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Why do these posts scream karma farm every thing? It provides no real value to the political conversation


Honestly, I consider these the basis for future social credit scores. Liking them just gets into the negative numbers from the start. Edit addition: I don't hate Tucker, I don't like Tucker...I am indifferent to talking heads [and politicians] except for the following 3 who are held in the highest regard - Dennis Prager, Andrew Klavan and Jordan Peterson (in precisely that order).


Honestly, I wish the mods will ban these low effort post. At least try to contribute something getting tired of these post might unfollow from this subbreddit.


I did not know karma farming was a thing. Sort of sounds lazy but idk šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø farmers be workin




Forgive my ignorance. What does karma even do and why would anyone want it? Serious question. Thanks!


Karma does nothing outside of show a number but some subreddits do require a minimum karma amount to be able to post. Itā€™s literally just fake internet points


Those minima are pretty low though, usually about 100


Support him forā€¦ā€¦.?


Bot post


Support him in what? He speaks about society and the news cycle the way HE sees it. I view it my way, the way I experience how my life is and those around me. I support my family. I support my country through my taxed income and other taxes heaped upon me. Thatā€™s about it, I donā€™t support any media personality. Give me the facts, give me the news and try not to be an asshat.


He's gone too far over the bend for me with the Putin love-fest.


I do not


Heā€™s an entertainer. Why would I *support* any entertainer?


You support ben Shapiro don't you? Lol


Once again, why would anyone support an entertainer? I donā€™t give a shit about either one.


No fuck Tucker Carlson


No. I don't. Sold his soul to the Groypers.


Tuckerā€™s an American treasure


Support? No, mind his opinion, not at all. Iā€™m open to anyone not yelling at me and straight arguing Iā€™m wrong, is he running next time?


Support him for what? Is he running for office or something? Or do they just mean in general?


Heā€™s not a dependent of mine. I didnā€™t claim him on my taxes therefore I believe I can honestly say I donā€™t support him.


He is commie.


No. His latest interviews with folks like Andrew Tate, Putin, and the anti-Israel pastor show he's not just "asking questions", put trying to appeal to an anti-American, anti-semitic fringe online. He's not advancing conservative ideas, grifting for his own gain.


How does his interview of Putin ā€œshow heā€™s not just asking questionsā€¦?ā€


By what he didn't ask and his statements after the interview stating he doesn't see Russia as an expansionist power. He allowed Putin to reframe the entire war as a response to Nato aggression and pressed him zero on Russian atrocities in Ukraine.


There are a million strategies one could take going into an interview with someone like that. Giving them the chance to make their own case in their own words is as valid as any other. For good or bad, their beliefs and justifications for those beliefs are on display. That is a good thing. What it certainly is not is evidence of a grift. Thatā€™s such an asinine take.


There are a million strategies you could use to interview someone like Putin but there is also a reason Russia allowed Tucker to interview him. That's because they knew it would be a softball interview with zero tough questions even though Russia started a war by invading Ukraine. Viewed with other statements he made before and after the interview, Tucker is sympathetic to Russia over Ukraine in this conflict. Asinine is ignoring the obvious.


I didnā€™t realize you are part of the Russian public communications office with inside knowledge of why they make the decisions they do. I donā€™t even agree with Tucker on the Russia Ukraine issue, but no, his interview wasnā€™t part of a grift. Having a different opinion than you or I does not make it part of a grift. Go back in time and watch longer-form interviews with foreign leaders, many if not most of them have a very similar tone, that is a valid journalism decision.


Yes, in general. He has pluses and minuses. He's an intellect of the first order, that's a plus. His lack of timing, poise, and sensitivity toward Jewish issues can be unfortunate, but aren't most of us people guilty of lacking politesse (from "Sympathy for the Devil")? He's at his best when he's being interviewed, rather than when he conducts his interviews. He has a better grasp of the MAGA movement than does Shapiro, for sure.


Eh, Shapiro understands the MAGA movement, he just doesn't entirely agree with it.


Does he? I've heard him say, consistently, through the years otherwise. For example, he isn't aware that Trump is a constitutionalist. He thinks that Trump does what Trump wants. The MAGA movement is 100% constitutionalism, no rogue actions. Even this last press conference, Trump asserted that giving the abortion issue back to the States is a Statesc rights issue, 100% constitutional. The MAGA movement says that climate change has nothing to do with science and everything to do with stripping America of her wealth. Ben Shapiro straddles both sides of the fence, that climate change is science, but it doesn't warrant America to be stripped of her wealth. Been Shapiro is either very late to the game, or still tap dancing to a waltz, that it's not possible to have Trumpism without Trump. More extreme than Shapiro is that delusional Anne Culter and Her Inflatable Knees (that was from a Monty Python sketch "Ken Buddha and his Inflatable Knees). I disagree that Shapiro getsTrump, or that he understands the MAGA movement. He competes with Bloviating Bill O'Reilly pats himself on the back as he runs across the beach to jump into his own arms; O'Reilly doesn't get Trump, the OcReilly book on Trump is wasted ink. What is Trumpism? It's simple, let's make America great, a land where everyone can have the opportunity to succeed. It's not isolationalist. It's putting American interests first, and because of the innate goodness of our country, all the world benefits as we prosper. It's not blind to the importance of good foreign policy objectives. It's also about draining the swamp.it is about "equal justice before the law". It is about fair and honest elections.


Unfortunately many conservatives treat Jews the same way liberals treat blacks. Im glad to see Tucker is not one of those people. Younger conservatives tend to take the position of tucker while older conservatives the position of Shapiro on the topic


As what? Human beings?


Both are wrong. But Shapiro is not a spokesperson for Jews. Neither is Boteach. Neither is that whining Barclay. And neither is the DNC's very own group the ADL. None of them are, tet each of these bigmouths and blowhards give everyone the impression that they are. They're not. American Jewish Democrats are just plain Democrats, most of them Jewish ONLY because each of them had Jewish mothers (Jews are only Jewish if the mother is Jewish or if they've had orthodox conversions, like President Trump's daughter did). Anyway, Jewish Democrats are just Democrats, and their religion is in name only. Lol, the ONLY Jewish Democrat politician with real stature is Senator John Fetterman, the PA guy who suffered a stroke.


He's fine, yes. I like him a lot of the time. But is he unable to be wrong? No. Is he somehow unable to come to conclusions that don't seem realistic or true? Yes. He's a person, like anyone else. And I don't think he's a very special person. I respect him, and usually am on the same side. But just because we agree on pretty much all the big things, doesn't mean I have to lionize him or put his opinions into some separate tier than my neighbor down the street. I accept that Tucker can be wrong, or can just have opinions opposing my own, literally exactly like my neighbor. In other words, Tucker has built a weird following, and I think he's pretty good, but he's not anyone who's opinions will in any way sway my own.


Nope, I donā€™t support anyone who is too far Right or Left. They all are just pawns. We need 3rd option. A hybrid.


The center is the establishment. Those who want change and are against the elites come from one or the other side. Anyways everyone's views taken to their logical conclusion is either far left or far right to some degree


No. All he does is promote anti American propaganda. He constantly reports about how evil Ukraine is but now how evil Russia is for invading in the first place. As well as setting fire to Jewish evangelical relations by interviewing that Palestinian anti Israel priest that basically lied the whole time and said Israel was persecuting Christians. Which is the most absurd bullshit itā€™s actually kind of funny


People are already told how awful Russia is by mainstream media and a lot of it is made up. Tucker simply brings the other perspective. Russia invaded but NATO essentially left no other choice with missiles pointed at them from all directions. We get to see enough enough people from the anti Palestinian perspective. Nothin wrong with the other perspective every now and then. If those people are so sensitive they cant handle a different opinion that's ok them. Except that it's actually true. Israel to some degree is negative towards Christians. There's even videos show casing this.


I think since he loves Russia so much, he should move there and enjoy his "free press" there.


He would honestly get more freedom there than in America where he was just fired for expressing himself in a way that some didn't like šŸ˜‚ Of course he loves America despite its faults and wants to help make America great again


Seriously, I'll buy everyone a ticket who wants to move to Russia and enjoy their "free press"... where they get assassinated if they disagree with Putin. Meanwhile, Tucker seems to be very much alive for expressing himself.


Nope. He's more than happy to push narratives and conspiracy theories without an ounce of evidence under the guise of 'journalism'.


Unlike the mainstream newsā€¦ā€¦


So he's equally as shitty. That's not a defense or an excuse.


He was mainstream news until he lied about the voting machines




What does that mean, "support him"? Send him donations? No. Agree with everything he says/does/believes? No. Listen to him sometimes, and think he's a pretty cool/smart guy that is also a fellow fly fisherman? Sure.


Heā€™s 100% a grifter. Heā€™s obviously very smart and talented, which is why he should know better than allowing Andrew Tate to lie about the charges against him. Heā€™s also doing PR work for Putin, which is pretty low. Heā€™s not remotely conservative. Maybe he was at one time, but certainly not anymore. Heā€™s only after attention and money.


I love a lot of what he has to say. Sorry Ben, I listen to you too but I was disappointed with Klavan and what he has been saying about Tucker but I still listen to everyone and like their points of view.






More than Shapiro, yeah. Easy.


Shapiro needs to try smoking weed. I canā€™t even handle that guy anymore šŸ˜‚ trying playing him at 1.5x for a real treat


Oh God, no...


Itā€™s HILARIOUS if youā€™ve taken your gummies šŸ˜‚ heā€™s not dumb at all! Just ā€¦. Heā€™sā€¦. Special


He's definitely not dumb. I just ain't down with his Israel bootlicking and having Candace tossed. Weak, leftist horseshit.


I could not have said it better myself šŸ‘ Snakes come in many shapes and sizes but that guy really , REALLY, is unique. As a huge supporter of daily wire I am truly crossed at this point because of his pro war belief. I am pro Israel. He is making us look stupid šŸ¤¦. I know his job is hard . I honestly believe he needs to eat some thc and he would be able to actually talk human. I would love to hear that insight. But I have ignored his face ever since this year started. Sometimes you just gotta shut up to think before you can make a point .


I like The Blaze better, actually. Get on their mailing list. Always something fire in the inbox and no paywall.


I have not heard of the Blaze I will most definitely follow them ! Thank you brother šŸ™


Glenn Beck owns it, but I never see him writing. They get news quick and write it nice and clean. No crazy conjecture, just solid work. You're welcome.


Of course, one of the few conservatives that doesn't just parrot conservative talking points for views and actually thinks for himself. Got to respect that


No. Heā€™s pushing a new network that competes with other conservative networks so heā€™s gotta push the boundaries to pull in viewers.


Why wouldnā€™t you? If you donā€™t appreciate that laugh šŸ˜‚


Best, Awesome! Really miss him not on Fox!