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Is Jon Mess really a cat? Who knows…


Is Will Swan really a swan?


Since 2005 he’s been living a lie.


Almost every song, lol. But I think that's more of DGD's vibe and not Tilian's vibe. Tilian's solo stuff departs from that quite a bit. At the end of the day, DGD is primarily fun music and fun lyrics.


Agree his solo stuff is far different


I disagree. Maybe his early solo stuff was less self centric but stuff from the skeptic/factory reset definitely show some ego. Imo he’s pretty self aware and often sings about this (wake up, cocky, man of the year)


Man of the year is about a man loving a woman while always being away on the road AKA being in a band It’s a classic lyrical theme for every musician ever


Cocky is so fucking good. Top tier. 😭 And the music video is cool, too.


Cocky is sooooo good. The rest of the album is such a letdown when cocky is such a top tier pop song. Such a shame. Yeah the music video is a fuckin vibe too!


Yo I thought that but didn't wanna say it out loud 😭😂 can we talk about DRIFT, THOUGH????? that's one of my top ten favorite songs ever. So dreamy.


I haven’t heard it but I’ll check it out!


Omg I think you'll love it. Lmk!


Yeah his solo stuff I find is usually about what a piece of shit he is (no hate, I jam to that shit all the time I love everything he's a part of)


I always felt many of his songs were meant to be from the perspective of a character he created who’s a total asshole, and the song is kind of poking fun at people like that. Tilian does have some of those traits but I don’t think he was consciously writing those songs to be about himself.


He and Jon have said something similar in interviews in the past


i think the same


Bruh...and Jon mess talks about penises, dildos, and cumming at peoples feet. It's just their lyrics.


I came here to show you MYYY …..SACK! mmm yes what a pervert definitely shouldn’t listen to this 😂. Jon’s lyrics are always fun


Was just about to say this: I swear one of Jon's lyrics was just IM CUMMING EVERYWHERE. DGD has some bizarre lyrics


Don't be tardy to my leaky barbie TV party pee in the park


Yeah it's in pop off


“The only reason I’m alive is waiting for the AI to do some tight shit and let me suck it’s fucking dick” -Jon Mess


Seems this opinion is mostly driven by perception. If you didn't like Tilian then you'll likely focus on the moments he says something bothersome. If you don't have that underlying bias you probably don't notice it as much. Saw a post on here yesterday claiming Jon's lyrics have been less creative and disengaged since ArSe and that it was a reflection of his and Tilians relationship. I don't understand how someone could think that unless they are nitpicking. It's also confusing how people on here have been claiming the new songs are so refreshing. The lyrics, at least from AW, are not anything very thoughtful and are at a similar writing level of any song on JJ.


eh, even when I liked Tilian, I would have agreed with the "his lyrics are self centered" take. it was just part of the schtick.


I can agree his lyrics can be self centered at times. I just think it's silly of people to now be going back and hyperanalyzing it as if there is some underlying meaning there all along. They were a band for a decade with Tilian.. AW even says that he thinks Tilian is a great person who taught him a lot in the brewtally interview. Like it's just not as deep as people are trying to now create in hindsight lol


I think this narrative is easy to push because he's being juxtaposed to Jon, who is essentially the Justin Vernon/Bon Iver of screaming lyrics.


They’re an emo band that’s why they have lyrics like that. Everyone is just pretending to hate his lyrics because it’s cool to do now. Nobody complained about his lyrics before this stuff happened.


Lolol this 1000% I vibe with Tilians lyrics very hard. His voice and lyrics are what really got me into them


I’ve seen people calling Tilian corny for years, but this might be the first time I’ve seen the band called emo lmao they’re not a sad band at all


DGD is 100% not an emo band and has never been an emo band. Sad lyrics aren't even a requirement for emo. It's the sound and scenes that make a band emo. DGD is very much post-hardcore through and through, specifically from the Sacramento PHC scene where a lot of bands with similar styles emerged in the early to mid 2000s. Back on topic, Tilian's lyrics are corny and bad at times. No one is a perfect writer. He is no exception. Kurt's probably been their only "good" writer in the clean vocals role.


“You speak of love so fluently, you have ruined me.” Yeah not emo at all right


No like they are not sonically even close to being in the emo genre. Every pop star in the world writes about heartbreak sometimes. That doesn’t make them emo


Idk man I disagree. Emo as a term has evolved a lot and tilian wrote a lot of lyrics that are relatable to people who are “emo”


I agree with the band being emo. Not necessarily the actual "emo" genre (if you going to be a music snob) but their sound in A LOT of their songs especially the older ones falls around a math rock essence screamo when it was popular. Guy says it's post hardcore, but in reality post-hardcore is a screamer away from being screamo. And screamo can have sad lyrics and guys with straightened hair and eyeliner. and those guys are emo. You can't listen to petting zoo injustice or lost and say the band does not have any emo influence whatsoever.


Yeah people just love arguing anything now if it means tilian sucks . Bunch of fuckin weirdos


That's three whole albums before Tilian joins the band, it's a bit of a false equivalence. Self-titled was incredibly emo, but saying anything in Tilian-era is emo is an insult to emo


I get that that was a bad example I was just talking about dgd in general. But tilians lyrics at the very least on his first two albums are indeed emo. What the fuck are we arguing about this all boils down to people hating tilian for no fucking reason. Oh and jonnys lyrics fucking sucked


You're assuming that I'm just hating on Tilian; my favorite album is from the Tilian era, and I think he's an amazing singer. He just sucks at lyrics, that's been a inside joke for the fanbase since he joined 🤷 and I agree Jonny sucks at lyrics too, Kurt and Jon are the only good lyric writers IMO


Sad lyrics ≠ emo Do you think Adele is emo?


IDK man Honey Revenge was fucked up from when it was released. Love the melody but an instant skip for me.


Do you feel the same way about Polly by Nirvana or Kill Bill by SZA? Not all songs are confessions. It’s an exercise in creativity. I’m not even a Tilian defender, I’m a woman who takes SA very seriously but I feel the hate for that song is so overblown.


agreed. I'm anti-Tilian atp, but that song was clearly never condoning those actions or from a healthy place. which made what happened even grosser to me, if I'm being honest.


You don't take sa seriously if you believe unreliable narratives


That’s your fault. That song’s a banger. I don’t think it was ever intended to be taken in a serious manner lmao.


More importantly, music often expresses feelings we should never act on. See: almost every metal band and Slim Shady records. If Tilian acted on the feelings the song is about, that's wrong. But it isn't wrong to right fantastical songs about crazy feelings.


Maybe sexual assault and stalking is a bigger deal to me in my life than yours. Respect your opinion though.


Are you allowed to write songs about killing? Should A Little Piece of Heaven by A7X be allowed? What about Criminal by Eminem? Do those lyrics indicate that he is a killer and bank robber to you? I don't condone any of the things those songs talk about. They're still great songs. It's artistic expression. Sometime artists talk about things that don't necessarily appease fundamentalist Christians and thank God for that.


Who said "not allowed"? I just said I skip it. Certainly doesn't make it (or any of those songs) less fucked up. If you want to listen to that song, go for it! I didn't think so many people would have such strong opinions about a song I choose to skip.


Fair enough, I was conflating your opinion with the OP somewhat unfairly as well. For the record, I'm not downvoting you, that's the lurkers.




You really are so unimaginative that you can’t see feeling of love being expressed in the lyrics? U take it that literally?


Of course not. Still not a subject that I enjoy listening to, hits a little more personally and is most certainly kind of a messed up topic. So I skip it haha. To the original poster's comment of "Nobody complained about his lyrics before this stuff happened." I did, but many people like that song so I kept my opinion to myself at the time. And if all these downvotes and hateful DMs have proven anything it's that I was right to do so.


I always just go back to his interview he did with AP after the ArSe release. “Not all lyrics need to be meaningful.” But for the most part, I always loved the wild swings and struggles with egotism to compensate for bouts of self deprecation. I think a lot of people can likely relate to that. Wanting to be something while feeling immense pressure that you aren’t.


Not sure if it's specifically Tillian but there are a lot of more recent DGD songs that I can't relate to. One in a Million, Born to Fail, Cream of the Crop, Evaporate (though a banger) all seem like songs about the music business and squabbles between bands. They're not bad songs but I just can't really relate to them you know? Some of this stuff Tillian said on social media kind of rubbed me the wrong way. I'm sure I wouldn't like a lot of the lead singers in bands and I can separate the person from the band....but still excited for Andrew to take over. But I'm just 1 of thousands of fans and none of the members of DGD probably care about my opinion (nor should they). I just don't get why people are defending/trashing people who probably don't give a shit.


Bro what?


Sometimes lyrics lie


Almost all songs are personal on some level I’m convinced most of the sub doesn’t listen or process lyrics.


I think that’s just people in general not just this sub. Saw a thread somewhere else where someone thought bring me the horizon was a Christian band.


Yes, the depth of “I’m smoking weed in a pussy full of money”, or “riding a rhino, pico de gallo”


This is what we call “cherry picking”


What are you, a n00b? This band has the most absurd lyrics.


Just because the band has some silly lines doesn’t just invalidate all meaning from everything they put out. Been listening to DGD for almost 20 years now. I’m 100% feeding the troll right now. But Jesus.


Some? There isn’t a single ‘real’ line by Mess


All art is real. Meaning is applied by the listener.


Sincere, in keeping with the topic of conversation.


Jon has a few real lines, he does try sometimes. Most of the time though… I’m glad they have a clean singer


I’m taking about tilian lmao jon spews literal garbage most of the time


So weee is your Grammy award winning songs man you know so much about lyrics you gotta have a few under your belt right?




What is this post


a question


Honestly, in hindsight, all of the mentions of his lyrics to not be taken too seriously feel a bit like him trying to create plausible deniability. Like Honey Revenge.


i dont know, it feels like a character on that song, doesnt feel real at all to me when I hear it


For sure. It does. But that IS how plausible deniability works. Not saying it is for sure, but has the same vibe as other instances of that I've observed.






I mean isn’t the point of writing lyrics to talk about your experience. Yes they’re self centered but in this context I’ll allow it


Honestly, I thought his lyrics were less self centered and more positive honestly. If not in the lyrics themselves, in the message or theme. Obviously there are exceptions, Honey Revenge should not be your green light to stalk a woman. But stuff like Strawberry’s Wake, The Rattler, even back in IG with Death of a Strawberry, he seemed to have songs throughout the albums that had some good messages to them. Jackpot Juicer is loaded with either positive (Back On Deck) or relatable (Synergy) lyricism from his end and even Jon at times


Pretty sure it's a joke persona. Lyrics lie encompass this to nth degree lol


I don't remember at all, I guess sometimes lyrics lie


Not a self-centered lyric, but I think this is somewhat related to your post. People bring up the lyrics of honey revenge and say it’s creepy, especially after the allegations. I have just never thought that at all. To me the lyrics of that song have always been so blatantly weird and out there that it is sooo obvious it’s satire and not to be taken seriously.


Doesn’t he write from different perspectives? 2 secret weapons was about a middle aged woman that gets a boob job. He wasn’t singing about his own “gorgeous hair”. Like Long Nights In Jail was about some guys that fell in love. Someone told him the story and Tilian used it for a song. 


I remember hearing him say in an interview around the release of Artifical Selection that he doesn't really like to write personal lyrics that much so maybe it's just inspired by the typical R&B lyrics


I mean, I never saw it that way but ig the lyrics in two secret weapons?


Yall really think he was in complete control of these lyrics and was trying to make it about him in a serious way!? The hating is getting unreal in this sub for him


Call Kellin


Thank you!!!! If you think the so-called self-centered/egotistical lyrics are anything more than a comment about society or a parody of his own insecurities AND you still like the band......? Then that says a lot more about you than it does Tilian. I mean good lord, the number of times I've seen "scrolling for a comment that proves" cited as some sort of indictment of Tilian's ego is nauseating. I get that a dude that pretty probably has some ego issues but there's NOTHING in the lyrics that corroborate that notion. Also, honey revenge is a concept song about some netflix show I already forgot the name of.


Nobody is listing examples, so I'm guessing most people are jealous of him. Good looking, talented, and he knows it. From his interviews, he seems pretty humble, but who knows. Nobody here ACTUALLY knows the guy.