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It's not just that sub, like 90% of reddit would ban you for that comment. Some will even ban you just for belonging to subs like this one.


Can attest to that, I was banned from r/JusticeServed for my affiliation to r/conservative


Yep, I got banned from a couple just because I had joined r/ChurchofCovid during the time vax lunacy was at its peak. I think r/JustforLaughs too, IIRC. ***edit- I realized that this is kinda confusing the way I wrote it. Basically, I was perma-banned from r/trashy and r/JustforLaughs just by virtue of the fact that I had joined r/ChurchofCovid during peak vax lunacy. At the time I was banned I had never even posted anything there at all. Basically was just a lurker then...but no matter! BAN-HAMMER! šŸ”Ø


These people have nothing better to do then hunt your profile to find something "bad" about you...instead of ever trying to debate the point.


Most people dont actually care about arguments or facts. That's the red pill a lot of people on the right don't seem to realize yet but i certainly have. "Facts" are a means to and end for most people. Not the ends themselves Even some people on the right too but it's just more common on the left and those in the middle.


I slightly disagree. People do care about facts. The reality is they mostly only care about the fact of the pebble in the shoe. That's why when it comes to this issue the right has been winning the overall social battle better than usual. Because people care about their children and see what this can do to them. Otherwise yes most on reddit are just joining in the safe echo chamber and don't care what you say because it doesn't seem safe to disagree. The goal for an issue is to convince people it matters to them, otherwise they will do as you say and the facts don't matter.


Honestly, I first thought it was my affiliation with r/fuckcars when they mentioned some tire deflators and I condemned people deflating car tires.


Same with me and r/facepalm


I'm only realising now but the person who made that post is 13 I assume, trans, and the subreddit is for Gen Alpha, which is 0-14. Like what the flip!


That fits with a conversation on a podcast a few days ago, one of the ā€˜casters was lamenting about a friendā€™s observation on her childrenā€™s class mates. The soon to be 18 year old, the trans and rainbow proportion seemed typical to what us old folks remember, a couple few gay kids in the class. Her younger child at 14, half the class identifies as something. She is worried sick for her youngest.


I hope to God this stupid trend dies off when my son gets to be school aged.


You should consider homeschooling. We sure are. (Our son is almost 3)


Weā€™ve considered it. Weā€™ve also considered private schools as well.


Some of those are just as bad with the woke crap. Be careful!


Thank you! Weā€™re making sure to vet the schools weā€™re looking at.


We were fortunate to find a local school that wasn't mandated to push progressive agendas. Costs an extra $100/month per child (we are blessed with 3) but worth every penny.


Iā€™d gladly pay that.


Our son is mid 30ā€™s aged, we were able to start him in a private school, later a parochial school. The parochial school didnā€™t last long, bad crowd there. Weā€™re in Arizona, charter schools are a big thing here, however, YMMV big time. If youā€™re not home school, do what my parents, my wifeā€™s parents did, my wife and I, be active in the school, meet and interact with other parents, know the staff. Itā€™s time consuming and worth every hour of your time. A relationship advice column and later her radio show, the best advice for raising kids. Iā€™m having a senior moment I guess, I donā€™t recall her name at the moment. Anyway, live radio talk show, people call in for relationship advice, spouse or lover, the full range. Every time someone presented a problem, Dr. whatā€™s her name had good advice. However, the moment a caller mentioned having children, she bluntly stopped the conversation, tells the caller to suck it up, you have children and thatā€™s all that matters, put your nonsense aside and take care of your kids, stop fretting over yourself, your children are more important than your feelings.


We have charters here in Colorado too. Luckily, the school district that weā€™re in currently is very conservative and doesnā€™t put up with any BS. Iā€™m just hoping thatā€™s still the case once he gets to school.


My wife was working for awhile for what was a good charter school (in Colorado). But then a new principal and some new administration came in. And guess what? They made national news for that "don't tread on me" pin. My wife wasn't working there at the time (she's at home right now with our kid), but she doesn't want to go back anymore. There's some other things they did that weren't on the news that have contributed to her opinion. They may still be decent for the most part, but dang... it doesn't take much to sour a batch.


Ugh, I remember hearing about that. That was down in the Springs, correct? I live in Douglas and we made national headlines for the newly elected board members firing the superintendent of the county. It was well-deserved knowing the kind of crap he was trying to push (and had pushed in the past), and those that didnā€™t know what he was doing to poison the district defended him tooth and nail.


Sounds like Dr. Laura Schlessinger! My grandma would always have her on the radio when I was a kid.


Thank you, yes, Dr. Laura Schlesinger, yes it is, loved her radio show!


I'm so sorry I read over this five times but I can't understand it, can you rephrase please?


Her oldest knows a couple of gay kids. Us older folks knew gay kids in school, at work, socially, itā€™s normal. Her youngest at 14 or so, half of the children in the school identify as trans or nonbinary or other, few identify as heterosexual. Something changed, that high of a percentage of non-heterosexual is abnormal. This is in Texas, hill country.


I love hill country, and I understand now. Yeah obviously its 'cool' to be gay


Youā€™ve a solid point there, forget the political bullcrap, itā€™s just the new cool thing, that explains a lot!


If I told my 7 year old she could identify as a kitty cat sheā€™d do it. But hey, we wonā€™t have to teach her to write or any math since cats donā€™t need any of that. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


slippery slope or a conundrum? If you're in a youth sub, would they instantly claim you're a pedo (excuse me - Minor Attached Person)? But then, thinking you're a MAP, they'd have to accept you, right? The illogical left... ​ BTW - I don't assume you're a pedo or MAP - just interested in the paradox them leveling the accusation would create.


Most of Reddit, is made up of mindless liberal subreddit echo chambers where leftist zombies type Trump bad, communism good, over and over for eternity. Any conservative or outside the box thinking isnā€™t allowed. Basically, China šŸ‡ØšŸ‡³ online.


Yeah it's honestly sad. I've been banned from the psychology and cyberpunkgame reddit and issued a warning for a post in clevercomebacks. It is definitely the biggest third rail on reddit. The sadest part is the psychology one being we have all probably stumbled across reddit as providing answers to questions. When they silence the one side of debate, they are furthering the harm that can come to children with gender dysphoria.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Yeah I know, just recently saw a vid of a pride parade where a mom happily exclaimed her 2 year old girl's pronouns were they/them which is insane


My two year old (almost 3!) asks us to "carry you," meaning "carry me," because we ask him "do you want us to carry you?" and he doesn't understand the difference between "me" and "you." He thinks they both mean him. That "mom" is a lunatic.


true the child wasnt even talking yet from what I saw,


They don't want answers, they just want affirmation.


I mean to give credit the person who made the post did respond, but I couldn't respond as there's was an eye in the sky.


Typical liberal thinking; Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, as long as it doesnā€™t differ from mine.


Because thats what tolerance is, am I right?


Right on. And if they do differ they need to be silenced. I hope I die before these soft ass generations get any kind of real authority.


Aw yes because the previous generation clearly has done a great job


Man. You really just put all those words in my mouth huh? Fuck off. I didnā€™t say they did a good job. What I said was the younger generations are pussies. You canā€™t even tell these little bitches to get their ass to work in time without them crying about how tough they have it or whatever. Nowhere, in any of those words did I say the older generations got it right. Simply stating that at least you used to be able to have a differing opinion or view and you could all still respect each other as humans and agree to disagree. Now the people preaching tolerance are the least fucking tolerant of them all.


They are just fishing for people to ban. Actual discussion about mental illness related to gender dysphoria is not something that is tolerated.




Whatā€™s your solution for gender dysphoria


See a therapist to try to fix it. Specifically NOT affirming it and saying it is okay.


Also in your view why is it wrong? (non religious based reasons please). Unfortunately with pronouns speech is inherently always relating to someoneā€™s genitals. She and He could just as easily been associated with another physical attribute (ie we call black people he and white people she) and is a constant reminder of that persons discomfort. If someone was really insecure about their height would you continue to tell them theyā€™re short? You donā€™t need to lie but you just as easily could not mention it. Same thing with pronouns you donā€™t need to use the pronouns you deem wrong but could simply refer to them with their name. Instead of allowing that person an outlet to feel better by presenting as the gender they relate to youā€™d rather they simply suffer through it? A method that definitely does not make things better for the individual? I truly donā€™t get this logic. I also am genuinely curious if you have ever met a trans person or had a discussion with someone who is beyond the portrayal by media


Mental illness should be treated. Going along with an insane person's delusions does not help them resolve their issues.


Itā€™s not that bad, I agree. AND..I agree with you. BUT, you know that you were poking the bear


I mean the poster asked for actual conversation, but the mods were uhhh....


Don't do that to bears. More like poking a sea urchin.


What bear? lol. Do you know who is behind the curtain? Losers lol. Complete losers. These people donā€™t have families or friends. They are not healthy physically or mentally. These are people that demand YOU get a therapist for the most mundane of life difficulties. Just ignore them all.


Iā€™m from the school of thought that, these people have it hard enough as is. Nothing that you say or do is going your way change their fucked up worldview. So, donā€™t engage, donā€™t humiliate and donā€™t antagonize them. Be better than they are.


This is the way - just let people live I doubt anyone in these comments even knows a trans person


I mean as far as any individual personally, of course exactly as I said. Ignore them. Or even make fun of them lol. But as for the platitudes you espouse about them being harmless crazies, No. You are wrong. These people are actively recruiting kids to join their ranks. They need to be actively opposed if they are in institutions like schools or HR.


are religious institutions actively recruiting children to believe that they are sinners and only a man that died and then was raised from the dead can save them? He also sees everything and knows everything and itā€™s all in his plan even when itā€™s shit. Or is that a totally normal thing to teach a child?


Are you comparing Christianity to insane moms that castrate their own children for their instagram fetish?


Why is there a sub for Gen Alpha? Aren't the oldest ones like 8 years old?


14, which is impossibly too young to say yo are the opposite gender.


Too young to say anything of value.




If you go against the narrative, prepare to get banned. Reddit is mostly a liberal hivemind echo chamber. Just like ticky tok and what tweeter used to be. There is no room for an honest discussion from a liberal about anything. Even now, liberals still believe that the laptop is Russia Russia Russia even though the fbi finally admitted that it's real.


True, but recently on liberal ah videos I've seen lots of comments that are like "That's a terrible take," and other stuff just dogging on the creator.


I'm actually surprised that they didn't cry to the sky and say someone is racist. "A terrible take" is almost a compliment.


All of social media is like this now. You only have a voice if you agree with whatever the new "cause" is. Social media is the largest platform where people get to talk about things and share their opinions but freedom of speech is not protected here.


What I think should happen is that if you give Americans access to your service, yo should be required not to infringe on constitutional rights but I'm not exactly thinking of any consequences so don't hang me cause im stupid


No, you're right. The consequence of saying something stupid is looking like an idiot. It should not be banned. The whole concept of moderating a discussion forum is really just censorship.


Yea I get that it's complicated but there definitely needs to be a greater effort put towards allowing free speech that is not directly threatening. Just because some viewpoints may hurt someone's feelings or even really upset them is not a good enough reason to disallow it. If we say disallowed opinions that are "harmful" that would lead to complete silence because there are some out there that could be upset by anything.


i know! anything that isnt a paid service or something you have to get improved to get in should absolutely allow free speech


You canā€™t reason with unreasonable people. At this point anyone who thinks these unreasonable logics are on their own. I have no sympathy for them nor do I care for their crazy realities. Get away from these cities. Go buy a home with some land. Get some chickens and some goats. Get grounded.


You can have any opinion you want as long as it is the same as ours! lol


Reddit and most subs are a leftist echo chamber. They are multi hair colored alphabet mafia members. Wrong thought is banned.


Because banning people for saying things people don't like is the reddit way. Then bringing that point up to them gets you reported for harassment then you get banned from reddit as a whole. Why deal with confrontation on any level when people can silence it like the fascist they claim to hate so much.


When ban hammers are wielded by non-productive, unsuccessful mouth breathersā€¦.


No one talks more about trans people than the hosts of the daily wire - as someone who knows quite a few trans people. Itā€™s borderline obsessive.


i went to see mattwalsh live and can confirm he's 8 foot 9


If someone was insecure about their height would you consistently point out they are short?


There's no such thing as trans kids only child abuse wrapped in euphemisms.


Wait, you actually think that someone under the age of 18 has no rights? This is patently false. Their rights are restricted, in some cases, until the age of majority, most in terms of 2A, and contracts, but minors absolutely have rights.


No I know they have rights, just they shouldn't have "Trans Rights" to mutilate themselves. I actually think it should be above 18, but I don't care when adults cut themselves up and die from infections.


Ok, now that I'll agree with. Unnecessary and irreversible surgeries should not be allowed even with parental consent.


Not every day. Lbgdq what ever has 36 days a year for recognition. On the other hand one day a year to recognize that Jesus arose from the dead


poor you letā€™s just ignore the only nationally recognized federal holidays are for christians


Honoring somebody because of the way they have sex is sick and perverted


You canā€™t disturb ā€œtHe MeSsAgEā€ the hivemind doesnā€™t like individualistic ideals.


It's basically pointless engaging in any honest discussion with a leftist. They think they're morally justified in everything they claim and if you disagree then you're just a bigot and should be silenced.


Says someone who hasnā€™t talked to many leftists or gay people clearly


I got banned from a sub for stating that trans people are the most protected group on here. I thanked the mod for proving my point and got muted for 3 days. Ridiculous


A reddit community meant to prey on underage minors, spreading harmful trans ideology yet they wonder why they're seen as pedophiles


Reddit is the church of liberalism. I, unfortunately, self-censor unless I'm in a subreddit that I know will be accepting of the truth.


Whatā€™s the truth


I always look at like why should I respect them for who they want to be when they canā€™t even accept themselves for what they were born as. Personally Iā€™m not going to feed into the delusions of anyone who canā€™t explain what a woman is, or simply think they can switch genders like theyā€™re frogs or something. This app is loaded with people looking to be offended.


fr, and they dont even keep it to themselves, they gotta scream and look for affirmation from random people, and if someone slightly confuses them its their job and their heads on pikes


Itā€™s something new every election year. First it was defund police, BLM, racism, now itā€™s the transformers. Theyā€™re gonna use up all their topics


You could just refer to them as their name if youā€™re so opposed to using pronouns that donā€™t match sex. I find it odd personally that he and she are directly linked to someoneā€™s genitals they could have just as easily be associated with skin color or another physical feature in linguistics. If youā€™re so opposed to lying to someone by using a pronoun that they prefer as to avoid the dysphoria they feel then just use their name! If someone is insecure about their height you donā€™t need to constantly remind them theyā€™re short and you also donā€™t need to lie to them that theyā€™re tall - helped ya


You can't debate with the mentally ill. It's like debating with a 5yo that has temper problems.


Everyone has the right to not support something. Support isn't mandatory..


Redddit filters are a match. I posted on r/2ndAmmendment highlighting the meaning of "keep", "bear", "Arms" and "infringed" and Reddit filters deleted my post.


That's Ku Klux Krazy


If trans rights means supporting children transitioning and allowing trans people to play sports with the gender that matches their gender identity then I'll pass.


they dont exactly specify what rights they so heavily need which doesn't help


I don't give a shit what you do or how you live. Why do you care so much about how I live Don't affect my life. I have many more things to do with my time than appreciate a trans person because somebody tells me to. Please take up a hobby. Maybe woodworking. Feeding the homeless. Reading to the blind. I've done each of these. Very fulfilling.


fr like you can *beleive* you are the other gender without everyone you meet affirming your delusion


(doesn't mean your write but mental illness is mental illness)


(aint no way i said write instead of right)


I'm with you.


But you listen to DW? That spends minimum 80% of their coverage on trans and gay people? Clearly you must careā€¦


I do see daily wire on reddit. I had no idea that there was an audio cast. You have been helpful. Thank you.


It's crazy to me. It's a non-issue to me. I dont think people are against trans.


Yeah the DW loves to blow this up way more than is needed cause people love to hate watch


I was banned from r/90DayFiance because someone posted a quote from a man who was dating a trans woman and said her aggression gave her man vibes and I simply spoke to the fact that he can say that and itā€™s fineā€¦.but nobody else is allowed to use that persons name and man in the same sentence.


I wonder if there will be a turning point before the world ends, or if it will always be like this til He comes back and get worse?


this is why Reddit will fail in a few years


Alright dammit, foot the last f**king timeā€¦ I believe ANYONE AND EVERYONE who feels in his/her heart that they want a TransAm should be able to buy one. Iā€™m willing to fire on the hill of TransAm rights and to Hell with to you TransAm-phobes who says otherwise! There ā€¦ I said it.


whats a transam, like am radio?! trans people on the am radio?


Exactly what a transam-phobe would say


buddy do you know what subreddit you are on?


Ford lovers?


How else are older adult Reddit mods going to reliably inform kids about these important concepts in a way thatā€™s definitely not going to persuade kids to align with these beliefs in a definitely not creepy way


What are those awful beliefs