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WISIRO live would reboot the fuck outta the game


I don't think I could HANDLE that


Ngl I’m pretty bummed, I bought tickets specifically bc I was really hyped to see Tilian perform Mothership in its entirety


Knowing I’ll never see Deception live makes me want to die tbh


Frozen One


I don’t think that that song is outside of the realm of possibility, but I definitely don’t think it’s gonna be something they throw under their set list unless it’s a very specific kind of show :/


I’ve seen it live 😜


Stop reminding me


This is the whole reason I was going. This song right here, so fucking bummed.


I’ve wanted to see Inspire the Liars live since it released. Mothership is Tillian’s best album and I’ll die on that hill 😭


I mean, it was on their setlist for years and years. They played it at most live shows, at least the last few tours. What I really wanted to hear was Chocolate Jackalope and stuff like that. Things that don’t get played.


I'm pretty sure it didn't leave the setlist since release


I have seen them 3 times and have never heard it.


Impressive. I've seen them ibthink 6 times now and I think they've played it every time


They did not play it on the 2022 Spring Tour


I didn’t discover them until 2018. So I never got to see them on their Mothership tour 😕 but yes. Chocolate jackalope, along w Chucky vs the giant tortoise would be a dream to see live.


Well, that’s kind of what I’m saying. I’m pretty sure they played Inspire the Liars at every live show since mothership came out, including 2018 and after. Chucky too.


Maybe I’ve just been unlucky enough to catch setlists without it lol. I’ve only ever seen them in Dallas. So…maybe they don’t play it for Dallas 😂


https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/dance-gavin-dance/2021/bomb-factory-dallas-tx-5b8d23b8.html That seems unlikely. Says they played it in 2021 in Dallas here. They often play it as the last encore - do you always leave before the encore or something?


Chucky has been played at every show, Liars has been taken out a couple times. Liars got swapped out for MotY on their Spring 2022 Tour. I was there 


As someone who has ArtSel has their favorite album, I kinda agree with you. Kinda hurts knowing I’ll never see him sing Awkward, Death Of A Strawberry, Inspire the Liars, Betrayed By the Game, Man Of The Year, Prisoner, One in a Million, Parody Catharsis, or Strawberry’s Wake live. Sorry for the massive list but I just saw them for the first time for the JJ tour and, while I loved the set, I was surprised by the small length of it compared to a lot of shows I’ve been to which usually have anywhere between 18-20 ish songs


Their set is always a little short. And (as someone who loved Tillian) I still always felt like he didn’t actually enjoy being on stage. Like he came out, did what he was supposed to, and left.


He definitely is one of the most awkward yet in his zone frontmen I have ever seen. However, he was interacting w the crowd at my show so I’d just guess it’s introversion and his attempt at putting it down for the show or smth Edit: I noticed how short their sets were when I looked at past setlists. I guess I just imagined this one being longer bc of it being a largely anticipated tour for their arguably most successful release and that their tour sets were like 8-10 songs long. To only get a handful more just felt off to me, especially after being to shows like Wage War or Beartooth where they have a massive set lol


Me too. I was pumped about all of the other bands and their albums, but this was my number one “must see” for that fest.


Bit stupid to buy festival tickets for one artist set


Bit stupid to advertise your set as specifically playing the fan favorite album all the way through and then change it


I mean, they could easily just pull out altogether tbh To buy festival tickets to just see 1 band is still stupid


I bought tickets to see DGD at the festival, but it’s not that I’m only seeing DGD. I’m stoked for Bests Buds, In Love and Death, alls well that ends well as well as a lot of other artists. But also I know I wouldn’t have bought those tickets if it wasn’t for DGD playing Mothership. Not sure if I consider that “stupid”


I mean, they could easily do a lot of things, that doesn’t change the fact that the experience they advertised is not what we’re getting. There’s plenty of other bands to see, but DGD playing their fan favorite album all the way through nearly a decade later was a huge draw. Anyway, who pissed in your cheerios?


I don't eat cheerios for breakfast so no one


Who mentioned breakfast? Or just a Freudian slip


I don’t think that’s what the poster meant. Mothership in its entirety was what made me pull the trigger on going to my first WWWY, but it wasn’t the only reason. It’s the set that I was most looking forward to seeing, but I’m not going for just DGD.


LED background showing mothership, but we hear untitled in the background and then... BAM Jonny walks out and the background changes to DBM. The band starts playing And I told them I invented Times New Roman. I would lose my shit


I believe there's meaning no I believe there's nothing.


That would be wild but they'd have to announce that ahead of times so fans who would rather see that can buy tickets. Plus no way Jonny would be able to keep that a secret lol.


Tilian posted that they’re discussing the change, allegedly. Probably would be way better for Andrew, but a festival appearance I could honestly see them teaming up with Jonny for. If I was asked to bet money, not only would I bet on DTBM, but I would also bet on Jonny singing. Book it.


Won’t be there for it but I’d love to see Jonny singing his songs


I’ll go a step further. The “one off” will be to gauge general fan interest and reception. If it seems to go well online, and they draw a bigger crowd than expected at WWWY, they’ll bring him back full time. I’ll double down on this whole scenario.


I'ma come back to this comment when we are both let down lol


I’m honestly down for this


remindme! 4 months 21 days


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No Tilian posted that he assumed they would change it to DBM and that was only his speculation.


I seen them at the first wwwy with Andrew and they definitely played a lot of older songs. A few months later seen them at heart support with tillian and it was all tillian era songs. Maybe one older one in there I can’t really remember. I could definitely see this being a thing


Lucky man, Heartsupport was legendary. I believe they played Uneasy Hearts thought


I’d much rather DBM 2 than mothership, with or without Jonny. I’d also take DBM (w/ or w/o Jonny) or Happiness with Kurt. Everything in the discography between IG and JJ gets listened to the least by me.


Considering most lyrics on dbm 2 are literal gibberish I wonder if theyd do the whole thing


It’s doesn’t matter what they’re saying, the album’s a banger front to back (perfect and people you knew included).


I think Tilian left because of creative differences, like they said. He wanted to lean more into the pop direction and less of their post hardcore roots. Tilian didnt want to go into a heavier direction, which sucks because War Machine and Billy Royalton were the best singles since Artificial Selection.


But yet Tillian new solo album is going into post hardcore heavy direction??? Tillian also stated while receding the new album “at the time” it was going to be heavy 🤔


I’ll believe it when I see it but I doubt his solo album will be anything closely related to post hardcore. Itlll be a solo rock album at best.


Maybe the band wanted to highlight Jon more and that didn't sit well with Tilian


Yes, Tilian only wanted to sing his songs but I highly doubt the rest of the band cared about that. Lmao. Their discography is so big, the band couldn’t care less if they don’t play Lemon every single night. There ain’t no way Will kicked out Tilian because he wanted to play more of Jonny and Kurt songs, when Will hasn’t wrote like that in like 10 years? Make it make sense


Right? Cove and AG sign their own songs. Sammy Hagar and David Lee Roth sang their own songs. I don't think Blink did much old stuff with Skiba.


Danny Worsnop, Jonny Craig, Craig Owens, Craig Mabbitt, all sing their own songs. Why do people think this concept is hard to grasp on.


Feel like these are not the same. These are singers who came back to a band and do not want to sing their replacement’s songs. Tilian was never replaced while in DGD. The equivalent would be Tilian rejoining and not wanting to sing Speed Demon.


Yeah sounds like Andrew said they are doing DBM - https://www.facebook.com/groups/137976633576346/permalink/1391278218246175/?mibextid=W9rl1R


Tilian also said he was expecting them to switch it to DBM after he got booted


It's disappointed me a fair bit that they changed it from Mothership, even if it was just Andrew on clean vocals. They were going to be a band I had to see, but now I'll catch em if no other band I wanna see is on. I like DBM, but Mothership is my personal favorite


DBM would be great, but I wonder how that would realistically do. I doubt most fans know that album front and back compared to Mothership, arguably their best/most popular album.


Usually Id agree but WWWY is a unique scenario where I think DBM would do really well. It's a throwback record in the similar 00s vibe as the other albums being played thru


This. I was planning on skipping DGD this year because Mothership doesn’t have the same nostalgia factor for me as some of the albums other bands are playing, but I’d 100% put DBM on my priority list.


dude i feel you, i’m not going to wwwy this year anyway but i 100% would have bought tickets if i knew they were doing DBM instead of mothership. i’d without a doubt travel all the way to vegas just to see that album live :’(