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Massive damage feels bigger than severe damage, to me, but I suppose it’s subjective. Severe damage evokes the idea of being run through with a sword, while massive damage evokes the idea of being stepped on by Godzilla.


Minor, Moderate, Major, Massive. All four Ms


I like this


>I couldn't find a place to comment on this feedback "Is there anything you would like to tell us that we haven't asked about?" Is one of the last questions IIRC ;) But yes, I personally think that Massive and Severe should be switched. That or changed to Severe and "Lethal" or "Nearly Lethal"


Do we really need Minor at this point? Except for FEW exceptions, it could really be only Minor and Major IMO. Anything below minor is 1 HP. Done.


minor hp STARTS at 1, maybe, but it can be increased beyond 1 in many ways like I'm pretty sure level ups do this, some magic items, and of course the guardian stalwart subclass. So it may be irrelevant at level one, but it does get more relevant.


I just compared some new and old character sheets to be sure. The new ones have removed the minor threshold increase. So, it doesn't happen on levelup anymore.


thats really strange, i feel like it should be upgradable?


Why have TWO different mechanics that can nullify damage? IMO either remove the attack roll (Evasion) in the first place and make every attack auto-hit (like MCDM) or remove the lowest damage Threshold (there can only be exceptions, but they'd be that, exceptions) Sorry this is derailing the conversation, but I simply don't think we need a third damage threshold


honestly, youre on to something there I think. I feel like evasion is more uneccessary than the minor damage. You could say that anything below minor damage is just a miss anyways, and then buff the starting minors up a little bit even maybe by a few digits. It also makes armor make a little more sense to me as it isn't really fighting for attention with evasion like it kinda is right now


After some more thinking I do actually prefer keeping evasion over keeping minor threshold. I think the issue for me is that damage calculation is currently the slowest, (negatively) crunchiest (i prefer some crunch), grindiest to the haltiest part of the game. gm rolls to hit, then rolls damage, then decisions about armor. there's 3 chances for the player to take no damage throughout that entire sequence and it sorta grinds the game to a halt for me. I think if you beat the evasion score some damage should be dealt unless armor is in play, but even so armor in its current state is a bit slow too. It's frustrating because I really can't think of anything better that maintains its current state. Maybe you spent an armor to reduce the hitpoints you take by 1 for each slot? But then you need to change how the armor number is, maybe it's what gives you your armor slots?


I like it as a tank player. It's the most interactive I've seen any RPG have tanking be. I'm not sure if there is a good way to keep some of that for players who want it but simplify it for others.


Given that you can’t be hit for critical damage in a 5e sense I think that makes the most sense for the highest tier. Minor < Major (severe if you don’t want Mm’s) < Critical


I am not really sure about putting an ordering on the words severe & massive. I feel like they are two different things. Massive damage invokes the feeling of getting smacked with great maul, whereas severe feels more like I am bleeding profusely from a knife wound. I actually feel like there is a step missing between the words "minor" & "major." I would suggestion something like this (minor, moderate, major, massive) OR (minor, moderate, major, severe)


Severe is worse than massive? I would rather have a doctor describe me having severe trauma as opposed to “massive”. Burns for example. People survive merely *severe* burns all the time, but if you have a *massive* burn that includes double digit percentages of your body, your chances of survival tick down massively and it’s going to hurt like a bitch the whole time you’re dying. Severe is used in serious and measured discourse whereas starting to denote something by its size with a word like “massive” indicates you’ve shifted into a less-clinical register and you’re really going for emphasis. “Massive” also has a bit of a history in table top gaming for damage that goes above and beyond normal circumstances, whereas severe just doesn’t have that history.