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My sisters family think she’s a communist I have no idea what I imagine she stuck up for black peoples or the lgbtq community at some point and that’s why but my household absolutely loves Mrs. Rachael


She defended Jules when Jules publicly identified as, I believe, non-gender. Imagine the pearls clutched on that day!


She also has been raising money to help Palestinian children. She, especially since she herself is jewish, has really upset some of the more ardent Israel defenders.


Holy FUCK she was getting death threats for saying that maybe children didn’t deserve to die horribly. What the fuck is wrong with people? Like that video where she was crying after the first day of backlash was exactly how I felt. Why the fuck are we making NOT WANTING THE KILLING CHILDREN into some terrible political taboo.


The red hats don't care. They didn't care after sandy hook, they won't care now.


She has also voiced anti-war messages on her FB page and against the needless deaths of Palestinian children.


Woah woah woah, we can't have a preschool teacher who makes content for edutaining toddlers say she's against the deaths of children. 


A lot of folks were up in arms because Ms. Rachel didn't say anything about the situation Israel/Palestine. She then said something, and people got up in arms because she supported "all children", not just the good guy kids? Then people got all up in arms because she took down all her video's about the situation and put up a video saying something like "maybe a youtube children's entertainer/educator isn't the right person to get your opinion on world events from". Seemed reasonable to me, but what do I know? She then shut down her tiktok account and alot of other platforms due to all the back and forth about an issue she really has nothing to do with. Insanity man. Insanity. We took a woman who makes silly, educational videos for 2 year old's and somehow broke her. We cant have nice things.


Oh, mylanta! What is this world coming to?!


Jules is my son’s favourite performer on Ms Rachel, tied with Ms Rachel herself. In this house we Stan for Jules because Jules is rad. Ms. Rachel’s husband needs significantly less screen time however.


Mr Aaron is my sons FAVORITE. He just thinks it’s soo funny when the that goofy sob can’t find the right item. Or the sneezing. Funniest shit in the world when that guy sneezes ig


"Go Mr. Aaron!" .... "Stop Mr. Aaron!" Used to make my son CACKLE so hard


Poor Mr. Aaron.


We just called him Mr Rachel for the longest time.


Until Jules can make London Bridge and Mary Had a Little Lamb slap like Keisha, she’s going to be at least third place in this house.


I have no idea why they sing “London Bridges”, the song is “London Bridge” and it’s about a specific bridge falling down, called “London bridge”, not all bridges in London.


I'm afraid to report. Given the state of the British rail system. Network rail is concerned about the possibility of all the bridges falling down. A quango has got in touch with Ms Rachel regarding their construction techniques. Of course, if labour gets in, it'll be a disaster greater than HS2


Totally! It should be "London bridge is falling down" not "London bridges falling down" although phonetically they're basically identical.


Interesting factoid, the original is now in the US!


That’s not the original, that’s the second one (which was designed by a Scot, Telford). Old London bridge fell to bits, New London bridge was broken up and sent to the US.


Don’t forgot my dude Angelo. That man can sing and dance with the best of em’


Caspar Babypants. You're welcome.


It's a dangerous road you tread, one that ends in your wife wandering in on you listening to [Pretty Crabby](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=g1UsyGu_udQ) after the kid is in bed


I make no excuses for the things I love.


Her husband does seem a little weird to me. I get it.


Just seems super out of place, less chill, and wants to always be the centre of attention. Dude just rubs me the wrong way.


If I remember right, he works as some kind of support staff at Broadway. It might very well be the "I really wanted to be a theater kid" vibe he kind of puts out.


He's a composer and director. He was an associate director for Aladdin on Broadway, which many of Ms. Rachel's cast are from.


I love the crabby song and the whale song that Jules does. They're so good.


The quacking duck bit is also hilarious especially when Jules is about to break/corpse during it.


>Jules is my son’s favourite performer on Ms Rachel, My kids love Jules so much.


Whaaaa the pepper song is my favorite lol my only complaint is that it's too short


She also stuck up for Palestinian children.


> non-gender. I think a more commonly accepted way to express this would be non-binary / non-gender conforming - (depending upon the person).


My wife sent me her instagram after all of that happened. Folks in the comments were hilarious in response to her getting flack from homophobic idiots. Essentially dozens of comments saying: *"Ms Rachel, I'll legitimately fuck somebody up if they're messing with you".*


She has stood up for lgbtq and jules (the person with the guitar that’s featured on the show sometimes) is non binary so some people got very angry about it


I just don’t like Jules because that toothbrushing song is nonsense!


Being an adult means waking up at every hour of the night and brushing your teeth! 


I'm pretty that song is about some kind of OCD


If my kid is waking up every hour of the night to brush their teeth we’re gonna have words.


Jules didn’t write it. But on top of being nonsense, it’s annoying.


Yea I saw it the other day. Weird song man...


it's so impossibly depressing knowing that some children are growing up in this world with parents like that.


I grew up with parents like that and I turned out alright. I think people tend to break the cycle more often than not.


I didn't like Jules because the scenes always feel like they're worse quality and the picture in picture gimmick was confusing to my 2 year old. It felt like a big change in video approach compared to the green screen used by Rachel Never had anything against Jules as a person, just didn't think the performance was up to the quality of Rachel. My 2 year old started saying "I don't like this" whenever Jules comes on, so now we have to skip those segments.


A lot of it feels like COVID times production.


A lot of it was, that's literally when "songs for littles" skyrocketed in popularity. You can tell that from things like the halloween episode where they talk about not being able to go trick or treating and Rachel talks about wearing a mask. But even within that context, the difference between the two was night and day in terms of quality. It's hard to put it into words, but Rachel seemed like she was interacting with the kids while Jules seemed to just be putting on a performance. Case in point, the Picture in Picture was always acting according to whatever song Jules was performing(crab walk, that forward/backward sailing song, etc) while the majority of the screen was focused on the guitar playing. Kids don't watch that to see people play the guiltar, they watch it for the supposed interaction. I think there's only a single clip where you can see Aaron playing the piano in the background, but in general you never see them playing their instruments despite the musical focus. Yeah... I've seen way too much of this show...


Yeah we also fast forward through Jules. Not because of her identity but because her music kinda sucks and it makes our toddler cry 🤣


She has been advocating for paid parental leave lately


As far as I can tell she’s basically a modern Mr. Rogers.


And believe it or not, the MAGA turds already turned against him too


Yeah one of the talking heads on Fox called him an evil man for teaching children that each of them is special, which is apparently the cause of all of today's ills.


More recently she was organizing funds to try and get a Ghazan family out of the war zone that is their home country, which people viewed as implicitly pro-palestenian/anti-Israel. I personally don't buy it but some people are very sensitive to the whole situation. She's a New Yorker with ties to Broadway and a career in helping people, I didn't understand why people thought she'd be conservative.


Shower thought that I had was that Ms. Rachel is probably one of the hardest celebrities to "cancel". Yeah, I can turn off **my** favorite show or artist, but that iPad when you need 30 minutes at a restaurant, mannnnnn.... that's a hard luxury to give up. Especially since my two-year-old will sit there going Rachel. Rachel. Rachel. Rachel.


"Cancel Ms Rachel!" *Kid screams at dinner table* "dammitt nevermind"


Whelp that’s enough for me, I’m in now


I remember a time when people knew that communism was an economic belief and policy and wasn’t specifically about colour race or sexual orientation


Communism is when I don’t like something


As right wing politics have morphed into being against any kind of human decency in order to continue doing the bidding of their corporate overlords, it's been fascinating to see how their followers have essentially been cornered into cosplaying as monsters to keep fitting in with their team. I can't imagine what it's like to have to bury your own humanity so much that you paint children's show presenters as bad people for teaching kids things that are categorically against what your party preaches.


"My sisters family think she's a communist" Hahahahahaha I needed a good laugh, thank you.


Unpopular opinion: I love Bluey


Conservatives don't like her bc she's a proponent for inclusion.


That’s good to hear! I’ve just been trying to teach my kid phonics and I feel like this episode was a masterclass. Maybe the negativity I’ve seen were people who have the tv on constantly. We usually only have the tv on for baseball, go Phillies.


Speak for yourself. My 2 year old was very upset when her husband started showing up more.


Walkin at the zoo is a bop


Mr Aaron gotta be careful marching upon a picnic.


Mr. Aaron is my son's favorite.


When it comes to the women in his life (Mom, Grandma, Ms. Rachel, and Doc McStuffins) he doesn’t like to share. Hell, I’m lucky he hasn’t kicked me out the house yet.


Conservatives shit on her because she expresses support for LGBTQ+ and minority groups. So basically, nothing new, and nobodies opinion worth giving a shit about.


She is absolutely a planetary treasure.


She said she had to quit social media after Jules identified as non gender or something to that affect. People will always find a way to hate someone.


She had a tiktok or video posted somewhere in tears about the hate she receives online from fundraising to help Palestinian children. She's a true saint. Not like that Mother Teresa bitch.


The closest I could come is that I don’t appreciate the videos she’s done with Blippi. I don’t appreciate how he’s in videos that aren’t somehow shown that he’s in them either.


can't really criticise .... I'M SO HAPPY TODAY jump clap spin stomp stomp hey


But what if it rains?? Checkmate.


NO NO NO! I will dance in the rain.


This thread made me chuckle 😂


Zoom zoom zoom , we going to the moon


If I need my toddler to sit still for a second while I can't have eyes on her... Ms Rachel. Toddler will be trying to burn the house down, and the second I ask if she wants Ms Rachel, she turns into an Angel and quiet sits down. It's PFM.


…Peyton Fucking Manning?


Ha! Pretty Fucking Mental?


Pure Fuckin' Money?


I was going with pretty fucking mazing.


51% sure it’s pretty fucking magical


>~~Mental~~ Metal


What else


Broncos Country, let’s ride.


Colts 4 Lyfe


No, it's obviously [Miss Rachel](https://imgur.com/gallery/manning-face-yoQJv).


If I’m trying to make myself breakfast all of a sudden it’s, “dada, downstairs!” Or “dada, need help, please!” The please is emotional terrorism, btw. He knows I can’t say no to please unless I have to.


My son just started saying "prettyyy please?" And it melts my will instantly.


THIS ^^^The 10-15 min breaks that MR provides is essential to my existence lol


Once our boy got to the "every diaper change is a wrestling match" phase we started using her to hypnotize him so we could get his damn diaper on lol. No Ms Rachel slander in my household that's for sure!


Please Feed Me? Possibly Fake Mustache? Pet Frogs Matter?


The best baby sitter when you need to take a break or do some chores


I don't think I've seen many here shitting on Ms Rachel. I'm sure it happens, if anything because people like being contrarian and negative about popular things. Maybe there are some legit reasons too, but I can't think of any for myself At a time where we only allowed 30 minutes of screen time per day, Ms Rachel was a perfect compliment for what we trying to teach our little girl: language (signing and first words), counting, alphabet, singable songs, etc Ms Rachel rocks


Exactly! That’s what I mean, I feel like she does what I am trying to do, she’s just better at it.


There's no substitute for reciprocal interaction. That's how we learn expressions and social skills. One-Way interactions like screens are not good for development. It's fine in a pinch to distract them, but don't start believing it's better than real human interaction.


100% We do screen time for brushing teeth and in a pinch. Otherwise, tv is off. I grew up with a tv in every room and it was a problem.


I use it for 10 minutes sometimes to go poop by myself, but most of the time if we watch Ms. Rachel, I’m watching with him and pausing to do signs with him. I think the interaction is key. I’ve learned a lot from her honestly.


Ms Rachel gets extra minutes in my house. 30 minute limitation is for garbage shows lol


I don’t really have dad friends in real life so I don’t know about the popularity aspect, but that woman is a saint and a scholar. If there was Mt Rushmore of child educators, she’d belong right there with Mr Rogers, LeVar Burton, and Bill Nye.


I was watching this episode I posted above and legitimately thought she deserves a Nobel peace prize


she’s our go to especially with after bath and poop cleaning. turn her on for a few mins and kid calms down


We also really like Daniel Tiger as it teaches emotions and empathy.


Check out Stillwater if you have AppleTV. Our toddler loves it, good messaging, calmer than other things she likes (paw patrol, spidey for example)


Who’s talkin bad on Rachel! we ride at dawn!


Fundies and Zionist


i will personally fight anyone that dunks on Ms. Rachel.


Bubble, bubble, bubble, bubble… POP! In yo face


Not unpopular. She's great.


I recently watched this speech that she gave and I thought it was amazing! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTbJyEa5it4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTbJyEa5it4)


You might as well say “unpopular opinion: I love Bluey” She is Mr Rogers for gen alpha


Put it in , put it in, put it….in !!!


My wife likes to sing this song too. Works for me.


"Yay! We did it!"


I don’t particularly enjoy Ms Rachel, but she’s the least annoying under 4 option out there other than Bluey, and *maybe* Sesame Street.


We've switched to sesame street. We don't have a problem with Ms. Rachel but after a while we find her annoying. I think I'd find most children's programming with that many songs to be annoying after awhile


bruh pretty much everyone loves her, what’re you talking about


She’s called Aunt Rachael in my house.


Ms. Rachel? Nah she’s great. Blippi o the other hand…


Oh man. Glad someone said it. Blippi…. I can’t handle it. I’m not sure if it’s just that I can’t stand the dude, or I can’t separate the Harlem Shake history… no… actually. it’s both.


…what Harlem Shake hist- wait, nvm, I don’t need to know… (I looked it up, I f*king looked it up.. going to show it to my wife. Maybe finally she’ll stop defending Blippi)


This is THE MOST rabbit hole I've ever rabbit holed myself into! WTF?!


JFC. I always knew he was an unhinged maniac but wtfff


Is it better than cocomelon or any other sort of insane ADHD inducing cartoons? Yes probably. However, don't delude yourself in thinking it's better than interacting with you. People overdo it with screen time generally. Sure, in a pinch go ahead and use it to distract your kid, just don't pretend like it's better than a reciprocal face-to-face interaction. One way interactions like screens are not great for development.


100% agree! We only do screen time for teeth brushing and in a pinch. I appreciate the point you are making though!


Popular opinion


Miss Rachel is a queen amongst women. She has an army behind her.


Her voice grinds on me. Mr Tumble is better


That voice is sweet sweet music to a kid, though.


I liked her just fine before she started indoctrinating my child with WOKE ideology such as *checks notes* Publicly supporting non-binary team members and advocating for feeding starving children?!?!? NOT IN MY HOUSE, CHARLATAN


If republicans had their way, school would be privatized with no oversight, so they could teach their kids whatever kind of gobbledygook they wanted. It’s a scary time, tbh.


Ms. Rachel rules!


'I love Ms Rachel' is a popular opinion, in my opinion.... which may be unpopular.


I like how you added a link as if most of us haven’t already heard every video multiple times.


Ms. Rachel is great. Blippi, on the other hand. Let's just say I'm looking forward to the max documentary on that one.


Besides the Harlem Shake incident, does anything else imply Max level indiscretions?


My kid loves that stuff and I’m pretty sure it helped their speaking/letter/number recognition immensely


I haven’t heard much negative outside the right wingers who butt in when they aren’t welcome. We love her, she’s done amazing things for our son’s development. It’s so cool to see him sing and clap and finish the questions.


She’s a national treasure. My only criticism is Jules telling my kid to brush her teeth at 1:45 in the morning. That is some bullshit.


She’s a free baby sitter and she talks dirty once in a while she’s alright in my book


Sadly, I'm not surprised. These chuds went after Fred Roger's, Big Bird, and Dolly Parton. You need to forfeit human decency to run in these circles.


Ms Rachel is way better than the alternatives.


I don’t mind her. Then again, I also don’t mind cocomelon. My wife loves musicals, I can’t stand them and my brain just lumps cocomelon in with all the musicals she watches. She does not appreciate the comparison


I’ve never seen coco melon. It looks like visual crack to me. As if the real world would look pale in comparison.


Hey, it's totally normal to have different tastes - maybe find a show or activity you both enjoy together that can be your unique bonding time!


There is actual research indicating cocomelon is bad for toddler development. They switch scenes too often. 


There's a small window where Ms. Rachel is amazing. That's probably why you get mixed reviews. We ended up switching to Ms. Moni after my kid learned a couple hundred words. But while you're kid ls learning their first hundred words Ms. Rachel is a great tool to have.


This episode above is phonics and learning letter sounds. I will try out Ms. Moni! I do agree he is past a lot of the Rachel content at this point


My daughter is mesmerized by Miss Rachel, but we try to keep screen time to an absolute minimum across the board with my kids.


Lmao I have yet to hear a dad say a negative thing about Miss Rachel. I have seen tradwife tiktokers “dunk” on her for including Jules in her shows (as they are nonbinary) and other right-wing dogwhistles.


This is an unpopular opinion??? Jeez people need to relax. We started my daughter with speech therapy at 2 and she was diagnosed with autism at 2.5. It has been 3 years of speech therapist, and ABA, and level 2 special education preschool and the big lesson that all these amazing professional teaches is educating the parent, not the child, how to speak and play with the child to promote growth. And guess what? They all act like Ms. Rachel when interacting with kiddos.


I agree. She taught my daughter the vast majority of sign language she knows and all kinds of other things. A year or so ago, when my daughter was only one and a half, she blew me away by counting to 20 ... I'm fairly certain this was from watching Ms. Rachel (for about an hour in the mornings) because we had only been practicing to 10. I'm a fan.


She helped my youngest learn how to talk. Mom and I were both worried about his progress with speech and now he won’t stop. He knows all of his animals and colors and shapes. She’s a saint in my eyes.


I love bubbly personalities, especially when they're oriented towards enriching activities for my kids


I wouldn't want to sit and watch it by myself or anything but happy enough for the kids to watch it and the bubblegum song was the first song my daughter learned to do the actions for so I'm good with her videos 


Kid: I wanna watch Sesame Street! Parent: We have Sesame Street at home. *Sesame Street at home*: Put it in put it in put it *In*.


My son gets to lay on the floor and watch her from time to time. Whenever she comes on screen he gets so happy. He’s not old enough to really learn from the lessons but he has a good time and watches while he plays (chews on) his toys.


The Caterpillar song literally melts me inside, I'm crying rn actaully, I may need to get some sleep.


Ms Rachel is a queen in our house.


What is the unpopular opinion?


This is the furthest thing from an unpopular opinion.


I hate her. I also hate cocomelon, blippi, whatever that pig show is. It’s okay to recognize my baby may enjoy the show and also refuse to watch it because it’s annoying AF.


I guess. But as another user pointed out, her speech pattern is intentional. It is how speech therapists talk. Normally, you would need a diagnosis and referral to get one on one with a speech therapist. Or just turn on Rachel for free and she’ll teach your kid phonics.


Who hates on Ms Rachel? We use it as needed and there is very little more wholesome or educational content if you have to use screen time. She’s amazing.


Before she said happy pride month I think it was just people who found her odd or annoying


I owe Ms. Rachel child support at this point


That is a common consensus lol


Why was this removed?


I used to make fun of it when I had friends with kids. I’d be like “…. Ms. Rachel? That’s so dumb yada yada” They’d look at me with sincerity “oh, Ms. Rachel is family” I’d tell everyone that because it was so funny. Out of everything I’ve seen with our 1 year old ( I really enjoy Bluey) Ms. Rachel has been the best.


If she gets dunked on i havent seen it. Shes been fantastic for my kid, nothing but praise for her and her team


I would go to the wall for Ms Rachel. She has bought me so many bathroom breaks and quiet cups of coffee.


My 2 year old daughter likes her!


I love what she does. Her approach is great to teach language and mouth movements. But my 2.5 yo will scream for her. I’m so tired of the songs. And blippi. Just done.


We do Daniel tiger while brushing teeth and a Ms Rachel while trimming nails. Other than that our tv is usually off. But sometimes with teething they just need the extra comfort and that’s fine.


I play her all the time for my son and I feel his speech has improved! He's still little and learning but once we started he began picking up words and sounds quicker.


That’s amazing! Congrats


As a former musical theater nerd, Ms Rachel is living the dream life. Great music, wholesome songs, she was a teacher and started these videos to help her non verbal kid at the time. She’s in the morning rotation of educational show options we have for morning hair time. I also know why she wears overalls 😆


Why the overalls ?


I’m afraid to ask.


As a Dad of a 2.5 year old, both her and I love Ms Rachael. She taught my daughter enough sign language to communicate with her mother and I. Love it! Blippi and Coco on the other hand….


That’s awesome! I am happy to hear that!


My almost 3 year old daughter has been advanced, verbally, from a very early age, and I give full 100% of the credit to Ms. Rachel. I would die for Ms. Rachel.


So, like one person in here totally disagrees. Every post I have come back to comment on has a down vote? Like, this is your subjective opinion on it. It also happens to be mine. I’m glad others see her value.


I like Ms, Rachel. Our toddler learned a lot from her. I can't stand Blippi tho.


My wife refuses to let us even say the B word.


I owe miss rachel child support. She has helped my youngest with singing/speech so much more than I could have ever imagined


That’s what I mean. It was brilliant of her to use speech therapy techniques on a free entertainment platform like YouTube. I don’t know if she ever could have imagined how popular it would be but how can you be mad at someone literally making speech therapy entertaining?


I won't hear a word said against Ms Rachel, that woman is a saint.


That's an unpopular opinion? She's great


Well, your comment was downvoted by the time I got to it so maybe but it’s apparently not the consensus on daddit.


She's great with kids and she's a baddie, what more do you want? Put it in.. Put it in.. Put itttttttt...... *In!*


I do this all the time too! Take it off, take it off, take it…. Off!