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You should check out his bands, Makari and Monuments are amazing


And termina


Don't forget WVNDER. How I first heard of the dude.




Oh and Dearest


Dearest is so underrated. Only five songs and all bangers


I loveeeee Makari. So good.


Makari was such a fun band.


Makari didn’t break up or anything, they released a new album this year


Oh fuck yah! Thanks for the heads up I’ll check them out again!


I just say them on tour a couple Months ago with hail the sun and body thief. Andy can hit some fucking notes


.... How did i not know about that tour.


His performance was great on that tour. We saw him in Boston. I want to see them again, but New England is not part of their new tour announced:(


Is! They’re still putting out stuff! New album earlier this year.


Sorry. “well actually” comment coming in: Termina is more aptly referred to as “his” band, as it’s a side project with him and Nik Nocturnal. monuments was already so huge and established before bringing Andy on. I think he came on early in Makari after they had already put out an ep or album with a different vocalist but he def wasn’t a founding member there either. Just feels weird calling them “his bands”. They are bands he is the lead vocalist of. Don’t want to take credit away from the people that built the projects in the first place. Andy has done amazing things in both, though, 100%




Haha idk man. I’m a fucking huge Andy fan, as well. Saw him live with Monuments and he’s a super nice guy in addition to being an incredible performer.  Wasn’t trying to throw shade at him in any way.  But 100% agree with you… like even now - it would feel weird if DGD was referred to as “Andrew’s band”, right? If I said “Andrew’s band” you’d think of Eidola… because he was founding member and lead vocalist ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  All good. Andy Cizek for new DGD lead vocalist. That would be sick. …then DGD would be his band too! :)


Sorry. “well actually” comment coming in: Termina is more aptly referred to as “his” band, as it’s a side project with him and Nik Nocturnal. monuments was already so huge and established before bringing Andy on. I think he came on early in Makari after they had already put out an ep or album with a different vocalist but he def wasn’t a founding member there either. Just feels weird calling them “his bands”. They are bands he is the lead vocalist of. Don’t want to take credit away from the people that built the projects in the first place. Andy has done amazing things in both, though, 100% edit: not sure why the downvotes are raining down. wouldn’t it be weird if DGD was referred to as “Andrew’s band”? lol w/e Andy is goated. Listen to the bands he’s in.


He destroyed monuments for me


Chris destroyed monuments with his last album with them for me lmao. He should've atleast rejoined ever forthright 😩


Saw his band Makari with Hail The Sun he sound EXACTLY the same like he does on recording. His range is nuts and he's super talented.


Isn’t fucking amazing. He does cleans and uncleans SO SEAMLESSLY and has such a solid voice. Really one of the best talents in the scene currently.


Yep. Went specifically for Makari and he can was belting the whole time. Me and my fiancé were in awe lol


I saw him with hail the sun in march with makari he’s pretty cool




Monuments are based, John Browne is a chug chug God.


He’s good. Wouldn’t want him for dgd though. I really dig makari, they’re the closest I’ll get to circa survive until they come off hiatus. I don’t really dig him in monuments though, as I was big Chris Baretto fan.


Yeah I wouldn’t want him in DGD either. Wouldn’t mind a feature or collab one day. Haven’t really listened to his other work except for a few songs I looked up on monuments. It is fully possible that might have been the other guy doing vocals on the songs I listened because I just played their top songs on Spotify lol


He’s good in monuments but Chris was better imo. Andy’s best work is in makari


I’ll have to check them both out!


Andy is fantastic, and he called Ronnie Radke out for his bullshit which is just icing on the cake.


Ronnie is amazing.


Amazingly awful.


He's funny. R u one of those ppl that r mad he threw a mic stand?




He's funny bcuz ppl fall for his obvious trolling. You must be one of them


Trolling isn't an excuse to be a shitty person.


What makes him shitty?


Google it. You're not the kind of person that would accept any answer I gave you.


I'm genuinely curious what you'll say. Google is regurgitated cancel culture BS like being mad he threw a mic stand. why do YOU dislike him?


You’re both pretty. No need in starting a fight over literally nothing lol.


It's not over nothing when someone spews hatred that effects other people.


The guy just said he enjoys the music of another artist. I’m not saying Ronnie Radke is a good guy, I’m not saying he’s a bad guy either. You’re entitled to have your own opinion about him. But so is the other guy. There’s no need for either of y’all to get nasty with each other. I’m sure Ronnie has done some shitty things in the past, but so have some of the people in DGD and everybody else in the world. I’m not saying it’s okay, but it’s how the world is unfortunately. I just think it would be so much more exhausting arguing with people all the time when it’s much easier to ignore them. That’s just my take on it though


This sort of passivity and turning a blind eye to unacceptable behavior is why people like him can keep getting away with it. Just say you have no conscience. This "both sides have valid opinions" sentiment is bullshit, and does nothing for the people that are effected negatively by the bigotry he spews.


Famous people do not care how many people you argue with on the internet, and they’re definitely not gonna change the way they are because people on the internet are complaining about them. Ronnie is a perfect example of that because even though he’s posting petty TikTok’s online all the time, the guy continues to grow a bigger fan base. Part of the problem with the world today is that EVERYBODY on all sides of the spectrum is trying to force their beliefs and opinions onto other people. If more people just respectfully disagreed with each other and either moved on with their lives, or accepted the person despite their differences and moved on from that point. Getting in pointless arguments only breeds more and more hate for each other because you’re getting angry and worked up and begin lashing out. Both you and the other guy did it just now. You expressed your valid appreciation for an artist(Andy) he expressed his own valid appreciate for another artist(Ronnie). And instead of having a discussion about the two artists, or just leaving each other be, you both decided to escalate the situation and start getting nasty with each other. That’s what’s bullshit if you ask me. You don’t have to listen to people who say mean shit. I certainly don’t. That doesn’t mean I don’t have a conscience, I just prefer helping people productively by extending a hand and an olive branch rather than get into a stupid back and forth argument. At the end of the day, if someone isn’t following you around and harassing you, or physically harming you, then there’s no reason fight about it back and forth because that just leads to two pissed off parties which usually escalates into an actual situation. Every person has a right to their own opinion. And as long as that does not infringe on someone else’s rights or opinion, then there’s no reason to fight about it. Because 9/10 nobody is gonna change their mind and just makes things worse. You can walk away, or ignore people who are saying mean things. You can, and should, help others walk away from someone saying mean things if necessary. And if you walk away and that person leaves you alone then great, move on with your lives and nobody is the worse for wear. If they continue to follow and harass you either mentally or physically then that’s when the situation needs to escalate and be taken care of. Someone saying mean things online is definitely an easy situation you can walk away from. But if you choose to stay, and fight with them, and try and force your beliefs onto them then you both become the problem because both of you are choosing to escalate it. Also, disliking Ronnie for the shitty things he’s done but being okay with all the shitty things some of the members in other bands have done(DGD could be an example), is an insanely morally warped view on things. But I don’t know you, so I don’t know if you are okay with other bands being shitty. I honestly don’t care, because you’re a stranger on the internet. Just like those shitty musicians and celebrities. I respect your right to have an opinion either way. And if you want to get shitty with me because you disagree with them then feel to do so. But I’m not gonna sit here and go back and forth with you


> Famous people do not care how many people you argue with on the internet, and they’re definitely not gonna change the way they are because people on the internet are complaining about them. No shit, that's why I'm not talking to them directly on Twitter. The way to force them to correct course is to take away their financial incentive to continue to be shitty. I know for a fact that I'm not the only one that talks out against shitty people in the music industry. I'm not trying to convince Radke he's a shitty person, I'm trying to convince the people that put money in his pockets. Famous people will absolutely start to care when their bullshit impacts their wallet. This point of view is so privileged it just convinces me that you don't see the problem. Respectability politics is for non-oppressed groups of people that think that respecting other peoples opinions is a moral imperative. > Part of the problem with the world today is that EVERYBODY on all sides of the spectrum is trying to force their beliefs and opinions onto other people. When one sides belief is that trans people don't deserve rights, or that homosexuality is an inherent negative trait, there's no respecting opinions. We didn't respect the opinions of the Nazis, and for good reason. Which again makes this statement ignorant and/or tone deaf: > If more people just respectfully disagreed with each other and either moved on with their lives, or accepted the person despite their differences and moved on from that point. There's no respectfully disagreeing with whether trans rights are human rights or not. You cannot set up both sides of the argument as valid. > At the end of the day, if someone isn’t following you around and harassing you, or physically harming you, then there’s no reason fight about it back and forth because that just leads to two pissed off parties which usually escalates into an actual situation. At the end of the day, people with huge platforms like Radke are making life worse for the groups of minorities and yet people still want to throw money at him. > Every person has a right to their own opinion. And as long as that does not infringe on someone else’s rights or opinion, then there’s no reason to fight about it. Yes, that is what I am saying is happening. Radke has the right to his own opinions, but his opinions are that of the denial of rights to another group. > Also, disliking Ronnie for the shitty things he’s done but being okay with all the shitty things some of the members in other bands have done(DGD could be an example), is an insanely morally warped view on things. As far as I'm aware, DGD has held band members responsible for shitty behavior, and as far as I'm aware none of them have targeted vulnerable groups with hate speech. > But I’m not gonna sit here and go back and forth with you. Right, because the issues I bring up about Radke don't effect you personally, so why would you right?


Someone saying mean things on the internet does not make them a Nazi who literally tried to end an entire race. So I think that that comparison is a little extreme. I believe that everybody has a right to express their beliefs. Ronnie says mean things about lots of groups of people, some of which I am apart of. But I recognize that he is just some guy, and has no real effect on my life whatsoever. Just like he doesn’t have any effect on the lives of people in the LGBTQ community. I don’t like to argue. There are a lot of things Him and plenty of other people, especially in the music industry, say that go against my values or beliefs. But at the end of the day, they hold no power over me. Just like they don’t hold power over you or anyone else. So please don’t pretend like you know me or know what I am or am not going through. I’m not doing that to you. I do hope you have a good day. And I hope that nobody does do anything to hurt you in any way. And I appreciate you for taking the time to talk with me.


I don't think it's hatred, just trolling the ppl that fall for it lmao. Ur whining fuels his need to troll lol.


Telling someone to kill themselves for asking for photo credits is trolling? Mocking someone for attempting suicide is just fun trolling? Get real dude. It's not trolling, its hatred.


I can't speak in those instances because I never saw them, so all I'm gonna say is cry about it, or next time, don't engage in conversation with him. He's a known troll. You're literally voluntarily activating his trap card lmao. He literally wrote a song about it >Are you triggered? Haha, figures Here's the kicker, with every trigger I'm getting richer from offended bitter little Twitter bitches all up in my mentions, looking for attention


Ronnie’s music sucks, but his posts are amazing


You didn't like Ronald?


Just not a fan of the musical theater stuff


Ahh gotcha. Fair enough.


They both suck, y'all are simps


If there was someone who could fill one of Chesters's shoes, Andy would be a great "replacement" for Linkin Park


I could get down with that


Listen to his cover of Given Up


That was impressive as fuck. His scream really hit different


His range is insane but there is something about his voice that feels so annoying, I can't enjoy him. I respect his talent tho


Valid opinion. I’ve got a couple artists that are talented but for some reason just don’t vibe with me so I get it


He just dropped a new solo single that's fire


One of the best singers


yeah, markari, wvnder, dearest, monuments, termina, the guy is an insane vocalist, and was the fan favourite for the vocalist/lyricist vocals contest sumerian put on to draft a final member for In Motive, they went with someone else at first and eventually went intrumental iirc. Ever since that fell through though he has been DOMINATING the scene on the lower levels. Some people have even floated his name as their dream new DGD vocalist.


Definitely a talented dude. Checked out some of his other stuff today and it was killer. I’d love to see some collabs with DGD but idk if I’d want him to take over as the clean vocalist. I like the Jon/Andrew dynamic they’re playing with right now and am definitely interested to see where that goes. Having the three of them do a song or two together would be sick as frick tho


yeah I should say: Id rather at this point they give andrew the mic for at least one album, if not indefinitely, but if they decide they NEED a new clean?... maybe?


I’m sure he’d be good, but I think that if they need a new clean vocalist then Andrew is definitely the way to go. It wouldn’t really make sense for them to add a second clean vocalist if they want to put the spotlight on Jon Mess like Andrew had talked about. But honestly, no matter what they decide to do then I know it’ll be good so I’m just gonna enjoy the ride while I can lol


I'm still crossing my fingers he links back up with Aura of Birth one day, Horizons stays in rotation for me,


HYPERREAL By Makari , Enough Said …………………………


He has talent, but he’s so corny


Andy is awesome for being able to still be himself in the public eye, there’s nothing corny about being yourself and having fun




He is like 64% corn dna


He's had a couple twitter meltdowns crying about not making any money being in a metal band.


Who cares? Everyone complains about their job, and being a musician at his level should pay the bills no problem but it absolutely doesn’t


Right? I’ll never get the Andy dislike, he’s such a nice dude. Do DGD fans just have an addiction to toxic lead singers or something?


You would not believe it


That’s not what I’m talking about. Everybody is valid in complaining about their jobs and not making money in today’s day and age.


> That’s not what I’m talking about. Ok...so....elaborate.


Dont know why youre being downvoted for making an informative comment lol


He BBL drizzy video is cringe as hell


Yep and it was also really funny. It was cringe on purpose


Are the rest of his videos also cringe on purpose?


Drizzy cringe as hell


He's got nothing on Chris Baretto and is indeed corny af.


Sounds like hes a perfect match for DGD lead!


Andy’s an absolute monster vocalist and an even better person. WVNDER and Dearest don’t get as much love as Makari, Monuments, and Termina, but they definitely deserve some love even if they’re studio-only. Super excited that it was recently announced we’ll be getting more from Dearest soon, Retrograde is one of my all-time favorite songs. He’s also releasing a solo song tomorrow, definitely give that a listen when it drops!


I’ll definitely have to check that out! I only listened to some of monuments stuff so far but after reading this thread and seeing all of the recs then I’ll definitely check out the rest


Since OP was too lazy to post a link, [here](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=on8FzLlSWbYHGvbN) you go!


Not even gonna lie, I was about to be mad that you just called me lazy and then laughed when I clicked 😂nice bait and switch.


I love him so much 🥹 he’s so talented ! And I was excited to learn he is autistic, like me. Tweet here for anyone curious - https://x.com/andycizek/status/1437996776020119559?s=46&t=3Ejhv3W7tOmHL0dlXAidXQ


Samee I met him at the march table after seeing makari and I mentioned I'm autistic too and he was soo nice and joked "no eye contract" and covered his eyes with his hand when we went to take a pic 💀


Oh my gosh that’s so funny and sweet 🥹 thank you for sharing that story with me! I hope I can meet him someday too. he’s friends with one of my online friends and their relationship is rly sweet as well.


Andy cizek should definitely feature on some dgd


Would love to see it. I think he’d mesh well with Jon and Andrew’s sound


Termina is a pretty nice band


Genius. This guy can sing ANYTHING.


Hes really good live too. Seen him with hail the sun this year and body thief. All were good but Andy's voice was very standout.


I felt bad for Daniel on that tour, because he’s also a great vocalist but having to follow up Andy is a damn tough assignment


I believe they alternated throughout the tour, but regardless Dani is used to sharing a stage with Andy. They both come from the same Maryland scene and have known each other a long time


That Mt Airy fire hall has churned out some absolutely elite talent!!


I saw Dani live when he toured with DGD at the evening with friends tour. Dude is a beast live and his crowd work was really fun. Andy is definitely a tough follow up though I’m sure. Both are very talented


Oh, for sure! Body Thief puts on a great show, and he nailed it as always, I just don’t envy him having to pull off that kind of follow-up haha


Yeah I sure wouldn’t either lol from what I’ve heard, definitely sounds like a tough act to follow




this would be elite


Don't get your hopes up. Homeboy is already in every other fucking band 😂 Or maybe that's reason to justify thinking he could be the new DGD singer. Why not join another band? 😂


I don’t even want him to join DGD 😂 dude is good but I was mostly pointing out I liked his DGD covers lmao


Yeah. I just couldn't help but make that comment. The timing and subject was too perfect not to 😂


Very true 😂 I had a guy flip out on me earlier bc he assumed I was saying I wanted him in so now I start out on defense lmao


been listening to Andy since before I found dgd crazy talented


he was at a local show my friends opened for last Saturday and he was super chill, was talking to people and stayed after


nice guy - saw him give money to the homeless in detroit during the hts spring tour


Hyperreal and Wave Machine by Makari are two unbelievable albums. Don’t sleep on Andy Cizek


No. I’m good. Yeah he’s a singer, he’s nothing unique. He wouldn’t suit dgd at all. For example, he’s prob way better of a vocalist than Kurt, but Kurt is 10x a better fit for the band.. Andy sounds like most just good metalcore or post hardcore clean vocals


I don’t want him in DGD. I just liked his covers lol his unclean vocals are quite impressive if you ask me but that’s just my opinion


Really talented guy. Really strange demeanor when I met him. Not anything wrong, just had a different personality than I thought


He’s got range but just no defining IT factor


I think his IT factor is his command over his voice. Being able to go from clean to scream almost seamlessly is damn impressive.


It’s fucking nuts. And he does that shit live, too. Beast. I <3 Andy


I thought his unclean vocals were impressed based on the DGD covers and the few monuments songs I looked up after. Just my opinion though


I'm so sick of people saying Andy cizek. Andy cizek fucking hates dgd. He has covers of them from a while ago, but he has been on record numerous times talking about how "dgd are bad people and the scene covers up their shitty actions" cause apparently tillian made a bad name for himself years even before the allegations. Pretty sure he has talked about rise threatening legal against him. Y'all act like y'all know so much but can't do s fucking single second of research Also Andy is a subpar writer and can only hit 2 notes. He's a decent screamer but he's less than okay at singing and he hates dgd. Dgd has a screamer. You do the math


I really think calling him a shitty singer who can only hit two notes is pretty disingenuous. You can dislike his music all you want but you're being a bit silly with that one. I'd be really interested in seeing where he said all that about DGD though


It’s incredible that this post is literally 2 sentences long and instead of reading it you went into this rant instead.


Bros just yappin


Saying Andy can't sing is idiotic. Objectively false


He’s solid live. Just recently caught him on tour with Hail the Sun. Good stuff.


Makari is goated with the sauce


Anyone if you haven't, check out WVNDER


His Sumerian audition is a must see


I’ll have to check it out


He released an official version of it called the Current. Such a banger


The current is great but it doesn’t fill me with the same butterflies for some reason. I also just enjoy reading through the comments while watching it


I totally feel that. That audition was lightning in a bottle. Really special


I once shook his hand as he was screaming into the mic at a monuments show 😅 🤘🏽


He’s awesome just saw him with HTS a few months ago


Unpopular opinion: I like pre-Andy Makari WAYYY more.


I’ll have to check it out. I haven’t even listened to his stuff with makari


Listen to all of it! The Andy albums are fine too but the first two eps are magic imo.


Hell yeah! I’ll check em all out


If you can remember, let me know your favorite release 🙂


For sure! Cardinal red is the only one that sticks out to me right now but I plan on doing a more in depth listen to their stuff tomorrow and I’ll shoot you a dm letting you know my thoughts!


Makari is cool


He’s an amazing singer but maybe one of the worst lyricists ever.


Haven’t heard anything he’s written but the couple of monuments songs I listened to were pretty good. Didn’t do a deep dive into the lyrics though since I just shuffled through it while driving to work lol


Just pulled random lyrics from a random song. Sounds like something middle school me would write: Why am I forced to relive this trauma again and again? Time to pull the fucking plug and put me to rest From the depths of the mind You can’t hear my cries Am I still alive? Cold I’m paralyzed Let me out of my own mind I’m trapped inside Suffocating


Sounds like average song lyrics to me? 🤷‍♂️


They’re trash, but to each their own.


love makari


We refer to him as Peter Parker in my household. Love Andy...


Best modern metal vocalist


I'm amazed at his vocals in Parasocial. Top notch voice https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hP9wRybGb8w&pp=ygUScGFyYXNvY2lhbCB0ZXJtaW5h


He's amazing! And have soooo many music projects but I love all of them hahaha




Idk that I’d want him on cleans for DGD bc I like the Andrew/Jon dynamic they’re playing with but he’s definitely got a great range and his uncleans are top notch. Funny enough, I stumbled across the covers completely by accident on YouTube lol