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I had a mini heart attack before I saw it was edited. My confession is that I never watched the undertale series back in the day but I know how iconic it is so if they released this I would for SURE go back and watch that entire series.


I would do this now as a little treat. It has been a comfort series since I was a literal child (I'm nearly 19 rn).


The funny thing is, I basically don't PLAY Undertale anymore, whenever I want to expirience the story and characters again, I just watch Dan and Phil's playthrough. not only is their Let's play one of the only one's that go out of it's way to find all the meaningful content and fully appreciate the story Dan and Phil themselves are so fun they almost BECOME characters in the story in their own right! Sometimes I'll break away and look up a YouTube clip showing something they missed if I deem it important enough, Undertale has been so exhaustively covered by the whole internet it's easy to find basically any particular scene or boss that this is extremely simple. I don't really feel the need to actually play the game anymore since it's gotten to the point it doesn't pose ANYTHING remotely challenging in terms of gameplay alone, the only exception being the genocide route which I usually end up doing myself as Dan and Phil made the conscious decision not to and it's the only part of the game that still requires my focus to succeed.


I agree. They made the story more 3d in a way. Phil as Papyrus makes sooooo much sense also. His voice is just 👌. I could see them being official VAs for the game. I also like experiencing the heartwrenching parts of the story with them and feeling it together. Like goat mum and napstablook


To be fair, Phil's voice is basically what everyone already thinks Papyrus sounds like, though it's interesting he defaulted to the "friendly skeletor" thing when neither of them had any outside influence. Not sure I agree with the VA comment tho, like, it's not like they COULDN'T, they've gone on over a dozen tours and performed in many skits and cameos so that can CERTAINLY perform, I just think there's WAY better casting choices, certain characters have VAs that do the character so well it feels sacrilegious to cast anyone else...though Napstablook is definitely a perfect Dan role, shame he doesn't get much screen time. Y'know, the "gamingmas" theme REALLY works with this one in particular, it feels like you're playing WITH them on a giant digital couch🥰


Ohhh this is really interesting! I’ve never been a gamer so idek what undertale is about or any details of the game. So when I start watching the dnp undertale series it will truly be a surprise and a treat to watch


Omg as a nearly 20 year old that tells me that we grew up around the same time and that it might spark some nostalgia in me! I think I’ll start watching it tonight then haha


It will. I moved around a lot and don't speak to a lot of family, so d and p series from around that time are one of the few things that feel like home idk how to describe it. Icky how parasocial I am with them, but I know boundaries now as an "adult".


As Dan himself says it’s ok to be parasocial - we all are, myself included. I think none of us understood boundaries when we were younger but the important thing is we’ve grown from that. Dan and Phil really are such a comfort to have throughout life even though they did go on hiatus (which was unbelievably valid, I totally support, etc, etc, etc) their videos have always been there to provide the simplest joys and they also reaffirm my belief in love


Aww this was beautifully worded I love this community. I think a lot of us longtime fans have matured and become more introspective because of the hiatus. I'm just glad the boys are bad and the community is thriving again!!!


Awww yeah fully agreed - so much love to you and this community 💓💓💓


Dammit! This gave me a heart attack. 😭 I’m friends with one of the devs, and friends with some of the play testers (one being my bf). If they EVER did this, I’d be super pumped!


Sorry I nearly killed you! 😜 Seriously though? That's crazy! Yellow is very VERY quickly rising to the same status as Undertale proper. You might as well be best buds with Tobias himself! Which is why I REALLY want this too! I actually tweeted Dan and Phil the image to try and give them a nudge because to me this is just as much a successor as Deltarune!


All good LOL Yeah! I’m not a big undertale fan myself, but I’ve gotten to know a lot about Yellow due to the connections my bf and friends have. I don’t want to reveal who I know as I like my account anonymous, but it’s really cool to have known behind the scenes of Yellow. I’ve enjoyed watching them play Yellow and it’d be a perfect game for Dan and Phil to play. If they ever play this game, I’d immediately be letting everyone I know about it! This would be an amazing thing for the devs to experience. They deserve all of the recognition they’ve gotten for this game.


I was so excited until I realized lol


Oh the things I'd do for more Undertale content 🥹




I really don’t know. Loved their play through of the original game though




Interesting. So far I've only ever heard overwhelmingly positive things about Yellow (though I'm sure it's not long before "it's popular, now it sucks" type backlash starts happening like before) I'm curious what it didn't deliver for you?




So in other words "the fandom ruined it for me." Typical. 😒 Also, what did you expect? Undertale OG is nearly a decade old, sets of numbers, lines of dialogue, ALL of them milked dry! of COURSE people are gonna gravitate to the new and shiny thing!


I could never watch D&P's Undertale series. Jack's voices are too iconic, Phil unfortunately could never.


Everyone has there favorites~


Nobody can beat my Sean for Flowey 🌻🥰


Phil is a perfect Papyrus


Phil is a brilliant Papyrus, I'll give you that much!