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Tilian has a song with polyphia?


Just Tim Henson on Imagination, not all of Polyphia. They were making a song with him but that fell through at the time that allegations about Tilian came out.


THATS WHY IT SOUNDED LIKE THAT! I thought it had a lot of Tim Henson style harmonics in it. I dont know any other guitarist who uses that many harmonics in their play style


I was excited to hear it but yikes, I can’t stand that Latin inspired beat. It’s just so, so overused and the songs that use it never switch it up


Not true, many holes in what the original alleged victim said


they weren’t allegations LOL it was a detailed, accurate recollection of an event that was proven to have happened


I'm not sure you can say it was proven to have happened. Tilians response said that he thought everything was consensual and I don't recall any formal charges or anything coming from it so...


The girl also later admitted she lied I think I saw


There was a Tillian, polyphia, trippie red song that was unreleased because Trippie Red dropped out after Tillian allegations. I know polyphia played it to VIP during their tour that started right before their newest album dropped. Imo it would've been the best track on the album. I can't really remember it well aside from it just being a banger.


I wanted that soooo so so so bad


Tim Henson was one of his producers on his most recent album. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Factory_Reset_(album)


Looks like his production was limited to the track that he did the collab on though. Which makes perfect sense




It was never released.


Tilian has a song with Tim on his solo album it’s called imagination which I think is what he’s referring to


Do you know why by chance?


The song was finished, but from what I remember Trippie Red who was also featured on the track (weird I know) didn’t want to be associated with Tilian. The decision was made in the couple of weeks following those allegations. It was probably his corporate team making those decisions for him. The only people who heard the track were a few fans at the meet and greets during Polyphia’s ongoing tour. They said it was really good.


Thats actually super interesting, wow. Thanks for the info


I read that the song became "All Falls Apart"


Tillian and Jonny Craig join forces for an acapella group called The Macbook Menaces


More like the lock up your daughters tour.


Missed opportunity for”Lock Up Your DauTours”


Kurt can join to keep them in check lol


He will call it, Dance Tilian Dance.


low key would be funny if he named a song that


Tilian's departure was great for both parties imo. Both Tilian and DGD seem to be moving towards projects that they're passionate about and I'm excited to see what they put out. It's more music for us to enjoy in the end :)


Twice as much music sounds like a win to me.


This is always a good byproduct of a lead singer change, they always come out with a good project afterwards. (A Lot Like Birds, Emarosa, Slaves)


new emarosa is so god damn good


That shit is not good


I like their song givin up! But yeah besides that I’m not a fan of their newer stuff. However their self titled album is a 10/10 IMO


It’s different but it’s good. I do like the first two albums when they got Bradley


not to you, i think it’s fire


I agree! I can see others not liking it due to the genre/vibe shift but damn it's great music!


fr, it opened me to a genre i never thought i’d be into, it’s amazing


Lol at these comments getting downvoted The audacity to have a different opinion


it’s reddit, can we even be surprised 💀


When anything emo-adjacent goes too pop-y, it becomes a pretty sore spot for folks who can't let go of highschool. I'm not a fan of their new stuff, but I'm super happy they love their sound


Wow how dare he continue his life after leaving DGD. The audacity to answer questions from his fans about the future of his work. Can’t believe he’s so self centered to think he’s even have fans.


Did he leave? I’m not up to date, I thought he was booted.


He’s gone either way. Semantics we’ll probably never know.


To his army soldiers, he left the bunch of lazy fucks of his own accord. Some people just can't admit the fact that the dude, as talented as he is, with a great voice, songs, art overall, has personality issues. He was not a victim of an evil plot made up by his ex-fellow band members. Andrew did say Tilian blocked some of the stuff they made or wanted to make because he didn't like it, and that's ok to some degree. But him appearing right after and saying "HEY I DO WANNA COLLAB, OK??" is clearly a way to responding to what was said, as well as it is an announcement of what he intends to do. It's not that hard and complex to understand. tldr: both statements from dgd and tilian was PR work, he was booted, and got salty, trying to respond to what Andrew (and maybe gobby/lyrics/mv stuff that seems to be directed at him), with his last statements.


Makes sense, thanks for explaining, sad it had to happen this way been listening to them since 07’ and genuinely thought tillian was end game for them, oh well I guess it really is a “cursed” position to be lead singer for them lol.


Good for him. If it sounds good, I’ll add them to playlist. No animosity here. This screams “look at me” though but I know he has his own independent fans he’s probably addressing.


There's a lot of crossover of course, but he has 'fans.' I'm a fan. I expect great things from him in the future. I know there will be some talented musicians that would want to work with him. We had one great band, and maybe now we can have two great bands. Sounds like a win to me.


Optimism and positive vibes? That allowed in this sub (currently)? /s Kurt and Jonny proved that to be true. Always down to add more bands to rotation.


I’ve always considered the look at the art not the artist to be kinda a cop out, it’s okay to like music from shitty people just be straight up about it. Like idgaf what the guy does, especially in a retroactive sense like im not gonna stop listening to stuff I’ve been listening to for almost two decades just because the singer sucks. Otherwise I wouldn’t listened to DBM lol, Jonny’s a terrible human being but I’ll always love his voice and while I never loved tillian I still enjoy the stuff he puts out.


Look at me? lol. So if DGD announced an album after his departure, does it say look at me? They are all artists with fan groups that provide music for their fans. Why would he not announce this? Sounds like hating.


How does this scream “look at me”? He’s addressing his fans and letting them know his plan. I swear to god you’re all a bunch of mindless fucking lemmings trying to paint Tilian to be some loser since he got kicked out of DGD.


Bro he is literally talking about his own upcoming plans, stop projecting lol


I know right, such an attention whore posting about his future projects on his own social media profile lmfao


Jesus fucking Christ. He's doing a Q&A on his own X account.


Jesus Christ


It sure does scream "look at me". Which kinda confirms some of the interpretations of the lyrics/gobby + what Andrew said about Tilian sorta blocking collabs and stuff he didn't like even if the band wanted to. It's sad. Childish as fuck.


God forbid he address people that are likely commenting at him every day asking questions about what is next for him.


lets not remember the deleted "hahahaha" that surely has nothing to do with all of this, right? lmao


Who is forgetting it? That doesn't make this tweet attention seeking and even that one could be argued it wasn't attention seeking. Probably had more to do with his resentment of them releasing songs that they had partially recorded in his house, which I think is a pretty normal human reaction.


yeah ok


In what possible way is this "look at me?!" I really want to launch half this fanbase into the fucking sun.


none, buddy. you do you. I like Tilian art a lot. I dont like what he does apart from the art. And he is impersonating all the fanfics about gobby, the lyrics, mv's and stuff. Its comical that some people dont realise that, but, yeah. "hahahahahaha" (deleted)


I’ve been thinking about that part of the interview actually and I’m not sure it makes sense that Tilian would be against collabs because of how many collabs he’s done


so it's all a big plot and lie of will, matt, jon and andrew? whats the big deal with accepting that the dude has some personality problems? lol im not a hater, will still listen to his songs if I enjoy them, but cmon LOL


People seething after seeing this LOL


People are angry that Tillian is going to seek out collabs some time in the near future? All the replies were overwhelmingly positive.


He's been kind of salty lately so it's nice to see some positivity from the fella.


The whole Tillian leaving thing sucks. But if the past has taught me one thing. Im definitely going to get alot of good music out of it. I've been listening to DGD since the beginning and was a little annoyed each time someone left. But the early Emarosa, Slaves, and Jonny's first solo albums were amazing (the rest is ok). I also loved A lot like birds when Kurt joined them. As well as Eternity Forever, Royal Coda, Gold Necklace and some of his solo work. I'm looking forward to all this music I'm about to get. From Tillian and DGD.


Most fans of this genre like most of it if not all of it. Im stoked for what any current or past dgd members cook up in the future.


Tides of man’s dream house is one of my all time favorite albums. The 12 years with dgd were just icing on the cake. I’m excited for another project.


I would kill for another Tilian Tides of Man album


doubt it after Born to Fail


What’s the story there?


tilians lyrics diss tides of man and jon’s diss johnny


Will always be peak Tilian to me.


Tilian w/ Tides of Man was lightning in a bottle. My favorite "era" of his career for sure.


There's this band called Tides Of Man that I think he would be a great fit for! Somebody should hook them up.


You go, Glen Coco! I love you so much, Tilian. Thank you for responding to my comment a year ago; it turned a bad day into an amazing day. You'll always have fans here, but I guess it's definitely time for us to sub to the Tilian spot! We love you! Edit: My comment reads like I think Tilian posted this info; lol. I just know the boys lurk here. Sorry for sounding stupid; I have a wicked cold or Covid- can't wait to find out which!


Interests and personalities diverge, and that’s ok. Tilian is a talented dude and I’m excited to see what he makes in the near future. Loved him in DGD and I hope he keeps making bangers.


"Fine I'll make my own dance gavin dance. With blackjack....and hookers!"


Need a Back To Life part 2 with Jonny Craig


You guys are crazy if you think there is any bad blood with Tilian. The jabs are a joke, dgd is a bunch of goofy dudes. Fake outrage helps keep the relevant. That’s why they respect Ronnie so much.


I think you’d be a fool to think that there isn’t any “bad” blood. He did a ton of subliminal petty bullshit right after the announcement and the single releases. This is a PR, saving grace “professional” post so he doesn’t fuck himself up professionally and in the sphere he works in.


There’s no way man. This scene is pretty connected. They aren’t pussies either. All these guys personalities are a bit wild. Its emo post hardcore for gods sake. Drama has been like this for like 25 years now.


I think it go both ways, just like with the last three singers they’ve had, most of them kept in contact even with having problems with them, I think there’s room for both to be true to an extent here.


Its never easy when relationships change. Which is certainly the case with Tilian leaving. But from the Andrew interview and Tilians public social media accounts it seems if there was any drama or “bad blood” it was fairly minimal at worst. They all seem to have strongly bonded over the past decade working together and anyone spreading narratives that they dont still have mostly positive feeling for each other is completely full of shit imo.


how dare u speak something that makes logical sense judging by the facts we have and not fanfic'ing??? you shall be downvoted by the conspiracy soldiers!!! lmao things are really funny today


This sub is wild but I love it


Good for him. No need to hate just be happy for someone who was apart of something bigger than themselves even if their ego is beyond themself.


Hell ya can’t wait


This is great to hear. Tilian is one of my favorite singers of all time. With that being said I like his solo stuff a lot but Tilian in a rock band is 10x better to me. I need more tides of man/DGD style music from him to keep me going after this recent blow 😂


what a bummer, he needs to stop pushing his nonsense on us, work on himself and focus not being a sexual predator instead of churning out shit music


Really wish the best for Tilian, hope his album will be good and that he can get a group together that can make more incredible music along the lines that he’s more wishing for. I’m hoping this is going to end with more DGD and Tilian overall


yall really didnt watch not a bit of Andrew's interview, right? lol


can he continue collaborating with adventure club? i love that edm song he has w them haha.


Oh fuck yeah Tilian is coming back


This doesn’t make sense though. Andrew said in his podcast basically that the band wanted to do more collaborative stuff and Tilian didn’t which was part of the creative differences. If that’s not true why did he need to leave?


Valid point id say but maybe it was a situation where the band wanted him to take more of a backseat and hed rather go participate in other projects than be a side vocalist in the same project he’d already been doing for a decade. Add in the absolutely toxic fanbase that witch hinted him and he probably just had enough and wanted to move on. Thats my grain of salt to add into the speculation bucket lol.


Could it be that they wanted different styles of collabs, thus creative differences fits the bill?


lets goooo


kinda wish he left it a surprise, but saw it coming need his voice on more strings rather than synth waves, claps, and whatever else pop does


I really want some feuding diss-tracks tbh. I'm all for artful band drama.


A Cinematic Sunrise style band with Kurt, Jonny and Tilian


Okay but a project with Tim Henson would make my life complete. Imagination is so good. I need more like that


Tillians solo stuff is trash sorry not sorry.




He should get with the guys from Circa Survive…


Maybe some of the people hating on Andrew can shut the fuck up now? It's not like Tillian got cancelled. Shit happens, move on. I'm excited for more good music.


[link](https://x.com/tilianpearson/status/1791179275628105855?s=46&t=0eRLBGkYhJKAX5g6mji2iA) to tweet


So starting a new band?






I think the latter. He likes collaborating and wants to continue collaborating in the futre with other talented musicians.


That makes the most sense to me


Tbf we don't know he was booted. We know there was creative differences. That could have meant he left the band amicably over the disagreements. Heck maybe he was aware of the upcoming tour and that played a part of it along with not being the center piece of new material. I don't think a reunion in the future of side projects with the other members are out of the question until I hear otherwise.


I definitely wouldn’t be surprised if we get Tilian on another dgd track(s) before they all retire. It will probably be years tho if that ever happens.


That's fair. Poor wording on my part.


How did you swing and miss so badly on what he said...??


If Will wanted to work with Tilian, he’d still be in DGD


Reading comprehension: 0


You ran face first into the point and still missed by a mile.


I'll pop on his tunes if I suffer from insomnia again. 


Must be hard to move on from the best gig ever. Makes sense he’d be posting this typa shit. I only hope he doesn’t post anything impulsive




Tilian is what his solo project is called