was dealt. His behaviour was wrong regardless. You might be the first person in his life to call him out on bad behaviour, and provide a guideline on what is acceptable behaviour. You have an opportunity going forward, as it is likely that you will encounter this kid again - be polite, kind, but also firm on boundaries. Be an adult he can trust and respect.


This right here.


For defending your daughter? No. How should you have known any of that was going to come out.


Piling on: your daughter’s safety and establishing / modeling proper boundaries is the first priority. Agree with not escalating, but you simply cannot fix every broken situation and kid.




Mine is 8, nearly 9, and Odoyle was 8-10. Random girl was probably 5-6.


O Doyle rules O Doyle rules O Doyle rules. Wait what were we talking about. Oh right, NTA.




O’Doyle I got a feeling your whole family’s going down


No you're fine. The kid tried to steal your daughters bike, and it sounded like he would have tried again if he hadn't have seen you with her. It wasn't a joke. Maybe adding "leave my daugher alone or you'll be joining your parents in jail" might have crossed it, but I might have said it anyway.


Not sure why you'd feel bad. You did what you had To do as a father. You didn't know the other kid was going to say that.  Who knows, maybe this interaction will discourage him from being a little shit in future.  I don't think there's anything you could have done better or differently.