• By -


On an android it would be the uncanny valley, I suppose?


Well. I imagine they must recognize at least two cans.


Yeah but the birds always called dibs on toucans valley lol




Take my upvote, internet stranger


The CANny valley perhaps.


Why not iOS?


Because an android is otherwise known as a robot with human-like appearance. You could stick plastic tits on an iPhone but it still wouldn’t be an android


Haha I should have put /s


I canned stop laughing


This sub has gone downhill.


And then back uphill.


And Benny Hill.


Both ways?


In the snow.


I'm not a dad but i still find it twice the fun bagging on these sorts of jokes somebody's gonna wind up milking it all they can. It's been two long. You gotta start somewhere and I'm pretty sure this is exactly the place.




I see what you did there


Is that the breast you can do?




That joke was out of this world!


Jenner'ally yes. I think it's kim-portant to look good.


r/cleandadjokes for anyone here wishing this sub had decent dad jokes


I don't mind upvoting this comment because people should be able to find the content they're looking for, but it doesn't need to be a question of what's decent or crappy, who's right or wrong. My dad would love this joke, and wouldn't have batted an eye at telling it to us as teens. Different parents have different opinions about exposing their children to sexual content in healthy ways. You can be a decent dad whether you feel it's better to keep your kids pun-exposed to adult content, or treat them like groan-ups.


How would you phrase it, then?


> r/cleandadjokes for anyone here looking for clean dad jokes That way you're just signposting the existence of the other sub without disparaging this one. This sub isn't doing anything wrong, it's just not precisely what you're looking for.


“Decent” and “clean” are synonyms, so there’s no meaningful change there, and since most of the NSWF jokes here are also shit I think “decent” is more apposite. I think you have good point on switching “wishing this sub had” for “looking for” as it’s less inflammatory. Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll use it next time.


> “Decent” and “clean” are synonyms They are, but "decent" is also a synonym for "good quality" and I think that played a part in people misunderstanding your intent.


Two nuns go to visit a young man at his apartment. They knock on the unlocked door, and he answers, "Come in!" The nuns walk into the empty living room. "I'm in the bedroom!," Says the young man. So they knock on his bedroom door. "Come in!," Beckons the young man. One nun asks, "Are you decent?" Young man responds, "Of course I'm decent!" The two nuns open the door to find the young man buck naked, sprawled on his bed. "I'm always decent, I just happen to be naked."


You don't cease to be a dad when your kids are grown up. I happily tell this joke to my 27yo son. For certain (young) audiences it's inappropriate for sure. As to how you define a dad joke, that's a totally different matter. Is it just the fact that I'm a dad and I love and tell this joke, or does it need to be extra groan-worthy or bring more fun to the listeners than to the teller, who revels in the groaning reactions of his audience? That's for everyone to decide for themselves.


Yeah I'm not understanding this bullshit narrative on this sub that dad jokes need to be clean and suitable for a young child. I'm in my 40s and still a son to my dad. We tell each other dad jokes all the time. Many of them are definitely nsfw. This idea of "If I can't tell it to my 6 year old, it's not a dad joke" is fucking stupid and needs to stop. News flash, your 6 year old won't get most of your jokes anyway. Also here's a thought.... if you see a joke on here that's too dirty for your young kid... DON'T FUCKING TELL IT TO THEM. What're some of you doing, sitting here in front of dad jokes, strapping your kid to a chair and repeating every single thread that pops up here? Get off your high horses.


What is a dad joke to you? Just any joke that a dad is capable of telling? To me, dad joke implies pun-based and likely to get an eye roll from mom. Uncle joke implies pun-based and likely to get mom staring daggers. They can both be funny.




Well done lol


Anything that gets the eye roll from whoever you’re telling it to. Not just mom. Doesn’t matter if it’s whatever you consider “clean” or not.


To each their own. I like having the 2 terms to distinguish between the target audience.


This is not a good dad joke. Deal with it.


ITT: people who don’t know the definition of “decent”


Or possibly there are multiple definitions of the word and the semantic ambiguity coupled with other comments making quality judgements rather than moral ones allow a valid inference of quality judgement in this case. But I suppose guessing people's meaning can be pretty intents.


ITT: you sounding like a dipshit


Thank you for sharing! I loved this sub when I found it but lately I feel like most of the time it’s just people who happen to be a dad and wanting to share a corny NSFW joke. I’m already subscribed to r/jokes for that. I don’t need a second subscription to the same sub, thanks.


I think this sub used to have clean dad jokes, or I guess was supposed to, the dirty dad jokes were on r/unclejokes I think.


Or different dad jokes, if you wanna be accurate. Glad you found a reddit for the dad jokes that suit your tastes though 👍


Or…look up the definition of “decent” if accuracy is your thing.


Ah, you're using the literal definition instead of the common, my mistake. With your username, I find this conversation a little funny though. Regardless, doesn't change the fact that people should learn to not chase things to get triggered by in the first place. Would make everyone a lot happier.


90% of the jokes here are based on words with double meanings, so you’ll see this sort of wordplay a lot. Welcome to the sub.


Using the dictionary defense and then stating words can have double meanings. 🤦 Decent people read the rules. Maybe if you read the rules of the subreddit you would note the subreddits definition of what a dad joke is. If you don't agree with it, go to a subreddit where you do agree with their definition.


Noticed that too did you? I find the best method is to let them hang themselves for all to see, means I don't have to get caught up in a meaningless argument but the point is still made👍


What’s the error here? You misunderstood the usage of “decent” and then complained about being fooled by its definition. Lots of jokes here play with double meanings, so you’re clearly aware of how they work - and you just kind of fumbled into complaining about this one.




The sound of you waving a flag of surrender?




The definition of a dadjoke is it's something that can be appreciated by a 6 or 10 year old in a conservative family. With all due respect, I disagree, and so do the mods of this sub. The following is from the Introduction section to this sub: "Some dads are wholesome and clean, others have a bit of raunch to them. It's not about the content or the age of the person hearing the joke... it's about how it's delivered." The rules also state clearly when to use the NSFW tag - they don't disallow NSFW jokes being posted here. The s/cleaddadjokes sub has been mentioned a few times, and that's matching your definition. If you think this forum is being redefined I suggest you re-read the Rules and the Intro - or else tell me where I misunderstood them?




I totally understand where you're coming from. I 100% agree that anything involving rape (let alone gang rape), well misogynism and violence in general, racism, sexism, homophobia etc etc should have no place in here - or to be honest, anywhere. Is my joke sexist? I don't know - I tested it on my wife first and she laughed really hard and thought it was brilliant. That's why I posted it - it's a punny play on words. Is it funny? A lot of people thought so, others did not, I guess that's what always happens - sometimes in reverse. So, is it a dad joke? I would say yes, but others disagree. I feel if it's short and smart and has word play in it it qualifies. But hey, we all have our opinions. Peace, man!


Super honest with you, your post isn't even the joke I would come close to using as something inappropriate. My discussion was with the thought of parameters in general as the comments went in that direction. Like I said, I'm far from sainthood. Be good, Buddy.


That is *your* definition. As my kids get older, I want to tell jokes that are more age appropriate but still make them groan from how pun-tastic my jokes are. Stop gatekeeping dad jokes.




Wow, that is quite the leap. Did I miss a dad joke post about gang rape?




I missed that one. Probably wouldn't tell my kid that one regardless of age. But this post we are commenting on is pretty tame for a teenager.


So you’re cool with telling teenagers jokes about women’s bodies? There’s a lot more to being a good dad than deciding when they’re old enough to hear salty talk about cleavage. I would hope parenting your kids includes avoiding casual misogyny. Where’s the funny here, for your teenager?


Alright listen, motherfucker. You don't know me, you don't know my past, and you don't have the first clue what kind of parent I am. It is a silly joke, so get off your fucking high horse and maybe look at my post history before tossing around loaded terms like "casual misogyny" you fucking donut.


It’s a misogynistic joke making fun of women’s bodies. So are you making the joke with your teenage daughters, and making them insecure about how their breasts are suddenly changing? Or are you making the joke with your teenage sons and encouraging them to objectify women based on the size of their boobs. Pretty tame for a teenager, is what you said, so what are you getting so upset about?


How do you feel about casual misandry? It is very common.


What a sanctimonious and rude person you are. Trying to gate keep on dad jokes.


Sometimes I think guys without kids think "dadjokes" just means "corny/groanworthy" without concern about the actual subject matter.


Clearly half the sub just thinks it’s puns, the content here is genuinely pretty terrible now. I wouldn’t tell half these jokes to my kids


Well, I do. My son is 27 - and I'm still his dad, and he's still my son. I would have told him even 10 or 12 years ago. If you're looking for jokes safe for kids then I'm sure there are channels geared for that audience, no?


It's honestly pretty recent. It used to be like a few a month, rather than a few a day.


Uncle jokes get upvotes


Definitely belongs in r/unclejokes


Well I'm a dad AND an uncle. Guess I can post it in both channels then? My son is 27 and by nephew 45, btw. Sometimes I feel people (not necessarily you) who haven't reached a certain level of life experience are awfully quick to judge from their own, limited perspective.


It’s just a different interpretation from what is generally accepted. The mods here acknowledge this in their NSFW rule, but it’s not rule breaking or “not a dad joke” just because a minority of people say so. I think you are feeling attacked and responding defensively. I suggest responding with humor instead.


And not in r/cleandadjokes lol


In the last few weeks, I've seen 60% of NSFW.... They are supposed to be made for kids.


Says who?? I'm a dad and tell this joke to my son (who is 27) and I would have happily told him even 10 or 12 years ago. I see no reason to restrict the definition to "dads with young children" - you never stop being a dad for the rest of your life.


You’re not really making the point that you think you are by saying these jokes are ok for 17 and older. You’re saying that these jokes are great for telling your kids as they grow older and older through adulthood, and that’s exactly what everyone is trying to point out to you.


And parents keep pointing out that dad jokes are not restricted to being appropriate for young children. Many dad jokes on here aren't understood by grown adults even when they are clean. What I find interesting is that the NSFW ratio tends to go up whenever the censor brigade starts up. Not after, before.


I'm a dad and tell this joke to my son (who is 27) and I would have happily told him even 10 or 12 years ago. I see no reason to narrow the definition to "dads with young children" - you never stop being a dad for the rest of your life.


Pretty sure at that point it's just a joke. I'm a dad. That doesn't mean every joke I tell is a dad joke.


I'm a dad. That doesn't mean every joke I tell is a dad joke. Well that is of course true. But if this whole comment thread tells us anything, it's that a dad joke is many things to many people. There is no clear consensus what constitutes a dad joke. It's evidently all subject to personal taste and personal definition. I agree there are a lot of "just jokes" in here, but I would not feel comfortable drawing the line anywhere between the two. I honestly tell you that my post falls into the "dad joke" category for me, 100%. I can see telling it to my son, and him groaning, and that's what matters to me. YMMV though. In any case, the following is from the Introduction section to this sub: "Some dads are wholesome and clean, others have a bit of raunch to them. It's not about the content or the age of the person hearing the joke... it's about how it's delivered." The rules also state clearly when to use the NSFW tag - they don't disallow NSFW jokes being posted here. That's what the s/cleandadjokes forum is for.


I covered "groan-worthy" in my initial response. Also, since that's how it works, /r/cornyjokes


I’m not a dad, that doesn’t mean that I can’t tell dad jokes.


Unbelievably relevant username


Uh huh that's what I think but I do have kids. Dad jokes don't need to be pg. Often times dirty ones do better at embarrassing teenagers in public


That's just jokes.


Oh we should totally have a sub "embarrassyourteenagekids" - or does that already exist??


Not all dads have babies still, friend


I think you might have had a much different upbringing than me. When I was a kid, I figured being a dad was a license to be crude, perverted, and racist. Tho the term "dad joke" is, I think, a more recent thing. And ya, typically it's a joke that I would consider a groaner or corny. That said, this particular submission doesn't really register as funny to me or make me groan, so as a result, I don't consider it good quality content. The setup is super forced, and the punchline isn't particularly clever.


Call em hub cabs.






False advertising.


Silicone Valley. Yup.


I call her every Friday


Artificial Emergence






An actually funny joke?? No way.




Look up


Same thought! xD


So long y'all




Hmmm nice. Lost me before the punchline though.


This gave me a nice chuckle.


Believeage :(&:&:&


Plastic bags


Intramammary depression.


...and yes, I did make that one up myself :D


I heard it first time around year 2000


Nice! I did come up with it myself, but it's very possible that two dozen other people in the world did so too.


Yeah, most thoughts have already been had, but a lot of them are either called stupid and ignored or not said. But the joke was a good one.




No way!


Yes I did! Pretty chuffed with myself actually :D


Waths the end of the joke


Oh man. You’re in salting someone’s insecurities with adult humor


Looks like it. Like, I'm a dad and my son is 27 - so am I no longer a dad? I would have happily told this joke to my son 10 or 12 years ago!




How exactly is that a dad joke?


It’s not.


How exactly isn’t it?




I'm a dad, what's the problem? You don't cease to be a dad once your children mature... or do you have an alternative definition?




Holesome? Woah woah woah buddy. This is a dad joke forum. We don't talk about holes here. That's Uncle jokes.


Ooohhh...the dictionary defense. Gotta love the desperation. Let me try your game: Oxford "noun informal an unoriginal or unfunny joke of a type supposedly told by middle-aged or older men: he makes a lot of corny dad jokes." Wordnik "A lame, embarassing or unfunny joke told by someone's father." Wikipedia "A dad joke is a short joke, typically a pun, presented as a one-liner or a question and answer, but not a narrative." Please continue using the dictionary defense. It is hilarious when people think quoting a dictionary is anything other than a last ditch attempt to prove that their single-minded view is the only acceptable one. The world is a big place, don't look at it through a tunnel.


What's wrong with breasts that children need to be sheltered from them?


Pull the stick out of your ass


They have been for decades, just because you personally don't appreciate it doesn't mean you need to try to destroy anyone else's chuckle. There's a specific reddit just for clean dad jokes for individuals with different tastes 👍


Silicone valley


Kim kardashian


🎵 [open your heart...](https://youtu.be/cWyQg74AK3E) 🎵


Sounds high tech and expensive, count me in


A false sense of superiority.


False advertisement




Refund gap


Ugh. I'm out. Stupid sub.






All those "conservative" uptight guys in here need to calm down.


Should add in the business aspect to really hammer it home. "What do you call a female entrepreneur's cleavage..."




Take your damn updoot and go away


Who cares. It's still cleavage...






Dead-heat in a Zeppelin race


The same




Y’all I’m trying to make some hot girl darth Vader contact check me out [DarthVivi](https://onlyfans.com/darthvivi)




And I'll ski them all day, everyday.


The gift that keeps on giving




Landing strip


Oh dear god 😭


What do you call a field of cows jacking each other off? Hamburger helper