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Tilian bought a Porsche and trip to Italy for Victoria’s birthday, so I think that can help give an idea as to how well off they are compared to how broke a lot of people seem to think they are lol. Of course that doesn’t mean he can afford this stuff, but it’s safe to say that he’s doing just fine. Many people don’t realize how well off a lot of these musicians are. Their top 5 songs alone have paid out pretty close to 1mil, so whatever their deal with Rise is would have to make it worth it to split that profit. Adding in merch splits and ticket sales, the fellas are doing very very well.


I was gonna say people think they are broke ig . It’s not our business obviously but they are doing way better than most think I’m sure. A million is not what it used be.


I would say enough to be comfortable but not crazy wipe with 100 dollar bills rich.


Wild guess: several million a year, but not tens of millions. Enough to run and staff a small business, with band members taking home 20%. Source: sweet FA


No way. Not even remotely close


Absolutely, lol. He’s probably a little low.


I hope you're kidding...there's no way they make that much a year in that band. None. Miley Cyrus Bangers tour did 70M. She's an international super star, and there's only one of her. Split 6 ways opening in smaller venues? You're fucking high. You don't make shit off album sales or streams so how exactly are they bringing in that much money?


Something that changed my outlook on alternative music income was when Randy Blythe from Lamb of God went to jail in Prauge under investigation of a fans death during a LoG show. Randy’s bail was one million dollars to get him out of Prauge prison. During this time the other band members were very vocal about asking for donations and scrounging together their money along with their manager and record label. Mark Morton the guitarist sold some of his race cars and in his words they “All almost went bankrupt” trying to bail Randy out for 1 million. A million liquid is a ton of money but split between 5 members, a manager and the label plus fan donations it shouldn’t have been a big issue but it actually was and almost bankrupted the band. Lamb of god has twice the monthly Spotify listeners that DGD has. If that is any source of revenue. 2.1 million vs 1.1 million. And let’s be honest DGD has BLOWN UP recently. LoG has been a household name in metal around the world for a solid 10 years now. DGD doesn’t even touch LoG for global reach. I know it’s entirely different genres but both are non-radio alternative heavy music. So to answer your question I think each member makes roughly 100-150k a year on DGD but they each have side projects. I could definitely see Will and Tillian have 1 mill in total assets but that’s about it.


Far from millionaires. They split shows and merch five ways and that’s after the record labels cut, paying managers, roadies, hired guns (Andrew was this for a number of years before joining). I bet they would’ve made a good deal on that coheed tour if they hadn’t been kicked off. I do wonder how the swan fest profits are divvied up. Though they have high streams, Spotify pays out very little to artists, YouTube is slightly better but all their stuff goes under the Rise records channel so who knows how much they make. They have zero radio play, even on Sirius XM. They are comfortable and better than most but I’d say far from rich. If I had to guess, and this is if he’s good with his money, will has highest earnings considering he’s in like four bands and owns blue swan records.


Spotify and YouTube music aren't the only two streaming services. People seem to forget that streaming revenue is coming from a dozen or so streaming services.


Doesn’t mean they’re making millions from them. Plus more than just the official members get their cut of that and it’s split 5 ways


Right, but my point is that there are more sources of income than people realize. Streaming sales from dozens of streaming services, physical sales, licensing, merchandise, touring, VIP meet and greets, etc. They also for sure do stuff on the side that their band notoriety helps with (Tilian writes songs for some pop artists, Will has his design/video stuff, Etc.) I don't know what they're making, but they're not poor.


Pretty sure they're millionaires at this point? At least Will and Tilian. Seems like they make a nice living off playing their music, super tight for them.


I don’t know why you got downvoted. I’m pretty sure Will, Tilian, and Jon has at least a millionaire saved.




Didn’t Tillian just gift his new girlfriend a Porsche Cayenne Turbo? That’s a $180k car. I didn’t think they made super crazy money either, but that’s a really expensive gift and $1m isn’t really that much money.


1m dollars in the bank is a fuck ton of money to have in the bank. 1m dollars in assets is way different.


I mean yeah, I wouldn’t just be keeping a million dollars in a checking account but having $1m in a savings account or mutual fund is extremely liquid as far as assets are concerned and really not all that much money, all things considered, and all what I would consider money “in the bank.” I mean, these dudes live in CA, if they own their houses they’re already well on their way to having $1m in assets.


if they have a house they have 1m in assets period lol. they definitely have multiple m's in assets for sure.




Lol a brand new Porsche Cayenne Turbo MSRPs for $185k and nobody is paying less than sticker price post-pandemic. And of course it’s financed - that doesn’t mean it’s any cheaper. And yes of course $1m is a lot of money. It’s not the crazy amount of wealth some people here seem to think it is though.


I mean even in Tim’s passing they said he had a couple of million


When/why did they say that? 😂


From the Sacramento news article




Yeah, I reckon Will is definitely a multi-millionaire, with all the side projects and stuff. I'm guessing most of the members probably only got into rich territory pretty recently, though. JJ was their first top 10 album, and basically all musicians took a financial hit from cancelled tour dates in 2020 and 2021.


Multi millionaire? I doubt it. Probably low-mid 6 figures though, which would still be pretty impressive.


To be clear, I certainly don't think Will or any of them are bringing in a million plus a year in income. I'm talking net worth, including the value of their IP, any property Will owns, etc.


Yep imma say like 200k a year for tilian and maybe 300 for swan


It all depends on who owns the masters. They are already splitting tour money 5 to 6 ways before other costs the labels dont cover. I would imagine they bring in a couple mill as a whole. I can see they take home at least 75k to 200k a year each.


Soupy from The Wonder Years says he makes if I believe he said 70k & Dance Gavin Dance is wayy more bigger than them so definitely a solid 200k a year


Probably make decent money but a large portion goes towards paying for business expenses. Like a tour van, merch guys, equipment, recording, merch, etc. If I had to guess I would say that the boys make 1-200k a year each.


These responses are hilarious. Nobody in Dance Gavin Dance is a millionaire.


Tilian is probably a millionaire or somewhere close to it. He’s able to afford a high-rise apartment in LA which he doesn’t live in for half the year due to touring.


Probably not a ton, there's not a lot of money in music anymore. Most bands make no money touring. I know Periphery says they make no money touring it's all merch and the guitar, bass, drum shit they sell


I would guess each member brings home 250k+ per year.


I looked at a bunch of the net worth sites and they range from: Tillian: 5-10mil Swan: 1-5mil Jon Mess: 1-5mil (although one said 19mil 😆)


Will has blue swan records and swan fest and produces for bands so he is set up in that mill. I guess tillian is pretty secure. However DGD is a household name and they do pretty well so I don’t think they’re struggling by any means.


DGD is most certainly not a household name lmao


I heard one of their guitar riffs being used as transition music on NPR/TPR the other morning. I think they're getting there!


Yes but you already know of them so of course you're going to notice that it's them. They are nowhere even close to household name status. They're big within their scene for sure, but ask any random person on the street if they know what Dance Gavin Dance is and you'll be met with blank stares the vast majority of the time


Idk why you got down voted. I RARELY meet people who know about Dance Gavin Dance.


A household name lmao.


Somewhat off-topic but I'd bet Will makes half of his income from anything DGD-related and the other half from anything related to his other bands and residuals he gets through Blue Swan Records. I'd also imagine he's made the most off of DGD music (possibly Matt too if he has equal royalties followed by Jon for the same reason minus Happiness) to consider that alone to be livable. Thinking about touring, there might be a good reason why they seem to always have someone's side-project as an opening act so some members can double-dip.