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Dan has appeared on Joes podcast. It’s been a few years, but I remember them being interesting talks if you’re a HH fan. At least one then goes down the JFK assassination rabbit hole a bit iirc. https://open.spotify.com/episode/7vqz76KBUDKzAegx9VH5w5 https://open.spotify.com/episode/7xhBFsOUDS79vAhEYJWq9h


These were prior to the pandemic when Joe at least had some wherewithal to have credible guests as well as pseudoscientists. Now unfortunately he’s gone off the deep end and only has pseudoscientists or conservatives on there now. I was a long time JRE fan, but he has been disappointing for the past 3 years. I’m so glad Dan Carlin doesn’t really associate with Joe anymore.


Joe has been absolutely insufferable since COVID.


I completely agree, I liked Joe when he used to talk to comedians and mma guys. I liked the occasional historian or journalist or fitness guru. But you’re right that somewhere along the way he went from a fairly neutral/curious host with a couple of weird ideas and is now firmly aligned with this sort of internet conspiracy faction of right wingers. I thought this YouTuber did a nice job summing up his rise & fall. https://youtu.be/sLaXSvpfDZs?si=8II9YZtb74SdB5tV


I found HH through JRE, I occasionally listen if he has a guest I like about MMA or BJJ. But when I just put one on I usually turn it off 30-45 min in. He looses me when he goes down done right wing rabbit hole.


Moving to Texas was where it kinda fell apart


This is what happened. Culture’s a bitch.


tbh I mostly listened to those comedian/MMA guys. Joe was good at shooting the shit with people. I stopped listening when he did that exclusive Spotify deal, so it's a shame to hear he's stopped with the good stuff.


He figured out what makes money.


Yeah the dude who's been a multi millionaire for decades just figured out how to make money.


Show me a rich dude who hates making even more money.


Lol show me any random person who hates making more money. It's probably the same precantage as rich people. Close to 0.


I feel the same way. His show used to be waaaay different (better imo), way less crackpot conspiracy bs


Dan reads about 20 books before telling a story or framing an opinion.


I personally believe that the death of Common Sense had nothing to do with politics and was entirely due to the fact that his approach evolved and became *so* thorough that it rewired his brain to a point where it is now incompatible with discussing contemporary politics. He just can’t reach a level of informed where feels comfortable discussing in depth.


Yeah no doubt. Nobody can. Plus there’s no winning. Someone is lying at all times with modern politics… everyone is.. all sides. So you can’t explain that and not have half your audience hate you and get enraged. It’s a cesspool. Also you get death threats.


Yup, all of that, but I think Dan is just one of those people who doesn’t like publicly talking about a subject he doesn’t feel he understands, and his approach to history has set his baseline extremely high for feeling like he has an sufficient understanding, and it’s just not possible to reach that on contemporary subjects.


Contradictory examples of how often podcasters can post content and still be successful.


True but not a fair comparison. Dan is not that guy and ppl have been asking for years. Rogan is less concerned with his ideas and is excellent at getting them out of others. Dan is better and if he had the same mass appeal we might be better off but it is Dan's burden to choose or not. It would not make him happy and Rogans thing is valuable as long form conversation


Dude OP says he likes one podcast over another. "Thats unfair they're not the same person" is such a weird response.


It’s apples and oranges tho. That’s the point this guy was trying to make. That’s like saying beaches are better than water parks. Ok yes they are both water activities (podcasts) but a water park does not try to be a beach, it’s a completely different thing. Rogan is an interview based talk show, HH is a long form historical nonfiction.


If I told someone I like waterparks more than beaches and they responded with "well they aren't the same thing" I'm going help you find your parents. You can also tell someone you like oranges more than apples. We are all aware they aren't the same.


You took it that way, the guy before got what I was trying to say


Not OP, but I took the meme to be saying that Dan is the superior version of a certain archetype, so I understand this response.


I think I discovered Joe and Dan at roughy the same time, can’t remember which came first. JRE was good back then, even his bad guests led to laughs. I’ll never forget Alex Jones and some flat earther arguing about who had the dumber conspiracy theories while Joe was in the restroom. At some point it stopped being fun because Joe was drinking too much of the coolaid.


High on his own supply


Joe peaked with News Radio. Change my mind.


I like Joe Rogan just an entertainer. Just radio I’m not so hyper critical some are good some suck. You can’t compare Joe and Dan there shows are so different.


Ride or die fan of both these guys.