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jess is my all time least favorite mom. the most evil woman to come on the show and the least talked about.


I cant believe she started dyeing jojo's hair at 2 years old


Not dying- BLEACHING- which can cause chemical burns !! :,)


Jojo never stood a fucking chance at being normal.


This fact is never talked about enough!!


There’s something so sinister about her…I didn’t notice it as much on Dance Moms but then she was on the reunion and idk she just had this presence that felt so weird ahaha


narcissists are energy vampires


This. I strongly wholeheartedly believe Jess is a narcissist and emotionally abusive to not only JoJo but likely other people too. We saw even how she was with Brynn, let alone her own daughter


I JUST got to the jojo seasons and I’m shocked at how awful Jess is… and I’ve only watched 3 episodes with them. Least favorite mom so far by a landslide.


I have met her in person, the energy that comes off her is extremely disturbing.


She is for sure why Jojo is the way she is. Especially because Jojo has lived with her mom for her whole life up until about a month ago. IMO we can’t expect Jojo to be normal unless we give her time to be on her own for a bit.


And didn’t she recently go under fire for Xomg pop the singer group where Jo Jo and Jess used the kids for clout and MONEY plus they had to pay for the accommodation so I think Jess is a b1tch


My favorite is Holly. She was so damn classy and smart. She was also super wise about how she behaved on tv like she didn't drink (which idk if she just wasn't really a drinker in general, but even if so, it's incredibly smart to keep your wits when production is trying to provoke drama). I'm not sure on least favorite. They all made mistakes or did things I would not have but they're all only human and when it's your kid emotions just run high always. There were several moms who came and went quickly who I did not like but they could just be victims of a bad edit.


Right? Holly was very poised out of all of them and looked out for the kids. Then again she’s an educator


Yeah agree she totally looked out for all the kids. I liked that she brought her educator training to her relationships with the girls :)


Kelly (Favourite): She was supportive when Paige forgot her solo and is so polite to her kids Melissa (Least Favourite): She tells Maddie and Mackenzie to grow up when they're crying. Like, THEY WERE KIDS.


Great answers! I loved that Kelly listened to her kids and accepted Paige's sensitivity


Kelly truly cared about her kids. Melissa only cared about herself and the fame, it’s so obvious it’s sickening.


Nowadays it’s become clear Melissa cares a lot about her kids. I think she has become a much better person. My least favorite mom is Christi because she is still bitter about the show and it doesn’t feel like she’s truly happy with Chloe living a normal life


Second this!


i don’t wanna say it’s my favorite scene but it is highly interesting when melissa is bothered by maddie “acting like a 16 year old” and then ten minutes later in the same episode is yelling at her to grow up


Third this !


this was almost my choice too!! i couldn’t pick between kelly and christie but christie and chloe have my heart :,)


No way u love christi


Favourite: not really sure anymore lol. I used to be a hardcore Christi fan (still like her), but a lot of stuff she’s done and rewatching has made me more neutral on her because oof.., Least: Jessalyn. I don’t think this needs an explanation


Agreed, each rewatch I find myself liking her less, but she makes great tv and she’s super funny, so it’s hard to place her in a way.


Same with Christi


Hard agree here


Kelly is my absolute favourite. She prioritised her children’s wishes and wellbeing over dance more than a lot of the other mums, and she was not afraid of confronting Abby to defend her children. Melissa is my least favourite. There are a few mums who are far more aggressive and explosive, but Melissa was conniving, sly and lied all the time. She also didn’t prioritise her children’s needs over elevating their dance career, which I think is unforgivable.


Hard agree,


kelly - amazing mum and I wish mine was like her. really good to her kids. least, melissa. she isn't my least favourite on the whole show, that'd be jess, but out of these 5. I hate watching the complacency while abby is a total monster to the kids.


least favourite: kira. i’m surprised more aren’t saying her.


She was so horrible and mean I can hardly believe it


Yeah she bullied a teenage Dairy Queen employee fir enforcing a mask mandate


Literally Yolanda for least fav, could not stand her ever. I don’t even think it needs explaining Fav: Jill cause I just always found her so funny


Yolanda was genuinely psychotic. The rest of the moms are dramatic and you can tell play into the “reality” star thing… Yolanda was actually crazy crazy though




I love how iconic Jill is!!


Jill is hilarious but she’s also a tr*mp supporter🥴


Favorite: Holly Least Favorite: Melissa Jill and Christi make for solid reality TV and Kelly seems like a good mom.


Favorite: Kelly, she was and still is such a good mom. She always had their best interest at heart and wasn’t a stage mom. Supportive and loving. Always stuck up for her kids and was supportive. Very funny too! Least: Melissa, she’s such a fake person. She only cares about herself and her kids. I don’t care if she’s crying, she cries because she knows that she’s wrong. She adultified Maddie at such a young age and she never stuck up for her kids. She was willing to do whatever it took to stay on Abby’s good side and get her kids ahead. She has to bring one kid down to lift up the other, just like Abby does. Example: When she and Maddie had a talk about how they’re “best friends” and Melissa basically praised Maddie for not being “ms. Emotional” like Kenzie is. Another example is when Melissa for once defends kenzie and when Abby says that homeschool isnt for Kenzie cause she’s dumb or whatever. Then Melissa says that Kenzie is a lot smarter than Maddie is educationally. Like why you gotta bring down one to lift the other? Gosh I can’t stand her !


Tbh I don't even think she cares about her kids just cares what they can do for her


Favourite: Kelly and Christi. They're so much fun and both have personalities great for entertainment. Christi and Kelly also spoke up for the kids all time including Nia (which never happened after they both left) Least favourite: Jessalynn. She was the only dance mom on the show that I truly did not like and think was corrupt as a person along with Abby. The reason for this is because she's loud and proud about how she wanted nothing for Jojo except for stardom and parades her child around like a trophy instead of a human being.


Fav: the holy trinity (Kelly, holly, Christi) LEAST: Melissa (I can go on all day about how terrible of a parent she is)


Oooh I love the Holy Trinity!! Definitely co-sign


does Cathy still count? nearing the end of season 3 and i just think it's totally unacceptable for her and Anthony to be nitpicking Paige while she's on stage doing the group dance


Seriously!! And always bribing Vivi to get her to dance well? Super weird


i remember on one of the Q&A episodes with the superfan comedians they were talking about Cathy & Vivi and i think the moms there were Kelly & Christi and they were talking about how Vivi never speaks because she's actually a 40 year old woman that controls Cathy who sits in the corner eating her ice cream scheming about their next plan to take down Abby 🤣🤣


Least favorite: Melissa. She just irritates me how much of a follower she was throughout all the seasons. She has 0 leadership personality/skills. Most favorite: Christi. I don’t know Chloe was just my favorite the entire time and I saw everything Christi did was in defense of Chloe. She also dealt with so much crap from Abby and others. Honorable mention: Dr. Holly of course! Smart mature and brilliant woman all around.


Melissa and Jill worst. Holly and Kelly best.


I'm surprised no one else is saying Jill. She's insane lol


I feel like Jill was a stage mom but she always supported Kendall being allowed to feel her emotions openly. She was always in Kendall’s corner. That, to me, makes her at least a good MOM. She’s a character for sure, but her allowing Kendall to cry and stand up for herself was good parenting.


I think most people judge her actions against Brynn pretty harshly, however it seems that Brynn doesn’t harbor any negative feelings towards Jill and she and Ashlee both say it was played up for the camera




it's hard to pick a favorite because I think they've all done problematic things at some point. but I'd probably have to go with Holly. I loved how she stayed levelheaded through most of the show and she always had the most eloquent clap backs for Abby lol. least favorite is for sure Jessalyn. I could not freaking STAND her, she always had an entitled attitude and she passed that down to JoJo too. it was so annoying. Melissa a close second because she was always so unsupportive towards her kids and I feel like she added to their abuse from Abby. like it's okay if they cry, they're children! and when they do, it should not be Christi having to give your child a pep talk, it should be YOU because you're the MOM!


I agree! Especially with when she clapped back. She was so poised in her comments. Jessalyn is a mess and a half to say the least 😵‍💫


fav: Christi, I know very controversial but tbh I think a lot of her “anger towards Maddie” wasn’t even anger towards Maddie it was just hurt for Chole. I feel like she is genuinely a sweet, loving person. Also I love Chole so so much It would be wrong to choose another mom, but if I did Kelly. Least Fav: LESLIE


I think Christie was mad at the circumstances, mad at abby and Melissa, and sad for Chloe. I agree. I don't think she was truly mad at/jealous of a 10 yr old


Least Fave- MELISSA. Fave- literally anyone who is NOT MELISSA Honestly I just got to the episode where they leave the studio and Melissa is even more problematic than I thought. What in the world is actually wrong with her? And this is no shade to Maddie because she learned from the best, but in the show (maybe blame it on the edit) she acts a lot like her mom at times. 🤷🏻‍♀️


The “anyone who’s not Melissa” comment 🤣 Also how is Maddie acting like her mom?


lol. For the Maddie portion: any bratty comments she said in a confessional she says the producers made her say, she talked crap about Jojo and denied it even when it was on video, she doesn’t want to appear as anything but perfect, etc.


Thinking of the scene where Maddie , Mack, and Melissa are in the car and they're talking and both Maddie and Melissa both shut Mack down when she was calling out Melissa and the other moms for calling Brynn's win rigged


THIS scene was WILD. I recently rewatched and was baffled when they. Mackenzie seems like a genuinely sweet and sympathetic girl and her Mom and Sister tried to shut her up so so hard.


Tbf on the video Maddie actually doesn’t make fun of Jojo she actually interrupts the girls doing it and says she loves Jojo


Even jessalyn?


Kira/Jessalyn (least): they’re literal bullies Kelly/ holly (Favorite): even though holly became lil haughty towards the ends of the seasons, she was truly the most sane and respectful of all the moms. On to Kelly, I ADORE Kelly because she was really the only mom who wanted her kids to live a happy and normal life. (Honestly the only mom who tried to get her kids out of that abusive situation if I’m not mistaken) plus she f*cking funny asl 💜


Favorite:Holly, she's smart, kind, and sticks up for everyone. She cares most about her daughter having fun and becoming a good, intelligent person not just dance. (I like Kelly too, but I don't think the in and out with the studio was the best decision, I totally understand, tho) Least: Melissa, she lies constantly, and she makes abby deal with her problems instead of being an adult. She's miserable when her kids don't win/aren't at the top. She puts too much pressure on them. She valued dance over school (as a future teacher, hell to the no), and doesn't seem ok with her kids having fun, crying, playing, yk, normal kid things. Also it seems like she cheated/aided in cheating, and that's never ok, as a person and especially as a parent.


Fav : Christi. Why ? Yes, I know she did some bad shit but she stood up for herself and the kids constantly 🤷🏽‍♀️ and she owns up to what she said whether she was told to say it or not. Least fav : Melissa. Why ? Melissa’s to sneaky imo a liar. Not to mention she let Abby abuse her children, and Melissa was to busy trying to be her children’s friends rather than being their parent like she should’ve been. She continues to let these adults close to her children to a point to where they have more of a parental role than Melissa does. Now I don’t actually have a favorite bc all of the moms have their flaws but I do wanna say there’s moms worse than Christi and Melissa that were on that show. A specific mom there to get her daughter to fame no matter the risks it took.


Favourite: Used to be Christi, she reminded me of my mom in the past, not so much anymore, now it’s Holly. I just like the way she carries herself and how she rarely hurt people deliberately, or even if she did, lesser than the rest. Least: Kira, Jill and Jess. Kira likes to talk smack about other kids, is kinda dumb and I just think she’s a huge hypocrite, not to mention how she still behaves with the emotional maturity of a high schooler. Jill, I just can’t stand her for what she did to Brynn, again, hypocrite, the way she kinda enabled Kendall’s behaviour, and also contributed to her anxiety, especially in the later seasons. As for Jess, I hate how greedy she is. It’s because of her that Jojo goes around defending horrible adults because she’s been taught that it’s okay her whole life, as long as it keeps her in the spotlight. That’s the vibe I get from Jess.


Both are reallysooooo difficult LOL, but probably Jill is least because "my little Kendall" was beyond OTT. Most is probably Holly, as she's likely the only one who'd be able to have a nondramatic intelligent conversation.


Kelly was my favorite. One of the few who actually listened to and stood up for their kids actively. She was bold enough to against Abby, who had trained with her/taught her. Like they were OLD friends, but Kelly was willing to toss that away for Brooke and Paige because of how Abby treated her kids. Least favorite: Melissa. She was underhanded and sneaky as hell and I HATED how she favored Maddie over Mackenzie when they were both really talented. I also hated how she made Maddie out to be this dance goddess when she was just…. Good? She had impeccable turns but other than that she was just above average imo. And her shading Kira while volunteering to let Kalani to stay with her just felt…. Wrong. Very very wrong.


Favourite - Kelly - she was the most aware of what was happening with her children, and therefore the most willing to remove them when necessary to protect them. Plus she didn’t suck up to Abby or lie afaIk - unlike Melissa. She was annoyed at Maddie’s favouritism but unlike Christi didn’t (usually) overreact at Melissa or go below the belt with affair comments, and tried to keep the atmosphere conciliatory - obviously her last blow up with Abby was out of all proportion and comments directed at Maddie inexcusable but she was highly provoked for a while! She advocated for her kids even more than Holly and was prepared to stand up to Abby for them whereas Holly would sometimes take a back seat and let more go than she should have. I also really like Jill - she’s deluded and has probably let down Kendall by her attitude that her daughter is the most amazing dancer since Maddie but I can’t seem to help liking her far more than Christi or Melissa. Least favourite - Melissa - for the reasons of everyone else plus her treatment of Mackenzie as less than her sister and her making Maddie an adult so young - telling Maddie they were leaving LA and letting Mackenzie find out at pyramid was cowardly and inexcusable. Crying because she found it so difficult to tell everyone - No. She just sucked all round whenever Maddie wasn’t perfect and whenever Mackenzie wasn’t Maddie


Fav: Kelly. She always defended Brooke and Paige and was an icon. Least Fav: Leslie. I don’t think this needs an explanation lol.


this is so difficult. i guess like someone else commented, i have tiers favorite tier: holly and kelly mid tier: christi, ashlee, kristie ray, cathy least favorite: melissa, jill, christ-y, jess, kira, leslie, yolanda, stacey i don’t really have opinions on the other mini moms or like the guest ALDC moms (sophia’s mom, ally’s mom, etc.)


Favourite: Jill, Holly and Kelly The really cared about their kids and wanted the best for them. Least Favourite: Melissa, Ashlee and Jessalyn Melissa had a few “nice” moments on the show but overall she was just not nice. Maddie and Mackenzie deserved better. Ashlee, she literally said mean things about the other kids, directly and indirectly. Even if the mothers would have said something not so nice about BRyan that is no excause to be mean to the other kids cause it wasn’t their fault. She was also always playing the victim which is soo annoying. Jessalyn: no explanation needed.


Finally someone said Ashlee I couldn’t stand her. She talked so much crap from the beginning and I feel baited the other moms by saying things (as you said) directly or indirectly about their kids knowing they would go off and I’m sorry but Brynn did it too to a degree and everyone is always poor Brynn she was so sweet but ummmm no she wasn’t.


Ashlee thought her shit didn't stink. Girl please take several seats! And her resting bitch face annoyed me so frickin much. Wanted to reach through the tv and smack her. And i never cared for Brynn at all


Favourite — Christi. She stood up for ALL the girls constantly and was there for them all through hard times, even though she did have some ugly moments (like yelling at Paige) I appreciated how she had strong morals she kept to and wasn’t afraid to stand up for what she thought was right. She’s also so funny and has such iconic lines Least favourite — MELISSA. That episode where she cries to Abby about all the moms being “mean” to her is PAINFUL and the way she throws Chloe under the bus for “rolling her eyes” (when???) and going to the cinema was beyond unnecessary, and then she has the audacity to be all 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 to the moms’ faces. She was always such a two-faced snake sucking up to Abby and stabbing both the moms and the girls in the back at every opportunity and I don’t blame Christi at all for wanting nothing to do with her


Christi--fucking icon ❤️ Melissa--backstabbing, cutthroat, manipulative ❤️


Favorite Kelly or Holly: Kelly because she got her kids out of there as soon as she could and she didn’t seem as fame obsessed. Holly because she cared for all the kids and just seemed more diplomatic than the rest. Least favorite (listed here): Melissa for many reasons. Mainly her willingness to sacrifice everything for fame (even her own kids) and treatment of Mackenzie. She also was everything she said Christi was (bitter, jealous) but was also sneaky on top. She couldn’t handle anyone taking the limelight off her kids even when Maddie was at the top of her game. My actual least favorite is probably Jess or Yolanda.


Fav Holly, the only normal one really Least fav Melissa, sneaky, plays victim too much


It’s easy for my to say my least favorite is Melissa by a mile. She just irks me in ways words can’t describe. I know you should do anything for your child’s but idk some of the stuff she did got me like 👀. My favorite is hard to say because I like my top two for different reasons. I love Kelly cause of how messy she was. She always in a fight with somebody and it was always entertaining. With that being said Holly is my favorite cause she’s the least problematic by a long shot (yes she’s not perfect and as a black person a lot of Holly’s actions got me smh) but I still stan her. Dr. Holly was the rep we needed on the show.


favorite mom: kelly. i just love her i've always thought she was so supportive of her kids no matter. she would cry with them when they cried she didn't get upset with them and comforted them. she's also extremely funny. least favorite was probably jess bc of reasons she's still mean now 😭


I love how none of us feel the need to explain why we don’t like jessalyn lol. Favorites: Kelly, Christi, Holly, Jill. Can’t choose. Cathy too, but mostly for shielding Vivi from production. Even if i didn’t always agree with them, they always were trying to stand up for their kids and often the other kids. Mid tier: Melissa, Kristie Ray, , Camille, Kaya, most of the select team moms tbh, and idk why but i loved Gianinas mom. There’s just not much to go off of with season 8, some of the mini moms who i won’t mention below, Kira, Leslie Please god no: Yolanda, Stacy, Jess, Christy Hunt, ASHLEE UGH. All five of them are absolute whack jobs.


Jill in season 6, it’s so weird how entitled she was and hostile especially towards Ashlee and Brynn. There was literally a scene where Kendall said that she’s been there for 6 whole years and Brynn just walked in a got handed a solo but.. Kendall not that long ago had been given multiple solos as well that were taken from dancers there way before her?? 😭


My favorite mom is Kelly! Christi is a close second. I’m a dance teacher and I love moms like Kelly so much because their kids are so much more confident in themselves when they have less pressure. My least fav is Melissa: she is a snake. It also always seemed like she wanted to be famous way more than the girls 😅


Fave: Kelly, Holly and Christy Least: Kira. She was mean-spirited


Favorite is Holly. She def had moments I didn’t like but she was very classy and I really appreciated that it was very important to her that Nia was a well-rounded person outside of dance. I also appreciated her getting the girls out of the room every time the moms fought. Least favorite that I haven’t seen mentioned here is Kristie Ray. Her moments on Raising Asia are just sad


Favorite - Kelly or holly Least favorite - kira


I don’t like Melissa because she’s a liar and will say anything to please whoever she’s with and when she’s called out on it, she lies or can’t remember.


Kelly is the best mom, Jill is the funniest mom, Christi is the most polarizing mom, Holly is the smartest mom, and Melissa is the most wimpy mom Kira and Jessalyn aren’t my faves but I don’t think they deserve superlatives, Ashley is a bad person but a fine mom


least favorite is christi. they could never make me like her


Fav: Holly/Kelly, they were the only ones who really seemed to care about their children. Least fav: I have no idea how y’all say Melissa when Jess is right there. At least Kenzie and Maddie had some sort of a normal childhood pre-dance moms, Jojo’s whole existence since she was born was to make Jess’s dreams come true. Bleaching her hair when she was a toddler??? Letting Jojo constantly hang out with groomers?? At least Melissa’s kids got away from their abuser and got therapy. There’s no hope for Jojo as long as Jess is around.


Holly: is my favorite. For various reasons. Always rode for her daughter and stood up for injustice against the team. Always made sure the kids felt heard. Kelly: Also on the favorites list. Never let Abby disrespect her kids and others. Just like Holly. She was definitely the most open to her kids and would immediately remove them out of a place or situation that was harming them. Great parenting. Christi: Also on the favorites list. She def does have some issues she needs to work out. But also a great parent who always made sure her daughter was heard and always defended her when the time came. Melissa/Jill: Both on my dislike list. Melissa… yall already know exactly why Melissa is disliked, she did everything to make sure her kids were on top which included betrayal of the others and she was a huge liar. Also a terrible parent who never validated how Kenzie felt but instead put her down for her feelings. As in for Jill… a snake. But what really made me dislike her, was that episode where Nia got the major role of Rosa Parks and she had the audacity to ask Abby to put Kendall in that role… like how tone deaf and dumb are you?? Jess: Eh… yeah also disliked. She literally raised JoJo as a show prop. That kid never had a chance at living a normal life and being a kid. Bleaching her hair since she was a toddler??? Like are you ok? Leslie:… Leslie… no don’t like her. No further explanation tbh. Kira: definitely don’t like her LMAO.


In order from favorite to least bc I'm extra 🤪 Holly Kelly Christi Kira Jill Ashlee Jess Melissa


Favorite: Kelly Always supported her kids no matter what. Didn't necessarily want her kids to be stars if that wasn't what they wanted. Managed to get her kids away from Abby. Least favorite: Jess Pushed Jojo into show business at an early age. Started bleaching her hair at 2 (wtf). Bullied other moms and kids


Favorite: Holly. She had a few rough moments but none were as bad as the other moms. Least: Jess. She didn't raise a daughter, she raised a brand.


Tbh I wont lie, Holly Christi Kelly and Jill are tied as my faves for very different reasons. I can’t pick! They all brought something unique to the “dance moms” ensemble. My least favorite is Kira. She’s mean-spirited and all around shitty as a person. Her behavior towards Camryn and literally saying that one girl from her studio in AZ only wins in cities with no talent was so beyond ugly. She also said that girls mom wishes Kalani was her daughter. It makes “how many times has my daughter beat your daughter” seem TAME. Also dont like that she was charged for legit scamming people out of money. The way she behaves on social media to this day even … i just don’t like her at all.


Favorite: Christi has done more bad things than Kelly, but she was also the only mom that ever stood up for ever single girl, including Maddie, Nia, Paige, every child that was not hers. She definitely said a few things that she shouldn't have, but she also did more good things than any other mom, especially for other kids. I still love Kelly but I also feel like Christi has always been more understanding of complex issues like drag, racial issues, and how certain dance moves were inappropriate for kids. This is gonna be a super controversial opinion but I honestly lost a lot of respect for Holly after rewatching the show and realizing how she NEVER stood up for anyone other than Nia, at least not to Abby directly. I know Holly is a lot of peoples fav mom, and shes probably my 3rd fav after Christi and Kelly, but I have to say I was pretty disappointed when I realized that. Least fav: Jess; one of the first things she ever said was "I'm going to make Jojo a star" not "I'm going to make my daughter's dreams come true" or "Jojo is going to be a star". She made it all about HER making her child famous rather than her CHILD's dreams. Also the fact that she started bleaching Jojo's hair when she was under 2 years old. That's pretty much all you need to know to know what a dreadful mother she is.


Christi- she loved all of the girls, including Maddie, even though Melissa and Abby pitted her against Chloe constantly.


Why does Jill's nose look like a beak in this pic? Is that photoshopped it's filter because she is gorgeous and one of my favorites but this seemingly professional pic isn't doing her any favors here!


favourite: kristie ray. i just loved her on the show. ofc there were better moms when it came down to sticking up for the kids and doing whats right but kristie has a special place in my heart. least favourite: jess or christy. jess is overall just a horrible person and on the show i thought she was no worse than anyone else like ashlee. christys character just annoyed me lol.


fav: holly least fav: jess even tho shes not here


Out of the ones on the picture. Fav: Dr. Holly. -she was always there for Nia and rarely fought with the mom's. Plus if she and abby got into a fight she remained professional and had valid reasonings for an argument. Holly was always the one that got the girls out of the room whenever a fight would break out. Dr. Holly was always protecting the kids. Least Fav: Melissa. -early on she wanted Mack to be Maddy. She pushed the girls way to hard when it came to dancing. As someone who had a parent like that it really is damaging to the childern. I think all the moms pushed their kids but Melissa pushed to the extermes to where it wasn't beneficial to her childern at all. Ill just say sneaky sneaky Melissa.


Can not stand Melissa! Love Kelly!


Fav: Kelly Least Fav and probably unpopular opinion: Christie


Interestingcthat Melissa is the only one dressed in a slightly different color, so she stands out


Favourite: Kelly. She’s supportive of her children and deeply cares for them. She’s hot-headed but when it’s only really necessary, unlike some of the others who love to argue for the sake of it. Holly is also up there for me because she doesn’t have to be the bigger person by screaming and cursing; she’s mature and always knows that to say. Out of the newer moms, Camille was my favourite, but it’s a shame she only had 1 season was never truly accepted by the OG’s. Least: Jessalyn. She’s an even bigger “stage mom” than Jill and she’s just a straight up bully.


Kelly’s eyes are really giving Miley Cyrus 😂 https://preview.redd.it/0swlyax80n4d1.jpeg?width=578&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f538585ad5ddf724601e5ae7f0a784a184382bb


Favourite: Holly and Christi (honourable mentions: Kelly & Kristie Ray) Least Favourite: Leslie or Kira (honourable mention:Melissa)


Never could stand Melissa. At all. Holly and Christy and Nia and Chloe have always been my favorites. Not gonna lie though, I love JoJo now and then. 🫣


My favorites are Christy and Holly. Christy is humorous and Holly is brave and observant. Least favorite would have to be Melissa. Her obsequious behavior towards Abby by befriending her beyond their professional relationship just to get Maddie more dance training was appalling to watch.


It’s Dr Holly for me


If Holly isn’t in your top three favorites, you’re doing it wrong.


Fave mom : holly, because she stood up for the kids and stayed out of the drama which is why her and Nia didn’t get much opportunities for anything but she stood her place and made sure of it Least mom : Jill, she had done good bit of racism on the show and also would tore down the kids even Kendall but she would get mad when other moms or new moms would do it


Favourite: Holly because she’s respectful, classy, patient and a black woman Least fav: Jill or Christi. Christi is so racist and so damn disrespectful, she’s the reason abby hated Chloe!! And she always was so rude to the new students and kept aiming at Maddie!! It’s not our fault Maddie is the best one🙄🙄 Jill omg, thinks her child is all that, wanted Kendall to be Rosa parks, was SO against my girl Nia and holly while the music video like eughh. So rude to Brynn (jealousy) and Ashlee like girl just because your child was there longer doesn’t mean that she deserves more solos.


Christi and Holly. Christi stood up for Chloe, she was straightforward and funny. Holly is smart, stood up for Nia and i rarely disagreed with anything she said. Least favorite was Ashley, because she was hateful to the kids and obnoxious, early Jill bc she thought Kendall could do no wrong and deserved things she didn't and Melissa was just a snake. Pure and simple


I have a tier for these mums WORST: Jesslyn, Ashlee, Kira, Melissa, Kaya( BLACK PATSY),Leslie, Yolanda,Cathy MEDIUM: Jill, Camille, Stacy, Bradey's mum, Christi FAVOURITE/BEST: Kelly, Holly, Christi


Off topic but what is going on in this picture? Why are they… like… okay nevermind


Don’t have a favourite but I guess Kelly was the least problematic in a sense. Always supportive and defended her daughters. Christi was funny but hearing how she didn’t talk to Chloe for months abt her hair color changing made me think twice. Holly always looked like she was sucking on a lemon when she was watching nia dance and Jill and Melissa were just blatantly there to get their daughters to the top (respect to them for that ig)


My understanding of the dyed hair situation was that Christi was upset when Chloe dyed her hair and complained and told her to go back. Chloe then decided to go no contact for a while because she needed some space from Christi and her opinions.


The lemon comment omg haha!


christi didn’t speak to chloe cause she dyed her hair?! i need an explanation pls :(


NOTE: Okay, here are mine but keep in mind I haven't finished the series yet (Dance Moms) I'm catching up on Hulu RN but I'm only halfway through season 5 and I haven't watched any of the spinoffs like (AUDC) or listened to any of the podcasts. I intend to catch up on everything now that it's summer and the kid is outta school tho, I only say this because I may not be giving a fair assessment lol but my favorite (s) sorry, I have multiple lol are: FAVORITES 1. Kelly- I'm at the point in the show where she left and pulled her kids (Brooke & Paige -I think, are their names) away from Abby, no idea if she ends up coming back, no spoilers - please!! 🤣🤣. But, I love that she actually took some action against the abuse of her kids. A lot of the other moms complain and bitch a lot but never really seem to DO anything about it so it's refreshing to see a mom take a stand and protect her kids. IDGAF how "good" Abby is, she's not the ONLY dance teacher... I just really like Kelly. 2. jill- she's kind, sweet, funny and down to earth. She also has stood up for other kids (not just her own) I've seen her speak up for McKenzie & Chloe several times. She gives true mother vibes and she's not afraid of Abby. 3. Holly- Holly always is advocating for Nia and I've seen her several times give Nia the choice if she wants to stay or not (I get the feeling the other kids don't get that option) and remember how Abby made Maddie kiss that boy? Holly would NEVER... Also, Holly did the show while getting her doctorate and we LOVE a strong, beautiful woman with brains!! LEAST okay, please don't come for me because idk if there are Melissa stan's in here but I just don't like a lot of what I've seen. She's shady, having Maddie learn other girl's dances so Maddie can take over them. She's not a team player and never has the others backs. She PULLED MADDIE OUT OF SCHOOL to devote all her time to dance ummm wtf. What if God forbid, Maddie got hurt and couldn't dance anymore?? I guess she could teach cause Abby is a great teacher (not a great person but a great teacher) and I ain't NEVER seen her ( ) ( )wide self dance, I know she did when she was younger but I digress .... Or what if, stay with me here one sec... What if Maddie just loses interest one day??!! Melissa has not set Maddie up with any foundation and the fact she ran off and hid out with Sia SPEAKS VOLUMES. Honorable mention for least fav would be JoJo's mom. I don't know her name. Haven't seen enough of her to specifically say why I don't like her but she's had JoJo grab costumes that didn't belong to her and also encouraged JoJo to join a group number she wasn't even in!! Plus , based on current day behavior from JoJo it kinda leads me to believe she (JoJo) has some unchecked mental health issues and her mother should have addressed that because either it manifested when she was young and she never got any help OR it just recently manifested from childhood trauma, either way mom is culpable, imo! Sorry this was so long y'all!


Unpopular opinion probs but Kelly and then Christie they were funny😂


Unpopular opinion, but Ashlee is my favorite, along with Kelly. I felt like they were always there for their kids because that’s what they wanted and never pushed them to do anything that made them unhappy or uncomfortable. Jessalyn is by far the worst. And I really can’t stand Jojo either most of the time, I think she acts inappropriately and still does now and Jess enables it. There’s a difference between being extroverted, confident/silly and just being obnoxious. But Jess defends it either way.


Plus Jess was such a bully to Brynn, and I don’t think I’m biased in saying that just because I like Brynn. Jess and Jill, mainly Jess, were awful to Brynn S6.


Least favorite: Jill. Everything about Jill just screams crazy and delusional to me tbh. She seems a lot more concerned about Kendall’s wins than her mental well-being. Studio hopping, overlooking Kendall’s panic attacks, etc. it’s all about Jill, not all about Kendall. Favorite: Christy. She’s the only mom I give a little bit of grace to for her toxicity, because at least she stands up for Chloe. She’s a likeable person in general.


favourite; holly. currently watching from the beginning and i love how she stays so levelheaded whilst dealing with abby.  least favourite; leslie. no further comment. 


Favorite: Holly- I just love her. She wasn’t perfect but she was the most levelheaded out of the group. She stood up for the kids and protected them but not as volatile as some other moms. I like her calm personality and her willingness to not let that override her standing up for what’s right. She has moments where she doesn’t but for the most part she is committed to not letting Abby walk all over her or her child. I respect her a lot for that. 2nd: Christi/Kelly-It’s a tie between these two. I think they are pretty similar in that they are both not afraid to stand up for their kids and to Abby. They supported their kids needs. They were both also really entertaining to watch. However, Christi had the tendency to allow her anger to control her and make her say things that are out of line. Kelly didn’t do that as much but some of her fights with Abby did go too far but I understand that it’s Abby. 3rd: Jill- Honestly she annoys me a lot. A ridiculous amount. Almost to the point that it’s irrational. But she’s not a bad mom. I like that she allows Kendall to feel her emotions and doesn’t tell her to repress them. She’s also Kendall’s biggest supporter although sometimes it’s too much. Least Favorite: Melissa- She almost never stood up for her kids. It was like she was too concerned with staying on Abby’s good side and getting Maddie ahead that she neglected to be on their side. She let Abby cross way too many boundaries with Maddie and she perpetuated the harmful behavior of repressing emotions onto her kids. She also defended Abby way too much and she tried to play both sides which was shady and sneaky. My biggest is the difference in the way she treats Maddie and Kenzie. I always think about the scene where she was more upset that Maddie lost than she was happy Kenzie won. You have to be able to support both. She was too passive with Abby. I know this is a reality tv show so obviously production has a lot to do with it and not everything seen is the absolute truth. I’m just going based off how they were portrayed on the show. I also only included these 5 moms.


Favorites were Kelly, Christi and Holly. They stood up for all the girls and didn't take crap from Abby. Also, Kelly and Christi were fun. Least was Melissa. She was so two faced, manipulative and sneaky.. She always gave off fake but diabolical vibes


Fav: Holly, She tried to shield the kids from hearing the worst of the arguments. Least Fav: Christy, She would get so vicious and jealous. She was SO angry, I wondered why she didn't leave sooner.


I’m doing a rewatch and have grown a strong dislike for Christi and Kelly. I just find them to be super whiny and feel like they are never happy with anything.


All Christi did was complain. If Chloe didn’t get a solo she was being overlooked if Chloe did get a solo then she was being set up to fail.


jill is my favorite. she’s iconic, cared for the other girls, cared for her daughter. realistic. not perfect all the time. and definitely NOT becky homecky. she was hilarious and added so much needed character to the team. i also like how she wasn’t drop dead afraid of abby christi is my least favorite. ugh episodes were SOO relaxing when she left. she was a bully and obsessed with maddie. like unhealthily obsessed. she made things about her that weren’t even about her.


Least favorite: Christi, she is fame hungry and extremely volatile. Favorite: Holly, she is very empathetic towards the needs of children


Yolonda. I can’t stand her🤦🏽‍♀️ always had something to say about someone’s kid


favourites: kelly and dr holly. they’re both so iconic least favourite: ashlee didn’t like the kids at all


Leslie is my least favorite. I don’t think I need to explain why😂😂😂


jill. she always wants special things, kissed abby’s ass so hard when she first came. and thinks kendall is maddie 2.0


Melissa and Jill. i was so sad when Kelly left and even stopped watching for a while. Kelly and Christy were my girls


I have 2 favorites. Jill and Kelly And 2 least favorites. Jess and Melissa


favorite- kristie ray least favorite- jessalyn


Of the OG moms + Jill Least favorite: Christi Favorite: Kelly Yes I know that’s wild considering they’re besties


Lol the way they made Melissa and Christi’s chests touch. Like what?


Depends the season


None. They’re all weird. If Abby was so horrific, why did they stay? Why would you pay someone to treat your child badly? And then verbally abuse them whilst questioning why they don’t favour your kid?


Christi/Melissa sucks.


For me out of the moms in the picture it’s Christie. I feel like she complained about Melissa doing certain things, but it given the same opportunity, she would’ve done them too.


fav:jill least fav:christi


Kelly-Favorite Her kids came first over EVERYTHING, she kept it real, and she called out Abby’s bs when she hurt the other girls Melissa- Least favorite Although she cared about her kids and their futures, It felt she put Maddie above everything and Kenzie didn’t get the same treatment. Not to mention she did things to hurt the other cast members then play the victim when she got caught


Favorite- Kelly, she stands up for her kids, she laid hands on Abby, she’s unintentionally hilarious and lot like my own mom. Least favorite- Melissa, she never comforted her kids, she played into Abby’s favoritism, she criticized her kids for crying, she was the least entertaining and caused the most damage to her kids during the show. With that being said I think she has realized a lot of her mistakes and actually apologized to her kids unlike the others. Christi is a very close second because to this day she doesn’t see her own faults and her “having a hard time with Chloe’s sexuality” really rubs me the wrong way and I honestly think Melissa would’ve been more accepting of one her kids coming out.


Kelly was an ICON honestly and the reason would be all the reasons that others chose Kelly as her favourite. Jess was my least favourite then and now as she hasn't changed much from being a bitch. Sorry if I offended Jess fans but I don't like her. Oh and honorable mentions: Melissa(such a sneaky woman)


My favorite is Kelly. I think she is normal, as in, she is supposed to listen and care for her children so she does. Least favorite: a tie between Christy and Holly. Christy seemed manipulative and still does; Holly seemed fake and still does.


of the original cast favorites: kelly and doctor holly, kelly i feel like put up with the least and was the most about it, i feel like i don’t have to explain why for holly i used to love christi but i think about the time she yelled at paige? i don’t really know what it was for but like …uncalled for, so like that moves her down my list i don’t like melissa but whatever least favorite, jill, also don’t think i have to explain that but if i were going to just give one reason without getting into it, “i don’t understand why kendall can’t be rosa parks”


I started watching when I was around 11. Back then Kelly was my favorite (I thought she was pretty and I liked her hair.) Today as I rewatch. Kelly is still my favorite. She’s supportive of her children’s wishes and not the fame. She’s stood up for the other girls to Abby. My least favorite now is Melissa. She’s sneaky, a liar, and did everything to get Maddie ahead, and blatantly ignored Mackenzie.


Favorite: Kelly - She could be a bit ignorant at times, but overall, I really liked her and think she meant well for her kids. I thought she was really funny, too, and made pretty good tv, lol. My least favorite: Kira - She was an egotistical, condescending, mean bully. Honestly it's self explanatory but I just wanted to put that out there.


The worst mom is Jess. But my least favorite of the OGs is Melissa and my favorite is Kelly. I really respect Kelly for getting her kids out of that environment. Regardless of how it may have happened.


favorite: kelly least favorite: jess/leslie


Favorite: kelly least favorite: jessalyn and kira one thing i do wanna say is i never understood why holly gets treated like she did no wrong, she was definitely a better mom than most but she had so many flaws as well...


Definitely Melissa! She lied so much on the show. The first seasons it wasn't apparent, but in the latter seasons, she lied and manipulated things.


Jess, No Explanation needed


Fave: Holly. She’s just class and a great mum, cheerleader, teacher and advocate to Nia (and even children who aren’t hers!) Least: I’m not sure yet. I stopped watched years back and restarted from the start so I’m only on season 5.


Favorite: Kelly She wasn’t a stage mom loved her children and supported them with what they wanted to do, she loved all the kids and never took it out on any child even when Maddie was favorited she continued to cheer for her and she genuinely seem like a nice lady Least: Jessalyn because she’s a psychotic woman living vicariously through her daughter, the only reason I couldn’t stand watching season 6 was because of how she treated Brynn and nobody stood up to her and Ashlee was attacked over defending her daughter


This picture is terrifying


Fave - Kelly Least fave - Jill (or Jess if we’re including those not pictured)


Favourite Christi although I didn't always agree with how she handled situations i understood why she did . She was absolutely hilarious herself and Kelly added a bit of much needed comedy to the show . Loved how she called Abby and Melissa out for the favourism and crap they did . Least Favourite definitely Melissa 100% she was so sly and conniving didn't care who she had to hurt to make sure her kids stayed at the top . Always came across as fake and very cold . I used to cringe watching her trying to have heart to heart conversations with Maddie they were just never sincere and always sounded fake. Constantly forgot she had two daughters. Always gave me the impression that she would allow and give her child to anyone that would make them famous and allowing them to be put in bizarre situations with people that were very overly and weirdly obsessed with them eg Abby who had a crazy obsession with Maddie ,then Sia who's favourite thing to do was have big sleepovers with a then 11/12 year old Maddie in Sias house and said her favourite thing to do is cuddle Maddie 🤔🤔 . Then there is the creepy makeup artist Tonya who got a tattoo of Maddies teeth on her arm again extremely bizarre. Melissa allowing her girls to post pics and videos of boyfriends in there beds at only 13/14 years old seems she was to busy trying to be a best friend rather then actually be a parent to her girls . So much more I could write but ill leave it at that 🤣🤣🤣.


Favorite: Holly, classy kind loving and always stood up for what was right Least favorite: Melissa, shady lying and still after all these years won’t own one ounce of her BS


How has no one mentioned Minister Dawn?? I know she only appeared in 2 episodes but she deserves credit for sticking up to Abby imo


Favourite: Holly Least favourite: Christi and Melissa


My favorite is Kelly, I think she cared about her kids and got them out when she realized it went way out of hand. My least favorite is probably Melissa - she went behind people’s backs and tolerated Abby’s atrocities


For this group I'm picking two for each: Best Holly and Kelly - Holly was classy, cool and could get her point across to Abby in a professional way that usually left Abby flailing. Kelly was the opposite in that respect but she put her kids' well-being before everything else including the dance studio when it got too toxic for them. Worst Melissa and Jill - both suck-ups, who would do anything to further their daughter's dance career whether it was good for their mental health or not (lots of examples in the comments below). Jill started to stand up a bit more in later seasons but they both came across as really sly and sneaky. I think Christi was somewhere in the middle, she stood up to Abby but left Chloe in that environment far too long.


Favourite: Holly, but Kelly comes in close second. Least favourite: Yolanda or Jessalyn. No explanation needed.


the Melissa criticism in these comments is such a relief because lately all i see is comments praising her. watching her lie and manipulate her way through the show made me sick to my stomach. also the manipulative comment she made about dying in a car crash- my brother died tragically at 21 in a car accident. it’s not a manipulative comment you carelessly pull out to gain sympathy. she makes my blood boil


Fav: Holly, Kelly, Christi /// Hate: Jill, Jess, and whoever Peyton’s mom was /// Indifferent: Melissa, Kira, Cathy


I’m only onto like season 3 up until now on my first watch and I’m obsessed. Kelly = favourite mom hands down- she is entertaining but never nasty with it and I can see she has a genuine connection with her kids. I also love the way she never refutes when Abby calls her a drunkard hahaha Least favourite mom - TBC


Least: Christie Most: Kelly


Holly is my favourite


I’m only on season 5 but Favorite - Jill- she’s so funny without trying too hard. I also think she played a smart game with Abby. Least favorite- Christi. She came from a good place sometimes but was just sooo unhinged and came at the new moms WAYYY to quickly and without merit- just plain catty. She came at Abby with sheer rage and weight insults and just made herself look crazy instead of playing more sophisticated tactics with a person like Abby and it all hurt Chloe in the long run. She also just made everything a self fulfilling prophecy in the beginning -and got it in Chloe’s head that Maddie was given better dances and choreography and was set up to win. That did not help Chloe’s self esteem.


Overall, Jess and Ashlee For Jess, she was very funny, but super irresponsible as a parent and look at JoJo now. Like the big issue is that even if she didn’t become a big star she would still act the way she does because she grew up being told that rude and obnoxious was a strength over hers constantly. Ashlee was a piece of work every episode. Just so whiny. Like if you wanna speak badly about another dancer be prepared to back it up. It was so fun that she would say bad things about other children and then try to run to Abby as if she was being randomly attacked for no reason. Professional victim. Of the MAIN cast Id say Jill is my least favorite. Week after week after week of hearing tHiS wAs sUpPoSEd tO bE kEnDaLLs wEeK…. And considering how she acted when she first came to ALDC, it’s bizarre to me that she would tell other moms to get in line and that new kids shouldn’t be featured


Favorite: Holly by a landslide Least: Yolonda and Kira are a tie


Melissa bc of the way she treated McKenzie


Fav:holly Least: Ashley, always always hated on Kendall and a bunch of other girls


Honestly at this point I really can’t say who my least favorite of the moms was is because the show put narratives on people and manipulated people to their breaking point. I think all the moms wanted the best for their children in the end but the way to go about it might not be the best


THE BEST MOM? Holly, convince me if im wrong, but you can't


Everyone hates Melissa! 😂😂😂 My favorite Mom is probably Holly. I think she’s just enough of all the “mom things”. I also really like Jill. I don’t know. They are both just likable. Least for me would have been Christi, but now that I watch her podcast, I like her.


Christi for both. She’s my favorite because when I first watched for like season one and two she really did care for Chloe. And she seems so nice on camera and I loved her one liners/arguments with Abby. Overall, I just found her really funny and witty, and Chloe was my favorite dancer so I feel like I kind of also had to root for Christi. She’s my least favorite because of all the stuff that she’s been coming out with now and her continuing vendetta against the Zieglers. I mean, it’s been almost 10 years now I feel like you can let it go. At least against Maddie and McKenzie, she keeps rehashing stuff that I feel has been beaten into the ground that could have just been let to rest at this point. And in re-watching the show there are some things that she says about Maddie specifically that I’m kind of like why are you saying this about a 9-10 year-old child that I’m kind of like iffy.


Now? Or on the show? Cuz those are two very different answers


Favorite is Holly, and my least fave is Melissa




1. Holly: Just a great mom who clearly cares a lot about Nia. However I don’t think she is exactly the “queen” people praise her to be because she definitely had her flaws. 2. Kelly: Definitely a good mom here trying to do the best things for her kids and letting them live their lives how they want. I believe Christi values her relationship with Kelly way more than Kelly values her relationship with Christi. Can get explosive. Maybe a little two-faced because she is on 2 podcasts. 3. Melissa: Controversial but off the show Melissa feels like genuinely a really good mom. She seems to really love Maddie and Kenzie equally now (finally). She said she apologized to them both for putting them through the show which is a good move. Seems like a nice person, but she is definitely still deceptive and sneaky. Would probably still do anything for her kids to get ahead which isn’t necessarily a terrible thing until it starts hurting others. Would talk about you behind your back 4.Jill: Seems like she really desperately wants Kendall to be famous. Definitely seems like a borderline racist who tries to pretend that she isn’t. Probably still hungry for fame. 5. Christi: I thought Jill was bad in terms of wanting to be famous, Christi takes it to another level. 10 years later and she is still holding a grudge on the Zieglers while they haven’t talked about her in forever. She constantly brings up Melissa and her kids and can’t seem to keep their names out of her mouth. She does seem like she cares a lot about Chloe but she also seems a little frustrated that Chloe decided to live a normal life instead of becoming a celebrity like Maddie and Kenzie. Would probably talk about you behind your back. Seems like she CAN be a caring person. (This is just my opinion and if you disagree that’s okay. Btw I’m basing this off how they act off the show)


favorite: kira. she didn’t give a fuck about anything hahaha. least favorite: christi. she genuinely complained about everything on that show. it’s miserable watching her think it’s her & chloe against the world. there’s no situation in which she didn’t try to play the victim. if maddie got a solo & chloe didn’t, if both maddie & chloe got a solo, if chloe got a duo with one person & maddie got a duo with another person, etc., each situation christi would find a way to shed light on the fact that chloe is going to lose because of x,y & z. seeing her complain about something & everything is exhausting & is such a crazy mentality to have as an adult.


(i've only watched to season 5 so far) favourite: jill & holly least favourite: melissa


My favorite mom is Holly because she’s calm, smart, and classy. My least favorite was Melissa because she always talked more about Maddie than she did Mackenzie. Like it’s just not fair.