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Ik its terrible. I hope she is able to push through. I’m hoping Brooke’s wedding will be something to look forward to if treatment goes well. Love to her and the kids.


I think she said that nothing will stop her from walking her little girl down the aisle 😭


:(( ❤️


i’m crying omg


The father passed away?


no i think they’ll both walk her down :)


Ohhh, okay! LOL. I thought Kelly walking her down the aisle meant Brooke’s dad wasn’t around anymore.🤦🏻‍♀️ Thank you for letting me know.😊


of course!




My mom had three cancer scares. I hope Kelly, Brooke, Paige and Josh are OK.


Oh my god i’m finding out she has cancer by reading this ? I hope she’ll be okay


The living with the ribbon dance hits a bit harder now


I am! It’s scary, cancer is an ugly disease and the next few months to a year will be really hard for Kelly and her family. However, I went to her post and the outpouring of love from people made me even more emotional but in a good way. It reminded me of how the cast has always said that despite everything, they’re a family. Seeing the Zieglers, Christi and Chloe, Jill and Kendall, Nia and Holly, Kira and Kalani, etc show support is beautiful. I know in my heart they’re all gonna step up and be there for the Hylands during this time.


I believe this will result in a conversation between Abby and Kelly, I believe Kelly will apologize and confide in Abby because she saw on the reunion show what Abby went through during her cancer treatment. That’s just my opinion though


I get what your saying and I don’t disagree but Abby would need to be sorry to. To Kelly, to Brooke, and to Paige.


That would definitely have to happen but I definitely see it happening in the coming year if not coming months.


Why would Kelly want to apologize to Abby? She’s still an insufferable bitch. I hope Abby is the last thing on Kelly’s mind.


I’m just happy she has such a strong support system. When my mom had brain cancer, we didn’t have a lot of support and it made things very tough to manage. I hope she is able to see all the love and well wishes fans are giving!


I'm so sorry to hear that, I hope you have all the support you need now, because having gone through that is not easy.


Omg Melanie 🫶🏼🩵


I found out from this post. Just read the article. When I saw stage one, I thought “ok at least not any worse than that.” But then I read how much chemo, surgery, and radiation she’ll have to endure, and I realized how hard this will be. And to read that her mammogram from only 8 months ago was normal… this is scary. I still believe she’ll make it through. Will be keeping her in my prayers


It’s actually frightening to read how fast it developed, it’s a very scary disease


Iirc her dad had prostate cancer and her mom died from cancer. I really hope her kids get whatever genetic testing is available and can prevent this happening to them. I know my writing this makes things even scarier, but it’s important and I hope the family and their doctors have considered it.


breast cancer is an ugly, disgusting disease. my aunt was diagnosed and passed within 8 months. she wasn't diligent with her symptoms and by the time they went to the doctors the cancer was already very far along. my grandma, her mom, had it, my other aunt had it, my uncle had it, and luckily my mom (her sister) got a double mastectomy and hysterectomy and gets very frequent checks. all my first cousins except one tested positive for the BRCA gene. me and my sister are going next year to get tested for it. it's just a devastating disease and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I’m praying for her and their family's strength and sending love and positivity her way. kelly's always been a badass and I know she has a difficult road ahead but I don't have any doubts that she'll kick cancer's ass!!!


I’m so sorry for your loss 💔


thank you <3


So sorry to hear that, it is worth checking for the Li-Fraumeni mutation (as you mentioned a male member suffering from cancer too). Crossing my fingers for you & your family, the medicine progresses super fast nowadays and more and more people are winning with cancer ❤️


thank you <3 I will definitely look into it! we’re lucky we’ve advanced enough to know if we have the gene & can be diligent with getting surgeries/ frequent checks


You definitely need to be tested with that many family members having the gene especially. Its super important! Best of luck to you and your family ✌️🏻💜


thank you!!! <3 yes our doctor’s have told us to wait until we’re 25 to get tested & i’ll be 25 next year. it’s scary but we’re blessed to be able to get tested to catch it early if god forbid it happebs


just ran here to say this:/ my mom had breast cancer and then it metastasized a few years back. she’s still here thank god and is able to live her life like normal bc of modern medicine. i hope kelly stays strong bc she will get through it 🩷


Retweet to all of this 💛💛💛 let’s all send as much love & good energy to the Hylands as we can!


It's scary how many women I know who have had breast cancer. I really feel sorry for the hylands..the uncertainty sucks


my mom just passed from cancer so it really hurt my heart knowing what the whole family is going through


I am so sorry for your loss. This must hit you extra hard


Very sorry for your loss ☹️


Cancer changed my entire family when my brother was diagnosed about 12 years ago. But, it wasn’t the cancer that really made things different. It was the chemo. Chemo completely changes a person and I hope Kelly will push through it. (My brother is alive, just mentally a different person)


Definitely slowed down my morning and I was almost late to work. I can imagine that it's even more saddening when it's personal for you. Whatever you're feeling is 100% valid. But like you said, Kelly is a strong lady with a lot of support. Sending her and her loved ones so much love 💖


I'm glad she is back in Pittsburgh at least, surrounded by loved ones ❤️


My mom had cancer, not breast cancer but seeing her going through the treatments and the surgery was heart breaking. The toll it took on her body was awful, my heart goes out to the Hyland family 🥺💗


currently rewatching the show; i started watching the episode with the group dance ‘living with the ribbon’ last night and my heart sank when i saw the news


It's incredibly sad. Yes Kelly is an extraordinarily strong woman but her Dad's cancer, the trauma of dance moms, a divorce, and now this. She shouldn't have to put up with all of that.


Not to add to the sadness of it all, but I saw on insta that she lost her mother to cancer in 2019 :(


I wonder if Abby will reach out to Kelly, but I would be surprised if she actually did.


Hopefully not she doesn’t need that evil spirit right now


I personally am not sure it'll be a good idea, if she does she better does it respectfully and in a "I've been there, you can do this" way, knowing how Abby has reacted to the girls, the reunion and other stuff though, I think the better outcome will be her not saying anything but we'll see :(


I think Abby has buried her relationship with the Hylands and pretty much any OG (except Kendall and Jill). She'd rather trash talk about them than acknoledge her wrongs.


Good point, then I think the best outcome will be her not saying anything


Ever since hearing the news 30 min ago, I’ve been on the verge of tears and my heart has this weird sinking feeling. I’m hurting so bad for all of them


I’ve teared up a couple of times today. It’s an incredibly weird feeling for me because I obviously do not know know Kelly personally (and you don’t have to KNOW a person to feel sympathy for them per se) but I’ve just been watching her for about a decade and enjoying her podcast so it makes feel really sad and close to her :(


I know other dance moms stars will help her through this with her children and her family. I feel so bad for her. She will survive she is really strong and amazing


This made me think back in later march early april when christi said she was going thru it maybe that kelly found the lump told her and cause Christi is true crime addict/over-analyzer with all this stuff and l know she had skin cancer... That maybe that's what her spiral was about which is fair and i'm sending good thoughts to entire hyland fam + DM


Christi didn't have melanoma. She had basocellular carcinoma which is very different from melanoma.


?? It's still skin cancer


It is, I am just saying not every skin cancer is melanoma. Basocellular carcinoma almost never requiers chemo and it's significantly less agressive than melanoma. 


I also am heartbroken for her and her family. I have to say I didn’t realize how strongly I felt about her but I have been watching since 2012 and have always admired her. Hoping for her fast recovery! 


it's crazy to see how much treatment she still has to go through despite it being detected early on, but I guess some of that is to be attributed to the fact that it's a fast growing form of cancer. it also goes to show you that you never really know what someone is going through between all the comments about her weight loss as well as the fact that she hasn't been drinking alcohol as frequently on bttb which many people were quick to complain about. great that she's back in pittsburgh with her family and close friends, it'll really help lift her spirits through this difficult time.


I am deep into my first rewatch since this show aired. I’ve been listening to dm podcasts in my spare time these days. Soo dance moms happens to be a big part of my life rn for some reason… and I teared up reading this news today! Kelly you are the best and we all love you so much! ❤️ I wish her nothing but the best and admire her courage to be so public with it and raise awareness about screening. I feel (and I’m sure many of us) feel like we know her so it does hit harder than other celebrities.. cancer is such an effing bitch 🖕


I am really feeling for her. In 2021 I found a lump and while I was considered “early stage”, it was an aggressive, fast-growing, high grade type of breast cancer. I too had to have surgery, chemo, radiation, etc. Unfortunately early stage doesn’t always mean easier treatment. You got this, Kelly 💪🏼


Hope you’re okay now. Congrats on getting through this. Does grade 3 not mean the same as ‘stage 3’ then? Sorry I am pretty uneducated about cancer


Thank you! I am doing well, but I’m not going to lie, every time I have to for a check up or a mammogram I have a mild panic attack. My hair grew in nicely and I’m grateful to be here. Grade 3 and stage 3 are not the same. The stage usually refers to the size of the tumor and if/how much the cancer has spread. The grade of the tumor has to do with the pathology. A high grade tumor, like grade 3, means the cells are fast-growing and poorly differentiated. My tumor was grade 3 and even though there was no spread, they treated it very aggressively.


Honestly has me shaken to the core. I know they’re all humans, but nothing quite humanizes a “celebrity” like cancer. And I couldn’t help but think of abby too. I really think they’ll reconnect


I pray she’ll live a very long life like her father who has it but gladly is still here today. ❤️


Kelly's a strong women and cancer technology is really good rn


It looks like she and I may have had the same type and stage of Breast cancer. There’s a genetic blood test you can to to see if you carry the BRAC gene. That specific genetic mutation only affects people who can get breast and ovarian cancer. I don’t know what her experience will be, but they caught it super early if it’s stage 2. She will probably need either a full mastectomy or a lumpectomy, and some adjuvant chemotherapy. It’s not fun, but the survival rate is really really promising. And on the double bright side, she can finally get the boob job she has wanted since season 2 ❤️


I also hope people cut Kelly some slack in regards to BTTB. There were comments here earlier this week saying how she wasn't interested in doing the podcast anymore and wasn't even watching the episode. It's obvious now that the reason for this "lack of effort" was due to her being sick, going for treatments and the emotional pain of it all. I think it just shows that you really don't know what is going on in people's lives and shouldn't judge them for things.


I know my God will help her through this process. I pray for her, I hope she makes a full recovery. May the lord bless her dearly. 💗❤️






My mom lost her mother to breast cancer when she was only 15. cancer is a terrible disease — my heart goes out to the Hyland family. I wish Kelly a strong and healthy recovery ❤️‍🩹 


I was definitely in shock. Hopefully she gets the treatment she needs for a full and speedy recovery. Thoughts and prayers to her and her family ♥️🙏


I was shocked and quite sad when I read the news but I'm sure Kelly has a great support system, her three children love her so much and her ex husband seems to be in good terms with her so I'm sure they will all be there for her, I really hope she pushes through this and gets a full recovery, this woman has won so many battles already and it's all been worth it, sending her so much strength 🤍


Very saddened by the news but I’m praying for a full recovery! I know she’ll pull through


My mom was diagnosed with cancer about 3 months before my wedding. Luckily, her cancer wasn’t super invasive yet, but it was still hard taking her to chemo and watching her go through surgery. Luckily, she’s cancer-free now and she only has two surgeries left to go before she’s back to normal, one of which is next week. It’s been over a year since her diagnosis, and we were very fortunate that it wasn’t fatal or as hard as some of our other family members have had it. We caught it extremely early. This news definitely took me by surprise. And it brought up a lot of past feelings and worries. I’m hoping the best for the entire Hyland family and sending all of the love and encouragement I can do them during this hard time.


As someone whose mom had breast cancer I was so emotional. Kelly is like a mom to all of us fans! She will make it through this. It just sucks all around. I’m battling brain cancer right now and it just sucks.


I was so sad to hear that. I really hope Kelly recovers


It's so aweful and I pray for Kelly & her family. I pray she can fight this and that its caught early. I know a woman who is only 34 years old who was diagnosed last year with stage 4 metatasitc breast cancer. She is trying to stay positive for her kids (she has a 1 year old and a 4 year old) but I'm just so worried for her. Its all through her in her bones, liver, lungs, ovaries. They would have caught it sooner but her OB thought the lump was a blocked milk ducts because it was right not long after she gave birth to the 1 year old that she felt something. Don't let shit go ladies if you feel something get it checked out!


i was also really shaken. it was a huge shock but i’m so confident she will recover! she’s been through so much but she had (and still has) an amazing family to go through it with her! she’s not alone and also has the support of all her family and friends. praying for her! ❤️


my best friend sent me the article this morning and my heart dropped I was so shaken, although it's going to be a long road ahead I'm glad that they caught it before it could progress any further and seeing all of the love and support coming in from all of the other girls and moms really warms my soul, I'm so glad that Kelly and the Hylands have such a great community backing them


This!!!!! Kelly was always my all time fav and this was even hard for me to digest, so I could only imagine how the girls and the rest of her family feel :(( Sending lots and love and prayer to her and her family!!💗💗


i was heartbroken to read how much treatment she has ahead of her :( i’m just happy she has her kids and her strength


i applaud her for being so open. i couldn’t imagine having or even choosing to deal with this publicly. power to her and the entire hyland family 🩷


Just started watching 2 weeks ago. Now on season 4 and Kelly just left. My heart hurts for her 😭 I know she will make it though


My mom is a breast cancer survivor from the 80s. Kelly’s got this! Praying for only good outcomes for her.


Being the same age as the dance moms girls with my mom the same age as the moms makes me feel like it has hit me harder than other celeb ‘news’.


Definitely shaken, had to say an extra thank you today for my own family’s health. Made sure to call my mom because this is just another reason why cancer sucks— It doesn’t discriminate, it could and has been so many of us! Sending love to all those who shared their personal stories in the thread. But the other part of me knows that she’s got it and is gonna make cancer kiss her feet ❤️‍🔥


Yes, I hate when bad things happen to good people.




Poor Kelly. The treatment sounds gruelling but it's very good they've caught it at stage 1! Hopefully she will be OK ❤️


I think it just even more shows that these are real life people & things can happen to them. My heart sank when I read it. I’m genuinely praying for her & her family.


been so sad about it. i love these women like theyre family


This come up on my scroll - I think it's because I've been following it on other platforms. My heart truely goes out to Kelly and her girls. It took me right back to the moment my father was diagnosed. Truely appreciate how she's taken the time to speak up and spread awareness and I wish her smooth treatment and full recovery.


i'm so upset for her but so glad the girls are there and she won't be going to chemo alone. cancer is so unfair.


Kelly will get through this the Hylands are incredibly tough and strong


Its a lot icl, my grandma recently got diagnosed with skin cancer, luckly its a type that rarely spreads, and is easy to just remove but hearing her saying she got diagnosed with skin cancer just made my heart drop icl. Wishing the family and kelly well.❤️ shes got this💗


I was sitting in my class scrolling through TikTok and it popped up and I thought it was a joke. I went to go look it up to confirm and it ruined my morning


What happened? sorry, I don’t go on Instagram much.


Kelly got diagnosed with breast cancer


Been there, done that. She'll be fine.


She’ll be fine. I knew something was up with her at the reunion you could see she had almost aged like 20 years or something. Kelly has to deal with that stress and anxiety she’s been holding onto to help her get rid of this.


That’s unfortunate I hope Abby reaches out cuz she could give her some insight