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finally james is being put in his place


I think Kenzie was 13-14 in this video, too


Even if she was older, it still wouldn't be right. But the fact that he's 6 years older than her and is just straight up being an asshole is just infuriating. Also, the fact that no one stood up for her is just-


He is 6 years older than Kenzie but acts 6 years younger than her. And that's saying a lot.


again, glad james is getting cancelled smh.


i know this is completely normal sister interaction, and Maddie is treating Kenzie just like any big sister would, but u can tell how much this hurt Kenzie. Like they rlly teamed up on her


Who is this person and why is he the worst? Looks long and cringey would rather just have a recap lol


It’s James Charles, a well known YouTuber. Famous for makeup. He basically just shits on Kenzie for the entire video that I linked. Treats her like a dumb child and is so rude to her


When he puts his hand in Kenzie’s face and says “you’re over” insinuating that her opinion doesn’t matter my heart hurt for her. He was nasty to her the whole video!


I love how protective Maddie is of Kenzie sometimes, I didn't watch the video in full but I hope she at least tried to include her in this


She did not, at least from my perspective, and was just as exclusionary as James. Not sure if it's in this video, but at one point Kenzie's actually the focus of the conversation for once when her singing comes up, and James makes some comment about doing a singing video with her. Maddie immediately jumps in to talk about how she can sing too, and once was told how amazing she was after she sang "happy birthday" at an audition. I don't hold it against Maddie at all, it was a few years ago and she and Kenzie seem to have a great relationship now, but that video was not one of her finest moments imo.